
#fedora-meeting-2: Workstation WG (2024-12-03)

Meeting started by brainycmurf at 23:09:49 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. Present members: Matthias, Michael, Neal, Jens, Chris (brainycmurf, 23:09:49)
    2. Guests: Owen (brainycmurf, 23:09:49)
    3. Regrets: Tomas, Allan, Kalev (brainycmurf, 23:09:50)
    4. Missing: (brainycmurf, 23:09:52)
    5. Secretary: Michael (brainycmurf, 23:09:54)

  1. Adding Michel Lind to the Workstation WG (brainycmurf, 23:09:56)
    1. (brainycmurf, 23:09:58)
    2. AGREED: Michel Lind is added to the WG. (brainycmurf, 23:10:00)
    3. AGREED: We will need to reschedule the meeting time as Michel cannot attend the current time. (brainycmurf, 23:10:02)

  2. F42: Meeting Chair (brainycmurf, 23:10:04)
    1. (brainycmurf, 23:10:06)
    2. AGREED: Matthias to serve as chair for remainder of F42 release cycle (brainycmurf, 23:10:08)

  3. Announcements (brainycmurf, 23:10:10)
  4. Minutes from last time (brainycmurf, 23:10:23)
    1. (brainycmurf, 23:10:25)

Meeting ended at 23:10:28 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. brainycmurf (23)
  2. zodbot (7)
  3. Neal (0)

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