15:00:24 <jednorozec> #startmeeting RELENG (2021-06-22)
15:00:24 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jun 22 15:00:24 2021 UTC.
15:00:24 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
15:00:24 <zodbot> The chair is jednorozec. Information about MeetBot at
15:00:24 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
15:00:24 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'releng_(2021-06-22)'
15:00:24 <jednorozec> #meetingname releng
15:00:24 <jednorozec> #chair nirik sharkcz pbrobinson pingou mboddu dustymabe ksinny jednorozec
15:00:24 <jednorozec> #topic init process
15:00:24 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'releng'
15:00:24 <zodbot> Current chairs: dustymabe jednorozec ksinny mboddu nirik pbrobinson pingou sharkcz
15:01:02 <sharkcz> hi everyone
15:01:19 <nirik> morning
15:01:46 * bcotton waves
15:02:10 <jednorozec> hello everyone
15:03:48 * mboddu cant attend today's meeting, sorry...
15:04:07 <jednorozec> so
15:04:23 <jednorozec> .releng 10134
15:04:24 <zodbot> jednorozec: Issue #10134: Shorten side-tag merge window by tagging builds after being singed all of them - releng - -
15:04:43 <jednorozec> this is about enabling signing for side tags, our SOP states open ticket with fedora-infra
15:04:44 <nirik> mboddu: but you just did! :)
15:05:00 <jednorozec> is that really necesary? is there a SOP fot robosig config update I can link there?
15:05:31 <nirik> jednorozec: there isn't, but it could be done by anyone in sysadmin-main with the robosignatory passphrase to use in restarting it.
15:06:35 <jednorozec> nirik, ok the pass-phrase is in the private ansible repo?
15:06:55 <nirik> nope. but I can get it to you if you don't have it.
15:07:36 <nirik> so really, the thing should say 'file an infra ticket or if you can update it, do so yourself' ?
15:08:02 <jednorozec> nirik, right. and a list of requirements to do that
15:08:17 <nirik> sure
15:08:35 <jednorozec> and that is it I will close the ticket afterwards
15:08:52 <jednorozec> .releng 10162
15:08:53 <zodbot> jednorozec: Issue #10162: Are repos in the container namespace also branched from rawhide? - releng - -
15:09:08 <jednorozec> I have send the mail but It was send and forget kind of thing.
15:09:11 * jednorozec checks devel list
15:09:22 <nirik> I don't think there was much comment.
15:10:53 <jednorozec> yeah
15:11:10 <nirik> so I would propose we don't branch them
15:11:19 <nirik> since people didn't ask for it. ;)
15:11:25 <jednorozec> +1
15:12:20 <jednorozec> developers could always do fedpkg request-branch
15:13:08 <jednorozec> I will comment and close the ticket
15:13:55 <nirik> yeah, should be easy to add if they want.
15:16:40 <jednorozec> so I don't have other updates at hand. Let me check the tracker.
15:17:33 <nirik> I think I added meeting to a ticket the other day...
15:18:10 <jednorozec> .releng 9759
15:18:12 <zodbot> jednorozec: Issue #9759: fedpkg request-branch f31 fails: Invalid body, keys: sls missing - releng - -
15:19:34 <nirik> I think we can close this? but not 100% sure. ;)
15:21:11 <Southern_Gentlem> ?? why is anyone requesting an eol branch
15:22:05 <jednorozec> its not EOL its going to be EOL in the "distant future" of 4 weeks
15:22:09 <jednorozec> I dont get it...
15:22:31 <jednorozec> nirik, closing.
15:23:04 <nirik> IMHO, it should prevent branching 1 month before EOL... but not with that bug/message.
15:23:13 <Southern_Gentlem> F31 has been EOL since one month after f33 was released
15:23:55 <nirik> Southern_Gentlem: yes, but the ticket was filed 9 months ago... back before that. :)
15:24:03 <jednorozec> nirik, yes. I have a branch in fedscm_admin with better message.
15:27:28 <nirik> The other ticket I poked at yesterday was
15:27:47 <nirik> which I think can be closed in favor of a fedmsg issue to check spec name against repo on imports.
15:29:48 <jednorozec> nirik, will you close it?
15:30:39 <nirik> I can... will file the fedpkg one too.
15:30:44 <nirik> or can ask the reporter to
15:30:53 <jednorozec> thanks
15:37:30 * nirik can't think of anything else off hand
15:38:14 <jednorozec> I have fixed and closed 10025
15:38:53 <nirik> cool
15:39:07 <nirik> oh...
15:39:09 <jednorozec> 84 tickets to go
15:39:15 <nirik> there was a unretirement that was missed...
15:39:17 * nirik looks for it
15:39:31 <jednorozec> probably ^^ that one
15:39:39 <jednorozec> python-avocado and python-aexpect
15:40:15 <jednorozec> it had a different name, something with modular stuff.
15:40:36 <nirik> ah... right
15:40:55 <nirik> also we have to retire master and some old streams of all modules.
15:41:33 <jednorozec> do we have a ticket for that?
15:41:35 <jednorozec> I can do it
15:41:37 <nirik> and
15:43:07 <jednorozec> I can work on that
15:43:13 <nirik> cool! Many thanks
15:43:57 <jednorozec> I have closed 10011 since rpmautospec is in production
15:44:11 <nirik> ok
15:45:15 <jednorozec> #topic Open Floor
15:46:14 <nirik> oh, I got containers building again...
15:46:44 <nirik> was the osbs cluster waiting on csr's being accepted/signed... approved those and the nodes came back online and builds started working again.
15:47:35 <nirik> koji 1.25.1 should be out very soon. should fix the 'malformed task' thing that container builds get
15:48:35 <nirik> (that was ) just closed it
15:50:48 <jednorozec> awesome
15:52:37 <jednorozec> 82 tickets we are getting better :)
15:59:12 <nirik> yep.
16:00:37 <jednorozec> #endmeeting