
#fedora-meeting-2: RELENG (2017-08-07)

Meeting started by mboddu at 14:31:01 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. init process (mboddu, 14:31:02)
  2. #6939 Tracking ticket for bodhi->pungi mashing (mboddu, 14:35:06)
    1. (mboddu, 14:35:19)
    2. This needs a change in MirrorManager but symlinks can be handled easily (mboddu, 14:59:20)

  3. Alternative Architectures updates (mboddu, 15:00:56)
    1. Everything is fine with alternate architectures. (mboddu, 15:03:34)
    2. (dustymabe, 15:03:36)

  4. Open Floor (mboddu, 15:04:12)
    1. Tomorrow, Aug 8th is Fedora 24 EOL (mboddu, 15:04:48)
    2. The stage container builds are offline and Adam is still working on the new architecture for OSBS (mboddu, 15:05:52)
    3. Patrick updated the koji config today morning and restarted all builders (killing all active builds) because it was possible to build things from forks (mboddu, 15:08:19)
    4. Patrick is also working on fixing some other possible issues (mboddu, 15:08:53)
    5. Infra is planning a mass update/reboot cycle this week/tomorrow and wed. So there will be some downtime. (mboddu, 15:12:06)
    6. (dgilmore, 15:27:53)
    7. We need to look into bodhi auto cleanup to clean the mash lock files under /mnt/koji/mash/updates/ (mboddu, 15:30:11)

Meeting ended at 15:32:03 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. dustymabe (74)
  2. dgilmore (57)
  3. mboddu (45)
  4. puiterwijk (22)
  5. zodbot (15)
  6. maxamillion (14)
  7. nirik (13)
  8. sharkcz (3)
  9. masta (2)
  10. Kellin (1)
  11. tyll (0)
  12. pbrobinson (0)
  13. pingou (0)

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