14:30:06 <mboddu> #startmeeting RELENG (2017-08-14)
14:30:06 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Aug 14 14:30:06 2017 UTC.  The chair is mboddu. Information about MeetBot at
14:30:06 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
14:30:06 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'releng_(2017-08-14)'
14:30:06 <mboddu> #meetingname releng
14:30:06 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'releng'
14:30:06 <mboddu> #chair dgilmore nirik tyll sharkcz masta pbrobinson pingou puiterwijk maxamillion mboddu Kellin
14:30:06 <zodbot> Current chairs: Kellin dgilmore masta maxamillion mboddu nirik pbrobinson pingou puiterwijk sharkcz tyll
14:30:06 <mboddu> #topic init process
14:30:22 * masta is around
14:30:26 <nirik> morning
14:31:45 <mboddu> nirik: you are here, yay :)
14:32:17 <mboddu> nirik: good news for you, we will be changing the meeting time starting next time, I will announce it in a bit
14:32:26 <nirik> cool.
14:32:31 <maxamillion> .hello maxamillion
14:32:31 <nirik> thanks for that
14:32:34 <zodbot> maxamillion: maxamillion 'Adam Miller' <>
14:32:49 <mboddu> nirik: we need you at our meetings :D
14:33:07 <mboddu> maxamillion, masta : hello
14:33:21 <masta> hey mboddu
14:33:44 <Kellin> .hello kellin
14:33:45 <zodbot> Kellin: kellin 'None' <>
14:33:51 * Kellin always forgets to hello these
14:34:04 <masta> mboddu, I noticed the when-is-good, thanks for sending that out. nirik, did you relocate recently?
14:34:21 <nirik> yep. I'm in oregon now... PDT
14:34:39 <mboddu> masta: no problem, but the time that I picked probably is not the best time for you :(
14:34:57 <dgilmore> hey
14:34:59 <mboddu> masta: I picked / more votes
14:35:42 <masta> mboddu, for the record, when is the new meeting time?
14:35:45 <mboddu> Okay, lets start, I want to start with alternate arch updates and Open floor first today
14:36:02 <mboddu> masta: wait for Open Floor ;)
14:36:47 <mboddu> masta: Thu 17:00 UTC :)
14:37:14 <mboddu> #topic Alternative Architectures updates
14:37:56 <mboddu> nirik, sharkcz : great work on /mnt/koji mounting s390x builder, thank you guys
14:37:57 <nirik> we finally got the s390x /mnt/koji mount setup so it can do composes.
14:38:04 <mboddu> nirik++
14:38:07 <mboddu> sharkcz++
14:38:09 <nirik> sorry for the delay... things have been... very busy
14:38:10 <zodbot> mboddu: Karma for sharkcz changed to 2 (for the f26 release cycle):
14:38:44 <mboddu> I also made changes to the pungi configs to include s390x for Everything and Server and dgilmore merged it few min back
14:38:59 <sharkcz> mboddu: thx for the quick update, will see how it looks tomorrow :-)
14:40:11 <mboddu> #info s390x /mnt/koji mount is setup and it is ready to do composes. Pungi configs are also updated.
14:40:25 <mboddu> sharkcz: anything else on alt arch?
14:40:58 <mboddu> sharkcz: lets hope we will have something for s390x tomorrow :)
14:41:32 <mboddu> sharkcz: or if today's rawhide fails and need a rerun then we might find it early ;)
14:41:51 <sharkcz> mboddu: will see :-)
14:42:09 <mboddu> Okay, moving on
14:42:19 <mboddu> #topic Open Floor
14:42:34 <mboddu> I have couple of things
14:42:58 * nirik has a couple too
14:43:51 <mboddu> 1. We are moving our meeting to Thu 1700 UTC. I hope everyone can make it to the meeting.
14:44:46 <nirik> so first one is this thursday? or next thursday since we met today?
14:45:23 <mboddu> nirik: I am planning on next Thu, if everyone is okay with it
14:46:03 <nirik> fine with me
14:46:09 <maxamillion> sounds good here
14:46:35 <maxamillion> 28
14:46:37 <maxamillion> oops
14:47:49 <mboddu> I am sorry that its hard for some people to attend, but this is the best I can do based on the responses I got
14:48:00 <mboddu> #info New meeting time is at 1700 UTC on every Thursday starting next week.
14:49:20 <mboddu> 2. I just want to discuss on dist-git over pagure status. How much work is done and what is remaining, is there anyone who can do an update for us on this one?
14:49:35 <masta> that is 5pm (central usa tz)
14:49:52 <nirik> sadly I don't think so... pingou is out today...
14:49:53 <mboddu> masta: nope, its 5PM UTC
14:50:09 <masta> oh! my bad
14:50:10 <nirik> but theres a bunch of issues to still clean up. Its getting there tho hopefully.
14:50:20 <nirik> 11AM central I think
14:50:41 <masta> yeah... my bad math
14:51:21 <mboddu> nirik: yeah, there are bunch of tickets getting filed regarding unretirement or unblocking or what so ever which I have no idea how to look up for them or are there any issues before we process them.
