
#fedora-meeting-3: modularity_wg

Meeting started by langdon at 15:01:58 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll Call (langdon, 15:03:08)
  2. agenda (langdon, 15:04:08)
    1. agenda (langdon, 15:04:20)

  3. modularity general update (langdon, 15:07:43)
  4. modularity demos update (langdon, 15:22:42)
  5. ideas for communication (langdon, 15:28:30)
    1. ACTION: asamalik to create "modularity website" prototype (langdon, 15:34:59)

  6. open floor (langdon, 15:37:05)

Meeting ended at 15:39:45 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. asamalik to create "modularity website" prototype

Action items, by person

  1. asamalik
    1. asamalik to create "modularity website" prototype

People present (lines said)

  1. langdon (96)
  2. contyk (31)
  3. asamalik (19)
  4. moto-timo (16)
  5. zodbot (11)
  6. karsten (1)
  7. sct (1)
  8. dgilmore (1)
  9. cydrobolt (0)
  10. tflink (0)
  11. mikedep333 (0)
  12. haraldh (0)

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