April 27, 2016
#fedora-meeting-2: FAmSCo 2016-04-27
Meeting started by potty at 14:03:37 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Roll Call (potty, 14:03:54)
- Christoph and Gabriele sent regrets
- ACTION: potty to
assure that reminder is sent automatically or manually (potty,
- Attendance: 4/7 (potty,
- Lazy Consensus (Ticket #390) (potty, 14:08:25)
- ACTION: potty will
comunicate to lbazan to vote on ticket #390 (potty,
- ACTION: cwickert to
add the proposal to the wiki (potty,
- Over Regional Sponsoring (Ticket #394) (potty, 14:14:18)
- ACTION: potty will
update ticket #394 with the proposal: a) set guidelines b) agree to
review every case separately (potty,
- Ticket #373 (potty, 14:34:30)
- ACTION: gnokii to
inform the committee about the current status concerning the
transition to FOSCo (giannisk,
- FUDCon Latam Puno 2016 (giannisk, 14:43:36)
- ACTION: potty will
contact the FUDCon LATAM organizers to answer the inquiry
- https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/meeting/3878/
- https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-24/f-24-ambassadors-tasks.html
Meeting ended at 15:11:28 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- potty to assure that reminder is sent automatically or manually
- potty will comunicate to lbazan to vote on ticket #390
- cwickert to add the proposal to the wiki
- potty will update ticket #394 with the proposal: a) set guidelines b) agree to review every case separately
- gnokii to inform the committee about the current status concerning the transition to FOSCo
- potty will contact the FUDCon LATAM organizers to answer the inquiry
Action items, by person
- gnokii
- gnokii to inform the committee about the current status concerning the transition to FOSCo
- potty
- potty to assure that reminder is sent automatically or manually
- potty will comunicate to lbazan to vote on ticket #390
- potty will update ticket #394 with the proposal: a) set guidelines b) agree to review every case separately
- potty will contact the FUDCon LATAM organizers to answer the inquiry
People present (lines said)
- potty (60)
- giannisk (37)
- tuanta (21)
- zodbot (15)
- mailga (11)
- jkurik (9)
- linuxmodder (3)
- giannisk_ (2)
- decause (2)
- gnokii (1)
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