23:28:08 <alexove> #startmeeting Fedora-Latam meeting 23:28:09 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Feb 20 23:28:08 2016 UTC. The chair is alexove. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 23:28:09 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 23:28:09 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-latam_meeting' 23:28:22 <alexove> #topic rollcall 23:28:31 <alexove> .fas alexove 23:28:31 <zodbot> alexove: alexove 'Alex Irmel Oviedo Solis' <alleinerwolf@gmail.com> 23:28:41 <itamarjp> .fas itamarjp 23:28:43 * alexove = Peru 23:28:44 <zodbot> itamarjp: itamarjp 'Itamar Reis Peixoto' <itamar@ispbrasil.com.br> 23:28:57 <srkraken> .fas srkraken 23:28:57 <zodbot> srkraken: srkraken 'Efren Antonio Robledo Moreno' <efren.a.rm@gmail.com> 23:29:06 * itamarjp Alien 23:29:18 * srkraken México 23:29:49 <alexove> #chair itamarjp 23:29:49 <zodbot> Current chairs: alexove itamarjp 23:30:34 <tonet666p> .fas tonet666p 23:30:34 <zodbot> tonet666p: tonet666p 'Tonet Pascualet Jallo Colquehuanca' <tonet666p@gmail.com> 23:30:42 * tonet666p from Perú 23:30:50 <alyaj2a> .fas alyaj2a 23:30:51 <zodbot> alyaj2a: alyaj2a 'Aly Yuliza Machaca Mamani' <alyaj2a@gmail.com> 23:30:58 <alyaj2a> from Perú 23:31:53 <alexove> renne: fas please 23:31:56 <renne> .fas renne 23:31:56 <zodbot> renne: kaje 'Karen Johnson' <karennecessary@gmail.com> - renne 'Rene Lujano Laura' <rlujano13l@gmail.com> - brenner30 'josh brenner' <brenner30@yahoo.com> - vaschenb 'Vojtech Aschenbrenner' <vaschenb@redhat.com> - neroxyr 'Brennero Pardo Centanaro' <brennero.pardo@cu.ucsg.edu.ec> - esmil 'Emil Renner Berthing' <copr@esmil.dk> - pethrenne 'Piotr Mieczkowski' <ppjm@o2.pl> - normmit 'Norman Brenner' (1 more message) 23:32:49 <alexove> people: There are some pending topics from the last meeting? 23:34:17 * linuxmodder hanging in back row (famna ambassador) 23:34:35 <alexove> #topic Ticket 316: Sponsoring the HACK GNOME camp 2016 23:34:56 <wolnei> .fas wolnei 23:34:56 <zodbot> wolnei: wolnei 'Wolnei Cândido Tomazelli Junior' <e@wolnei.com.br> 23:34:59 <athos> .fas ribeiro 23:34:59 <zodbot> athos: softwarepublico 'Portal do Software Publico' <ribeiro@openmailbox.org> - sdmauro 'Mauro Rodrigues Ribeiro' <maurorr@gmail.com> - ribeiro 'Athos Ribeiro' <athoscribeiro@gmail.com> - slowhusky 'Victor Ribeiro Pires' <slowhusky@gmail.com> - kallklen 'Kallklen Ribeiro de Paula' <kallklen@gmail.com> - davydvinicius 'Davyd Vinicius Gonçalves Ribeiro' <davyd.vinicius@r7.com> - linuxuser 'Italo Ribeiro Soares' (5 more messages) 23:35:05 <alexove> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/316 23:35:10 <tonet666p> tenemos quorum? 23:35:48 <alexove> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/HACK_GNOME_2016 23:36:08 <alexove> #chair wolnei 23:36:08 <zodbot> Current chairs: alexove itamarjp wolnei 23:36:09 <linuxmodder> .fas corey84 23:36:10 <zodbot> linuxmodder: corey84 'Corey Sheldon' <sheldon.corey@gmail.com> 23:37:49 <alexove> So, Anyone have a question? 23:40:27 <wolnei> 400 will be for how many persons attend? Or will sposor the event? 23:42:42 <alexove> Sorry guys, my internet conection is slow 23:42:59 <alyaj2a> No problem 23:43:19 <wolnei> Event owner is not present? 23:43:27 <alexove> No, is not present 23:44:24 <wolnei> So next topic, is not clear in the wiki for what will be used that amount asked 23:45:40 <wolnei> And if i remember in last meeting was talked about a problem with event last year 23:45:54 <wolnei> Had no report 23:51:26 <alexove> the event owner can't be present in the meetings 23:52:00 <alexove> And many things is not clear 23:52:36 <alexove> So, What we can do? 23:54:27 <wolnei_> Comment on ticket and ask the event owner be present next meeting 23:54:39 <alexove> Ok 23:55:50 <alexove> #action alexove: will ask to event owner to be present in the next meeting 23:57:54 <srkraken1> +1 alexove 23:58:28 <alexove> #topic Ticket 317: Send reports of latam events