20:56:52 <jflory7> #startmeeting Fedora CommOps Hack Session (2016-06-03) 20:56:52 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Jun 3 20:56:52 2016 UTC. The chair is jflory7. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:56:52 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:56:52 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_commops_hack_session_(2016-06-03)' 20:56:55 <jflory7> #meetingname commops 20:56:55 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'commops' 20:57:01 <jflory7> #topic Roll Call 20:57:03 <jflory7> .hello jflory7 20:57:05 <zodbot> jflory7: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <me@justinwflory.com> 20:57:08 <skamath> .hello skamath 20:57:09 <zodbot> skamath: skamath 'Sachin S Kamath ' <sskamath96@gmail.com> 20:57:11 <jflory7> #chair skamath 20:57:11 <zodbot> Current chairs: jflory7 skamath 20:57:14 <jflory7> Hiya :) 20:57:17 <skamath> Hey :) 20:57:44 <jflory7> #info We're using Google Hangouts for tonight's hack session: please try connecting at the following link! 20:57:45 <jflory7> #link https://hangouts.google.com/call/en5lzau3tffx3goxsaccqsq5tye 20:57:56 * jflory7 is away getting some coffee before we officially start 21:01:08 <jflory7> #link https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/commops-power-sessions 21:02:20 <decause> .hello decause 21:02:21 <zodbot> decause: decause 'Remy DeCausemaker' <decause@redhat.com> 21:02:36 <skamath> #chair decause 21:02:36 <zodbot> Current chairs: decause jflory7 skamath 21:02:43 <skamath> decause: o/ 21:02:49 <jflory7> Hiya Remy :) 21:03:15 <jflory7> Whoops, lol, have dogs in the background 21:03:20 <skamath> lol 21:03:31 <jflory7> Hiya, decause! 21:03:38 <jflory7> Will unmute mic once dogs quiet down a bit. :) 21:03:50 <jflory7> How's PyCon going so far? 21:04:00 <jflory7> Hear you :) 21:04:54 <jflory7> mizmo++ 21:05:21 <jflory7> Got this here: https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/commops-power-sessions 21:24:31 <jflory7> #topic How To Push a Badge 101 21:24:55 <jflory7> #info Ralph (threebean) explained how to push a badge in Fedora Infrastructure with a screenshare walkthrough 21:25:13 <jflory7> #info === Prerequisites === 21:25:35 <jflory7> #info 1) Cloned `badges` repository where all badges live: https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/badges.git 21:25:41 <jflory7> Q: Is Badges going to live on Pagure someday? 21:26:06 <jflory7> #info 2) Sysadmin privileges on Batcave and badges-web 21:26:21 <jflory7> #info === Taking care of art assets === 21:26:47 <jflory7> #info 1) Go to the ticket for a badge and pull the artwork assets (both png and svg) into the `badges` repository 21:27:12 <jflory7> #info 2) Place art assets into their appropriate folder, preferred to name image files the name of the badge for easy indexing later on 21:27:43 <jflory7> #info 3) Double-check to make sure the image assets you pulled down are "good" - sometimes the images can be corrupted and this can cause problems later 21:28:10 <jflory7> #info Add the files in git, commit, push (or if you don't have push privileges, make a patch and add it to the ticket to save time...??) 21:28:13 <jflory7> #undo 21:28:13 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by jflory7 at 21:28:10 : Add the files in git, commit, push (or if you don't have push privileges, make a patch and add it to the ticket to save time...??) 21:28:17 <jflory7> #info 4) Add the files in git, commit, push (or if you don't have push privileges, make a patch and add it to the ticket to save time...??) 21:28:32 <jflory7> #info === Pushing out the badge === 21:28:58 <jflory7> #info Important to note that just because you push to