
#fedora-meeting-2: Workstation WG (2024-09-24)

Meeting started by brainycmurf at 04:06:26 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. Present members: Michael, Chris, Neal, Matthias, Allan, Owen (brainycmurf, 04:06:27)
    2. Regrets: (brainycmurf, 04:06:27)
    3. Missing: (brainycmurf, 04:06:29)
    4. Secretary: Jens (brainycmurf, 04:06:31)

  1. F41 Workstation marketing notes (brainycmurf, 04:06:33)
    1. (brainycmurf, 04:06:35)

  2. Dropping i686 Builds for GNOME and GNOME Software (brainycmurf, 04:06:39)
    1. (brainycmurf, 04:06:41)
    2. AGREED: can drop i686 for gnome leaf packages (brainycmurf, 04:06:43)

  3. F41 blockers (brainycmurf, 04:06:49)
    1. (brainycmurf, 04:06:51)

  4. Announcements and status reports (brainycmurf, 04:06:53)
  5. pending tickets (brainycmurf, 04:06:57)
    1. (brainycmurf, 04:07:01)
    2. ACTION: Allan to write an email to the design team to start the communication (brainycmurf, 04:07:13)

  6. Minutes from last week (brainycmurf, 04:07:19)
    1. (brainycmurf, 04:07:21)

Meeting ended at 04:07:24 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. Allan to write an email to the design team to start the communication

People present (lines said)

  1. brainycmurf (32)
  2. zodbot (7)
  3. Neal (0)

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