17:00:05 <mboddu> #startmeeting RELENG (2017-11-09)
17:00:06 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Nov  9 17:00:05 2017 UTC.  The chair is mboddu. Information about MeetBot at
17:00:06 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
17:00:06 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'releng_(2017-11-09)'
17:00:06 <mboddu> #meetingname releng
17:00:06 <mboddu> #chair dgilmore nirik tyll sharkcz masta pbrobinson pingou puiterwijk maxamillion mboddu Kellin
17:00:06 <mboddu> #topic init process
17:00:06 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'releng'
17:00:06 <zodbot> Current chairs: Kellin dgilmore masta maxamillion mboddu nirik pbrobinson pingou puiterwijk sharkcz tyll
17:00:23 <nirik> morning
17:00:43 <dustymabe> .hello2
17:00:45 <zodbot> dustymabe: dustymabe 'Dusty Mabe' <>
17:01:00 <puiterwijk> hi
17:01:04 <Kellin> .hello kellin
17:01:04 <zodbot> Kellin: kellin 'None' <>
17:02:29 <mboddu> Lets give couple more min for people to join as timing might have changed
17:02:45 <dustymabe> mboddu: sure.
17:02:55 <dustymabe> mboddu: if you don't mind bringing up my two tickets again today
17:02:57 <dustymabe> I have some updates
17:03:05 <mboddu> dustymabe: sure
17:05:09 <mboddu> Okay, lets start
17:05:35 <mboddu> #topic #7100 new koji tags for atomic host
17:05:45 <mboddu> #link
17:05:55 <dustymabe> so - finally got some feedback from dennis
17:06:00 <mboddu> dustymabe: So, I guess you talked to Dennis and got some feedback?
17:06:09 <dustymabe> my last comment in the ticket summarizes our conversation
17:06:19 <dustymabe> basically he is ok with everything but doesn't want to use a dist-repo
17:06:32 <dustymabe> not sure exactly why, but I didn't want to press too hard on it
17:07:16 <dustymabe> so it looks like we have approval and can move forward with the work items from the ticket (creating tags, granting permissions) etc.
17:07:35 <dustymabe> does that seem right to everyone?
17:08:20 <nirik> sure
17:08:37 <dustymabe> the only outstanding thing I really have in my mind is:
17:08:41 <mboddu> So, releng has to create f27-atomic-installer and f27-atomic-overrides tags and I guess you will take care of config changes and infra has to take care of koji permission(I guess)?
17:09:00 <dustymabe> now that we are going to be shipping updates for atomic workstation, should we namespace the tags and do the same thing for workstation
17:09:08 <dustymabe> mboddu: right
17:09:24 <dustymabe> except maybe we should do f27-atomichost-installer and f27-atomicworkstation-installer
17:09:38 <dustymabe> or maybe we don't worry about workstation for now
17:09:45 <dustymabe> puiterwijk: WDYT?
17:10:05 <mboddu> dustymabe: I guess we dont need it
17:10:12 <maxamillion> mboddu: I'm here for like 5 minutes, what's up?
17:11:09 <mboddu> maxamillion: We are discussing on other topic here, but if you are busy and not planning on staying for long, can you take a look at
17:11:16 <puiterwijk> dustymabe: I think that I don't have enough info in my head right now to answer that and that I'll check the ticket and get back to you
17:11:32 <dustymabe> ok
17:11:57 <maxamillion> mboddu: yeah, that's assigned to me and I'll get it done probably tomorrow ... I'm just AFK today for the most part
17:12:00 <dustymabe> so either way mboddu mind if I #info what we said earlier?
17:12:12 <mboddu> dustymabe: I am on it
17:12:15 <mboddu> maxamillion: thanks
17:12:21 <maxamillion> mboddu: +1
17:12:34 * maxamillion &
17:13:36 <mboddu> #info Except for the dist-git part, we are okay on the proposal. The tasks are divided as: releng has to create tags and dustymabe will take care of config changes and infra will handle "atomic" koji permission
17:13:48 <dustymabe> s/dist-git/dist-repo
17:13:58 <mboddu> dustymabe: sorry
17:14:01 <mboddu> #undo
17:14:01 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by mboddu at 17:13:36 : Except for the dist-git part, we are okay on the proposal. The tasks are divided as: releng has to create tags and dustymabe will take care of config changes and infra will handle "atomic" koji permission
17:14:10 <mboddu> #info Except for the dist-repo part, we are okay on the proposal. The tasks are divided as: releng has to create tags and dustymabe will take care of config changes and infra will handle "atomic" koji permission
17:14:11 <dustymabe> :)
17:14:19 <dustymabe> sounds good
17:15:07 <mboddu> #topic #7113 proposal to run bodhi updates pungi composes with `--no-label`
17:15:15 <mboddu> #link
17:15:39 <mboddu> dustymabe: You wanna update on this one as well?
17:16:38 <dustymabe> yep
17:16:55 <dustymabe> basically puiterwijk thinks he has a solution that solves the underlying problem without making us use --no-label
17:16:58 <mboddu> dustymabe: I agree with puiterwijk on
17:17:10 <nirik> sounds good.
17:17:13 <dustymabe> we still don't really know why the label is needed, but if we can get what we want without having to remove it then I am ok
17:17:43 <dustymabe> basically puiterwijk is going to do a test that verifies we can get images names that look like what we expect using those paramemters
17:18:33 <mboddu> dustymabe: Okay, but if image_name_format works, you are fine with change, right?
17:18:55 <dustymabe> hmm /me clicks
17:19:07 * nirik goes to get more coffee, back in a few.
17:19:26 <dustymabe> mboddu: yes mostly. it actually needed a fixup
17:19:28 <dustymabe>
17:20:00 <dustymabe> but yes. basically if pungi can make the ostrees have versions that we expect and we can play with the image name variables and get the strings we expect. then we're happy :)
17:20:15 <mboddu> dustymabe: Cool
17:23:11 <mboddu> #info will give the expected ostree version that atomic-wg wants. Once its in place, puiterwijk will test the image naming using "image_name_format" to have correct values.
17:25:39 <mboddu> #topic Alternative Architectures updates
17:25:47 <mboddu> sharkcz: if you are around, any updates?
17:26:01 <sharkcz> hi, I'm here ...
17:26:12 <mboddu> sharkcz: hello
17:26:21 <sharkcz> no updates, everything is still good
17:26:35 <mboddu> sharkcz: thanks for the update
17:26:54 <mboddu> #info Everything is going well with alternate arches
17:27:06 <mboddu> #topic Open Floor
17:27:11 <mboddu> Anybody has anything?
17:27:20 <mboddu> Wow, this is a short meeting in a long time
17:27:44 <puiterwijk> mboddu: don't say that before the open floor ends...
17:27:54 <mboddu> At least, thats how its looking like so far
17:27:56 <puiterwijk> It might give people a reason to throw up long items in the open floor
17:28:06 <mboddu> puiterwijk: Yeah, you are right
17:28:55 * mboddu counting seconds
17:28:59 <dustymabe> :)
17:30:00 <puiterwijk> mboddu: how about we skip Fedora 28, and skip to 30?
17:30:29 <mboddu> puiterwijk: What happened to 29?
17:30:35 <puiterwijk> mboddu: we're skipping it
17:30:42 <dustymabe> puiterwijk: Fedora X
17:30:56 <mboddu> dustymabe: its Fedora 3X
17:30:57 <puiterwijk> dustymabe: exactly!
17:32:35 <mboddu> Okay, thanks guys for joining
17:32:40 <mboddu> #endmeeting