
#fedora-meeting-2: Workstation WG

Meeting started by stickster at 13:12:41 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. ACTION: stickster email jkurik and ask for a schedule item at Beta to check freshness of 3rd party repos and readiness for GA (stickster, 13:19:14)
    2. (cschalle, 13:25:00)
    3. (aday, 13:34:10)
    4. (cschalle, 13:36:55)
    5. ACTION: cschalle to follow-up on MS Code inclusion ticket (cschalle, 13:54:36)
    6. ACTION: cschalle try to resolve 3rd party policy pages on Fedora (cschalle, 13:55:00)
    7. ACTION: stickster and cschalle to get 3rd party docs online somewhere (cschalle, 13:55:17)
    8. ACTION: FranciscoD to follow up with mattdm about where to put 3rd party end user page (cschalle, 13:55:39)

Meeting ended at 13:56:08 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. stickster email jkurik and ask for a schedule item at Beta to check freshness of 3rd party repos and readiness for GA
  2. cschalle to follow-up on MS Code inclusion ticket
  3. cschalle try to resolve 3rd party policy pages on Fedora
  4. stickster and cschalle to get 3rd party docs online somewhere
  5. FranciscoD to follow up with mattdm about where to put 3rd party end user page

Action items, by person

  1. cschalle
    1. cschalle to follow-up on MS Code inclusion ticket
    2. cschalle try to resolve 3rd party policy pages on Fedora
    3. stickster and cschalle to get 3rd party docs online somewhere
  2. FranciscoD
    1. FranciscoD to follow up with mattdm about where to put 3rd party end user page
  3. stickster
    1. stickster email jkurik and ask for a schedule item at Beta to check freshness of 3rd party repos and readiness for GA
    2. stickster and cschalle to get 3rd party docs online somewhere

People present (lines said)

  1. cschalle (56)
  2. stickster (26)
  3. juhp (25)
  4. FranciscoD (22)
  5. zodbot (13)
  6. kalev (13)
  7. mclasen (9)
  8. aday (7)
  9. otaylor (6)
  10. ryanlerch (5)
  11. mcatanzaro (3)
  12. otaylor_ (2)

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