16:00:40 <dtometzki> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2021-10-14)
16:00:40 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Oct 14 16:00:40 2021 UTC.
16:00:40 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
16:00:40 <zodbot> The chair is dtometzki. Information about MeetBot at
16:00:40 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
16:00:40 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure_(2021-10-14)'
16:00:40 <dtometzki> #meetingname infrastructure
16:00:40 <dtometzki> #chair nirik siddharthvipul mobrien zlopez pingou bodanel dtometzki jnsamyak computerkid
16:00:40 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure'
16:00:40 <zodbot> Current chairs: bodanel computerkid dtometzki jnsamyak mobrien nirik pingou siddharthvipul zlopez
16:00:40 <dtometzki> #info Agenda is at:
16:00:40 <dtometzki> #info About our team:
16:00:42 <dtometzki> #topic greetings!
16:00:52 <dtometzki> hello together
16:00:54 <darknao> .hi
16:00:55 <zodbot> darknao: darknao 'Francois Andrieu' <>
16:00:55 <dtometzki> .hello
16:00:57 <zodbot> dtometzki: (hello <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "hellomynameis $1".
16:01:04 <dtometzki> .hi
16:01:04 <zodbot> dtometzki: dtometzki 'Damian Tometzki' <>
16:01:15 <siddharthvipul> .hello siddharthvipul1
16:01:17 <LenkaSegura[m]> .hi
16:01:19 <zodbot> siddharthvipul: siddharthvipul1 'Vipul Siddharth' <>
16:01:22 <nikitabugrovsky> .hi
16:01:23 <zodbot> LenkaSegura[m]: Sorry, but user 'LenkaSegura [m]' does not exist
16:01:24 <petebuffon> .hello petebuffon
16:01:26 <zodbot> nikitabugrovsky: Sorry, but user 'nikitabugrovsky' does not exist
16:01:29 <zodbot> petebuffon: petebuffon 'Peter Buffon' <>
16:01:33 <LenkaSegura[m]> .hello lenkaseg
16:01:38 <zodbot> LenkaSegura[m]: lenkaseg 'Lenka Segura' <>
16:01:49 <eddiejennings> .hi
16:01:49 <zodbot> eddiejennings: eddiejennings 'Eddie Jennings' <>
16:02:01 <zlopez> .hello
16:02:01 <zodbot> zlopez: (hello <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "hellomynameis $1".
16:02:03 <dtometzki> hello all welcome to Infrastructure meeting
16:02:07 <zlopez> .hello zlopez
16:02:08 <zodbot> zlopez: zlopez 'Michal Konecny' <>
16:02:23 <mobrien> .hi
16:02:23 <zodbot> mobrien: mobrien 'Mark O'Brien' <>
16:02:58 <pmoura> .hi
16:02:59 <zodbot> pmoura: Sorry, but user 'pmoura' does not exist
16:03:03 <dtometzki> a lot of people today :-)
16:04:17 <dtometzki> let us go to the next topic and say hello to all new people's
16:04:23 <dtometzki> #topic New folks introductions
16:04:23 <dtometzki> #info This is a place where people who are interested in Fedora Infrastructure can introduce themselves
16:04:23 <dtometzki> #info Getting Started Guide:
16:04:37 <nikitabugrovsky> Hey, a newcomer here. I've been doing system administration & devops stuff for many years. I am looking forward to contributing to Fedora community.
16:04:57 <zlopez> welcome nikitabugrovsky
16:04:58 <eddiejennings> Welcome!
16:05:03 <dtometzki> welcome
16:05:04 <petebuffon> welcome!
16:05:05 <copperi[m]1> .hello copperi
16:05:06 <zodbot> copperi[m]1: copperi 'Jan Kuparinen' <>
16:05:06 <mobrien> pmoura try .hello phsmoura. If your irc nick is different to your fas name .hi doesn't work
16:05:16 <darknao> welcome nikitabugrovsky :)
16:05:24 <mobrien> welcome nikitabugrovsky
16:05:29 <pmoura> .hello phsmoura
16:05:30 <zodbot> pmoura: phsmoura 'Pedro Moura' <>
16:05:30 <dtometzki> nikitabugrovsky, enjoy the meeting
16:05:33 <copperi[m]1> welcome
16:06:19 <nikitabugrovsky> thank you all
16:06:53 <dtometzki> #topic Next chair
16:06:53 <dtometzki> #info magic eight ball says:
16:06:53 <dtometzki> #info chair 2021-10-21 - eddiejennings
16:06:53 <dtometzki> #info chair 2021-10-28 - petebuffon
16:06:53 <dtometzki> ##info chair 2021-111-04 -  ???