to the community blog 23:58:39 <alexove> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/317 00:01:14 <alexove> As indicated in the ticket, we send our reports to the addresses indicated 00:01:44 <yulyta> hi, sorry to bother you guys, but I had technical problemas as I attached in my ticket 00:02:14 <yulyta> could you please decide the sponsor of FEDORA for the #GNOMEHACKCAMP2016 00:02:20 <yulyta> I am here to respond your questions 00:03:23 <wolnei_> We don't have enough country to vote 00:03:44 <yulyta> The event is in a couple of weeks 00:03:45 <alexove> ping alyaj2a tonet666p athos itamarjp wolnei_ srkraken1 00:04:03 <wolnei_> We need 5 00:04:04 <yulyta> I want to print t-shirts, banners, tickers and DVDs 00:04:40 <yulyta> I was considering FEDORA as sponsor in the add 00:04:43 <yulyta> ad 00:04:47 <wolnei_> Sorry, but if we vote will not be valid 00:04:53 <yulyta> can we wait for them? 00:05:19 <wolnei_> Ok 00:05:45 <yulyta> we are five: alexove, tonet666p, athos, itamarjp, wolnei and me 00:07:08 <wolnei_> But we need more contries 00:07:23 <alexove> We should almost 5 people from differents countries 00:07:29 <alexove> 5 countries 00:07:53 <yulyta> ok 00:08:25 <wolnei_> Not people 00:09:09 <yulyta> Have you seen Wolnei the event in wikis 00:09:13 <athos> and I believe that at least 3 of us are Brazilians 00:09:23 <yulyta> https://wiki.gnome.org/Hackfests/GNOMECAMP2016 00:09:34 <yulyta> I did also for the fedora wiki 00:09:49 <yulyta> we are going to start this camp next saturday 00:09:58 <yulyta> as a previous session 00:10:09 <yulyta> we are going to install FEDORA in 35 laptops 00:10:20 <yulyta> all of them are developers 00:10:53 <yulyta> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/HACK_GNOME_2016 00:12:35 <alexove> yulyta: We can talk about yout ticket the next week 00:12:43 <alexove> Any other topic guys? 00:12:58 <yulyta> I need to print this week 00:13:18 <yulyta> I have the banner desig ready 00:13:24 <yulyta> with FEDORA on it 00:13:28 <yulyta> I want to show it 00:13:28 <alyaj2a> Fedora needs contributors. 00:13:57 <yulyta> yes, it is hard to keepp students or people in general as a FEDORA users 00:14:03 <yulyta> they come back to Windows 00:14:04 <alexove> Sorry yulyta we can't vote your ticket this week 00:14:16 <yulyta> this time I am focus in developers 00:14:19 <alexove> We need more people from different countries 00:14:22 <yulyta> during this week 00:14:41 <yulyta> if 5 different people add a comment in the ticket with the approval 00:14:59 <alexove> ping wolnei itamarjp 00:15:02 <yulyta> before Thursday, can I take it as approved for Saturday? 00:15:45 <yulyta> I am attaching the picture of the banners with FEdora on it in the ticket 00:17:05 <yulyta> please tell me if you can see it 00:17:07 <yulyta> https://mail.google.com/mail/u/1/#inbox/14bc1b51ece215f4?projector=1 00:17:27 <alyaj2a> The meetings are saturdays 00:19:39 <yulyta> so, what I can do 00:20:08 <yulyta> just wait for the next meeting and then print them in days I think 00:21:48 <athos> Question: what if there's not enough people to vote next week? 00:22:59 <yulyta> yes, I am afraid of it, too 00:23:10 <yulyta> I do workshops for FEDORA for free 00:23:52 <yulyta> but this time, since we are going to spend more than a week, I decided to do an event to take all of these 35 people to a little camp of 3 days in the countryside 00:24:23 <srkraken1> It's a great question, but we can ask for some help from the other ambassadors to be decided on this event / ticket 00:24:41 <alexove> srkraken1 +1 00:24:47 <yulyta> and I want to give them for free the bus, the camp, lunch, dinners and everything. I want them to fix bugs, at least a couple of bugs 00:25:52 <srkraken1> Podriamos enviar un correo alexove 00:25:52 <yulyta> I want to sponsor all these 35 developers, we are going to install FEDORA22-GNOME and JHBUILD 00:26:13 <yulyta> it is a hard task for the majority of newbies 