17:00:15 <jkurik> #startmeeting F26 Alpha Go/No-Go meeting the 3rd round
17:00:16 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Mar 30 17:00:15 2017 UTC.  The chair is jkurik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
17:00:16 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
17:00:16 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'f26_alpha_go/no-go_meeting_the_3rd_round'
17:00:17 <jkurik> #meetingname F26-Alpha-Go-No-Go-meeting-3rd
17:00:17 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'f26-alpha-go-no-go-meeting-3rd'
17:00:25 <jkurik> #topic Roll Call
17:00:32 <jkurik> .hello jkurik
17:00:32 <roshi> .hello roshi
17:00:32 <zodbot> jkurik: jkurik 'Jan Kurik' <jkurik@redhat.com>
17:00:36 <zodbot> roshi: roshi 'Mike Ruckman' <mruckman@redhat.com>
17:00:39 <nirik> morning
17:00:43 <nirik> .hello kevin
17:00:44 <zodbot> nirik: kevin 'Kevin Fenzi' <kevin@scrye.com>
17:00:44 <jkurik> #chair dgilmore nirik adamw sgallagh roshi mboddu kellin
17:00:44 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw dgilmore jkurik kellin mboddu nirik roshi sgallagh
17:00:51 <coremodule> .hello coremodule
17:00:53 <zodbot> coremodule: coremodule 'Geoffrey Marr' <gmarr@redhat.com>
17:00:59 <jkurik> Hi everybody
17:01:03 <Kellin> .hello kellin
17:01:04 <zodbot> Kellin: kellin 'None' <kellin@retromud.org>
17:01:15 <mboddu_> .hello mohanboddu
17:01:16 <zodbot> mboddu_: mohanboddu 'Mohan Boddu' <mboddu@bhujji.com>
17:01:39 <jkurik> so, we have releng, fesco and qe people - lets start
17:01:45 <alcir> .hello alcir
17:01:50 <zodbot> alcir: alcir 'Alcir Azevedo dos Santos' <alazsan@gmail.com>
17:01:56 <jkurik> #topic Purpose of this meeting
17:01:57 <jkurik> #info Purpose of this meeting is to check whether or not F26 Alpha is ready for shipment, according to the release criteria.
17:02:09 <alcir> .hello alciregi
17:02:09 <jkurik> #info This is determined in a few ways:
17:02:10 <zodbot> alcir: alciregi 'Alessio Ciregia' <alciregi@gmail.com>
17:02:11 <jkurik> #info No remaining blocker bugs
17:02:12 <jkurik> #link https://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/milestone/26/alpha/buglist
17:02:24 <jkurik> #info Release candidate compose is available
17:02:25 <jkurik> #link https://pagure.io/releng/issue/6701
17:02:26 <jkurik> #info Test matrices for Alpha are fully completed
17:02:28 <jkurik> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Fedora_26_Alpha_1.7_Summary
17:02:33 <jkurik> #topic Current status
17:02:44 <jkurik> #info F26 Alpha RC Compose 1.7 is available
17:02:45 <jkurik> #link http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/stage/26_Alpha-1.7/
17:02:47 <jkurik> #info We have 1 proposed and 2 accepted blockers for F26 Alpha.
17:03:05 <jkurik> Let's start with Mini-blocker review
17:03:06 <jkurik> Roshi, adamw: may I ask you please to chair the mini-blocker review ?
17:03:28 <roshi> I can, if adamw is ready to take over
17:03:37 * roshi is tethering in a car going 65mph
17:03:41 <roshi> so I might drop
17:03:58 <coremodule> I can help there.
17:04:02 <roshi> sounds good
17:04:06 <roshi> I'll get started though
17:04:11 <jkurik> thanks coremodule
17:04:13 <adamw> .hello adamwill
17:04:14 <jkurik> #topic Mini-Blocker Review
17:04:14 <zodbot> adamw: adamwill 'Adam Williamson' <awilliam@redhat.com>
17:04:15 <adamw> sorry, just dropped in
17:04:17 <adamw> i can do the blocker
17:04:24 <roshi> kk, thanks
17:04:25 <jkurik> #chair coremodule
17:04:25 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw coremodule dgilmore jkurik kellin mboddu nirik roshi sgallagh
17:04:45 <adamw> so we have exactly one proposed blocker
17:04:46 <adamw> #topic (1437299) 26 Alpha RC7 Server DVD has repoclosure errors
17:04:47 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1437299
17:04:47 <adamw> #info Proposed Blocker, distribution, NEW
17:04:52 <jkurik> adamw: Hi and thanks
17:05:15 <dgilmore> hi all
17:05:44 <ignatenkobrain> this one is easyfix and I think it should be 1) automated 2) moved to beta or such
17:05:45 <jkurik> hi dgilmore
17:06:29 <ignatenkobrain> https://github.com/abrt/abrt/commit/c1ba26e086b5e9a26578e3d8c6d967f793766677
17:06:30 <nirik> well, or just used to gate rawhide/branched so it never happens again. ;)
17:06:33 <adamw> yeah, we really need to automate these tests, it's silly
17:06:35 <ignatenkobrain> it just needs this backport
17:06:40 <adamw> nirik: that too.
