September 30, 2020
#fedora-meeting-2: FESCO (2020-09-30)
Meeting started by mhroncok at 14:00:01 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- init process (mhroncok, 14:00:11)
- #2474 F34 System-Wide Change: Rust Crate Packages For Release Branches (mhroncok, 14:03:54)
- #2477 Fedora 33 schedule: Is it correct there is only one week between Beta and Final Freeze? (mhroncok, 14:11:04)
- https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/?search=&status=pending&status=testing&releases=F33
- AGREED: Keep the
bodhi time limit set for 3 days until the freeze (for this release
cycle) +5.5,0.5,-0 (mhroncok,
- ACTION: nirik will
add a comment with a pointer to this decision so no one changes
it (mhroncok,
- #2476 systemd-resolved by default should be deferred to a future release (mhroncok, 14:32:31)
- AGREED: Add #1879028
as FE, close 2476. (+5, 1, -0) (mhroncok,
- ACTION: zbyszek to
mark 1879028 as a fesco accepted FE (mhroncok,
- ACTION: zbyszek to
write a Fedora Magazine article (mhroncok,
- ACTION: zbyszek to
make sure this gets into common bugs if it is not fixed (mhroncok,
- Next week's chair (mhroncok, 14:51:03)
- ACTION: sgallagh will
chair next meeting (mhroncok,
- Open Floor (mhroncok, 14:56:15)
Meeting ended at 15:00:41 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- nirik will add a comment with a pointer to this decision so no one changes it
- zbyszek to mark 1879028 as a fesco accepted FE
- zbyszek to write a Fedora Magazine article
- zbyszek to make sure this gets into common bugs if it is not fixed
- sgallagh will chair next meeting
Action items, by person
- nirik
- nirik will add a comment with a pointer to this decision so no one changes it
- sgallagh
- sgallagh will chair next meeting
- zbyszek
- zbyszek to mark 1879028 as a fesco accepted FE
- zbyszek to write a Fedora Magazine article
- zbyszek to make sure this gets into common bugs if it is not fixed
People present (lines said)
- mhroncok (105)
- King_InuYasha (39)
- zbyszek (29)
- nirik (28)
- dcantrell (27)
- sgallagh (20)
- decathorpe (19)
- zodbot (17)
- bcotton (16)
- ignatenkobrain (0)
- Conan_Kudo (0)
- Eighth_Doctor (0)
- cverna (0)
- Sir_Gallantmon (0)
- Son_Goku (0)
- Pharaoh_Atem (0)
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