21:22:57 <brainycmurf> #startmeeting Workstation WG (2024-06-11)
21:22:57 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jun 11 21:22:57 2024 UTC.
21:22:57 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
21:22:57 <zodbot> The chair is brainycmurf. Information about MeetBot at
21:22:57 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
21:22:57 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'workstation_wg_(2024-06-11)'
21:22:58 <brainycmurf> #meetingname workstation
21:22:58 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'workstation'
21:22:58 <brainycmurf> #chair Neal
21:22:58 <zodbot> Current chairs: Neal brainycmurf
21:22:58 <brainycmurf> #info Present members: Allan, Michael, Tomas, Neal, Jens, Matthias, Kalev, Chris
21:22:58 <brainycmurf> #info Guests:
21:22:58 <brainycmurf> #info Regrets:
21:23:00 <brainycmurf> #info Missing:
21:23:02 <brainycmurf> #info Secretary: Kalev
21:23:04 <brainycmurf> Agenda
21:23:06 <brainycmurf> #topic Metrics change proposal
21:23:08 <brainycmurf> Michael is getting ready to publish a new version of the metrics change proposal. Allan rewrote most of the proposal text. Michael is looking for feedback (for the private link shared with the WG members). Also looking for Workstation WG endorsement.
21:23:12 <brainycmurf> #info Revised proposal is in the works
21:23:14 <brainycmurf> #action Everybody to read through the new proposal text before next meeting
21:23:16 <brainycmurf> #topic Feature planning for the next few months
21:23:18 <brainycmurf> Neal: Aside for the wayland stuff, is there anything else we want to do for F41?
21:23:20 <brainycmurf> Tomas: nvidia secure boot support in gnome-software
21:23:22 <brainycmurf> #info
21:23:24 <brainycmurf> Neal: Someone should put together a presentation with this for the release party, telling "nvidia is awesome now".
21:23:29 <brainycmurf> Allan: Fractional scaling is coming. Potentially also changes to core apps coming.
21:23:31 <brainycmurf> Upstream, Totem is being replaced by Showtime, a new video player, Evince is being replaced by Papers, which is a gtk4 fork of Evince (although Evince has also landed a gtk4 port now, confusing matters). A new audio file opener is coming: Decibels. It's intended to supplement Music. ptyxis was rejected upstream, but maybe we should consider it for Fedora Workstation anyway.
21:23:36 <brainycmurf> We need to get all the new apps packaged. Nieves is looking at ptyxis, but for the rest it would be good to get help.
21:23:39 <brainycmurf> Neal: It would be a good idea to send an email to devel list and ask for the applications to be packaged.
21:23:42 <brainycmurf> #action Neal to send an email to devel list asking for help packaging the new apps
21:23:44 <brainycmurf> #topic Announcements, follow-ups, status reports
21:23:46 <brainycmurf> Neal: The change for the Wayland only Workstation media was published to the mailing list and Discourse.
21:23:49 <brainycmurf> We'll see how that goes. Wayland Anaconda change has made it to FESCo and is being voted.
21:23:51 <brainycmurf> is this week.
21:23:53 <brainycmurf> Kalev: PR for flatpak to "preinstall" flatpaks:
21:23:57 <brainycmurf> #topic Open Floor
21:23:59 <brainycmurf> #endmeeting