16:00:46 <dtometzki> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2021-09-23)
16:00:46 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Sep 23 16:00:46 2021 UTC.
16:00:46 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
16:00:46 <zodbot> The chair is dtometzki. Information about MeetBot at
16:00:46 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
16:00:46 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure_(2021-09-23)'
16:00:46 <dtometzki> #meetingname infrastructure
16:00:46 <dtometzki> #chair nirik siddharthvipul mobrien zlopez pingou bodanel dtometzki jnsamyak computerkid
16:00:46 <dtometzki> #info Agenda is at:
16:00:46 <dtometzki> #info About our team:
16:00:46 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure'
16:00:46 <zodbot> Current chairs: bodanel computerkid dtometzki jnsamyak mobrien nirik pingou siddharthvipul zlopez
16:01:00 <dtometzki> .hi
16:01:01 <zodbot> dtometzki: dtometzki 'Damian Tometzki' <>
16:01:02 <nirik> morning everyone! ahoy
16:01:10 <eddiejennings> .hi
16:01:11 <zodbot> eddiejennings: eddiejennings 'Eddie Jennings' <>
16:01:18 <dtometzki> hi together
16:01:59 <dtometzki> #topic greetings!
16:02:30 <zodbot> lenkaseg: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress.
16:02:45 <lenkaseg> eh :)
16:03:13 <nirik> hum, did the matrix bridge just restart?
16:03:29 <nirik> lenkaseg: I thought dtometzki was signed up for today? or was it supposed to be you?
16:03:36 <dtometzki> lenkaseg, you are the chair for today
16:03:37 <eddiejennings> Ah, Matrix.  Still on my list of things to dive into.
16:03:50 <dtometzki> ?
16:04:16 <lenkaseg> oops, it was dtometzki
16:04:39 <dtometzki> no problem
16:04:42 <lenkaseg> My oncall duty starts tomorrow, so I was feeling active :)
16:05:08 <lenkaseg> I mean it was probably not me who is supposed to chair
16:05:33 <dtometzki> lets go forward to the next topic and say hello to the new people
16:05:40 <Southern_Gentlem> you did it so it yours
16:05:59 <dtometzki> #topic New folks introductions
16:05:59 <dtometzki> #info This is a place where people who are interested in Fedora Infrastructure can introduce themselves
16:05:59 <dtometzki> #info Getting Started Guide:
16:06:21 <lenkaseg> ok then! (and sorry for interference)
16:06:36 <lenkaseg> #topic New folks introductions
16:06:51 <dtometzki> no issue we ned some peoplefor other dates :-)
16:07:31 <lenkaseg> now I'm not sure if I can start the meeting from matrix..
16:07:58 <dtometzki> do you want do it lenkaseg ?
16:08:00 <zodbot> lenkaseg: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress.
16:08:28 <nirik> It's already started. ;)
16:08:36 <lenkaseg> Is the meeting really started?
16:08:38 <dtometzki> you can take over with the topic new folks if you want ?
16:08:40 <Southern_Gentlem> dtometzki, started one at the top of the air
16:09:38 <dtometzki> please do it lenkaseg your show now
16:10:16 <nirik> I don't think we have any new folks today... but perhaps they just haven't spoken
16:10:33 <dtometzki> yes
16:11:26 <dtometzki> lenkaseg ?!
16:12:38 <dtometzki> no answer then i will do it and we go to the next topic
16:12:42 <dtometzki> #topic Next chair
16:12:42 <dtometzki> #info magic eight ball says:
16:12:42 <dtometzki> #info chair 2021-09-23 - dtometzki
16:12:42 <dtometzki> #info chair 2021-09-30 - mobrien
16:12:42 <dtometzki> #info chair 2021-10-07 - darknao
16:13:08 <dtometzki> anyone for 2021-10-14 ?
16:13:11 <lenkaseg> @dtometzki Could you please take over? I see the messages terribly delayed...