16:07:01 <LenkaSegura[m]> nikitabugrovsky: welcome!
16:07:07 <eddiejennings> 10/21 = still good
16:07:31 <dtometzki> anyone available for 11-04
16:07:32 <dtometzki> ?
16:08:04 <mobrien> If there are no volunteers this week, 2 weeks in advance is enough time
16:09:05 <dtometzki> ok lets go forward
16:09:08 <dtometzki> #topic announcements and information
16:09:08 <dtometzki> #info CPE Infra&Releng EU-hours team has a Monday through Thursday 30 minute meeting going through tickets at 1030 Europe/paris in #centos-meeting
16:09:08 <dtometzki> #info CPE Infra&Releng NA-hours team has a Monday through Thursday 30 minute meeting going through tickets at 1800 UTC in #fedora-meeting-3
16:09:08 <dtometzki> #info If your team wants support from the Fedora Program Management Team, file an isssue:
16:09:12 <dtometzki> #info Fedora 35 Beta was released on 2021-09-28
16:09:14 <dtometzki> #info Fedora 35 Final freeze is in effect
16:09:33 <dtometzki> any new news to add ?
16:09:53 <mobrien26> matrix bridge just died so anyone connected from matrix will be lost from the meeting temporarily
16:09:59 <dtometzki> ohh our bridhe is down
16:10:37 <dtometzki> ok then we will wait 1 o 2 minutes perhaps it comes back
16:10:39 <mobrien> matrix bridge died
16:10:53 <dtometzki> yes
16:11:02 <mobrien26> I sent ^^ from matrix so maybe back
16:11:03 * nirik arrives late
16:11:12 <dtometzki> hi nirik
16:11:29 <dtometzki> any news ?
16:11:38 <mobrien> yep looks as though the matrix bridge is back
16:11:50 <copperi> yes it works
16:12:43 <dtometzki> #topic Oncall
16:12:43 <dtometzki> #info
16:12:43 <dtometzki> #info
16:12:43 <dtometzki> #info mobrien on call from 2021-10-07 to 2021-10-14
16:12:43 <dtometzki> #info eddiejennings on call from 2021-10-14 to 2021-10-21
16:12:44 <dtometzki> #info nirik on call from 2021-10-21 to 2021-10-28
16:12:46 <dtometzki> ## .oncalltakeeu .oncalltakeus#topic Oncall
16:12:48 <dtometzki> #info
16:12:50 <dtometzki> #info
16:12:52 <dtometzki> #info mobrien on call from 2021-10-07 to 2021-10-14
16:12:54 <dtometzki> #info eddiejennings on call from 2021-10-14 to 2021-10-21
16:12:56 <dtometzki> #info nirik on call from 2021-10-21 to 2021-10-28
16:12:58 <dtometzki> ## .oncalltakeeu .oncalltakeus
16:13:17 <dtometzki> uups
16:13:23 <dtometzki> #topic Oncall
16:13:23 <dtometzki> #info
16:13:23 <dtometzki> #info
16:13:23 <dtometzki> #info mobrien on call from 2021-10-07 to 2021-10-14
16:13:23 <dtometzki> #info eddiejennings on call from 2021-10-14 to 2021-10-21
16:13:24 <dtometzki> #info nirik on call from 2021-10-21 to 2021-10-28
16:13:26 <dtometzki> ## .oncalltakeeu .oncalltakeus
16:14:10 <dtometzki> anyone for the week 10-28 -- 11-04
16:14:27 <dtometzki> ?
16:14:43 <petebuffon> I can take that week
16:15:15 <dtometzki> #info petebuffon on call from 2021-10-28 to 2021-11-04
16:15:23 <eddiejennings> back from a call.  I'm good for 10/14-10/21 on all
16:15:26 <dtometzki> many thanks petebuffon :-)
16:15:34 <eddiejennings> /s/all/call
16:16:28 <mobrien> +1 eddiejennings
16:16:49 <dtometzki> #info Summary of last week: (from current oncall )
16:17:09 <dtometzki> mobrien any news ?
16:17:26 <mobrien> Very quiet week, just one ping about logging into pagure and it was just a case of using the wrong password
16:18:32 <dtometzki> ok
16:18:40 <dtometzki> #topic Monitoring discussion [nirik]
16:18:40 <dtometzki> #info
16:18:40 <dtometzki> #info Go over existing out items and fix
16:18:46 <mobrien> nothing else to report from oncall, we did have a small outage this week due to an error in a dns change
16:18:49 <nirik> lets see
16:18:54 <dtometzki> nirik your time
16:19:28 <nirik> in pretty reasonable shape. We have 3 down aarch64 boxes. I need to ask about getting them power cycled (or access to pdus on them)
16:19:47 <nirik> The rest are small things that have been around a while...
