
#fedora-meeting-2: CommOps 2016-01-19

Meeting started by jflory7 at 17:01:52 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Agenda (decauseMovesToNC, 17:02:44)
    1. 1. Roll Call (jflory7, 17:03:12)
    2. 2. Announcements (jflory7, 17:03:18)
    3. 3. Tickets (jflory7, 17:03:20)
    4. 4. Wiki Gardening (jflory7, 17:03:23)
    5. 5. Community Blog (jflory7, 17:03:28)
    6. 6. Open Floor (jflory7, 17:03:34)
    7. Justin W. Flory; UTC-5; CommOps, Marketing, Fedora Join, Ambassadors, and more (jflory7, 17:04:21)
    8. Dan Mossor; UTC-6, CommOps, Ambassador, QA, KDE, Server (danofsatx, 17:04:58)
    9. decuase; UTC-5 (But now in Raleigh); CommOps, Mktg, Join, Ambassadors, Council, Outreachy, * (decauseMovesToNC, 17:05:14)

  2. Announcements (jflory7, 17:06:23)
    1. === Ticket #8 - === (jflory7, 17:06:29)
    2. * CommBlog Article: Flock Call for Bids (jflory7, 17:06:33)
    3. Ticket closed, no longer relevant - official Flock announcement coming soon, to be discussed later in Tickets topic (jflory7, 17:06:39)
    4. === Ticket #13 - === (jflory7, 17:06:44)
    5. * Get a CommOps graphics upgrade (jflory7, 17:06:50)
    6. (jflory7, 17:06:53)
    7. Final vote on wiki banner needed to move forward - CommOpsers, please view Design Team ticket and leave your feedback (jflory7, 17:06:58)
    8. ACTION: decause View wiki banner ticket in Design Team Trac and give final sign-off (jflory7, 17:07:03)
    9. === Ticket #18 - === (jflory7, 17:07:39)
    10. * Reduce button size for Categories menu (jflory7, 17:07:43)
    11. (jflory7, 17:07:48)
    12. ryanlerch prefers having Community Blog theme issues filed on Pagure - for future reference, file issues with CommBlog theme there (jflory7, 17:07:53)
    13. (jflory7, 17:07:57)
    14. (decauseMovesToNC, 17:08:26)

  3. Tickets (jflory7, 17:09:30)
    1. === Ticket #17 - === (jflory7, 17:09:34)
    2. * Interview Fedora's Diversity and Inclusion Advisor, tatica (jflory7, 17:09:45)
    3. ACTION: decause/tatica set up a regular 1x1 (decauseMovesToNC, 17:14:29)
    4. AGREED: Later discussion to be held about official welcome for tatica in IRC today (jflory7, 17:21:25)
    5. === Ticket #23 - === (jflory7, 17:21:58)
    6. * Update Fedora Women Wiki page (jflory7, 17:22:02)
    7. ACTION: decause etherpad an invitation to edit the Women's wiki page to send to women@fp.o, outreach@fp.o (decauseMovesToNC, 17:25:12)
    8. AGREED: Women wiki article should have Outreachy interns added, mention Fedora's involvement with Outreachy, link to CommOps and Join pages; women contributors should be encouraged to add themselves to the page too (jflory7, 17:25:26)
    9. === Ticket #24 - === (jflory7, 17:25:42)
    10. * Finish 2015 Marketing Retrospective and share with mailing lists (jflory7, 17:25:47)
    11. ACTION: decause review draft of mktg YiR (decauseMovesToNC, 17:26:05)
    12. ACTION: decause / jflory7 Review and edit Marketing Year in Review article for publishing as soon as possible (jflory7, 17:27:14)
    13. (jflory7, 17:27:38)
    14. (jflory7, 17:28:15)
    15. ACTION: commops officially pick a time/date for the mktg meetings due:Friday (decauseMovesToNC, 17:29:16)
    16. === Ticket #26 - === (jflory7, 17:29:50)
    17. * Mailing lists analysis and graphs (jflory7, 17:29:54)
    18. ACTION: decause lock down internal metrics presentation for next week before FOSDEM (decauseMovesToNC, 17:31:44)
    19. AGREED: Ticket can be claimed by anyone willing to take this task on (great project for an Outreachy intern). The sooner it's completed, the better, but it is not absolute emergency to be finished. ABSOLUTE deadline: Flock 2016 (jflory7, 17:34:42)
    20. === Ticket #27 - === (jflory7, 17:35:01)
    21. * Make official Flock 2016 announcement (jflory7, 17:35:06)
    22. ACTION: decause Begin drafting official Flock 2016 article for CommBlog (jflory7, 17:35:10)
    23. ACTION: decause send Thank You emails to all Flock Bidders (decauseMovesToNC, 17:36:55)
    24. AGREED: decause to help lead writing on Flock announcement, due by 1/27 before FOSDEM so the announcement can get more publicity; discussion will be ongoing, watch mailing list and IRC for more details as they come along (jflory7, 17:39:20)

