17:06:11 <Kellin> #startmeeting RELENG (2018-02-01)
17:06:11 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Feb  1 17:06:11 2018 UTC.  The chair is Kellin. Information about MeetBot at
17:06:11 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
17:06:11 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'releng_(2018-02-01)'
17:06:27 <nirik> morning.
17:06:28 <Kellin> #meetingname releng
17:06:28 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'releng'
17:06:32 <Kellin> morning
17:06:50 * Kellin is using his logs to find commands, so bear with me as I learn on the fly how to drive :)
17:07:07 <Kellin> #chair dgilmore nirik tyll sharkcz masta pbrobinson pingou puiterwijk maxamillion mboddu Kellin
17:07:07 <zodbot> Current chairs: Kellin dgilmore masta maxamillion mboddu nirik pbrobinson pingou puiterwijk sharkcz tyll
17:09:07 * Kellin checks for issues tagged meeting
17:10:49 <Kellin> #topic "Broken dependencies" report does not understand rich dependencies
17:11:12 <Kellin> #link
17:12:13 <nirik> well, yes this is a thing. Someone needs to re-write it. ;) (not me)
17:13:34 <Kellin> do we know if Pungi developed the ability to replace it?
17:14:12 <nirik> not that I know of.
17:14:45 <Kellin> what is spam-o-matic's intended use case again?
17:15:03 <nirik> it lets developers know that their package(s) have broken deps in rawhide and need to be fixed.
17:16:18 <nirik> there is a dnf repoclosure plugin... might be possible to leverage that
17:17:26 <Kellin> possibly yeah - though it works completely different to what we had before.  I'll tag it for taiga and get it worked into our todo list, it may already be there in a different form
17:17:49 <nirik> yeah, might be worth pinging pungi folks too... in case they did implement something along these lines.
17:19:10 <Kellin> updated ticket
17:19:56 <Kellin> #info Need to reach out to Pungi developers to see if this got added to their codebase; need to add this into Taiga to include in our work planning.
17:21:11 <Kellin> #topic [RFE] Add new repositories for modular[-updates[-testing]]
17:21:12 <Kellin> #link
17:22:14 <nirik> I think this is waiting on the pungi work finishing.
17:23:20 <Kellin> it looks like the final word was to use a script to merge and skip pungi changes though
17:24:18 <nirik> huh, ok. who is going to write that tho?
17:24:56 * nirik thought pungi folks already were working on adding this.
17:25:00 <Kellin> it doesn't specify, and I'm not savvy enough on what it would entail to /merge/ a compose to know if that's even safe
17:25:27 <nirik>
17:26:09 <nirik> sounds like lsledar is going to test it and then get it merged.
17:26:56 <Kellin> #info Looks like the pungi updates have been submitted in a PR:
17:28:26 <Kellin> #topic Initial discussion for rpm-ostree jigdo
17:28:32 <Kellin> #link
17:29:19 <Kellin> it seems we need to book an actual meeting for this
17:29:26 <Kellin> there's a discussion chain here, but not a lot of movemnet
17:29:33 <Kellin> *movement
17:30:06 <nirik> yeah, dunno here...
17:33:09 <Kellin> #info Updated ticket tagging involved parties to see if we can get a kickoff meeting scheduled to move this forward
17:33:28 <Kellin> #topic Update OSBS for Flatpak Support
17:33:36 <Kellin> #link
17:34:44 <nirik> I guess cverna is on the hook for this now? but not sure the status
17:35:21 <Kellin> so I'm a little confused
17:35:26 <Kellin> we have a 'release-engineering' github?
17:35:30 <Kellin>
17:37:08 <nirik> hum...
17:37:16 <nirik> that might be the factory2.0 folks?
17:37:29 <nirik> or I guess Red Hat releng?
17:38:14 <Kellin> factory has its own repo set in pagure I thought
17:38:42 <cverna> nirik: Kellin there is still some work for that
17:39:15 <cverna> first step is to have the latest upstream packaged in Fedora
17:39:53 <cverna> which I am currently working on, then we need to deploy OSBS in orchestrated mode which seems quite challenging
17:40:51 * dustymabe slides in
17:41:12 <Kellin> cverna: so the million dollar question - do you think there's any hope of landing in F28 or is this a 'down the road' item?
17:41:20 <nirik> cverna: is that the many arches? or something else...
