
#fedora-meeting-2: RELENG (2017-03-06)

Meeting started by mboddu at 15:31:10 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. init process (mboddu, 15:31:10)
  2. #6683 fedora-repos-25 still contains wrong Fedora 26 key (mboddu, 15:36:56)
    1. mboddu created PR for f25 and f24 and once they are accepted he will build and create the updates (mboddu, 15:49:34)
    2. puiterwijk will create a script which will check if all the keys are up to date or not. (mboddu, 15:50:09)

  3. #6663 Create another new tag for Modularity (mboddu, 15:51:31)
  4. #6645 Make sure OSTree repos are sync'ed correctly after the masher completes (mboddu, 15:58:21)
    1. (mboddu, 15:58:31)
    2. puiterwijk is going to meet with dustymabe and jlebon and discuss about it (mboddu, 16:04:37)
    3. We need to look into syncing the objects using a fedmsg instead of a cron job (mboddu, 16:14:17)

  5. #6600 Mock and sigined rawhides (mboddu, 16:14:59)
    1. (mboddu, 16:15:06)
    2. nirik signed everything with f27 key (mboddu, 16:21:05)

  6. Alternative Architectures updates (mboddu, 16:21:58)
    1. the updates went out on Friday and nirik is planning to follow up with admins with further questions. (mboddu, 16:30:29)

  7. Open Floor (mboddu, 16:31:21)
    1. (pwhalen, 16:32:02)
    2. ARMv7 images are failing in branched, it needs more digging, probably a pungi issue (mboddu, 16:39:21)

Meeting ended at 16:41:41 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. mboddu (72)
  2. nirik (32)
  3. puiterwijk (24)
  4. zodbot (13)
  5. pbrobinson (10)
  6. Kellin (9)
  7. pwhalen (5)
  8. sharkcz (5)
  9. jkaluza (4)
  10. marc84 (2)
  11. ksinny (2)
  12. bowlofeggs (1)
  13. threebean (1)
  14. tyll (0)
  15. masta (0)
  16. pingou (0)
  17. dgilmore (0)
  18. maxamillion (0)

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