fedorahosted does not mean the badge is "out there" yet - introducing the powers of Ansible yet again 21:29:25 <jflory7> #info 1) Log into the `batcave` machine in Fedora Infrastructure and locate the `push-badges` playbook 21:29:56 <jflory7> #info 2) Sysadmins with privileges will be able to run the playbook to pull the changes from fedorahosted to batcave - the changes then get synced to the badges-web server 21:30:38 <jflory7> #link https://infrastructure.fedoraproject.org/cgit/ansible.git/tree/playbooks/manual/push-badges.yml 21:31:01 <jflory7> #info 3) Wait for playbook to finish, check if the png is publicly viewable on badges.fp.o 21:31:10 <jflory7> #info === Adding a badge from badges.fp.o === 21:31:49 <jflory7> #info Once the art assets are on badges-web, you will be ready to make the badge. BEWARE: Creating a badge is easy, but editing it is not! Make sure the information you are entering is right on the first go. 21:31:59 <jflory7> #info 1) Log into admin interface on badges.fp.o 21:32:09 <jflory7> #info 2) Go to add badge section 21:33:15 <jflory7> #info 3) Enter in the information (e.g. pull the badge name / description from the ticket, enter the correct image location for the badge), hit "Create badge" button 21:34:03 <jflory7> #info 4) In admin interface, grant privileges to appropriate person (IF NOT AN AUTOMATIC BADGE) at bottom of the interface. Use badge name and @fedoraproject.org email for the person who needs privileges 21:34:09 <jflory7> #info === Success! === 21:34:22 <jflory7> #info Congratulations! You pushed a badge. 21:34:24 <jflory7> eof 21:34:29 * skamath was away for a while. Thanks jflory7 21:34:35 <skamath> jflory7++ 21:34:50 <jflory7> No problem! I'm probably going to refer back to this pretty frequently anyways :P 21:34:55 <jflory7> decause: All of the above sound about right? 21:35:25 <skamath> jflory7: No editing interface, eh? 21:35:46 <jflory7> skamath: Not quite. Apparently to edit a badge later (with the exception of adding tags), it requires editing SQL tables. :P Yuck. 21:35:55 <skamath> So you basically go to PG and edit it, damn 21:36:12 <jflory7> There is an interface for badge admins to add tags to a badge later, but not remove them 21:36:17 <jflory7> Heh, yep. 21:37:45 <jflory7> #action jflory7 Write up a SOP on pushing a badge for Fedora Infra if there is not one already (make any improvements if there is one?) 21:39:54 <skrzepto> it helps when i type the correct channel :) hows everyone doing? 21:40:37 <jflory7> Hiya, skrzepto! 21:40:39 <decause> skrzepto: great! 21:40:43 <skamath> skrzepto: Hello :) 21:40:50 <jflory7> We're in a hack session right now for CommOps. 21:41:08 <skrzepto> jflory7, im aware :) anyone need help? 21:41:24 <jflory7> Ah, nice! Here's some links for you if you're interested: 21:41:32 <jflory7> https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/commops-power-sessions 21:41:40 <jflory7> https://hangouts.google.com/call/en5lzau3tffx3goxsaccqsq5tye 21:41:49 <jflory7> decause, skamath, and I are in this Hangout right now. 21:44:06 * skamath is on a shaky connection. The college wifi is throttled. 21:44:09 <decause> #link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QV5R-2wlzUY 21:44:24 <jflory7> college_wifi-- 21:44:24 <decause> #info mizmo OSCON Open Source Award Video 21:44:32 <jflory7> #topic On to hacking! 