
#fedora-meeting-3: Infrastructure (2021-06-03)

Meeting started by siddharthvipul at 16:00:32 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. Agenda is at: (siddharthvipul, 16:00:38)
    2. About our team: (siddharthvipul, 16:00:40)

  1. ahoy! (siddharthvipul, 16:00:42)
  2. New folks introductions (siddharthvipul, 16:03:55)
    1. This is a place where people who are interested in Fedora Infrastructure can introduce themselves (siddharthvipul, 16:03:57)
    2. Getting Started Guide: (siddharthvipul, 16:03:59)

  3. Next chair (siddharthvipul, 16:08:32)
    1. magic eight ball says: (siddharthvipul, 16:08:34)
    2. chair 2021-06-10 - bodanel (siddharthvipul, 16:08:36)
    3. chair 2021-06-17 - siddharthvipul (siddharthvipul, 16:08:38)
    4. chair 2021-06-24 - jnsamyak (siddharthvipul, 16:11:43)

  4. announcements and information (siddharthvipul, 16:12:38)
    1. CPE Infra&Releng EU-hours team has a Monday through Thursday 30 minute meeting going through tickets at 1030 Europe/paris in #centos-meeting (siddharthvipul, 16:12:40)
    2. CPE Infra&Releng NA-hours team has a Monday through Thursday 30 minute meeting going through tickets at 1800 UTC in #fedora-meeting-3 (siddharthvipul, 16:12:42)
    3. work is being done on getting COPR proper powerPC systems (siddharthvipul, 16:12:44)
    4. The Red Hat Desktop team is hiring: (siddharthvipul, 16:12:46)
    5. Fedora Linux 32 reached end of life (siddharthvipul, 16:12:48)
    6. F34 election voting is open through 3 June: (siddharthvipul, 16:12:50)
    7. If your team wants support from the Fedora Program Management Team, file an isssue: (siddharthvipul, 16:12:52)
    8. nest with Fedora CFP is open! (Aug 5th-8th) (siddharthvipul, 16:12:54)
    9. mobrien is away 2021-05-10 to 2021-06-20 (siddharthvipul, 16:12:56)
    10. (computerkid, 16:13:50)
    11. Fedora's (first) annual contributors survey is active: - we have a badge (siddharthvipul, 16:14:23)

  5. Oncall (siddharthvipul, 16:17:13)
    1. (siddharthvipul, 16:17:15)
    2. siddharthvipul is on call for 2021-05-27 to 2021-06-03 (siddharthvipul, 16:17:17)
    3. ninrik is on call for 2021-06-03 to 2021-06-10 (siddharthvipul, 16:17:19)
    4. (nirik, 16:19:44)
    5. dtometzki is on call for 2021-06-10 to 2021-06-17 (siddharthvipul, 16:20:26)
    6. darknao is on call for 2021-06-17 to 2021-06-24 (siddharthvipul, 16:22:39)

  6. Monitoring discussion [nirik] (siddharthvipul, 16:22:52)
    1. (siddharthvipul, 16:22:54)
    2. Go over existing out items and fix (siddharthvipul, 16:22:56)

  7. Learning topic (siddharthvipul, 16:28:53)
    1. 2021-05-27 - nirik on vm provisioning process (siddharthvipul, 16:28:55)
    2. 2021-06-03 - release process for Anitya, mkonecny (siddharthvipul, 16:28:57)

  8. up-coming learning topics (siddharthvipul, 16:52:44)
    1. if you are interested in taking in taking a session on something, add in agenda on (siddharthvipul, 16:54:32)

  9. openfloor (siddharthvipul, 16:54:41)

Meeting ended at 17:03:01 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. siddharthvipul (129)
  2. mkonecny (48)
  3. nirik (29)
  4. eddiejennings (20)
  5. computerkid (20)
  6. jnsamyak (20)
  7. zodbot (17)
  8. andi89gi (12)
  9. dtometzki (8)
  10. t0xic0der (8)
  11. petebuffon (7)
  12. darknao (4)
  13. samyak (3)
  14. Eighth_Doctor (1)
  15. pete_ (1)
  16. dtometzki[m] (1)
  17. bodanel (0)
  18. zlopez (0)
  19. pingou (0)
  20. mobrien (0)

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