14:00:10 <mkonecny> #startmeeting Fedora Infrastructure Sustaining Standup Meeting
14:00:10 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jun 18 14:00:10 2020 UTC.
14:00:10 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
14:00:10 <zodbot> The chair is mkonecny. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
14:00:10 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
14:00:10 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_infrastructure_sustaining_standup_meeting'
14:00:10 <mkonecny> #chair cverna mkonecny siddharthvipul jednorozec mboddu lrossett asaleh mobrien nils pingou
14:00:10 <mkonecny> #info meeting is 30 minutes MAX. At the end of 30, its stops
14:00:10 <zodbot> Current chairs: asaleh cverna jednorozec lrossett mboddu mkonecny mobrien nils pingou siddharthvipul
14:00:10 <mkonecny> #info we will go through every topic one by one by the chair order
14:00:11 <mkonecny> #info agenda is at https://board.net/p/fedora-infra-daily
14:00:20 <nils> .hello nphilipp
14:00:21 <zodbot> nils: nphilipp 'Nils Philippsen' <nphilipp@redhat.com>
14:00:22 <lrossett> .hello lrossett
14:00:22 <mkonecny> .hello zlopez
14:00:24 <zodbot> lrossett: lrossett 'Leonardo Rossetti' <lrossett@redhat.com>
14:00:27 <zodbot> mkonecny: zlopez 'Michal Konečný' <michal.konecny@packetseekers.eu>
14:00:44 <mkonecny> Welcome everyone, we will try something new today
14:01:29 <mobrien[m]> hello .mobrien
14:01:32 <mobrien[m]> .hello mobrien
14:01:33 <zodbot> mobrien[m]: mobrien 'Mark O'Brien' <markobri@redhat.com>
14:01:33 <mkonecny> Instead of typing everyone at one on the topics, we will go one by one by the chair order and wrote what we have for the topic
14:01:44 <siddharthvipul> .hello siddharthvipul1
14:01:45 <zodbot> siddharthvipul: siddharthvipul1 'Vipul Siddharth' <siddharthvipul1@gmail.com>
14:01:48 <mkonecny> s/at one/at once/
14:03:04 <mkonecny> Let's start, we will skip anyone, who is not here
14:03:17 <mkonecny> #topic Item needing reviews
14:03:25 <cverna> hello
14:03:33 <siddharthvipul> hmm, I thought we were not following this method today haha
14:03:40 <siddharthvipul> cverna: \o/
14:03:42 <mkonecny> cverna: You go first
14:04:08 <siddharthvipul> cverna: so in the new trial format, one person tells what's in review, what's in progress and what's blocked
14:04:10 <cverna> nothing to review for me :)
14:04:12 <lrossett> bonjour
14:04:22 <cverna> siddharthvipul:  next
14:04:24 <mkonecny> nothing from me
14:04:26 <cverna> lrossett: bonjour
14:04:46 <siddharthvipul> siddharthvipul: for reviews, nothing here
14:04:54 <mkonecny> siddharthvipul: Oh I understand it differently
14:05:02 <siddharthvipul> mkonecny: do I say what's in progress or I wait for the next topic?
14:05:10 <lrossett> all at once
14:05:24 <mobrien[m]> nothing from me
14:05:40 <siddharthvipul> lrossett: that's what I thought
14:05:43 <siddharthvipul> I will go first
14:06:14 <mkonecny> I thought we will go one by one for each topic separately, so we don't need to wait for anyone who isn't here
14:06:41 <lrossett> it was like each person says it all instead of by topic
14:06:41 <mkonecny> Because otherwise you will lost the information about what topic is discussed in history
14:06:52 <mobrien[m]> I think its a case of give your full update in one go then questions at the end?