14:51:41 <mboddu> masta: its Monday ;)
14:52:12 <nirik> hopefully we can touch base with threebean and pingou tomorrow
14:52:40 <mboddu> nirik: yeah
14:53:00 <mboddu> Anyway, thats it from me. nirik, you can go now
14:53:03 <tyll> AFAIK there is no final idea how to track branches that are orphaned
14:54:22 <tyll> unretiring branches is currently only possible via the PDC API
14:54:23 <maxamillion> that's no good
14:54:40 <mboddu> tyll: I heard that, but I dont know whether they planned something and how are they doing it and when it can be done. There are lots of unanswered questions here.
14:55:25 <tyll> mboddu: afaiu it was missed that it is a per-branch status and not a per-package status
14:56:01 <mboddu> tyll: I think I already commented on their ticket in releng script about it.
14:56:47 <nirik> yeah, will have to be per branch...
14:57:08 <tyll> there was also an issue with retiring pkgs in EPEL because they still had a dead.package file but were actually unretired
14:57:09 <mboddu> tyll: anyway, thanks for the unretirement update, but I looked at the api but I am not able to find anything about unretirement of a package. Can you send me the link to that api call?
14:58:12 <nirik> it definitely needs sorted
14:58:38 <mboddu> tyll: yep, if you remember I asked you about it on last Fri, dont know about the status on it, I have been afk for the entire weekend.
15:00:38 <tyll> mboddu: I can send you a small script with the API calls later
15:00:54 <mboddu> tyll: okay, thanks
15:01:38 <tyll> mboddu: sorry, I missed your question - was it on IRC? I updated the ticket about the status, so people should be able to restore the pkg but we might have to re-tag some builds
15:02:56 <mboddu> tyll: yes, and you answered it, its not totally about that particular ticket, it was generic on how we handle unretirement and dead.package.
15:04:02 <mboddu> tyll: I was in an assumption that dead.package will be deleted automatically after unretirement, but I was wrong.
15:05:04 <tyll> mboddu: yes, dead.package files were never deleted by releng - I believe I wrote you something about that in IRC
15:05:47 <mboddu> tyll: yep, you did. thanks for answering it :)
15:07:34 <tyll> mboddu: in the past we only flipped a switch in pkdb2, nowadays we have to at least update PDC (will provide a WIP script later) and make pagure update the gitolite config (this should be automatic in the future). We might also have to update the owner in pagure (did not yet check this) and maybe update the fedora scm requests repo
15:08:30 <mboddu> tyll: I thought new tools supposed to make things better :(
15:08:44 <mboddu> tyll: better and easier to use
15:09:04 <mboddu> Oh, I forgot, 1 more update
15:10:03 <mboddu> #info Mass branching is scheduled for tomorrow that is on 15 Aug 2017.
15:10:43 * nirik is waiting on his 2 items... but I guess we are low on time?
15:10:47 <mboddu> nirik: sorry for wait, I think you can go ahead now
15:11:04 <mboddu> nirik: nope, we have 20 more min
15:11:24 <nirik> ok, first: does anyone know the status of the pungi-dnf stuff? I know there's a daily rawhide-dnf compose that I think is just repos...
15:11:48 <nirik> is that sometime we can land in rawhide after branching? or should we try and get status from lseldar?
15:12:15 <mboddu> nirik: yes, its just repos. I am not sure what its future, so better check with lsedler
15:12:25 <nirik> ok.
15:12:51 <nirik> second: I updated most of the staging builders (still need to do ppc*) to f26...
15:13:08 <nirik> and amazingly they seem to be working... even with new mock and its use of nspawn.
15:13:22 <mboddu> nirik: oh great news
15:13:24 <nirik> so, please test and look at them so we can see if prod is ready to move
15:13:30 <mboddu> nirik: when are you planning for prod builders?
15:13:45 <nirik> not sure. it would be good to do before beta freeze.
15:13:55 <mboddu> nirik: okay
15:14:17 <nirik> thats 2017-09-05... but flock is before that.
15:15:32 <mboddu> nirik: so, you got 2 weeks including this week.
15:16:17 <nirik> yeah
15:16:18 <mboddu> ?
15:16:28 <mboddu> nirik: okay
15:16:45 <mboddu> #info nirik updated stg builders(ppc* still needs to be updated) and everything seems to be working fine. He is planning on updating prod builders before Flock.
15:16:58 <mboddu> #undo
15:16:58 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by mboddu at 15:16:45 : nirik updated stg builders(ppc* still needs to be updated) and everything seems to be working fine. He is planning on updating prod builders before Flock.
15:17:10 <mboddu> #info nirik updated stg builders(ppc* still needs to be updated) to f26 and everything seems to be working fine. He is planning on updating prod builders before beta freeze.
15:17:25 <mboddu> Thanks for the update nirik
15:17:32 <mboddu> Anyone else got anything to share?
15:18:11 * nirik is done
15:18:17 <maxamillion> just kind of a quick note, container builds are still not working in stage ... I know, I'm working on it ... the new architecture has proven to be more difficult to deploy than originally expected (there are no docs on how to deploy it, so I'm sorting it out as I go)
15:20:01 <mboddu> #info container builds are not working in stage. maxamillion is working on it. The new architecture has proven to be more difficult to deploy than he originally expected.
15:20:10 <maxamillion> thanks :)
15:20:49 <mboddu> maxamillion: thanks for the update :)
15:22:45 <mboddu> Any more? If not I will close this meeting and can give 5 min back to you guys ;)
15:24:07 <mboddu> Okay guys, thank you all for joining.
15:24:23 <mboddu> #endmeeting