17:00:02 <mboddu> #startmeeting RELENG (2018-11-29)
17:00:02 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Nov 29 17:00:02 2018 UTC.
17:00:02 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
17:00:02 <zodbot> The chair is mboddu. Information about MeetBot at
17:00:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
17:00:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'releng_(2018-11-29)'
17:00:02 <mboddu> #meetingname releng
17:00:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'releng'
17:00:02 <mboddu> #chair nirik tyll sharkcz masta pbrobinson pingou puiterwijk maxamillion mboddu Kellin dustymabe
17:00:02 <zodbot> Current chairs: Kellin dustymabe masta maxamillion mboddu nirik pbrobinson pingou puiterwijk sharkcz tyll
17:01:13 <nirik> morning
17:01:21 <mboddu> nirik: Morning, how goes?
17:01:55 <nirik> not too bad
17:02:18 <mboddu> Well, I have 3 topics for today
17:02:29 <mboddu> So, lets get started with something that be a easy decision
17:02:53 <mboddu> #topic #7922 Build Fedora 29 Python Classroom Lab
17:02:59 <mboddu> #link
17:03:16 <mboddu> nirik: wdyt? Should we build them again?
17:03:36 * mboddu is not really interested in building them again and putting more load on websites and other stuff
17:03:51 <mboddu> load=work
17:04:03 <nirik> them? or this was one we didn't do with the others?
17:04:53 <nirik> yeah, this is just another one that wasn't working...
17:04:54 <mboddu> Nope, we didn't built them
17:04:58 <mboddu> Yup
17:05:18 <nirik> well, it seems poor to have rebuilt the others and not do this one too...
17:05:41 <nirik> so I'd say we should... but time is slipping along for sure
17:05:50 <mboddu> nirik: Ahh, I see
17:05:53 * dustymabe waves
17:06:09 <mboddu> Well, they are okay with building them before F29 goes EOL
17:06:10 <mboddu> :)
17:06:13 <mboddu> But sooner the better
17:06:18 * mboddu waves back at dustymabe
17:06:28 <nirik> yeah... hopefully this is the last.
17:06:41 <mboddu> I will try to build them today or on Monday
17:06:48 <mboddu> Since tomorrow is F27 EOL
17:07:56 <mboddu> #info RelEng decided to rebuild Python Classroom artifacts for F29 GA
17:08:06 <mboddu> Okay, moving on
17:08:29 <mboddu> #topic #7921 setgid bit on Fedora 29 directories
17:08:35 <mboddu> #link
17:08:53 * dustymabe has a topic for open floor - ping me in case i get distracted
17:09:22 <mboddu> So, this is interesting, I dont know how the sticky bit got added, but I removed it on the main dir, but it seems we need to remove it recursively
17:09:27 <mboddu> dustymabe: Sure
17:09:55 <nirik> yeah, I don't know any reason it should be set...
17:10:13 <mboddu> nirik: Okay, I wanted to ask you before I go ahead and do it
17:10:58 <mboddu> Also, is there an easy way to remove it recursively with a one line command other than writing a script that goes through each dir recursively
17:11:46 <mboddu> I guess I should try -R instead of -r :(
17:12:10 <nirik> perhaps find might do it...
17:12:38 <mboddu> nirik: I guess chmod with -R will do it, I used -r and thought it wouldn't work
17:13:00 <mboddu> I will try it and if not will use find or some script to do it recursively
17:13:08 <nirik> yeah, there's likely a way
17:13:36 <mboddu> #info mboddu will remove the sticky bit but we dont know how it got created in first place
17:14:03 <mboddu> Moving on
17:14:23 <mboddu> #topic Changing the meeting time
17:15:00 <mboddu> nirik: We talked about changing the meeting time before F29 GA, I am thinking of changing it to sometime more feasible for everyone
17:15:03 <mboddu> wdyt?
17:15:44 <nirik> sure, put up a whenisgood or that other thing?
17:16:32 <mboddu> nirik: Since you are one of the major contributors to this meeting, when does your day start generally in PST?
17:17:06 <mboddu> So that I can plan it accordingly
17:17:11 <nirik> varies... I can be up early if needed.