16:13:37 <eddiejennings> I can do 10/14
16:14:03 <dtometzki> #info chair 2021-10-14 - eddiejennings
16:14:08 <dtometzki> thanks
16:14:13 <eddiejennings> :D
16:14:37 <dtometzki> #topic announcements and information
16:14:38 <dtometzki> #info CPE Infra&Releng EU-hours team has a Monday through Thursday 30 minute meeting going through tickets at 1030 Europe/paris in #centos-meeting
16:14:38 <dtometzki> #info CPE Infra&Releng NA-hours team has a Monday through Thursday 30 minute meeting going through tickets at 1800 UTC in #fedora-meeting-3
16:14:38 <dtometzki> #info If your team wants support from the Fedora Program Management Team, file an isssue:
16:14:39 <dtometzki> #info Fedora 35 Beta freeze is now in effect 2021-08-24 -> 2021-09-21
16:14:41 <dtometzki> #info Fedora 35 Beta is NO-GO, today GO/NO-GO meeting is cancelled
16:14:57 <dtometzki> Fedora 35 works fine on my workstation and on aws
16:15:06 <dtometzki> :-)
16:15:12 <nirik> actually that last info is from last week.
16:15:22 <nirik> there is a GO/NO-GO meeting later this morning. ;)
16:16:04 <dtometzki> #info Fedora 35 Beta is NO-GO, today GO/NO-GO meeting is today 2021-09-23
16:16:09 <Southern_Gentlem> and beta freeze is to next tuesday
16:16:11 <dtometzki> #info Fedora 35 Beta is NO-GO, today GO/NO-GO meeting is today 2021-09-23
16:16:12 <eddiejennings> When F35 comes out, I intend to wipe / reinstall on my System76 laptop and give KDE proper 6 month trial :D
16:16:16 * lenkaseg considering to return to hexchat, matrix is behaving funny
16:16:41 <zlopez> I forgot to remove the info
16:17:03 <dtometzki> #info Fedora 35 Beta freeze is now in effect 2021-08-24 -> 2021-09-28
16:17:24 <nirik> lenkaseg: the bridge is having issues for some reason. ;( it had been stable quite a while until now.
16:17:47 <nirik> the beta freeze might be longer depending on if we are go or nogo
16:18:04 <kk4ewt[m]> lenkaseg: get on the server seems to be fine
16:18:39 <dtometzki> #undo
16:18:39 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by dtometzki at 16:17:03 : Fedora 35 Beta freeze is now in effect 2021-08-24 -> 2021-09-28
16:20:04 <dtometzki> #info Fedora 35 Beta freeze is now in effect 2021-08-24 -> open depending on the dicision
16:20:49 <dtometzki> #topic Oncall
16:20:50 <dtometzki> #info
16:20:50 <dtometzki> #info
16:20:50 <dtometzki> #info eddiejennings oncall for 2021-09-17 2021-09-23
16:20:50 <dtometzki> #info lenkaseg on call from 2021-09-24 to 2021-09-30
16:20:50 <dtometzki> #info dtometzki on call from 2021-10-01 to 2021-10-07
16:20:52 <dtometzki> ## .oncalltakeeu .oncalltakeus
16:21:27 <dtometzki> anyone for the week from 10-07 until 10-14 ?
16:21:46 <eddiejennings> During the week I was notified about one issue with Koji, which ended up being an issue with our proxy servers.  Lord nirik used his vast sysadmin powers to mitigate the problem.
16:22:25 <dtometzki> hey thanks nirik and eddiejennings
16:22:58 <dtometzki> lenkaseg, please takeover is your week
16:23:28 <nirik> yeah, that proxy issue was really anoying, but hopefully it's fixed now.
16:23:38 <dtometzki> #info Summary of last week: (from current oncall )
16:23:38 <dtometzki> #topic Monitoring discussion [nirik]
16:23:38 <dtometzki> #info
16:23:38 <dtometzki> #info Go over existing out items and fix
16:23:42 <eddiejennings> Thought the hand off was tomorrow, since technically I'm on duty _through_ today.
16:24:17 <dtometzki> nirik your part
16:24:39 <nirik> nothing too exciting different on monitoring this week...
16:24:52 <nirik> we have one down machine that has networking issues, need to talk to networking folks about it.
16:24:59 <nirik> otherwise just the usual stuff.
16:25:08 <nirik> We can move on, unless there's questions...
16:25:10 <dtometzki> ok
16:25:35 <dtometzki> for today we have no learning topic
16:25:37 <dtometzki> #topic Upcoming learning topics
16:25:37 <dtometzki> #info 2021-09-30 - infrastructure repository tour [mkonecny]
16:25:37 <dtometzki> #info 2021-10-14 - How to communicate with Fedora infrastructure team [mkonecny]
16:26:00 <dtometzki> then i would say we do some
16:26:19 <dtometzki> #topic Fedora Infra backlog refinement
16:26:19 <dtometzki> #info Refine oldest tickets on
16:26:33 <dtometzki> Is that ok ?