16:19:56 <nirik> so, nothing too exciting, we can move on.
16:20:50 <dtometzki> for today we have a learning topic, nice  :-)
16:20:58 <dtometzki> #topic Upcoming learning topics
16:20:58 <dtometzki> #info 2021-10-14 - How to communicate with Fedora infrastructure team [mkonecny]
16:21:04 <zlopez> This is mine
16:21:13 <zlopez> Let's start
16:21:20 <dtometzki> yes
16:21:44 <zlopez> So most of the things I will say here could be found in this documentation
16:22:09 <zlopez> So they are few ways you can contact the infra team
16:22:24 <zlopez> One of them is oncall, which is being assigned here
16:22:41 <zlopez> It should be used if there is anything urgent
16:23:08 <dtometzki> could you short say what it means on call ?
16:23:35 <zlopez> Somebody who has the oncall will try to help you if you just write .oncall on IRC
16:24:07 <zlopez> If he can't help you he will ask you to submit a ticket
16:25:21 <zlopez> dtometzki: We created oncall so people would have somebody to ping on IRC if something is not working
16:25:54 <nikitabugrovsky> zlopez: where tickets are created?
16:26:21 <zlopez> If it's anything urgent that needs to be solved immediately, the oncall should contact somebody from infra team
16:27:20 <nirik> oncall person saves the rest of the team/group from being distracted by inturruptions.
16:27:25 <zlopez> It helps the other members of the infra to focus on priority things without many pings
16:27:33 <zlopez> As nirik says
16:27:42 <zlopez> nikitabugrovsky: I'm getting to that
16:28:12 <zlopez> Next way to contact us is to submit a ticket to
16:28:41 <zlopez> If you have anything that isn't urgent, but it needs to be solved, please file a ticket there
16:28:53 <eddiejennings> Unless it's me, then it's just an auto-ping to nirik :P
16:29:00 <zlopez> We are checking this tracker each day and evaluate the tickets
16:29:44 <zlopez> eddiejennings: Some people are just used to this, but the number of pings was reduced once oncall was introduced
16:30:12 <eddiejennings> noted.  Can't imagine how it was before :)
16:30:31 <zlopez> It's also good to check the channels, where we are solving the issues #fedora-noc, #fedora-admin or #fedora-apps
16:31:03 <zlopez> If the issue is already being work on there will be probably some activity going on in these channels
16:31:35 <zlopez> This will bring us to third way how to contact us - Initiatives
16:32:06 <zlopez> If you have something bigger that will take more time to implement, CPE has a thing called initiative
16:32:35 <zlopez> The workflow for submitting those could be find here
16:33:05 <zlopez> The first step is to create an issue in pagure repository
16:33:26 <dtometzki> And what is the purpose of the infrastructure mailing list ?
16:33:45 <zlopez> Then you will be approached by CPE Product Owner
16:34:03 <zlopez> Which will go through details with you
16:35:06 <zlopez> dtometzki: This is for the discussions and announcement of infrastructure related things
16:35:42 <zlopez> I'm talking about the way you can submit more work for infra team
16:35:51 <zlopez> So let's continue
16:36:44 <zlopez> The CPE will go through the proposal, we have insight session, where we are looking at the initiatives for each quarter
16:37:07 <sincorchetes> Hi all, sorry I'm late
16:37:43 <sincorchetes> Infra meeting was started?
16:37:55 <dtometzki> yes
16:38:05 <zlopez> Then we having a prioritisation call, where are the people representing the communities we are working with and we pick some of the proposed ones
16:38:41 <zlopez> If your proposal is chosen we will start work on it in next quarter
16:39:00 <zlopez> This is how you can submit more work for us
16:39:26 <nirik> oh boy! :)
16:39:56 <zlopez> We also have few IRC/Matrix channels, where you can contact us + mailing list, where we can discuss things
16:40:33 <zlopez> The channels are #fedora-admin, #fedora-apps, #fedora-noc and #redhat-cpe
16:40:44 <dtometzki> great overview zlopez
16:41:11 <zlopez> And the mailing list is
16:41:42 <zlopez> I think this is everything
16:41:55 <zlopez> nirik: Did I miss anything?
16:42:12 <nirik> I think thats pretty much it...
16:42:15 <eddiejennings> Thanks zlopez!  Just now learned about the inititative process.