17:17:32 <nirik> I'd prefer 17utc or later... but can do 15 or 16 if needed
17:18:27 <mboddu> nirik: Okay, lets target 17:00 UTC or after
17:19:13 <mboddu> #info mboddu will send whenisgood or framadate later with some new times for this meeting
17:19:46 <mboddu> nirik: Thats all I got, anything you want to bring up before open floor?
17:20:15 <nirik> I've not yet moved the builders to f29... after I finish up my current openstack work I intend to do that
17:20:52 <mboddu> nirik: Well, arm01.pia.fp.o moved to F29, if I am not wrong
17:20:57 <nirik> I can't think of much else off hand
17:21:05 <nirik> Oh, there's the retooling discussions on devel list.
17:21:19 <nirik> but not sure there's anything concrete to plan yet
17:21:28 <mboddu> nirik: I guess we are in early stages to talk about them
17:21:29 <mboddu> Yeah
17:21:35 <nirik> yep
17:21:56 <mboddu> #info nirik planning to move builders to F29 after he finishes his current work on openstack
17:22:02 <mboddu> #undo
17:22:02 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by mboddu at 17:21:56 : nirik planning to move builders to F29 after he finishes his current work on openstack
17:22:13 <mboddu> Let me put it under open floor
17:22:19 <mboddu> #topic Open Floor
17:22:27 <mboddu> #info nirik planning to move builders to F29 after he finishes his current work on openstack
17:22:40 <mboddu> dustymabe: You are up
17:24:12 * dustymabe waves
17:24:25 <dustymabe> just wanted to bring up
17:24:34 <dustymabe> "Consider no longer producing the Workstation repo tree in composes"
17:24:52 <dustymabe> there is a corresponding workstation ticket and an open RFE on anaconda (which I just commented on)
17:24:59 <dustymabe> but I think we should try to push for this for f30
17:25:05 <dustymabe> I think it will dramatically reduce our compose times
17:25:19 <mboddu> dustymabe: I am actually planning for that for F31 as part of the reducing compose times
17:25:27 <dustymabe> why not f30 ?
17:25:51 <dustymabe> ^^ no ill intent intended in that question
17:26:21 <mboddu> dustymabe: Nothing like that, but I would like to have a plan and design before we start working on that and change it again later for F31 because its not feasible with other work
17:27:10 <dustymabe> so I think it (assuming the anaconda RFE comes through) it actually wouldn't be much work
17:27:24 <dustymabe> mostly config file changes
17:27:29 <mboddu> dustymabe: Yes, mostly its the anaconda work and pungi config changes
17:27:32 <nirik> yeah, if the needed changes land, should just be pungi config
17:27:32 <dustymabe> but I'll defer to you mboddu
17:28:19 <dustymabe> cool. just mainly wanted to bring this up. thanks for the discussion
17:29:01 <mboddu> dustymabe: Sure, I am the first person who will love to see reducing compose times, but I also have some other plans for reducing compose times
17:29:21 <mboddu> Not sure how they will work the current structure
17:29:37 <mboddu> I kinda gave a hint on what I would like to see on devel list
17:30:04 <dustymabe> :) - i can't keep up with devel list these days :(
17:30:16 <dustymabe> it's not devel list, it's me
17:30:31 * nirik needs to poke on the s390x thing again too.
17:30:50 * dustymabe has to run. thanks mboddu nirik for the discussion
17:30:56 <mboddu> dustymabe: Hehe, no one really can :)
17:30:59 <mboddu> Thanks dustymabe
17:31:04 <mboddu> nirik: What s390x thing?
17:32:46 <nirik> we want to reprovision them as kvm instead of z/vm... supposedly this willl result in them being vastly faster. Additionally it will mean they look much more like the rest of our guests...1 buildvmhost and guests under that
17:33:18 <mboddu> nirik: Ahhh, I thought it was already done
17:33:52 <nirik> no, the last thing was just moving it to a new lpar on the new mainframe... they are still z/vm guests
17:34:25 <mboddu> nirik: Okay, thanks for the update
17:34:32 <mboddu> nirik: Anything else?
17:35:03 <nirik> nope, nothing else off hand...
17:35:15 <mboddu> nirik: Okay, thats all I got as well
17:35:27 <mboddu> Thanks for joining guys
17:35:39 <mboddu> #endmeeting