15:00:59 <pwhalen> #startmeeting Fedora ARM and AArch64 Status Meeting
15:00:59 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Mar 16 15:00:59 2021 UTC.
15:00:59 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
15:00:59 <zodbot> The chair is pwhalen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:00:59 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
15:00:59 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_arm_and_aarch64_status_meeting'
15:00:59 <pwhalen> #chair pwhalen pbrobinson jlinton coremodule
15:00:59 <pwhalen> #topic roll call
15:00:59 <zodbot> Current chairs: coremodule jlinton pbrobinson pwhalen
15:01:06 <lorbus> .hello2
15:01:07 <zodbot> lorbus: lorbus 'Christian Glombek' <cglombek@redhat.com>
15:01:07 <coremodule> good morning pwhalen
15:01:11 <coremodule> .hello2
15:01:12 <zodbot> coremodule: coremodule 'Geoffrey Marr' <gmarr@redhat.com>
15:01:21 <lorbus> hello everybody :)
15:01:25 <pwhalen> Good morning folks, who's here today?
15:01:30 <pwhalen> howdy lorbus
15:01:39 <lorbus> o/
15:01:55 <pwhalen> \o
15:02:16 * pwhalen gives it a moment for others
15:04:18 <lorbus> While we're waiting, let me introduce myself to those who don't know me. My name is Christian, I am a software engineer at Red Hat, and I've started to work on ARM support in OpenShift recently
15:04:32 <coremodule> hi lorbus, good to meet you
15:04:56 <pbrobinson> me is here
15:04:59 <pwhalen> oh nice, welcome lorbus
15:05:00 * pbrobinson is here even
15:05:19 <pwhalen> #topic 1) ==== Userspace Status  ====
15:05:19 <pbrobinson> lorbus: what does "work on arm support" mean?
15:05:19 <smooge> morning
15:06:19 <pwhalen> Any new user space issues to discuss?
15:06:22 <lorbus> Setting up build pipelines and CI for RHCOS, FCOS and payload container builds is the main focus for now. MOst of the actual HW enabling has already been done
15:06:56 <pbrobinson> looks like the the firefox on ARMv7 issue was a gcc 11 issue and with luck that will be solved shortly
15:07:23 <pbrobinson> and sharkcz also fixed up some build bits with the cross tool chains which is very useful
15:07:59 <pbrobinson> lorbus: right, the HW stuff should just be consumable from the Fedora IoT/Fedora arm work
15:08:08 <pbrobinson> hence why I was wondering the context
15:08:26 <pwhalen> excellent news on both
15:08:47 <pwhalen> #info No new user space issues.
15:08:57 <pwhalen> #topic 2) ==== Kernel Status ====
15:09:19 <pwhalen> #info kernel-5.11.6-300.fc34
15:09:19 <pwhalen> #link https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=1722327
15:09:44 <lorbus> pbrobinson: standing on the shoulders of giants :)
15:10:05 <pbrobinson> lorbus: well please feed back stuff you find so we can help each other out
15:10:57 * jsmith` is late, sorry
15:10:59 <pwhalen> Has anyone hit any kernel issues in beta or after update?
15:11:23 <jsmith> I haven't
15:12:20 <pwhalen> #info kernel-5.12.0-0.rc3.170.fc35
15:12:20 <pwhalen> #link https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=1723526
15:12:33 <pbrobinson> nothing of note, the rpi3 CPU issue is resolved in updates-testing
15:12:48 <pwhalen> I havent tested 5.12 too much at all, too focused on the f34 release. I'll start to test that today as I finish up beta 1.2 testing.
15:12:53 <pbrobinson> turned out not to be a kernel issue but mentioning it here in context
15:13:58 <pbrobinson> #info I landed a large bunch of cleanups to the arm/aarch64 kernels to disable a bunch of mostly x86 legacy IO options on the kernel (PS2, ATKbd etc), my testing seems gfine
15:14:01 <pwhalen> #info  Rpi3 CPU issue is resolved in updates-testing (fixed in the latest uboot package).