16:42:20 <nikitabugrovsky> thank you zlopez
16:42:36 <dtometzki> thank you
16:42:44 <dtometzki> zlopez++
16:42:45 <LenkaSegura[m]> Thanks zlopez!
16:42:55 <zlopez> eddiejennings: This is something that we don't use for long, so no everyone knows about it
16:43:19 <eddiejennings> zlopez++
16:43:25 <petebuffon> zlopez++
16:43:39 <LenkaSegura[m]> how many initiatives usually the team receives?
16:43:43 <sincorchetes> Thanks zlopez++
16:43:43 <zodbot> sincorchetes: Karma for zlopez changed to 13 (for the current release cycle):
16:44:07 <dtometzki> nirik do you know ?
16:44:27 <zlopez> LenkaSegura[m]: We are having about 4 new initiatives for each quarter
16:44:30 <nirik> we have a backlog of them, and do 1-4 a quarter...
16:44:59 <dtometzki> where is the backlog ?
16:45:04 <zlopez> Right now we are working on 4 initiatives
16:45:14 <dtometzki> ahh
16:45:21 <zlopez> dtometzki:
16:45:24 <nirik> I think it's in that proposal tracker.
16:45:24 <nirik> yeah
16:46:07 <mobrien> We normally have up to 8 initiatives on the backlog though often fewer and take 2-3 per quarter
16:47:00 <zlopez> There will be a Quarterly blog post posted soon on community blog, which will give you summary about initiatives for Q3
16:47:02 <LenkaSegura[m]> is it this?
16:47:54 <nirik> I think so, but not sure... perhaps the backlog is in another place.
16:47:55 <zlopez> The direct link doesn't work for me
16:48:27 <zlopez> Product owner is taking care of it
16:48:32 <zlopez> So we need to ask Aoife
16:48:42 <mobrien> As well as this, after an initiative is proposed it will be scoped by the arc team before being put forward for selection
16:49:14 <zlopez> mobrien: Yes, this is part of the Infra&Releng team work
16:49:23 <mobrien> The arc team checks if it is feasible and how long it will take and how many people/what skill sets will be needed
16:50:44 <zlopez> dtometzki: I think we can continue
16:51:34 <dtometzki> yes let us use the last 10 min for open floor
16:51:41 <dtometzki> #topic Open Floor
16:51:49 <sincorchetes> !
16:52:00 <dtometzki> yes
16:52:08 <sincorchetes> Hello everyone, sorry to be late, I have left work late. Tell you that a long time ago I enrolled in the infra-apprentice group, I could not collaborate because I changed jobs, I migrated from the city, and more things that have happened to me but I can start to help. As a newbie, how can I help you? I currently have 3 years of experience working as a systems administrator, almost 1 year of DevOps, and 16 years using
16:52:08 <sincorchetes> me.
16:52:58 <dtometzki> first welcome back sincorchetes
16:53:28 <nikitabugrovsky> What will be the best way to start contributing? How to pick up an issue to work on? Get onboard with permissions to infra & such?
16:54:00 <nirik> welcome back sincorchetes!
16:54:38 <nirik> nikitabugrovsky: pick an issue or task that interests you, chime in in it that you want to work on it... we do from time to time have easyfix tickets (although I don't know if we have any right now)
16:56:23 <dtometzki> but we cant pick up a ticket self correct ?
16:56:25 <sincorchetes> Thanks all, I don't know if you have a sandbox environment, or something so, to test easyfix or so. Normaly, how you works a easyfix for example before commit changes into production ?
16:56:46 <LenkaSegura[m]> Here is selection of easyfix issues from different projects, usually a good entrypoint
16:56:52 <LenkaSegura[m]>
16:57:55 <nirik> dtometzki: you can't assign, but you can comment in the ticket that you are wanting to work on it.
16:58:29 <nikitabugrovsky> thanks nirik, thanks LenkaSegura[m] will scan this queue
16:58:30 <dtometzki> is this link actual
16:58:33 <nirik> sincorchetes: we have a staging env... and we also have a vagrant env that ryanlerch setup for testing applications in...
16:59:11 <nirik>
17:00:32 <nirik> dtometzki: it probibly needs updating, but yes, thats our gettingstarted link
17:01:09 <petebuffon> A project I'd like to work on at some point point is giving a refresh to the getting started page
17:01:11 <sincorchetes> Ok, I will clone this git and setup this environment and take a look the Getting Started
17:01:28 <dtometzki> many thanks to all for you time and we are at the end of the meeting time
17:01:36 <sincorchetes> Thanks all! :D
17:01:50 <copperi> dtomezki++
17:01:54 <dtometzki> #endmeeting