  4. Wiki Gardening (jflory7, 17:39:29)
    1. ACTION: NewMembers Add your timezone / interests on CommOps Wiki [ ] (jflory7, 17:39:34)
    2. Outreachy wiki pages: what updating needs to be done? (jflory7, 17:39:39)
    3. ACTION: decause schedule meeting with labbott, threebean, stickster, (hopefully) tatica about Outreachy discussion due:Thurs (decauseMovesToNC, 17:41:18)
    4. AGREED: Outreachy team members to discuss positions and slots, and any final updates to be made to Fedora's Outreachy presence; any updates encouraged to be shared to mailing list too (jflory7, 17:43:05)

  5. Community Blog (jflory7, 17:44:34)
    1. === This Week in CommBlog === (jflory7, 17:44:43)
    2. * "Top Badgers" of 2015: Piotr Popieluch (piotrp) (jflory7, 17:44:55)
    3. (jflory7, 17:45:06)
    4. Total Views (Jan. 12 - 18): 22 (jflory7, 17:45:30)
    5. * "Top Badgers" of 2015: Robert Mayr (robyduck) (jflory7, 17:45:35)
    6. (jflory7, 17:45:41)
    7. Total Views (Jan. 14 - 18): 76 (jflory7, 17:45:46)
    8. === Coming Up in CommBlog === (jflory7, 17:45:56)
    9. More "Top Badgers" articles scheduled (jflory7, 17:46:00)
    10. CommOps Year in Review - already discussed in Ticket #20 (jflory7, 17:46:07)
    11. Official Flock 2016 announcement - already discussed in Ticket #27 (jflory7, 17:46:13)
    12. Fedora Council member Langdon White (langdon) added Fedora Modularization update as new article to CommBlog; currently scheduled for tomorrow morning unless there are objections (jflory7, 17:47:00)
    13. ACTION: decause review langdon's commblog update draft for modularization objective (decauseMovesToNC, 17:49:14)
    14. AGREED: Modularization update to go out as planned on 2016-01-20 at 8:00 UTC pending decause's final check (jflory7, 17:49:32)

  6. Open Floor (jflory7, 17:50:18)
    1. (mailga, 17:50:53)
    2. Idea: Fedora Contributor Classrooms (jflory7, 17:51:24)
    3. (jflory7, 17:51:30)
    4. 1) Online university meets contributing to Fedora (kind of) (jflory7, 17:51:59)
    5. 2) Join process: Move from wiki to more modern + centralized "course" (jflory7, 17:52:05)
    6. 3) Improve process to jumpstart new contributors (jflory7, 17:52:11)
    7. 4) Four main questions to answer (jflory7, 17:52:17)
    8. 5) Opinions / thoughts very welcome (jflory7, 17:52:24)
    9. (jflory7, 17:53:53)
    10. ACTION: jflory7 Create ticket for "Fedora University" as a long-term objective to work with CommOps and other sub-projects and SIGs, claim wiki page as a planning pad for solidifying the idea and turning it from a concept into a plan (categorize together: CommOps + Join) (jflory7, 17:58:58)
    11. ACTION: jflory7 After creating aforementioned ticket and wiki page, send links to CommOps + Join mailing lists to encourage early collaboration on planning, conceptualization, and organization (jflory7, 18:01:36)

