AGREED: Contact
tatica_ about the plans to conduct the interview, begin the process
of bringing everything together (cc her on Trac ticket)(jflory7,
ACTION: jflory7 CC
tatica on Ticket #17(jflory7,
AGREED: Finish
outline for CommOps YiR article today, begin porting to a CommBlog
article today / tomorrow, get feedback in channel while working on
this and on mailing list once finished(jflory7,
ACTION: decause/jflory7 post request for YiR input to
announce list(decause,
ACTION: jflory7 Add as a resource for finding images to "Writing for
CommBlog" page(jflory7,
AGREED: Fedora
Magazine Images repo in CommOps toolbox, to be mentioned / added to
"Writing for CommBlog" - still an ongoing discussion, details will
be added to ticket for further discussion(jflory7,
ACTION: commops
create a ticket to create a wiki page for Release Manager, RelEng
Lead, and Diversity and Inclusion Advisor (among any other new
Fedora Leadership postions not on the wiki yet)(decause,
ACTION: jflory7 Add
clarification about Magazine vs. CommBlog to our toolbox, add
section to Community Blog wiki page about CommBlog vs. Magazine
ACTION: jflory7 Open
ticket on Trac about starting initiative / movement to encourage
subgroups to merge related wiki pages (reducing clutter)(jflory7,
ACTION: jflory7 /
mailga: Create and discuss a ticket about the Marketing
retrospective and its usefulness for the Year in Review article as
jflory7 / decause: Make sure people with the social media powers are subscribed to the social-media mailing list
jflory7 Ask puiterwijk about this, see if ticket should be filed in Fedora Infra Trac
decause/jflory ping tatica, invite her to commops list
jflory7 CC tatica on Ticket #17
jflory7 Raise Ticket #20 priority
decause/jflory7 post request for YiR input to announce list
mailga ping mktg list again on retrospective to be completed by end of week
jflory7 Add as a resource for finding images to "Writing for CommBlog" page
NewMembers Add your timezone / interests on CommOps Wiki [ ]
commops create a ticket to create a wiki page for Release Manager, RelEng Lead, and Diversity and Inclusion Advisor (among any other new Fedora Leadership postions not on the wiki yet)
jflory7 Add clarification about Magazine vs. CommBlog to our toolbox, add section to Community Blog wiki page about CommBlog vs. Magazine specifically
jflory7 Open ticket on Trac about starting initiative / movement to encourage subgroups to merge related wiki pages (reducing clutter)
jflory7 / mailga: Create and discuss a ticket about the Marketing retrospective and its usefulness for the Year in Review article as well
bee2502 file a ticket on Commops to update Fedora women wiki page asap
jflory7 / decause Add "Top Badger" article to bkp email about social-media
decause find out if there is a place for Fedora Videos like YouTube or Vimdeo
jflory7 / decause Follow up with bkp about if Fedora has a YouTube
Action items, by person
bee2502 file a ticket on Commops to update Fedora women wiki page asap
jflory7 / decause: Make sure people with the social media powers are subscribed to the social-media mailing list
decause/jflory ping tatica, invite her to commops list
decause/jflory7 post request for YiR input to announce list
jflory7 / decause Add "Top Badger" article to bkp email about social-media
decause find out if there is a place for Fedora Videos like YouTube or Vimdeo
jflory7 / decause Follow up with bkp about if Fedora has a YouTube
jflory7 / decause: Make sure people with the social media powers are subscribed to the social-media mailing list
jflory7 Ask puiterwijk about this, see if ticket should be filed in Fedora Infra Trac
jflory7 CC tatica on Ticket #17
jflory7 Raise Ticket #20 priority
decause/jflory7 post request for YiR input to announce list
jflory7 Add as a resource for finding images to "Writing for CommBlog" page
jflory7 Add clarification about Magazine vs. CommBlog to our toolbox, add section to Community Blog wiki page about CommBlog vs. Magazine specifically
jflory7 Open ticket on Trac about starting initiative / movement to encourage subgroups to merge related wiki pages (reducing clutter)
jflory7 / mailga: Create and discuss a ticket about the Marketing retrospective and its usefulness for the Year in Review article as well
jflory7 / decause Add "Top Badger" article to bkp email about social-media
jflory7 / decause Follow up with bkp about if Fedora has a YouTube
mailga ping mktg list again on retrospective to be completed by end of week
jflory7 / mailga: Create and discuss a ticket about the Marketing retrospective and its usefulness for the Year in Review article as well
jflory7 Ask puiterwijk about this, see if ticket should be filed in Fedora Infra Trac
NewMembers Add your timezone / interests on CommOps Wiki [ ]
commops create a ticket to create a wiki page for Release Manager, RelEng Lead, and Diversity and Inclusion Advisor (among any other new Fedora Leadership postions not on the wiki yet)