15:05:33 <jednorozec> #startmeeting RELENG (2021-03-16)
15:05:33 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Mar 16 15:05:33 2021 UTC.
15:05:33 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
15:05:33 <zodbot> The chair is jednorozec. Information about MeetBot at
15:05:33 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
15:05:33 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'releng_(2021-03-16)'
15:05:34 <jednorozec> #meetingname releng
15:05:34 <jednorozec> #chair nirik sharkcz pbrobinson pingou mboddu dustymabe ksinny jednorozec
15:05:34 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'releng'
15:05:34 <zodbot> Current chairs: dustymabe jednorozec ksinny mboddu nirik pbrobinson pingou sharkcz
15:05:34 <jednorozec> #topic init process
15:05:48 <nirik> morning
15:05:58 <sharkcz> hi all
15:06:11 <pingou> ó/
15:07:25 <jednorozec> morning
15:07:43 * jednorozec is patching old python library for github2fedmsg
15:08:30 <pingou> because archeology is always fun
15:08:48 <pingou> Indiana jednorozec
15:09:20 * nirik hands jednorozec a whip and fedora.
15:10:57 <jednorozec> Any particular tickets we want to discuss?
15:11:09 * jednorozec didnt had time to check the queue
15:11:10 <jednorozec>
15:11:15 * pingou has a few but all in the infra tracker :-p
15:11:18 * mboddu is sorta here, in another meeting
15:11:40 <nirik> whats the status on fedora-release/fedora-repos with f36 key? we still need to merge some things?
15:14:46 <jednorozec> the f36 key is there I think
15:16:06 <jednorozec> repos have 0 PRs opened and release have 2
15:20:34 <nirik> ok
15:20:54 <nirik> oh, also can we get a fedscam-admin out this week?
15:21:19 <jednorozec> sure
15:23:51 <nirik> I'm not sure there was much else I had... I think there's probibly some things in releng tracker we could mark as mini-iniatives... but we don't have to look for them today.
15:24:16 <jednorozec> ok, I am here now.
15:24:22 <jednorozec> the python lib is building
15:25:35 <jednorozec> nirik, do you have any specific tickets in mind?
15:26:55 <nirik> not off hand, but I know there are some. :)
15:28:28 <jednorozec> this one seems like potential candidate
15:30:11 * nirik clicks waits for browser to come back to life
15:30:53 <nirik> yep. that could indeed be one
15:33:03 <pingou> nirik: jednorozec: do you have an opinion about ansible-koji? ie the ansible module allowing to configure koji from ansible
15:33:47 <nirik> I think it's great and we should try and use it, but it's not going to do everything we need...
15:34:03 <nirik> but for branching and things like that... yes!
15:35:29 <jednorozec> I am not sure about the koji since my knowledge of koji deployment is limited, but branching seems like doable.
15:35:43 <pingou> I guess that would be a mini-initiative in itself
15:35:51 * pingou would be interested in this
15:36:51 <nirik> for things like tags and inheritence it's great...
15:39:44 <nirik> .releng 7067
15:39:45 <zodbot> nirik: Issue #7067: Fix package ownership in koji - releng - -
15:39:50 <nirik> that might be another one
15:40:26 <nirik> .relent 7215
15:40:32 <nirik> .releng 7215
15:40:33 <zodbot> nirik: Issue #7215: older drpms not synced - releng - -
15:40:41 <nirik> that would need some smarts and coding.
15:41:50 <nirik> .ticket 8601
15:41:51 <zodbot> nirik: Issue #8601: Please unblock gnome-desktop - fedora-infrastructure - -
15:42:01 <nirik> needs work on the koji plugin perhaps
15:42:22 <nirik> anyhow, I can try and look through and mark things and we can discuss more next week (or on tickets)
15:43:15 <jednorozec> nirik, +1
15:43:41 <jednorozec> I would prefer to discussing them here, because ticket notifications can be elusive
15:46:13 <nirik> sure.
15:46:23 <nirik> although... how can we make ticket notifications better ? :)
15:47:34 <jednorozec> well for me the problem is gmail, but I can imagine having tab in my pagure profile with mentions
15:47:52 <jednorozec> is that doable pingou?
15:49:03 <pingou> jednorozec: not sure I follow you
15:49:07 <jednorozec> there is Issues and PR so having another one with mentions in both PRs and Issues would help me
15:50:10 <jednorozec> pingou, so if somebody comments with @humaton on ticket or PR
15:50:11 <jednorozec> currently the only notification I get is via email
15:50:11 <jednorozec> and that just get lost in the gmail filters hell
15:50:12 <mboddu> I think I created a ticket about this in pagure tracker
15:50:53 <nirik> can't you get gmail to filter all pagure notices to a folder for easy reading?
15:51:25 <pingou> ah, being able to distinguish why you received a notification
15:51:27 <nirik> but I agree, lots of people have trouble with it... there's people I @mention and never hear from unless I ask them specifically about that thing
15:51:32 <jednorozec> heh, I am not going to spend any more time on gmail.
15:51:37 <pingou> (watching repo, contributor, mentioned...)
15:52:00 <nirik> pingou: yeah... thats the downside of the 'show pull requests I can act on' for me.
15:52:10 <jednorozec> I tried even resetting everything and setting it up again it just doesn't work
15:53:24 <nirik> ie, I am on the docs group, so every single docs pr shows up for me... but thats not something I have time to look at. ;)
15:53:35 <pingou> same here :(
15:54:03 <nirik> possible idea: have a 'pr's in starred repos' and then just star the ones you care about?
15:54:10 <nirik> dunno
15:58:35 <nirik> information overload is a problem for everyone. ;(
15:59:15 <nirik> need a packager dashboard like thing for pagure/github/gitlab projects. ;)
16:00:46 <pingou> ^^
16:02:23 <jednorozec> that should not be a problem
16:02:35 * jednorozec love building dashboards
16:03:20 <jednorozec> lets close this meeting
16:03:24 <jednorozec> #endmeeting