16:26:58 <zlopez> Yes, we don't have a talk for today, so let's go to refinement
16:27:02 <eddiejennings> Yep.  We did learning last week, so old tickets this week
16:27:06 <nirik> sure
16:27:30 <zlopez> .ticket 8381
16:27:31 <zodbot> zlopez: Issue #8381: staging wiki auth from fails - fedora-infrastructure - -
16:28:22 <nirik> As far as I know this is still happening. I think it needs looking through again to see what could be going on.
16:28:37 <nirik> I've just not found it high priority.
16:28:55 <nirik> but perhaps we could schedule a time and have several of us go through it?
16:29:36 <zlopez> This will be nice, maybe somebody from fi-apprentice group would like to assist you
16:30:08 <dtometzki> nirik i can assist you if you want ?
16:30:09 <nirik> I'll see about scheduling a time next week and interested people can join ?
16:30:22 <eddiejennings> That's probably the best approach
16:30:22 <nirik> sure. I think having more eyes on it could help...
16:30:26 <dtometzki> do you send an mail
16:30:32 <dtometzki> ?
16:30:35 <nirik> I can... will mail the list?
16:31:04 <dtometzki> perfect then we will go the next topic ?
16:31:04 * nirik adds a note to do that.
16:31:13 <nirik> +1 next
16:31:26 <zlopez> nirik: Sending a mail to list looks like best way to organize this
16:31:48 <zlopez> .ticket 9549
16:31:49 <zodbot> zlopez: Issue #9549: Tor hidden service for update metadata - fedora-infrastructure - -
16:31:58 <zlopez> Next ticket
16:32:22 <nirik> so, on this one I was hoping someone would investigate and tell us whats involved in setting this up...
16:32:39 <nirik> I have never messed with tor hidden services, so I am not sure whats involved.
16:32:56 <eddiejennings> I konw what TOR is, but have never used it :(
16:33:07 <dtometzki> too
16:33:08 <nirik> anyone interested in investigating this and reporting back to the group?
16:33:56 <eddiejennings> Being as the IPv6 and DNS thing is basically done until the freeze is lifted, I can try to figure it out
16:34:00 <dtometzki> in my opinion we can close it
16:34:46 <zlopez> dtometzki: Why do you think we should close it?
16:34:59 <nirik> eddiejennings: that would be great!
16:35:19 * eddiejennings nods.
16:35:29 <eddiejennings> I'll see what I can find out.  Assign the ticket to me if you want.
16:36:02 <zlopez> eddiejennings: It's yours
16:36:26 <eddiejennings> :D
16:36:27 <nirik> I suspect (but do not know) that it might just be some dns settings that are easy to do... but it might be much more, I just don't know. If we can easily support it that would be great...
16:37:05 <zlopez> Next ticket
16:37:15 <zlopez> .ticket 7377
16:37:17 <zodbot> zlopez: Issue #7377: SSH keys length can prevent user from login in Fedora infrastructure - fedora-infrastructure - -
16:37:51 <zlopez> The last comment there is from nirik, asking about thoughts
16:38:03 <nirik> so, this is blocked on pagure using OIDC instead of openid, which is blocked on ipsilon supporting scopes per project.
16:38:34 <nirik> and yeah. those are the options I see.
16:38:40 <zlopez> Do we plan to do it soon TM?
16:38:56 <zlopez> Updating the ipsilon?
16:39:03 <nirik> currently, I don't think we have anyone working on the ipsilon changes.
16:39:29 * nirik wonders if keycloak supports this.
16:39:57 <nirik> this is the ipsilon issue:
16:40:44 <zlopez> I see that the ipsilon needs some love :-/
16:41:02 <zlopez> There are years old PR not merged
16:41:10 <nirik> yep. ;(
16:41:30 <nirik> I know abompard made some changes not long back...
16:41:44 <zlopez> Could this be a mini initiative?
16:41:47 <nirik> but otherwise it's patrick and neal and they are both super busy on other thigns.
16:42:01 <nirik> could be...
16:42:13 <nirik> or expanded to 'move all our apps off openid'
16:42:33 <nirik> the ones left are the troublesome ones tho... like I think badges...
16:43:08 <zlopez> I see only few of them
16:43:36 <zlopez> FMN, PDC, mirrormanager, bodhi, noggin from critical ones
16:43:42 <zlopez> Not sure about noggin
16:44:31 <nirik> yeah, shouldnt be using openid there anywhere.
