16:04:36 <mboddu> #startmeeting RELENG (2021-01-05)
16:04:36 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jan  5 16:04:36 2021 UTC.
16:04:36 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
16:04:36 <zodbot> The chair is mboddu. Information about MeetBot at
16:04:36 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
16:04:36 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'releng_(2021-01-05)'
16:04:38 <mboddu> #meetingname releng
16:04:38 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'releng'
16:04:40 <mboddu> #chair nirik sharkcz pbrobinson pingou mboddu dustymabe ksinny jednorozec
16:04:40 <zodbot> Current chairs: dustymabe jednorozec ksinny mboddu nirik pbrobinson pingou sharkcz
16:04:42 <mboddu> #topic init process
16:04:51 <nirik> morning, happy 2021
16:04:54 <mboddu> zodbot seems to be very slow
16:05:40 <mboddu> Morning everyone and Happy 2021
16:06:04 <jednorozec> hello and happy 2021!
16:06:06 <mboddu> And yay, we survived 2020 ;P
16:06:34 * jednorozec hopes 2020 was not just a trailer for 2021
16:06:59 <nirik> ha
16:07:03 <nirik> I sure hope not
16:07:54 <mboddu> jednorozec: Why dont you let me enjoy it for a min :(
16:08:14 <jednorozec> mboddu, you had 5 days already ;)
16:08:24 <mboddu> Haha :)
16:08:29 <mboddu> Anyway, lets get started
16:09:17 <mboddu> #topic #9915 epel-release-latest-8 link broken
16:09:29 <mboddu> #link
16:09:52 <mboddu> nirik: Can you look at ?
16:10:03 <mboddu> It is using relative path
16:10:03 <pingou> ó/
16:10:11 * mboddu waves at pingou
16:10:25 <nirik> mboddu: yeah, sorry on that, I thought we landed it. ;) but yeah, lets push the pr!
16:10:35 * nirik was going to go thru pr's there later today
16:11:15 <mboddu> nirik: Awesome and no problem, I will merge it and run the playbook
16:11:39 <nirik> I am not sure when the next epel-release update will be, but I am sure there will be one. ;)
16:12:03 <mboddu> #info mboddu will merge the PR and run the playbook later
16:12:07 <mboddu> Since pingou is here
16:12:10 <mboddu> #topic #9927 Add commit privilege for to proven packagers
16:12:17 <mboddu> #link
16:12:24 <pingou> I saw the ping from nirik  the other day about pagure-sysadmin
16:12:37 <pingou> I need to refresh my memory on how it's done
16:12:43 <nirik> I can't recall if we sync this all the time or not. ;)
16:12:49 <nirik> yeah, I couldn't recall either
16:13:03 <pingou> I forgot if it was a one time thing or regularly
16:13:12 <mboddu> FWIW, I didn't know we have that at all :D
16:13:16 <pingou> I know I wrote such a script for arffab
16:13:26 <pingou> worst case: new toddler
16:13:41 <mboddu> +1
16:14:12 <mboddu> #info pingou is going to look at how we can sync the fas groups into
16:14:15 <mboddu> Thanks pingou
16:14:35 <pingou> med T, med G, dev
16:14:59 <mboddu> Okay, I will update it
16:16:15 <mboddu> #topic #9909 Fedora Media Writer 4.1.7 released
16:16:25 <mboddu> #link
16:16:38 <mboddu> nirik and jednorozec : All the best :)
16:17:04 <nirik> yeah, I have this on my todo... just didn't get to it before the holidays.
16:17:25 <jednorozec> I will sign the win binaries tmrw
16:20:37 <mboddu> Thanks nirik and jednorozec
16:21:48 <mboddu> #topic #9908 stop using sha-1 in signing keys
16:21:55 <mboddu> #link
16:22:04 <mboddu> nirik: We need to prioritize this
16:22:31 <nirik> yeah, it needs more investigation to see whats going on
16:22:36 <nirik> and might need sigul changes
16:23:18 <mboddu> Yeah, is it still Patrick or someone else picked it up?
16:23:41 <puiterwijk> Sigul is still me
16:23:49 <nirik> I think he's still maintaining... yeah. ;) hi puiterwijk!
