
#fedora-meeting-2: FAmSCo 2016-04-27

Meeting started by potty at 14:03:37 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll Call (potty, 14:03:54)
    1. Christoph and Gabriele sent regrets (potty, 14:05:51)
    2. ACTION: potty to assure that reminder is sent automatically or manually (potty, 14:06:34)
    3. Attendance: 4/7 (potty, 14:07:10)

  2. Lazy Consensus (Ticket #390) (potty, 14:08:25)
    1. ACTION: potty will comunicate to lbazan to vote on ticket #390 (potty, 14:12:38)
    2. ACTION: cwickert to add the proposal to the wiki (potty, 14:13:20)

  3. Over Regional Sponsoring (Ticket #394) (potty, 14:14:18)
    1. ACTION: potty will update ticket #394 with the proposal: a) set guidelines b) agree to review every case separately (potty, 14:33:50)

  4. Ticket #373 (potty, 14:34:30)
    1. ACTION: gnokii to inform the committee about the current status concerning the transition to FOSCo (giannisk, 14:40:17)

  5. FUDCon Latam Puno 2016 (giannisk, 14:43:36)
    1. ACTION: potty will contact the FUDCon LATAM organizers to answer the inquiry (potty, 14:55:47)
    2. https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/meeting/3878/ (jkurik, 15:00:26)
    3. https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-24/f-24-ambassadors-tasks.html (mailga, 15:01:57)

Meeting ended at 15:11:28 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. potty to assure that reminder is sent automatically or manually
  2. potty will comunicate to lbazan to vote on ticket #390
  3. cwickert to add the proposal to the wiki
  4. potty will update ticket #394 with the proposal: a) set guidelines b) agree to review every case separately
  5. gnokii to inform the committee about the current status concerning the transition to FOSCo
  6. potty will contact the FUDCon LATAM organizers to answer the inquiry

Action items, by person

  1. gnokii
    1. gnokii to inform the committee about the current status concerning the transition to FOSCo
  2. potty
    1. potty to assure that reminder is sent automatically or manually
    2. potty will comunicate to lbazan to vote on ticket #390
    3. potty will update ticket #394 with the proposal: a) set guidelines b) agree to review every case separately
    4. potty will contact the FUDCon LATAM organizers to answer the inquiry

People present (lines said)

  1. potty (60)
  2. giannisk (37)
  3. tuanta (21)
  4. zodbot (15)
  5. mailga (11)
  6. jkurik (9)
  7. linuxmodder (3)
  8. giannisk_ (2)
  9. decause (2)
  10. gnokii (1)

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