17:07:28 <cmurf> #startmeeting Workstation WG (2021-06-08)
17:07:28 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Jun 11 17:07:28 2021 UTC.
17:07:28 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
17:07:28 <zodbot> The chair is cmurf. Information about MeetBot at
17:07:28 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
17:07:28 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'workstation_wg_(2021-06-08)'
17:07:29 <cmurf> #meetingname workstation
17:07:29 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'workstation'
17:07:31 <cmurf> #chair Neal
17:07:31 <zodbot> Current chairs: Neal cmurf
17:07:40 <cmurf> #topic Rollcall
17:07:42 <cmurf> #info present:  Owen (secr.), Michael, Allan, Jens, Matthias, Chris, Langdon, Neal ,Tomas
17:07:44 <cmurf> #info regrets:
17:07:46 <cmurf> #info present guests: Luna, James, Felipe
17:07:48 <cmurf> #topic Approval of June 1 minutes
17:07:50 <cmurf> #link
17:07:52 <cmurf> #agreed approved
17:07:54 <cmurf> #topic Announcements, follow-ups, status reports
17:07:56 <cmurf> #info Thinkpad X1 Carbon now available with Fedora preloaded.
17:07:58 <cmurf> #link
17:08:00 <cmurf> #info Fedora will sponsor GUADEC (July 21-25)
17:08:02 <cmurf> #topic Opt-in to 3rd party software
17:08:04 <cmurf> #link
17:08:06 <cmurf> - Owen did research about current state (
17:08:08 <cmurf> - Highlight: we have a confusing state where the user has opted in, and fedora-workstation-repositories is installed, but the user still has to enable the repositories.
17:08:10 <cmurf> - Neal pointed out relationship to prompting for drivers (NVIDIA, maybe broadcom?) to be installed (not done by GNOME Software now) - generally agreed that this is an orthogonal thing.
17:08:12 <cmurf> #action Owen to assemble proposal for next week to discuss/vote on as a WG (would then become a system-wide change proposal)
17:08:14 <cmurf> #topic The Workstation Working Group is a bottleneck
17:08:16 <cmurf> #link
17:08:18 <cmurf> - Has been broken up into separate issues:
17:08:20 <cmurf>
17:08:22 <cmurf>
17:08:24 <cmurf>
17:08:26 <cmurf>
17:08:28 <cmurf> - Neal: Chat has a way forward: new Fedora Matrix server (still waiting for that)
17:08:30 <cmurf> - Discussion of Matrix clients - not entirely clear - Fractal ( seems interesting, but currently under heavy editing. KDE spin going with NeoChat, element widely used. Also ? is packaged in Fedora mentioned by Neal.
17:08:32 <cmurf> - Allan: focusing on improving communication situation fir
17:08:34 <cmurf> #topic Open Floor
17:09:05 <cmurf> #endmeeting