17:06:50 <dgilmore> https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/26/Fedora-26-20170329.1/logs/x86_64/repoclosure-Server.x86_64.log
17:06:56 <adamw> we already have an update that fixes this, but apart from not having time, it's kind of a big update to pull in at this point anyhow
17:07:05 <dgilmore> https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/26/Fedora-26-20170329.1/logs/x86_64/repoclosure-Workstation.x86_64.log
17:07:17 <dgilmore> adamw: there is other breakage in workstation
17:07:23 <adamw> dgilmore: the criterion is about the media, though, not the repos.
17:07:41 <dgilmore> adamw: for server it is the same
17:08:04 <adamw> so yeah, anyhow, i'd suggest we either just waive this on the basis of current dnf behaviour and lack of testing, or agree to change the criteria
17:08:11 <adamw> i really don't see a lot of justification for this criterion at alpha
17:08:25 * dgilmore is happy to waive
17:08:28 * roshi is +1 for waiving this and moving to Beta
17:08:30 <dgilmore> well not happy
17:08:38 <dgilmore> but given it will not break installs
17:08:40 <ignatenkobrain> python-ctypes issue is that it needs to be dropped (it's part of Python 2.5+)
17:08:40 * nirik nods. I don't think it's good to block on this at this point.
17:08:43 <ignatenkobrain> https://src.fedoraproject.org/cgit/rpms/python2.git/commit/?id=df197a00e9a976f238f706b29a94efcb3b7bb751
17:08:58 <jkurik> +1 to waive
17:09:04 <dgilmore> ignatenkobrain: off topic
17:09:44 <adamw> btw, check out my current view: https://www.happyassassin.net/temp/2017-03-30-100842.jpg
17:10:01 <dgilmore> you suck
17:10:06 <coremodule> hahaha
17:10:16 <roshi> lol
17:10:28 <jkurik> wow, where are you adamw ?
17:10:42 <roshi> mt doom in winter
17:10:44 <Kellin> ugh all that snow =(
17:11:04 <adamw> jkurik: https://www.google.ca/maps/place/Roundhouse+Lodge/@50.0697423,-122.9488706,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x548723aacfa39a0f:0x6f8f3afe877ba3bf!8m2!3d50.0697423!4d-122.9466819
17:11:29 <adamw> alrighty, so
17:11:37 <jkurik> ah, Whistler - it is a nice area
17:11:39 <roshi> votes seem pretty clear
17:12:06 <adamw> proposed #agreed there's general agreement this criterion makes little sense, especially at Alpha, given current installer and dnf behaviour. We agree in principle it should be modified and/or moved later in the cycle, and that this bug doesn't need to block 26 Alpha.
17:12:20 <coremodule> ack
17:12:21 <jkurik> ack
17:12:31 <adamw> jkurik: incredible day, visibility from here is usually about five metres :P
17:12:45 <jkurik> so, you are lucky :)
17:13:29 <adamw> one more ack?
17:13:36 <adamw> hum
17:13:37 <adamw> actually
17:13:37 <adamw> patch
17:13:38 <dgilmore> ack
17:13:47 <jkurik> adamw: any sign of Sasquatch around ?
17:13:49 * dgilmore waits on adamw
17:14:10 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1437299 - RejectedBlocker (Alpha) - there's general agreement this criterion makes little sense, especially at Alpha, given current installer and dnf behaviour. We agree in principle it should be modified and/or moved later in the cycle, and that this bug doesn't need to block 26 Alpha.
17:14:21 <adamw> (just added the boilerplate)
17:14:23 <coremodule> Nice, ack
17:14:34 <jkurik> ack
17:14:42 <dgilmore> ack
17:14:54 <adamw> #agreed 1437299 - RejectedBlocker (Alpha) - there's general agreement this criterion makes little sense, especially at Alpha, given current installer and dnf behaviour. We agree in principle it should be modified and/or moved later in the cycle, and that this bug doesn't need to block 26 Alpha.
17:15:07 <adamw> there are two accepted blockers; they're both verified fixed in rc7.
17:15:23 <adamw> #info there are two accepted blockers; they're both verified fixed in rc7.
17:15:37 <jkurik> back to me ?