16:24:27 <puiterwijk> I'm going to have to make some changes to sigul anyway, so sure, I'll look at that soon.
16:24:28 <mboddu> Hello puiterwijk :)
16:24:36 <mboddu> Thanks puiterwijk
16:24:42 <puiterwijk> Actually, no. I remember looking at that
16:24:46 <puiterwijk> That's a config setting already
16:24:59 <nirik> puiterwijk: BTW, sigul could use a new release upstream... we have 1.0a, but a acutal 1.0 would be nice. ;)
16:25:04 <mboddu> puiterwijk: Quick question, do you have notification enabled on "Patrick" as well?
16:25:30 <mboddu> Oh, if its only config change, then it should be a huge deal
16:25:45 <puiterwijk> It's a GPG config change yeah
16:25:57 <puiterwijk> nirik: right. That's because the keyring stuff isn't yet in stable Sigul. I'll see what I can do there
16:26:22 <puiterwijk> nirik, mboddu: do note that the "signatures" there are signatures on the *keys*
16:26:39 <puiterwijk> So this won't get fixed for existing Fedora releases or their keys, at best new keys
16:27:17 <mboddu> I am not expecting to change this for existing keys
16:27:28 <mboddu> New keys is what I am looking at
16:28:02 <mboddu> puiterwijk: We have branching scheduled for Feb 09, if we can fix this couple of weeks before that date is very much appreciated
16:28:18 <puiterwijk> mboddu: we can fix this today.... As said, it's a configuration thing
16:28:53 <mboddu> puiterwijk: Right, but I am just giving you a date when I want it fixed :)
16:29:06 <mboddu> Basically before creation of f35 key
16:29:26 <puiterwijk> Basically, sigul doesn't provide the key signature type. You can either update gnupg2 on vaults to get the new default, or change the config file
16:29:52 <puiterwijk> Anyway, I guess this is a meeting. You can ping me out of the meeting and I can figure it out again
16:30:30 <mboddu> Thanks puiterwijk++
16:30:33 <zodbot> mboddu: Karma for puiterwijk changed to 4 (for the current release cycle):
16:35:50 <mboddu> nirik: So, you wanna talk about dist-git branches master to main thing?
16:37:05 <nirik> I was going to meet with you and pingou after this meeting on it... but we can here instead if you like
16:37:13 <nirik> pingou: you still around?
16:37:30 <pingou> nirik: I thought it was after the stand up, in ~3h
16:37:52 <nirik> oh... right, thats what I get for not putting in a calendar entry
16:38:04 <pingou> :)
16:38:36 <mboddu> pingou: Well, it would be in 20 min, but now is fine too
16:39:54 <nirik> I'm fine whatever way, whatever pingou prefers
16:40:02 <mboddu> Oh, its after stand up? I thought its after releng meeting
16:40:23 <mboddu> Anyway, now or after stand up, whatever pingou prefers
16:41:30 * mboddu thinks pingou is busy, lets move on
16:41:36 <pingou> I'm finishing some work on toddlers then I need to go pick up the kids
16:41:45 <pingou> so after the stand up will be better for me :)
16:41:51 <mboddu> Okay, lets catch up after stand up
16:41:54 <mboddu> #topic Open Floor
16:42:12 <mboddu> Anybody got anythign to share?
16:42:46 <nirik> mboddu: whats the status on ODCS in centos? did that stuff land?
16:43:24 <mboddu> nirik: Brain is figuring out some last quirks, we might come and meet you
16:43:35 <mboddu> Before the holidays, he said he is having some issues with fedora-messaging
16:43:49 <nirik> ok. Not sure I can help, but I can try and I am sure we can get it sorted.
16:44:32 * pingou happy to help
16:45:06 <mboddu> Thanks nirik and pingou
16:46:04 <mboddu> Anything else?
16:46:52 <nirik> probibly, but I can't think of it and need more coffee.
16:49:03 <mboddu> I cant think of any for now, but I will definitely start pinging you guys when I need something :P
16:49:44 <mboddu> If not anything, I will give back 10 min to you guys
16:49:48 <mboddu> Thanks for joining
16:49:55 <mboddu> And once again, happy new year everyone!
16:50:02 <mboddu> #endmeeting