00:26:17 <alexove> Yes, we can, but the time is our enemy 00:26:29 <yulyta> we are going to do more than 12 hours of previos sessions 00:26:34 <yulyta> a week before the CAMP 00:27:43 <alexove> #chair srkraken1 00:27:43 <zodbot> Current chairs: alexove itamarjp srkraken1 wolnei 00:27:56 <yulyta> Echevemaster is coming :) 00:29:23 <alyaj2a> the actual version is FEDORA 23 00:29:27 <alyaj2a> :p 00:29:57 <yulyta> I know 00:30:15 <yulyta> but we can use JHBUILD without problems with that? 00:30:25 <yulyta> If you tell me that I have to do with F23 00:30:30 <yulyta> I will do it chief 00:32:11 <yulyta> :D 00:32:40 <echevemaster> Hi 00:32:47 <alexove> #chair echevemaster 00:32:47 <zodbot> Current chairs: alexove echevemaster itamarjp srkraken1 wolnei 00:32:53 <echevemaster> I support the ticket of Julita 00:32:54 <Kohane> Hi! 00:32:56 <yulyta> Hi echevemaster <3 00:33:26 * echevemaster Venezuela Colombia USa 00:33:26 <yulyta> Echevemaster has seen the banners for the camp 00:33:32 <Kohane> .hello lailah 00:33:33 <zodbot> Kohane: lailah 'Sylvia Sánchez' <BHKohane@gmail.com> 00:33:36 <echevemaster> Yes 00:34:28 <yulyta> we are going to start the presessions for the camp this Saturday 27 00:34:47 <yulyta> I wish to have the banners ready for that day 00:34:57 <yulyta> and the tshirts too 00:35:15 <yulyta> the core of the event are the three final days on March 4th 00:35:20 <yulyta> to March 6th 00:35:28 <yulyta> as you can see the details in wiki 00:35:37 <yulyta> https://wiki.gnome.org/Hackfests/GNOMECAMP2016 00:35:53 <potty> Hello 00:35:56 <potty> I review this 00:36:01 <potty> Sorry for interrupting like this 00:36:06 <potty> .fas potty 00:36:06 <zodbot> potty: potty 'Abdel G. Martínez L.' <abdel.g.martinez.l@gmail.com> - radhakrishnanpotty 'S.Radhakrishnan' <radhakrishnanpotty@hotmail.com> 00:36:07 <yulyta> Hello potty 00:37:35 * srkraken1 hola enbajadores de latam 00:37:46 <potty> I think is too high, because it is including swag for non-Fedora, transportation for non-contributors, meals (which are not covered by budgeting). 00:37:52 <tonet666p> hi again 00:37:59 <tonet666p> i was disconnected 00:38:03 <potty> It is a Fedora Activity Day? Or may it have an impact on the project? 00:38:41 <tonet666p> potty +1 00:38:51 <tonet666p> i want to know the same thing 00:39:03 <srkraken1> I agree with potty 00:39:05 <alexove> potty +1 00:39:15 <alyaj2a> potty +1 00:39:16 <yulyta> I am only ask for $400 00:39:31 <yulyta> the total amount is too high compared with $400 00:39:43 <yulyta> we are going to spend more than a week 00:40:07 <yulyta> working and I could fo the F23 release party as part of the CAMP 00:40:18 <potty> I know and btw it is pretty detailed on the wiki 00:40:21 <tonet666p> yulytas, but do you have goals? 00:40:36 <potty> Dont even metion RP. The budget for RP is only $100. 00:40:38 <yulyta> thank you Potty 00:41:27 <yulyta> as I mentioned, I did many FFEDORA workshop without FEDORA sponsor 00:41:47 <yulyta> I am doing this in order to capture more new developers contributors 00:42:40 <yulyta> do we have now the five country representators? 00:42:47 <potty> Yes 00:42:55 <potty> Lets vote 00:42:58 <yulyta> Itamar 00:43:36 <potty> Who is chair? 00:43:37 <yulyta> you know my contributions in Fedora and sometimes I did not ask for sponsorship when I can cover by myself, this thime it is a high budget 00:43:52 <alexove> #chair potty 00:43:52 <zodbot> Current chairs: alexove echevemaster itamarjp potty srkraken1 wolnei 00:43:57 <potty> Ok 00:43:58 <srkraken1> yulyta You are looking for money in advance or reimbursement? 00:44:01 <itamarjp> I will read the ticket 00:44:17 <potty> srkraken1: there is no money in advance 00:44:28 <alexove> potty +1 00:44:33 <yulyta> Ok, reimbursement is OK 00:44:35 <tonet666p> srkraken, every tickets now are for reinbursement 00:44:56 <potty> yulyta: i know. Must of all had the same situation. But you have to coordinate 00:44:59 <srkraken1> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/316 00:45:12 <potty> With other people from your country 00:45:23 <potty> And have a country budget 00:45:54 <yulyta> OK, I promise I wont this again, I will coordinate better next time as you suggested 00:46:05 <potty> Is this included on the LATAM budget? 