16:59:14 <cmurf> #startmeeting Workstation WG (2021-06-29)
16:59:14 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jun 30 16:59:14 2021 UTC.
16:59:14 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
16:59:14 <zodbot> The chair is cmurf. Information about MeetBot at
16:59:14 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
16:59:14 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'workstation_wg_(2021-06-29)'
16:59:16 <cmurf> #meetingname workstation
16:59:16 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'workstation'
16:59:18 <cmurf> #chair Neal
16:59:18 <zodbot> Current chairs: Neal cmurf
16:59:31 <cmurf> #topic Rollcall
16:59:33 <cmurf> #info present:  Matthias (secr.), Neal, Chris, Tomas, Jens, Michael
16:59:35 <cmurf> #info regrets: Allan
16:59:37 <cmurf> #info present guests: Luna Jernberg(bittin), Omar Sandoval, Michel
16:59:39 <cmurf> #topic Approval of June 23 minutes
16:59:41 <cmurf>
16:59:43 <cmurf> #agreed no objections
16:59:45 <cmurf> #topic Fesco deadline is today
16:59:47 <cmurf> #info Owen wants agreement from wg for proposals for installing repos by default, and flathub with a filter
16:59:49 <cmurf> Michael says that these proposals have been discussed and agreed to by the WG in the past,
16:59:51 <cmurf> so this should be uncontroversial.
16:59:53 <cmurf> Owen will wait a few hours for feedback on the proposals.
16:59:55 <cmurf> #agreed interested parties should comment on the proposals after the meeting
16:59:57 <cmurf> #topic Discussion with Omar Sandoval about btrfs/fscrypt
16:59:59 <cmurf> #link
17:00:01 <cmurf> Chris introduces Omar and the topic of encryption of user/systemdata with btrfs.
17:00:03 <cmurf> This is follow-up to discussion from 2 weeks ago.
17:00:05 <cmurf> Hot question: When is the code expected to land in the upstream kernel?
17:00:07 <cmurf> Omar expects this to land in complete form, not piecemeal. Timeline expectation: end-of-the-year
17:00:09 <cmurf> btrfs-specific parts will be different from how fscrypt does things, so that will need a bit of
17:00:11 <cmurf> extra attention.
17:00:13 <cmurf> Chris is asking about enabling encryption at runtime. Omar says that he thinks about using
17:00:15 <cmurf> the defrag code paths for this. Use case at facebook: container images with well-known,
17:00:17 <cmurf> unencrypted base images and encrypted modifications.
17:00:19 <cmurf> Chris is asking about providing user keys after the fact. Omar says that this sounds like
17:00:21 <cmurf> a userspace problem.
17:00:23 <cmurf> Neal asks about having multiple keys for decrypting. Omar says that the kernel only supports
17:00:25 <cmurf> one encryption key, which would have to be protected in a key management system if
17:00:27 <cmurf> multiple keys are desired.
17:00:29 <cmurf> Omar says that upstreaming of all this work is still pending. He will reach out when things
17:00:31 <cmurf> are in a state where testing would be useful.
17:00:33 <cmurf> Neal was asking questions around backup and encryption.
17:00:35 <cmurf> Omar says the (already landed in kernel) portion for preserving compressed data for the btrfs send/receive stream can be repurposed, with a long term goal of being used for encryption.
17:00:37 <cmurf> Followup questions can be sent to Omar Sandoval <>
17:00:39 <cmurf> #topic Open Floor
17:00:41 <cmurf> Matthias mentions negotiations with Lennart about having him come back for homed
17:00:43 <cmurf> discussion.
17:00:45 <cmurf> #info Next weeks meeting is cancelled due to July 4, next meeting: July 13.
17:01:14 <cmurf> #endmeeting