17:16:05 <adamw> that's all i got for blocker review, yeah
17:16:13 <jkurik> adamw: thanks
17:16:16 <jkurik> adamw++
17:16:20 <jkurik> #topic Test Matrices coverage
17:16:22 <dgilmore> adamw: cheers
17:16:22 <jkurik> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Fedora_26_Alpha_1.7_Summary
17:16:45 <jkurik> lets check the coverage ....
17:16:48 <roshi> coverage looks pretty  good IMO
17:16:54 * roshi got reception again
17:17:16 <nirik> rc7 looked ok here on macbook and cloud.
17:17:32 * dgilmore goes to file bug
17:17:47 <adamw> what's missing, iirc: the classic alpha in-joke, install to SAS
17:17:58 <adamw> (man, i remember the cycle where someone tested that and it was broken, how we laughed)
17:17:59 <jkurik> what about Active Directory testing ?
17:18:01 * roshi did ask about it
17:18:02 <adamw> and yeah, AD
17:18:11 <adamw> just didn't get to that
17:18:22 * roshi needs to set up AD here so I can test it too
17:18:27 <adamw> i was thinking about it last night and thought you know what, i'm going to bed
17:19:02 <coremodule> lol
17:19:16 <adamw> i don't think we need to hold alpha to get that test done. i'm gonna say either we get a better AD test setup in place this cycle or downgrade those requirements
17:19:18 <jkurik> I am fine to wave the AD testing; for alpha it is IMO acceptable risk
17:19:28 <adamw> (move it back to final or make it not blocking at all)
17:19:39 * roshi is fine with that
17:19:41 <adamw> sgallagh: you didn't happen to do any AD testing this cycle did you?
17:21:17 <jkurik> proposed #agreed The testing coverage looks pretty good. The missing Active Direstory testing has been waved as we decided not to block on this and we might consider to move this testing to Beta or Final stage.
17:21:47 <jkurik> ack/patch ?
17:21:57 <nirik> ack
17:21:59 <adamw> ack
17:22:08 <roshi> ack
17:22:13 <roshi> ck
17:22:22 <roshi> lag :)
17:22:32 <jkurik> one more ack please ?
17:22:44 <dgilmore> ack
17:22:45 <mboddu> ack
17:22:48 <jkurik> #agreed The testing coverage looks pretty good. The missing Active Direstory testing has been waved as we decided not to block on this and we might consider to move this testing to Beta or Final stage.
17:22:52 * adamw puts on suspicious fake mustache
17:22:53 <adamw> le ack
17:23:03 <jkurik> #topic Go/No-Go decision
17:23:08 <dgilmore> Go
17:23:11 <roshi> go
17:23:14 <jkurik> go
17:23:17 <coremodule> go
17:23:18 <mboddu> go
17:23:22 <dgilmore> nirik: what say you?
17:23:32 <nirik> go go gadget f26alpha
17:23:39 <dgilmore> I guess I can say go for FESCo and releng
17:23:53 <dgilmore> either, or or none
17:24:45 <adamw> go for qa
17:24:46 <jkurik> proposed #agreed The F26 Alpha RC Compose 1.7 is considered as GOLD and it is ready to be publicly available on 2017-Apr-04 as the fedora 26 alpha release.
17:24:53 <adamw> ss shipit!
17:24:55 <roshi> ack
17:24:58 <adamw> (that's an ack)
17:25:00 <dgilmore> ack
17:25:05 * roshi is ready to be done with Alpha
17:25:20 <jkurik> #agreed The F26 Alpha RC Compose 1.7 is considered as GOLD and it is ready to be publicly available on 2017-Apr-04 as the Fedora 26 Alpha release.
17:25:35 <nirik> hurray!
17:25:41 <mboddu> yay, no more composes :D
17:25:43 <jkurik> #topic Open floor
17:25:44 <adamw> thank pete for that
17:25:45 <jkurik> anything else to discuss today on this meeting ?
17:25:48 <nirik> mboddu: until beta. ;
17:25:50 * roshi has nothing
17:26:07 <dgilmore> mboddu: get back to fixing nightly composes :P
17:26:14 <adamw> today is crypto policy test day!
17:26:22 <adamw> which i totally whiffed on advertising, sorry
17:26:31 <adamw> but go on over to #fedora-test-day and see https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2017-03-30_CryptoPolicies
17:27:04 <jkurik> #info today is crypto policy test day! Go on over to #fedora-test-day and see https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2017-03-30_CryptoPolicies
17:27:41 <mboddu> dgilmore, nirik : haha, cant you let me enjoy for a min here guys ;)
17:28:02 * jkurik waits for 1 more minute before the end of the meeting
17:29:15 <jkurik> #endmeeting