00:46:06 <itamarjp> $400 for 30 attendances is very expensive 00:46:13 <yulyta> 35 00:46:54 <yulyta> It is going to be not an event for two hours Itamar, we are going to work since February 27 until March 6th 00:46:57 <Kohane> yulyta: where is this? 00:46:58 <yulyta> for free 00:46:59 <potty> Do anyone have extra questions? 00:47:11 <potty> To vote 00:47:14 <yulyta> Chosica, Peru 00:47:24 <Kohane> Ah, thanks 00:47:27 <yulyta> I did many FEDORA events beore 00:47:30 <alexove> yulyta all fedora events are for free 00:48:12 <yulyta> I did this 6 years ago, I know it is for free because I am a volunteer, I wanted to say for the new 35 people 00:48:24 <yulyta> I want to guide them since the beginning 00:49:42 <tonet666p> i think is very expensive 00:49:45 <tonet666p> -q 00:49:50 <tonet666p> -1 00:50:13 <potty> yulyta: the problem is not the idea of the event. It is great but maybe the overexpense to get new contributors. 00:50:24 <potty> I see that you include swag for gnome... 00:50:25 <alexove> -1 00:50:30 <alyaj2a> -1 00:50:33 <potty> Do you asked gnome for budget? 00:51:04 <potty> It is no good to have Fedora paying all the expenses of the event 00:51:19 <potty> For me, it is a -1 00:51:24 <renne> -1 00:51:30 <yulyta> yes potty, but as I am telling you. Even if I ask to GNOME and FEDORA. There is more expensive than that, I did contact with STARTUP PERU 00:51:50 <srkraken1> -1 00:51:53 <yulyta> can I ask why minus one 00:51:54 <yulyta> ? 00:52:06 <Kohane> +1 00:52:17 <echevemaster> It is a Fedora event or a Gnome event? 00:52:25 <potty> echevemaster: thats the point 00:52:29 <potty> Not a Fedora event 00:52:30 <yulyta> both echevemaster 00:52:32 <potty> Neither Gnome 00:52:36 <potty> It is a hackspace 00:52:42 <yulyta> GNOME runs over many Operative System 00:52:44 <tonet666p> yulytas, it is very expensive 00:52:46 <yulyta> I am choosing FEDORA 00:52:49 <potty> Where gnome and fedora are involved 00:53:05 <echevemaster> Please if you will ask for fedora swag I'll support only Fedora swag 00:53:18 <potty> echevemaster: thats the point again! 00:53:24 <potty> Only Fedora swag 00:53:51 <echevemaster> What is the cost of swag 00:53:52 <potty> And transportation if is an active contributor (with FAS and participating on any subproject or group) 00:54:03 <potty> The cost of the swag on the wiki 00:54:06 <potty> Is mixed up 00:54:19 <echevemaster> Please Julita give us the cost of the Fedora swag 00:54:27 <echevemaster> And we will vote for that 00:54:38 <potty> I think yulyta should update the budget with only Fedora related swag 00:54:43 <potty> And lets vote over that 00:54:46 <potty> EOF 00:55:05 <yulyta> in the event 00:55:06 <echevemaster> Ok if you can give us the amount just now we can support it 00:55:10 <yulyta> I am going to put FEDORA 00:55:25 <yulyta> in tshirts, giant banners, globes, DVDs 00:55:25 <echevemaster> If not we will vote the next week for the same ticket 00:56:06 <potty> yulyta: if you can get quote of the expenses to support the asked value, even better 00:56:06 <yulyta> and more publicity online and introducing to a new organizations in Lima, PERU 00:56:24 <yulyta> since STARTUP PERU is interested in spreading the LINUX word 00:56:29 <echevemaster> Ok I think we are not clear for now, please go forward and will see this ticket for the next week 00:56:30 <yulyta> I choose FEDORA 00:56:55 <echevemaster> That is not the problem we can't pay for not Fedora related expenses 00:56:58 <Kohane> You already said that. 00:57:33 <echevemaster> So, please put only in the ticket the Fedora expenses 00:57:43 <yulyta> To rent this place cost money, to spend