16:44:43 <nirik> copr perhaps?
16:45:11 <zlopez> But there are few that we don't maintain like badges, wiki/moin, mailman3, COPR
16:45:24 <nirik> wiki is not openid anymore.
16:45:42 <zlopez> So it's using OIDC now?
16:45:58 <nirik> yep.
16:46:32 <zlopez> Updated in our tech debt :-)
16:46:54 <nirik> so not sure here... mini iniative to move apps we control to OIDC?
16:47:23 <zlopez> I think this sounds like a nice mini initiative
16:47:42 <zlopez> I will create a ticket for it
16:47:43 <nirik> the ipsilon changes might be the hardest thing for pagure.
16:48:05 <nirik> but if someone can get a few minutes of patrick time he might be able to help them
16:48:10 <zlopez> I understand
16:48:27 <nirik> what do we do with this ticket? leave it?
16:49:11 <zlopez> I will link it to the mini initiative ticket and close it
16:49:20 <nirik> ok. sounds fine to me.
16:49:51 <zlopez> Do we want to go to another ticket or move to open floor
16:50:13 <zlopez> ?
16:50:15 <dtometzki> i think we move to open floor
16:50:20 <dtometzki> ok ?
16:50:59 * nirik is fine either way. ;)
16:51:55 <dtometzki> Let´s go to the last topic
16:51:59 <dtometzki> #topic Open Floor
16:52:23 <dtometzki> any open floor questions, information ?
16:52:50 <nirik> our matrix server setup is going along nicely... folks can try it out at if they want...
16:52:53 <lenkaseg_> I'll use open floor to to say sorry for the confusion! I didn't see almost any messages, thus I was tyring to start the memeting and such
16:53:32 <nirik> lenkaseg_: totally not your fault. The bridge was just being flaky. It looks like they restarted it now, so hopefully it's working again...
16:53:43 <dtometzki> i got a message from the lbera server *** Message to #fedora-meeting-3 throttled due to flooding
16:54:22 <dtometzki> :-)
16:54:31 <lenkaseg_> nirik: not yet I think. I'm writing from hexchat now, and on matrix I keep receiving messages from more than 10 mins ago.
16:54:53 <dtometzki> ohh ok
16:55:12 <kk4ewt[m]> lenkaseg: try the link nirik gave
16:55:35 <eddiejennings> I may try that link rather than build my own matrix server and federate.  That way I can get used to the chat medium then later on learn to administer it
16:55:43 <lenkaseg_> I'm not registered on hexchat as lenkaseg, so I'll try to figure it out and then take the oncall
16:55:56 <lenkaseg_> it's just running the oncalltakeeu command, right?
16:56:32 <dtometzki> yes
16:56:45 <nirik> lenkaseg_: yeah, but to do that you have to register an account with zodbot and get some perms added.
16:57:14 <Southern_Gentlem> i am only seeing about 1 sec delay between this room and
16:57:18 <zlopez> lenkaseg_: You are not registered on
16:57:48 <lenkaseg_> nirik: or maybe I can type the command in matrix, it will pass sooner or later, no? :)
16:58:08 <zlopez> I think you just need to register your account with zodbot and it should work
16:58:26 <nirik> sure. :) to register open a conversation with zodbot and do 'misc help register' and it should tell you how to register an account.
16:58:39 <lenkaseg_> I think I am, but from my personal laptop. I'll need to get there and check my pass manager there.
16:58:43 <nirik> zodbot cares not at all about accounts. It has it's own accounts locally.
16:58:50 <dtometzki> How i can change my home server n my mobile app
16:58:55 <zlopez> nirik: Nice to know
16:59:29 <nirik> dtometzki: logout if you are on or whatever and pass it '' and it will discover everything or '' would also work.
16:59:42 <nirik> it will ask you to sign in with your fedora account
17:00:06 * eddiejennings needs to head out.
17:00:15 <eddiejennings> Thanks for running the show dtometzki ! :D
17:00:20 <eddiejennings> dtometzki++
17:00:20 <zodbot> eddiejennings: Karma for dtometzki changed to 9 (for the current release cycle):
17:00:26 <Southern_Gentlem> go/nogo in #fedora-meeting now
17:00:42 <nirik> thanks dtometzki
17:00:49 <dtometzki> many thanks the i will close the meeting
17:00:56 <zlopez> thanks dtometzki
17:01:08 <zlopez> dtometzki++
17:01:16 <dtometzki> #endmeeting