14:00:28 <mkonecny> #startmeeting Fedora Infrastructure Sustaining Standup Meeting
14:00:28 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jun 23 14:00:28 2020 UTC.
14:00:28 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
14:00:28 <zodbot> The chair is mkonecny. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
14:00:28 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
14:00:28 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_infrastructure_sustaining_standup_meeting'
14:00:28 <mkonecny> #chair cverna mkonecny siddharthvipul jednorozec mboddu lrossett asaleh mobrien nils pingou
14:00:28 <mkonecny> #info meeting is 30 minutes MAX. At the end of 30, its stops
14:00:28 <mkonecny> #info agenda is at https://board.net/p/fedora-infra-daily
14:00:28 <zodbot> Current chairs: asaleh cverna jednorozec lrossett mboddu mkonecny mobrien nils pingou siddharthvipul
14:00:38 <lrossett> .hello lrossett
14:00:39 <nils> .hello nphilipp
14:00:39 <zodbot> lrossett: lrossett 'Leonardo Rossetti' <lrossett@redhat.com>
14:00:42 <zodbot> nils: nphilipp 'Nils Philippsen' <nphilipp@redhat.com>
14:00:45 <mkonecny> .hello zlopez
14:00:46 <zodbot> mkonecny: zlopez 'Michal Konečný' <michal.konecny@packetseekers.eu>
14:01:24 <mobrien[m]> .hello mobrien
14:01:25 <zodbot> mobrien[m]: mobrien 'Mark O'Brien' <markobri@redhat.com>
14:01:34 <mkonecny> Let's wait a bit for everyone to come
14:01:46 <siddharthvipul> .hello siddharthvipul1
14:01:47 <zodbot> siddharthvipul: siddharthvipul1 'Vipul Siddharth' <siddharthvipul1@gmail.com>
14:03:08 <mkonecny> #topic Members reports
14:03:09 <mkonecny> #info we will go one by one saying our full report
14:03:09 <mkonecny> #info Done - What you did from last standup?
14:03:09 <mkonecny> #info In progress - What you are working on?
14:03:09 <mkonecny> #info Need reviews - Do you have anything that needs to be reviewed?
14:03:10 <mkonecny> #info Blockers - Are you blocked by anything?
14:03:11 <mkonecny> #info Next - Nominate next one who will report - look at the Current chairs printed by zodbot
14:03:20 <mkonecny> Ok, lrossett you will go first
14:04:00 <lrossett> I was doing some tests in openshift and finishing the mbox crd work and just reviewed a pr, no blockers
14:05:08 <mkonecny> I will go next
14:06:02 <mkonecny> Done: I finished cleaning MBBox code a little, wrote deployment guide and helped with the staging deployment of MBBox
14:06:35 <mkonecny> In progress: Will continue working on packit integration in the-new-hotness
14:06:47 <mkonecny> Need reviews: Nothing
14:06:51 <mkonecny> Blockers: None
14:06:56 <mkonecny> Next: mobrien[m]
14:08:01 <mobrien[m]> I am working on getting osbs up and running and also redeploying the maintainer instances on AWS, neither of which are going very well but I am making progress. Nothing needs review, No blockers atm
14:08:19 <mobrien[m]> next nils
14:09:32 <nils> I've worked on yamllint in the CI for our ansible, and am working on mailman3 again, some commo with duck there about how to deal with testing.
14:09:51 <nils> Needs review:
14:09:57 <nils> - CI/yamllint: https://pagure.io/fedora-infra/ansible/pull-request/146
14:10:20 <nils> - Document Ansible repo on Pagure and the various replicas: https://pagure.io/infra-docs/pull-request/185 (after I've rebased)
14:10:29 <nils> No blockers.
14:10:56 <nils> Next would be pingout but he isn't here, so siddharthvipul it is.
14:11:33 <siddharthvipul> let's see.. I automated creating some openshift resources for onboarding new tenants, worked on cico-workspace template, and updating the doc.. nothing in blocker :)
14:11:42 <siddharthvipul> that's all \o/
14:12:31 <mkonecny> #topic Open floor
14:12:31 <mkonecny> #info You can ask anything you want, or bring a topic to discuss
14:13:03 <siddharthvipul> mkonecny: we started with lrossett and not adam, missed cverna jednorozec
14:13:09 <mkonecny> For next meeting I will probably prepare the report in advance and just paste it here, it will be much faster
14:13:31 <mkonecny> siddharthvipul: I started with the first one who was here
14:14:04 <lrossett> I thought we were going to use the chair order
14:14:18 <lrossett> the one provided by zodbot
14:14:22 <mkonecny> Yes
14:14:42 <mkonecny> But because asaleh, cverna and jednorozec aren't here, we started with you
14:14:48 <lrossett> ah
14:15:01 <mkonecny> Should I call the names and just wait if they respond?
14:15:11 <siddharthvipul> mkonecny++
14:15:21 <lrossett> I don't think so, if they didn't send a "hello"
14:15:26 <lrossett> that makes sense
14:15:53 <mkonecny> lrossett: This was exactly what I thought
14:16:19 <mkonecny> If they don't say hello I consider then MIA and moved on
14:17:21 <mkonecny> siddharthvipul: Do you think otherwise? Or the ++ was for the skipping?
14:17:25 <mobrien[m]> I think the way you did it today was correct
14:17:40 <siddharthvipul> mkonecny: that was perfect
14:18:09 <mkonecny> Ok, next time I will try to prepare the report in advance, it will make the meeting much faster
14:19:36 <mkonecny> It took as less than 10 minutes to hear the report from everybody attending today's meeting, so I think this is more effective than what we had previously
14:19:43 <mkonecny> Thanks siddharthvipul for the idea
14:20:15 <siddharthvipul> mkonecny: I was just cribbing, didn't give any ideas hehe ;)
14:20:41 <mkonecny> If there isn't anything else to discuss, I will end the meeting
14:21:13 <mkonecny> #topic Ending meeting
14:21:13 <mkonecny> #info Thank you all for coming. See you next on next meeting.
14:21:13 <mkonecny> #endmeeting