more then 2 days also, $400 is not even the quarter of the general budget 00:57:48 <yulyta> it is not expensive 00:58:00 <yulyta> OK echevemaster 00:58:49 <yulyta> I was worried about this week, so I will wait another week in order to see if the FEDORA logo is going to be in my event 00:59:21 <yulyta> I am ambassador of FEDORA and I have to use FEDORA 00:59:57 <echevemaster> Ok we know 01:00:16 <echevemaster> But you have the amount just now? 01:00:19 <yulyta> it will be a real shame if the workshop if going to be developed with another distro 01:00:45 <echevemaster> Please tell us 01:00:52 <yulyta> FEDORA is going to be everywhere Echevemaster,as you had seen my prevoius events I am FEDORA 01:01:02 <yulyta> I realy wnat to this again for FEDORA 23 01:01:10 <yulyta> I did it since FEDORA 17 01:01:21 <yulyta> $400 01:01:22 <echevemaster> We know that yulyta 01:01:48 <echevemaster> Ok that 400 are only for fedora expenses? 01:03:05 <echevemaster> DVD and stickers are swag 01:05:28 <yulyta> yes 01:05:59 <yulyta> you will see, it is a promising event 01:06:11 <echevemaster> So please vote for sticker and swag 01:06:15 <yulyta> I saw the LATAM page and there was no RELEASE party F23 01:06:24 <yulyta> I will include this in the event 01:06:39 <yulyta> do not forget the banners, and t-shirts 01:06:58 <yulyta> FEDORA logo is going to be everywhere 01:07:43 <echevemaster> Sres si Julita entrega recibos de que todo estos 400 son Fedora yo creo que esta bien que 01:07:48 <echevemaster> Que deciden 01:07:55 <echevemaster> ? 01:07:57 <potty> echevemaster: end the meeting 01:08:07 <potty> Next week lets discuss this ticket 01:08:09 <yulyta> everything will be in receipts 01:08:18 <potty> yulyta: improve the event wiki and bring quotations 01:08:28 <yulyta> potty I am afraid of one thing 01:08:28 <potty> People already vote -1 01:08:35 <potty> Only one +1 01:08:46 <potty> We still are giving you a chance 01:08:52 <potty> Validate the things we mention before 01:08:55 <yulyta> maybe next week you decide not to sponsor 01:08:57 <echevemaster> Ok please to next weel 01:09:02 <echevemaster> Is decided 01:09:05 <yulyta> I have to buy everything this week 01:09:08 <echevemaster> Next topic 01:09:30 <potty> yulyta: sorry, but you had to make the ticket a bit earlier 01:09:33 <alyaj2a> -1 01:09:40 <echevemaster> isI have to going out, sorry I have a prepaid sim and I don't have enough Internet 01:09:45 <echevemaster> Bye 01:09:49 <potty> And this is a general recommendation: please fill tickets with time 01:09:50 <itamarjp> -1 (too expensive for a gnome event) 01:10:06 <potty> #topic Open Floor 01:10:16 <potty> La proxima semana hablamos bien este tema 01:10:28 <yulyta> potty que hago 01:10:32 <yulyta> yo puse el ticket con tiempo 01:10:32 <potty> Si mejoras el wiki, tienes las cotizaciones y te enfocas en Fedora... 01:10:35 <potty> Se te aprueba 01:10:36 <yulyta> estoy muy preocupada 01:10:39 <potty> No es el costo 01:10:45 <potty> Sino el beneficio que Fedora tendria 01:11:01 <yulyta> STARTUP PERU is involved 01:11:17 <yulyta> many new developers are going to be trained using FEDORA 01:11:20 <potty> Consulta: va alexove tonet666p alyaj2a o algun de Fedora Peru? 01:11:24 <yulyta> I do not see what else I can do 01:11:36 <potty> yulyta: excelente, pero van a ser Fedora Devel? 01:11:36 <yulyta> I yo soy FEDORA PERU 01:11:44 <yulyta> eso espero 01:11:46 <yulyta> I hope so 01:11:51 <potty> Yo se y no he dicho que no 01:12:00 <potty> Eres tambien Fedora Peru 01:12:01 <yulyta> I tried before with many people 01:12:04 <yulyta> more than 300 01:12:12 <yulyta> but I did not keep a single one 01:12:14 <potty> Escribeme luego de la reunion 01:12:18 <potty> Para guiarte 01:12:23 <yulyta> everyone returns back to Windows 01:12:28 <potty> Meeting is closing in 3 01:12:30 <potty> 2 01:12:31 <yulyta> who are you 01:12:32 <potty> 1 01:12:34 <yulyta> potty 01:12:35 <yulyta> ok 01:12:42 <potty> #endmeeting