18:00:03 <nirik> #startmeeting Fedora Infrastructure Ops Daily Standup Meeting
18:00:03 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Mar 17 18:00:03 2021 UTC.
18:00:03 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
18:00:04 <zodbot> The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
18:00:04 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
18:00:04 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_infrastructure_ops_daily_standup_meeting'
18:00:04 <nirik> #chair mboddu nirik smooge pingou mobrien
18:00:04 <nirik> #meetingname fedora_infrastructure_ops_daily_standup_meeting
18:00:04 <zodbot> Current chairs: mboddu mobrien nirik pingou smooge
18:00:04 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_infrastructure_ops_daily_standup_meeting'
18:00:04 <nirik> #info meeting is 30 minutes MAX. At the end of 30, its stops
18:00:04 <nirik> #info agenda is at https://board.net/p/fedora-infra-daily
18:00:06 <nirik> #info reminder: speak up if you want to work on a ticket!
18:00:07 <nirik> #topic Tickets needing review
18:00:10 <nirik> #info https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issues?status=Open&priority=1
18:00:28 <nirik> welcome to the releng and infra show again.
18:01:06 <smooge> here ish
18:01:27 <nirik> smooge: want me to do tickets today?
18:01:44 <nirik> .ticket 9738
18:01:45 <zodbot> nirik: Issue #9738: PDC error when unorphaning a flatpak package - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/9738
18:01:54 <nirik> just needs waiting on asignee I think
18:01:58 <smooge> yep
18:02:02 <smooge> +1
18:02:16 <mboddu> I am here
18:02:20 <nirik> and I think jednorozec has a pr already for it.
18:02:29 <nirik> .ticket 9740
18:02:30 <zodbot> nirik: Issue #9740: Storage for videos on fedora people - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/9740
18:02:41 <nirik> med/med/ops ?
18:03:04 <nirik> the /project space there is kinda low, but perhaps it will be enough/ok
18:03:07 <smooge> +1
18:03:20 <smooge> yeah I am thinking we need to build this on a different host or have a cleanup
18:03:35 <nirik> possibly sometime yeah...
18:03:46 <nirik> .ticket 9741
18:03:47 <zodbot> nirik: Issue #9741: Please forward me the [statusfpo] aws cli credentials - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/9741
18:03:55 <nirik> low/low/ops ? just needs doing
18:04:04 <nirik> I think we reset everything a few months ago...
18:04:35 <smooge> done
18:04:42 <nirik> mboddu: releng tickets to triage?
18:04:56 <mboddu> Yes, there is one
18:05:08 <mboddu> .releng 10063
18:05:09 <zodbot> mboddu: Issue #10063: Koji-Tag messages for MBS builds, how do I find them? - releng - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/releng/issue/10063
18:05:17 <nirik> yeah... low/low/ops?
18:05:24 <nirik> I am not sure how to find these either.
18:05:37 <mboddu> Yeah, but I am trying to find the topics http://fedmsg.com/en/latest/topics.html
18:05:38 <smooge> done
18:05:46 <nirik> we could also tag briley in it...
18:05:57 <mboddu> And its giving me "Error establishing a database connection"
18:06:06 <nirik> sorry breilly
18:06:22 <nirik> yes, fedmsg.com is no more. It was registered to ralph.
18:06:37 <nirik> better to look in mbs code to see what it sends
18:06:47 <mboddu> Ahhh, okay
18:07:21 <nirik> well, I guess what it tags or makes as tags or something
18:07:51 <mboddu> Right
18:07:54 <mboddu> But that is all I got
18:07:59 <nirik> cool
18:08:09 <nirik> #topic work plans
18:08:10 <nirik> #info everyone should note what things they are hoping to work on over the next day/week
18:08:40 <nirik> I've been trying to keep up on email today. ;) I did make progress on fedora media writer on macos yesterday...
18:08:45 <mboddu> My CentOS Stream work is just done, so I will working on beta release and other bugs and fixes
18:09:02 <smooge> working on copr network and figuring out I need to go into colo and punch a couple of boxes to get them to dhcp request
18:09:26 <nirik> smooge: ah, when are you gonna do that? does that still take a ton of approvals?
18:09:42 <smooge> for the RDU colo it is just me driving
18:09:56 <nirik> nice. I guess things are less locked down there.
18:10:00 <smooge> for the IAD2 colo, it requires a lot of approvals. I should have been clear and meant the RDU colo
18:10:21 <nirik> well, the RDU2 one also required a bunch of stuff early this year I thought.
18:10:48 <smooge> yeah it did. I am guessing it still does for some cases
18:10:51 <nirik> anyhow, glad it's more open now.
18:11:23 <nirik> #topic discussion - tickets / blockers / pr's / things to discuss
18:11:28 <nirik> anything to discuss today?
18:12:13 <mboddu> None from me
18:12:17 <fche> looking forward to someone having time to help with .ticket 9715
18:12:28 <mboddu> .ticket 9715
18:12:28 <zodbot> mboddu: Issue #9715: Needs for debuginfod - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/9715
18:12:51 <nirik> fche: cool. I think pingou was going to try and help you? or I guess most any of us could try and do so. ;)
18:12:56 <nirik> you have a pr in?
18:13:01 <fche> yup, have a PR
18:13:12 <fche> pingou indicated we need openshift PV creation prowess from one of y'all
18:13:26 <nirik> ah. ok.
18:13:34 <nirik> I can try and look at that later today
18:13:41 <fche> awesome
18:13:48 <fche> https://pagure.io/fedora-infra/ansible/pull-request/474 < the PR btw
18:14:03 <nirik> so hum, this is stg?
18:14:26 <fche> yeah, because of the freeze, and because I don't know ansible worth a damn yet :)
18:15:00 <fche> a much smaller PV space would be enough actually to test things there
18:15:08 <nirik> will have to ponder on how to do the koji volume there. The staging koji volume is easy, but the way we do things there the prod volume is mounted under that.
18:15:23 <nirik> perhaps just the stg one would be enough.
18:15:31 <fche> we'd be glad to consume the real koji nfs tree (it's all read-only)
18:15:54 <nirik> well, yes, but I don't know quite how to do that in a openshift setting.
18:16:22 <nirik> we have /mnt/fedora_koji (stg volume) and /mnt/fedora_koji_prod mounted on /mnt/fedora_koji/vol/fedora_koji_prod
18:16:33 <fche> ah, ok, PVs can be nfs-backed, can add a proposed yml bit for that if it helps
18:16:35 <nirik> anyhow, will see what I can do
18:16:40 <fche> thanks a lot!
18:16:54 <nirik> yes, but you likely cannot have 2 volume mounts in one pv is what I am saying. ;)
18:17:04 <fche> right, one PV for storage, one PV for nfs
18:17:50 <nirik> but then you will not have all the nfs data. :) But like I said, perhaps the local to staging volume would be enough.
18:17:58 <fche> ok
18:19:00 <nirik> thanks everyone. ;) will close out in a sec.
18:19:06 <nirik> #endmeeting