17:42:16 <cverna> Kellin: I would say that there is a good chance for it too land in F28 I think this is otaylor whish too
17:43:20 <cverna> nirik: yes the OSBS architecture for multi arches is needed for Flatpak
17:43:31 <nirik> yeah, tricky. ;(
17:44:23 <Kellin> We have roughly 4 months - that seems like a lot to get done, validate, test and deploy. (note that's release final F28 in four months)
17:44:44 <Kellin> if it's multi-arch
17:45:16 <cverna> I am not super familiar with this architecture yet, The only thing is that internal (Red Hat) OSBS team has this setup deployed
17:45:49 <cverna> although they did not the test Faltpak support, but they have multi-arch
17:46:01 <Kellin> so I'll mark it as potentially yellow for Proj. Mgmnt since you're still working out the scopes/details - is that fair?
17:46:12 <cverna> sounds good to me
17:48:24 <Kellin> #info Upstream pull requests are merged. @cverna actively working on pulling these updates into Fedora from upstream. Scoping on the work still happening due to complexities in delivering multi-arch.  Current status for F28 is yellow.
17:48:53 <cverna> +1
17:48:54 <Kellin> #topic automatically put the latest composed Modular Fedora containers into the Fedora candidate registery
17:49:01 <Kellin> #link
17:49:25 <Kellin> okay - anyone know what 'lgtm' means? :)
17:49:52 <cverna> looks good to me
17:49:53 <nirik> looks good to me
17:50:11 <cverna> nirik++
17:50:13 * nirik is reminded he needs a f27 mirrorlist container
17:51:08 <Kellin> so pushing to the candidate registry - is that like rawhide for containers?
17:51:25 <cverna> nirik: does that mean the current mirrorlist machine needs to be rebuild on f27 ?
17:52:26 <nirik> cverna: no, just need to build and use a newer container. ;)
17:52:37 <nirik> Kellin: more like updates-testing I would think
17:53:15 <Kellin> do we have an SOP or process defined for what goes into that registry already?
17:53:28 <nirik> is this ticket needed anymore? we didn't end up making a f27 modular server.
17:54:11 <Kellin> I thought we moved to a different hybrid process?
17:54:34 <Kellin> stripped down Fedora core operating system with modules on top
17:54:54 <nirik> yes, that was the pungi ticket eariler.
17:54:54 <Kellin> at least for F28
17:54:57 <nirik> it's not done yet
17:55:10 <nirik> and this looks like old f27 stuff... I think this ticket can just be closed.
17:55:46 <cverna> I believe OSBS will push to candidate registry once we have bodhi able to do container update
17:56:02 <Kellin> so we think this can be closed for now?
17:56:16 <Kellin> cverna: do you concur with nirik ?
17:56:28 <cverna> then bodhi will move the images from candidate to production registry
17:57:10 * cverna reads the ticket again :)
17:57:48 * nirik nods
17:58:02 <Kellin> so conclusion is - F27 Modular did not make it to production delivery. Mode of delivery changed for F28.  OSBS will push to the registery once bodhi can do container updates obsoleting the request in this ticket. ?
17:58:04 <cverna> I would say that for this to happen it still requires some work (change OSBS to push to candidate registry)
17:58:17 <cverna> and have bodhi to manage container update
17:58:59 <cverna> Kellin: agreed with your conclusion
17:59:34 <Kellin> OK - posting that up
17:59:41 <Kellin> #info F27 Modular did not make it to production delivery. Mode of delivery changed for F28.  OSBS will push to the registry once bodhi can do container updates obsoleting the request in this ticket.
18:01:11 <Kellin> should I make it closed as "cant fix" or "invalid" or other?
18:01:15 <Kellin> not sure what status
18:01:40 <nirik> invalid I guess
18:01:48 <Kellin> nirik: cverna dustymabe any pressing issues?
18:01:53 <Kellin> #topic Open Floor
18:02:08 <cverna> not on my side
18:02:19 <dustymabe> Kellin: nothing pressing :)
18:02:26 <dustymabe> always fires to put out though :)
18:02:31 <nirik> mass rebuild is coming up.
18:02:45 <nirik> and we need a new fedora-release package
18:02:48 <nirik> otherwise nothing
18:03:01 <Kellin> okay, nirik let's discuss that in #releng since it's already time here - but good call
18:03:16 <Kellin> #info nirik and kellin to discuss mass-rebuild and fedora-release package
18:03:19 <Kellin> Thanks everyone
18:03:22 <Kellin> #endmeeting