14:26:42 <potty> #startmeeting famsco 14:26:42 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Oct 5 14:26:42 2016 UTC. The chair is potty. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:26:42 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:26:42 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco' 14:26:45 <potty> #topic Roll Call 14:26:47 <potty> .hello potty 14:26:48 <zodbot> potty: potty 'Abdel G. Martínez L.' <abdel.g.martinez.l@gmail.com> 14:26:58 <mailga> .fas mailga 14:26:58 <zodbot> mailga: mailga 'Gabriele Trombini' <g.trombini@gmail.com> 14:31:50 * jflory7 idles in the back 14:32:24 <jflory7> Wrapped up with in-person things right now, but peeking in every little bit 14:35:05 <tuanta> .fas tuanta 14:35:06 <zodbot> tuanta: tuanta 'Truong Anh Tuan' <tuanta@iwayvietnam.com> 14:43:46 <jflory7> potty mailga tuanta- cwickert Meeting? 14:45:22 * jflory7 wonders where everyone went 14:47:00 <mailga> jflory7: I'm here, potty started the meeting but seems he's gone.... 14:47:23 <jflory7> I can ping on Telegram 14:48:03 <mailga> sometimes it's very hard to have a normal meeting. 14:49:34 <jflory7> Seems so. 14:49:46 <potty> Hi 14:49:47 <potty> Sorry 14:49:53 <potty> Lost connection 14:49:58 <potty> #chair mailga 14:49:58 <zodbot> Current chairs: mailga potty 14:50:03 <potty> #chair cwickert 14:50:03 <zodbot> Current chairs: cwickert mailga potty 14:50:18 <potty> Do we have any topics to discuss? 14:51:38 <mailga> IMO only the FOSCo, if cwickert and bexelbie are aruond... 14:51:58 * jflory7 knows bexelbie is running around LinuxCon Europe this week 14:52:13 <jflory7> Not sure if cwickert is also there since it's right in his home country 14:55:58 <mailga> jflory7 & potty without any proposal (different than the mine) it's impossible discuss about FOSCo. 14:57:06 <potty> #topic FOSCo 14:57:11 <potty> ping cwickert 14:57:14 <potty> ping bexelbie 14:57:17 <gnokii> ^^ 14:57:20 <potty> Do you have any news on this? 14:57:28 <mailga> both cwickert and bexelbie promised that a final draft would be ready for today's meeting. But nothing at the moment. I'm in a hurry to approve that proposal to step down from FAmSCo as well. 14:57:31 <cwickert> potty: sorry, busy 14:57:41 <potty> ok cwickert 14:57:53 <potty> mailga: do you worked with bexelbie ? 14:58:19 <cwickert> mailga: I cannot promise something final, I just want us to approach things differently 14:58:38 <cwickert> I'll really really try to write something tonight 14:58:47 <mailga> potty: yes, I had a long discussion with Brian, but he was still writing his draft. 14:59:13 <mailga> cwickert: no problem at all, I only wanti to put my +1 somewhere. 15:08:57 <gnokii> mmh 15:09:17 <mailga> due to the low attendance and the lack of topics, excluding FOSCo proposals, I'm going to end the meeting. 15:09:39 <mailga> gnokii: hello, have you something to say reading back the meeting? 15:09:59 <gnokii> nope 15:10:26 <mailga> gnokii: do you agreed if I give the endmeeting? 15:10:28 <potty> end it 15:10:32 <potty> mailga: go ahead 15:10:50 <gnokii> sure I would have never open it 15:11:39 <mailga> gnokii: :-D agree.... Maybe it's the case to meet again when we have something to say. 15:12:09 <mailga> 3 15:12:16 <mailga> 2 15:12:18 <gnokii> its not that there is nothing to say, some forget a bit that we have also another purpose not just discussing fosco 15:12:51 <mailga> gnokii: example? 15:20:21 <mailga> IMO mentors reorganisation is not a priority (seeing the slow flow of the things), over regional budget is quite clear (time to time review).... I'm not sure there's something more important than the FOSCo (that's what it seems). Sorry but I'm tired to dive in discussions that lead us nowhere. I'm really glad to spend my time doing something useful, not spending it in annoying discussion. Who has 15:20:23 <mailga> something to say has only to speak, if not it means there's nothing really important. Again I'm very very very very glad to do the FAmSCo job and following productive discussion, here seem there's nothing important for others. Sorry, I'm tired and as soon as the FOSCo proposal will be approved I'll step down from FAmSCo. 15:20:26 <mailga> #endmeeting