14:07:03 <siddharthvipul> I agree with lrossett and mobrien[m]
14:07:08 <lrossett> yeah  that was the idea
14:07:08 <siddharthvipul> that's what I was hoping :P
14:07:09 <mkonecny> Ok, I will change the agenda then
14:07:40 <mkonecny> #topic Item needing reviews, work in progress, blockers
14:08:32 <mkonecny> #info we will go one by one by chair order saying our full report than next person will continue
14:08:55 <siddharthvipul> mkonecny: +1 :D
14:08:55 <mkonecny> cverna: You are first in chair order
14:10:06 <siddharthvipul> mkonecny: cverna is busy in a planning meeting.. we can skip him and he can go once he is back
14:10:16 <mkonecny> Ok, I will continue then
14:10:31 <mkonecny> Reviews: I have nothing for review
14:11:07 <mkonecny> WIP: I'm working on testing MBBox in staging environment together with lrossett and siddharthvipul
14:11:13 <mkonecny> blockers: None
14:11:34 <mkonecny> Next one
14:11:53 <cverna> sorry :P
14:11:55 <nils> next one would be mobrien[m]
14:13:04 <mobrien[m]> Mine will be similar to cverna anyway, we have been working on getting osbs up and running in iad2, currently builds are failing but we may have found the cause
14:14:14 <cverna> for me ^^ that + some bodhi bugs
14:14:24 <siddharthvipul> awesome
14:14:32 <siddharthvipul> I can go next, if mobrien[m] has nothing to say :)
14:14:45 <nils> Let me squeeze in :)
14:14:51 <nils> it's short anyway
14:15:08 <mobrien[m]> go for it
14:15:22 <nils> Review: https://pagure.io/fedora-infra/ansible/pull-request/139 -- it has some comments from nirik but I guess they are about style
14:15:32 <mkonecny> I'm just confused, are we using what is in #chair or what zodbot prints in Current chairs? :-D
14:15:59 <nils> I'm going by the chair line at the start of the meeting which looks alphabetical
14:16:35 <mkonecny> So the one printed by zodbot, so I skipped bunch of people than :-D
14:16:39 <siddharthvipul> nils: I see but in a case someone is not around, we will have to wait... what we can do, is to nominate next member ;)
14:16:53 <siddharthvipul> or just say that I can go next
14:16:54 <nils> WIP: Mailman3 mostly, other topics on the backburner are Ansible CI and some python repo cleaning script
14:17:05 <nils> no blockers
14:17:10 <nils> siddharthvipul, you're next
14:17:14 <siddharthvipul> nils: thank you :)
14:17:17 * siddharthvipul is working on openshift polishing.. we have both the clusters (stg and prod) up and running with all the bells and whistles. You also exposed ports to do a CLI login.
14:17:35 <siddharthvipul> so I think we are done with the deployment works
14:17:42 <siddharthvipul> now phase 2 begins (officially)
14:17:47 <siddharthvipul> nothing blocker here
14:17:56 <siddharthvipul> lrossett: want to go next?
14:18:00 <lrossett> sure
14:18:02 <mkonecny> I would go with current chairs printed by zodbot, combined with nomination of next
14:18:31 <nils> mkonecny, +1 I misread before
14:19:18 <lrossett> I have been working with siddharthvipul and mkonecny on deploying the mbox operatorin openshift and reviewed 1 or 2 PRs for mbox as well, no blockers
14:19:50 <lrossett> next: mboddu
14:20:01 <mkonecny> nils: I'm still optimizing the process
14:20:19 <mkonecny> I will show what I have in Open floor :-)
14:20:32 * mboddu reading back
14:20:33 <mkonecny> It looks like mboddu is not here
14:20:43 <mkonecny> Ok, he is stalking us :-D
14:21:01 <nils> dun dun dun
14:21:29 <mboddu> I have been working on fire fighting with composes and fedora-messaging
14:21:46 <mboddu> Bodhi compose failures, rawhide compose failures and random updates problems
14:22:00 <mboddu> next mkonecny
14:22:24 <mboddu> Thanks lrossett
14:22:52 <mkonecny> I already gave my report, so who didn't spoke?
14:23:15 <lrossett> asaleh
14:23:29 <mkonecny> I don't see him in this channel
14:23:31 <nils> jednorozec and pingou
14:23:33 <lrossett> and pingou
14:23:53 <mobrien[m]> I think pingou is in that planning meeting as well
14:23:53 <mkonecny> They are not here
14:24:10 <mkonecny> So let's go to next topic
14:24:12 <mkonecny> #topic Open floor
14:24:21 <mkonecny> #info You can ask anything you want, or bring a topic to discuss
14:24:57 <mkonecny> Ok, I changed the agenda a little, here it is:#topic Members reports
14:24:57 <mkonecny> #info we will go one by one saying our full report
14:24:57 <mkonecny> #info Done - What you did from last standup?
14:24:57 <mkonecny> #info In progress - What you are working on?
14:24:58 <mkonecny> #info Need reviews - Do you have anything that needs to be reviewed?
14:24:59 <mkonecny> #info Blockers - Are you blocked by anything?
14:24:59 <mkonecny> #info Next - Nominate next one who will report - look at the Current chairs printed by zodbot
14:25:25 <mkonecny> What do you think?
14:25:44 <lrossett> looks good
14:25:45 <siddharthvipul> mkonecny: fair
14:26:00 <mkonecny> So it will look like actual standup
14:26:14 <mkonecny> Then we have open floor, where we can discuss anything
14:26:43 <mkonecny> So I think it will be faster to go through it
14:27:47 <mkonecny> Does anybody has anything to discuss in open floor?
14:28:53 <mkonecny> It looks like not, so thanks everybody for the patience with new process and see you next time :-)
14:29:18 <mkonecny> #topic Ending meeting
14:29:18 <mkonecny> #info Thank you all for coming. See you next on next meeting.
14:29:18 <mkonecny> #endmeeting