15:14:12 <pbrobinson> please report issues seen
15:15:27 <pwhalen> #topic 3) ==== Bootloader Status ====
15:15:37 <pwhalen> #info uboot-tools-2021.04-0.5.rc3.fc34
15:15:37 <pwhalen> #link https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=1723215
15:16:15 <pwhalen> #info Fixes Raspbery Pi 3 SMP issues (BZ#1921924)
15:17:57 <pwhalen> Any issues with this or previous uboots?
15:19:00 <lorbus> not really an issue, but I've been working a bit on Helios64 board support in u-boot. stay tuned :)
15:19:29 <pwhalen> ooo, awesome! I know some people who will be happy about that
15:20:00 <pwhalen> #topic 4) ==== Fedora 34 ====
15:20:10 <lorbus> it's still pretty unstable so I'll have to do some more investigation into it when I find the time
15:20:20 <pwhalen> #info Fedora 34 Beta 1.2 compose
15:20:20 <pwhalen> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Fedora_34_Beta_1.2_Summary
15:20:48 <pwhalen> #info OpenQA testing:
15:20:49 <pwhalen> #link https://openqa.fedoraproject.org/tests/overview?distri=fedora&version=34&build=Fedora-34-20210313.0&groupid=5&groupid=1
15:20:52 <pbrobinson> lorbus: so has dgilmore and others working on helios64 support
15:21:23 <pbrobinson> lorbus: like above, please co-ordinate, on the #fedora-arm channel is a good place to hang out
15:21:30 <lorbus> yup, we're conversing on the u-boot mailing list
15:21:38 <pbrobinson> i've seen
15:21:57 <lorbus> sgtm, will make sure to share the patch there as well!
15:22:45 <pwhalen> Has anyone had a chance to test the F34 Beta?
15:22:55 <pbrobinson> yes, done some testing
15:22:59 <pwhalen> Any issues not reported ?
15:22:59 <pbrobinson> will be doing some more
15:23:01 <coremodule> yes, here too
15:23:21 <coremodule> am writing a card to test on rpi400 right now
15:23:29 <coremodule> haven't tried on the rpi400 yet
15:23:54 <pbrobinson> I think we have an issue with TI 32 bit platforms around u-boot and offsets/partitions with the UEFI change, I'm hoping to have a PR for that this week which will also deal with the rockchip stuff
15:24:05 <pwhalen> Great! If you could add results to the wiki it would be greatly appreciated
15:24:05 <pbrobinson> but that won't land in beta
15:24:45 <pwhalen> pbrobinson: specifically on the beaglebones?
15:24:50 <pwhalen> or others too?
15:25:11 <pbrobinson> possible beagle, panda, not sure of others
15:27:33 <pwhalen> Anything else for F34? Concerns?
15:28:02 <pwhalen> Apparently there might be an issue with the rockchip stuff, I dont have one to test but reported in #fedora-arm
15:29:07 <pwhalen> If people could make note of issues they fine so we can add them to common bugs. One issue we need to document is adding "cma=" to affected boards
15:30:34 <pwhalen> #info Fedora 34 Beta Go/NoGo meeting this Thursday, March 18th.
15:30:45 <pwhalen> #topic 5)  == Open Floor ==
15:30:55 <pwhalen> Anything else for today?
15:31:04 <lorbus> I've opened a PR to arm-image-installer: https://pagure.io/arm-image-installer/pull-request/74
15:31:38 <coremodule> ooh, that looks like a nice feature
15:31:39 <pwhalen> yes, thanks, I need to do another build this week
15:32:10 <lorbus> it's really just some changes to make dev'ing a bit easier when using externally packaged/unpackaged uboot images. Not sure it's what you want, but I though I'd be a good citizen and open a PR anyway :)
15:32:50 <pwhalen> I also want to add a "noisy" option, so we can see all the boot messages.
15:34:31 <pwhalen> #endmeeting