ACTION: commops New
members, make sure you introduce yourself on the CommOps mailing
list [ ](jwf,
Justin W. Flory; UTC-5; CommOps, Diversity,
badges-sysadmin, Ambassador(jwf,
sumantrom leads a Fedora Classroom for Fedora
QA on November 7th, 15:00 UTC. Learn how to get started with Fedora
QA and help test new releases of Fedora.(jwf,
=== "What I have found interesting in Fedora
during the week 43 of 2017" ===(jwf,
How This Works: We look at past #action items
from the last meeting for quick follow-up. If a task is completed,
we move on to the next one. If it isn't, we get an update and
re-action if needed. If no status, we'll try to get a quick update
and move forward.(jwf,
=== [IN PROGRESS] jwf Follow up with sayan
about Fedora Badges related to Fedora Infrastructure (i.e.
fedora-badges #434, #441, #442); update Infrastructure on-boarding
ticket once new info is available (DUE: 2017-10-23) ===(jwf,
Comments left in ticket, but need follow-up;
re-actioning to keep on agenda(jwf,
ACTION: jwf Follow up
with sayan about Fedora Badges related to Fedora Infrastructure
(i.e. fedora-badges #434, #441, #442); update Infrastructure
on-boarding ticket once new info is available(jwf,
=== [IN PROGRESS] bt0 work on Issue #48 and
break the information into smaller actions for Marketing team, file
tickets and/or contact Marketing team about it. ===(jwf,
ACTION: bt0 work on
Issue #48 and break the information into smaller actions for
Marketing team, file tickets and/or contact Marketing team about
=== [COMPLETE] jwf File a new ticket against
Fedora Hubs with research on Marketing team for designing the
Marketing Hub later on ===(jwf,
=== [INCOMPLETE] bee2502 open a new ticket for
F27 Release party badge. ===(jwf,
ACTION: bee2502 open
a new ticket for F27 Release party badge(jwf,
=== [COMPLETE] bee2502 open a new ticket to
gather tickets, information CommOps wants to port to Fedora Docs.
Add a link to ticket 102 ===(jwf,
HELP: Badge for voting
requires changes to Elections app (to let someone click a link after
voting or click a box to receive badge after voting):,
ACTION: skamath file
a RFE ticket against the Elections app for badge support(skamath,
skamath going to spend some time development
time to improve the Elections app and try to implement some of the
RFEs filed against project; will check in on development progress on
2017-11-20 meeting(jwf,
Too late to have AMAs for this election cycle,
but we can revisit next election (start planning in spring)(jwf,
AGREED: Will follow
up again on this ticket on 2017-11-20(jwf,
=== Ticket #107: "Automated Fedocal reminders
to send to all mailing lists for upcoming Elections" ===(jwf,
ACTION: x3mboy Set up
Fedocal events for the upcoming F27 election cycle, set up automatic
reminders for mailing lists mentioned in ticket #107
AGREED: Ticket can be
closed once Fedocal events are set up(jwf,
We received feedback in our CommBlog Flock 2017
article about Grimoire Labs and a recommendation to consider other
projects that offer better long-term viability.(jwf,
Other alternatives to Grimoire Labs could be
Grafana, Chronograf, and plenty of other types of dashboard / metric
visualization suites…(jwf,
Next best step for this ticket is to get our
own docs published and created, then we can try to document the
process for helping other sub-projects and teams do this too; jwf is
already working on this in other tickets, so ticket dependency
metadata will be updated and will be removed from meeting
AGREED: Will follow
up with this ticket after #114 ("Porting CommOps Information to
Fedora Docs") is closed(jwf,
=== Ticket #120: "Elect a CommOps Mindshare
representative" ===(jwf,
HELP: Need to begin
highlighting long-term tickets / major tasks for FAD, figuring out
what "pre-work" needs to be accomplished for a FAD, put together a
proposal to fit into this fiscal year, before 2017 March 1(jwf,
commops New members, make sure you introduce yourself on the CommOps mailing list [ ]
jwf Follow up with sayan about Fedora Badges related to Fedora Infrastructure (i.e. fedora-badges #434, #441, #442); update Infrastructure on-boarding ticket once new info is available
bt0 work on Issue #48 and break the information into smaller actions for Marketing team, file tickets and/or contact Marketing team about it
bee2502 open a new ticket for F27 Release party badge
bexelbie Initialize the Asciidoc environment in the Fedora CommOps repo
skamath file a RFE ticket against the Elections app for badge support
x3mboy Set up Fedocal events for the upcoming F27 election cycle, set up automatic reminders for mailing lists mentioned in ticket #107 (due:2017-11-06)
skamath Add comment to ticket #114 about possible blocker with Grimoire / Kibiter
jwf Research and compare pros / cons between Grafana and Grimoire Labs, add overview comparison to ticket #114
jwf Outline CommOps Mindshare seat nomination process in ticket #120
jwf Review inactive CommOps FAS group members, send personalized emails to inactive accounts, remove from FAS group
Action items, by person
bexelbie Initialize the Asciidoc environment in the Fedora CommOps repo
commops New members, make sure you introduce yourself on the CommOps mailing list [ ]
jwf Follow up with sayan about Fedora Badges related to Fedora Infrastructure (i.e. fedora-badges #434, #441, #442); update Infrastructure on-boarding ticket once new info is available
jwf Research and compare pros / cons between Grafana and Grimoire Labs, add overview comparison to ticket #114
jwf Outline CommOps Mindshare seat nomination process in ticket #120
jwf Review inactive CommOps FAS group members, send personalized emails to inactive accounts, remove from FAS group
skamath file a RFE ticket against the Elections app for badge support
skamath Add comment to ticket #114 about possible blocker with Grimoire / Kibiter
x3mboy Set up Fedocal events for the upcoming F27 election cycle, set up automatic reminders for mailing lists mentioned in ticket #107 (due:2017-11-06)
bt0 work on Issue #48 and break the information into smaller actions for Marketing team, file tickets and/or contact Marketing team about it
bee2502 open a new ticket for F27 Release party badge