21:44:52 <jflory7> #info jflory7 will try to draft up a post about mizmo's award at OSCON to go out near maxamillion's OSCON post on Monday 21:49:19 <decause> #link https://www.oreilly.com/ideas/oreilly-open-source-awards-oscon-austin-2016 21:52:05 <decause> #link https://twitter.com/Remy_D/status/737697932657332224 21:56:14 <maxamillion> o/ 21:56:27 <skamath> Hi maxamillion:) 21:56:47 <maxamillion> what's everyone hacking on? anywhere I can jump in an help? 21:57:09 <skamath> maxamillion: https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/commops-power-sessions 21:57:37 <skamath> maxamillion: Hangouts link : https://hangouts.google.com/call/en5lzau3tffx3goxsaccqsq5tye 21:59:28 <decause> maxamillion++ 21:59:32 <decause> #link http://imgur.com/a/PvJGZ 22:00:02 <decause> #info "CommBlog Keeps it 100" wallpapers and backgrounds 22:01:22 <jflory7> maxamillion++ 22:01:30 <jflory7> Hiya, welcome :) 22:02:46 <jflory7> #chair skrzepto maxamillion 22:02:46 <zodbot> Current chairs: decause jflory7 maxamillion skamath skrzepto 22:03:22 <decause> .fasinfo skrzepto 22:03:23 <zodbot> decause: User: skrzepto, Name: Szymon Mucha, email: skrzepto@gmail.com, Creation: 2015-11-10, IRC Nick: None, Timezone: UTC, Locale: en, GPG key ID: None, Status: active 22:03:25 <zodbot> decause: Approved Groups: fedorabugs packager cla_done cla_fpca 22:04:11 <skrzepto> did we add the badge to the wiki? 22:04:25 <jflory7> Hmm, to the wiki? 22:04:28 <jflory7> The PyCon badge? 22:04:48 <skrzepto> jflory7, yupp looks its not up any resource on how to update the wiki? 22:05:15 <skrzepto> yes 22:05:38 <decause> https://infrastructure.fedoraproject.org/infra/docs/badges.rst 22:07:06 <skamath> Guess I'll have to leave now. Will catch you folks later in #fedora-commops :) 22:07:21 <decause> skamath: kk, drop us a line if you have any questions 22:07:28 <decause> skamath: gsoc going well? 22:07:33 <skamath> decause: Yep :) 22:07:42 <decause> skamath: you and bee2502 got your week figured out? 22:07:55 <skamath> decause: We'll have intern stats by Tuesday or Wednesday 22:08:25 <skamath> decause: Also, I'll gave to get started with Onboarding Badge Series 22:09:20 * skamath is looking to have a brainstorming session in -fcommops later on :) 22:09:23 <decause> #link https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome 22:09:27 <jflory7> lmacken: yo! 22:09:36 <jflory7> skamath: Alright, sounds good! See ya later! 22:09:51 <decause> #link https://github.com/vinta/awesome-python 22:10:33 <lmacken> jflory7: yoyoo 22:12:45 <jflory7> decause: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_EDU_2016 22:12:47 <jflory7> #chair lmacken 22:12:47 <zodbot> Current chairs: decause jflory7 lmacken maxamillion skamath skrzepto 22:14:08 <jflory7> decause: https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/227 22:14:11 <jflory7> #link https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/227 22:14:57 <jflory7> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F24_release_announcement 22:24:21 <decause> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Cloud_WG_2016 22:24:25 <kushal> woo hoo 22:26:04 <jflory7> Hiya, kushal! 22:26:08 <jflory7> #chair kushal 22:26:08 <zodbot> Current chairs: decause jflory7 kushal lmacken maxamillion skamath skrzepto 22:26:18 * jflory7 is going to be AFK for a few minutes 22:30:02 <jflory7> Back. 22:30:04 <jflory7> Hi zoltanh7211! 22:31:25 <zoltanh7211> Hi guys 22:31:52 <zoltanh7211> Just reading the feedback that you have done in ticket 22:32:14 <jflory7> zoltanh7211: Sure thing, for Ticket #71? 22:32:28 <jflory7> zoltanh7211: If Google Hangouts is your jam, we are also here: https://hangouts.google.com/call/en5lzau3tffx3goxsaccqsq5tye 22:32:31 <zoltanh7211> jflory7: yep 22:37:09 <skrzepto> brb i have to drive my little brother somewhere. 22:43:33 <jflory7> skrzepto: No problem. 22:47:15 <maxamillion> have a good weekend all! 22:47:18 * maxamillion & 22:47:19 <jflory7> maxamillion: Same to you! 22:48:29 <decause> http://imgur.com/s1XtwQC 22:54:08 <jflory7> #endmeeting