Meeting ended at 18:09:03 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. decause View wiki banner ticket in Design Team Trac and give final sign-off
  2. decause/tatica set up a regular 1x1
  3. decause etherpad an invitation to edit the Women's wiki page to send to women@fp.o, outreach@fp.o
  4. decause review draft of mktg YiR
  5. decause / jflory7 Review and edit Marketing Year in Review article for publishing as soon as possible
  6. commops officially pick a time/date for the mktg meetings due:Friday
  7. decause lock down internal metrics presentation for next week before FOSDEM
  8. decause Begin drafting official Flock 2016 article for CommBlog
  9. decause send Thank You emails to all Flock Bidders
  10. NewMembers Add your timezone / interests on CommOps Wiki [ ]
  11. decause schedule meeting with labbott, threebean, stickster, (hopefully) tatica about Outreachy discussion due:Thurs
  12. decause review langdon's commblog update draft for modularization objective
  13. jflory7 Create ticket for "Fedora University" as a long-term objective to work with CommOps and other sub-projects and SIGs, claim wiki page as a planning pad for solidifying the idea and turning it from a concept into a plan (categorize together: CommOps + Join)
  14. jflory7 After creating aforementioned ticket and wiki page, send links to CommOps + Join mailing lists to encourage early collaboration on planning, conceptualization, and organization

Action items, by person

  1. decause
    1. decause View wiki banner ticket in Design Team Trac and give final sign-off
    2. decause/tatica set up a regular 1x1
    3. decause etherpad an invitation to edit the Women's wiki page to send to women@fp.o, outreach@fp.o
    4. decause review draft of mktg YiR
    5. decause / jflory7 Review and edit Marketing Year in Review article for publishing as soon as possible
    6. decause lock down internal metrics presentation for next week before FOSDEM
    7. decause Begin drafting official Flock 2016 article for CommBlog
    8. decause send Thank You emails to all Flock Bidders
    9. decause schedule meeting with labbott, threebean, stickster, (hopefully) tatica about Outreachy discussion due:Thurs
    10. decause review langdon's commblog update draft for modularization objective
  2. jflory7
    1. decause / jflory7 Review and edit Marketing Year in Review article for publishing as soon as possible
    2. jflory7 Create ticket for "Fedora University" as a long-term objective to work with CommOps and other sub-projects and SIGs, claim wiki page as a planning pad for solidifying the idea and turning it from a concept into a plan (categorize together: CommOps + Join)
    3. jflory7 After creating aforementioned ticket and wiki page, send links to CommOps + Join mailing lists to encourage early collaboration on planning, conceptualization, and organization
  3. tatica
    1. decause/tatica set up a regular 1x1
    2. decause schedule meeting with labbott, threebean, stickster, (hopefully) tatica about Outreachy discussion due:Thurs
  4. threebean
    1. decause schedule meeting with labbott, threebean, stickster, (hopefully) tatica about Outreachy discussion due:Thurs
    1. commops officially pick a time/date for the mktg meetings due:Friday
    2. NewMembers Add your timezone / interests on CommOps Wiki [ ]

People present (lines said)

  1. jflory7 (240)
  2. decauseMovesToNC (140)
  3. mailga (25)
  4. zodbot (14)
  5. tatica (14)
  6. danofsatx (9)
  7. threebean (0)
  8. decause (0)
  9. bee2502 (0)
  10. lmacken (0)
  11. cproffit (0)

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