22:58:02 <potty> #startmeeting Fedora LATAM Ambassadors
22:58:02 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Dec 12 22:58:02 2015 UTC.  The chair is potty. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
22:58:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
22:58:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_latam_ambassadors'
22:58:12 <itamarjp> .fas itamarjp
22:58:12 <zodbot> itamarjp: itamarjp 'Itamar Reis Peixoto' <itamar@ispbrasil.com.br>
22:58:23 <potty> #topic Roll Call
22:58:27 <potty> .fas potty
22:58:27 <zodbot> potty: potty 'Abdel G. Martínez L.' <abdel.g.martinez.l@gmail.com> - radhakrishnanpotty 'S.Radhakrishnan' <radhakrishnanpotty@hotmail.com>
23:00:18 * echevemaster echevemaster
23:00:32 <echevemaster> .fas echevemaster
23:00:32 <zodbot> echevemaster: echevemaster 'Eduardo Javier Echeverria Alvarado' <echevemaster@gmail.com>
23:00:44 <echevemaster> From Colombia
23:00:47 <potty> anybody else?
23:01:12 <potty> #chair itamarjp echevemaster
23:01:12 <zodbot> Current chairs: echevemaster itamarjp potty
23:01:48 <kovalevsky> .fas sophiekovalevsky
23:01:48 <zodbot> kovalevsky: sophiekovalevsky 'Kiara Navarro' <kiarakovalevsky@gmail.com>
23:01:54 <kovalevsky> Panama
23:01:59 <echevemaster> Agenda potty?
23:03:18 <potty> Let me look for it
23:04:50 <potty> Ok I got the agenda
23:04:52 <potty> but first
23:04:58 <potty> do we have any tickets to review?
23:05:41 <echevemaster> I don't think so
23:06:18 <potty> I reviewed... there is no new tickets
23:06:36 <potty> #topic Meeting Schedule
23:06:49 <potty> I sent an email to the mailing list about this topic.
23:07:09 <potty> Previously the meetings were on Wednesday, now on Saturday
23:07:35 <itamarjp> I am going to start giving -1 for people that are not attending the meetings
23:07:36 <potty> But
23:07:53 <potty> We are not having a lot of people here
23:08:02 <echevemaster> And what will be solve that? itamarjp
23:08:03 <potty> So.. Or it is a bad moment for LATAM to have meetings
23:08:31 <potty> Or people is not interested in participating on these meetings (until they have a ticket)
23:08:34 <kovalevsky> I think that maybe it's something wrong with the LATAM peopel that we're not attending meetins as usual
23:08:41 <echevemaster> We have to invite to the people and remember that If there a no meetings, we will not have plans for the year
23:08:47 <potty> What are your thinkings?
23:09:03 <potty> @itamarjp sent a Google and Facebook reminder
23:09:03 <echevemaster> We have to invite
23:09:07 <echevemaster> Just that
23:09:07 <itamarjp> echevemaster, if it doesn't solve at least will save some $
23:09:28 <itamarjp> theres no facebook yet,  only google at this time
23:09:29 <Kohane> A Google and a Facebook reminder to whom?
23:09:35 <echevemaster> That is not the problem we have to spent all the money
23:09:35 <Kohane> I received nothing
23:09:49 <echevemaster> We have to talk about the Fudcon I think
23:09:55 <echevemaster> We have to prepare bids
23:09:58 <potty> Kohane: specifically
23:10:00 <potty> to people
23:10:04 <echevemaster> I'm very interested to bring Fudcon to Colombia
23:10:04 <potty> he has the email
23:10:10 <potty> please share the email with him
23:10:16 <potty> echevemaster: please wait for that topic
23:10:23 <echevemaster> Why?
23:10:51 <Kohane> My email used on Facebook? Or my main email? They're different
23:10:51 <potty> Do anyone have an extra opinion on this topic?
23:10:59 <kovalevsky> Maybe for LATAM it's a bad meeting time, that's what I think.
23:11:03 <Kohane> I got lost
23:11:04 <kovalevsky> EOL.
23:11:08 <potty> Kohane: the email you want to receive the reminder
23:11:16 <potty> .fas kohane
23:11:17 <zodbot> potty: 'kohane' Not Found!
23:11:27 <potty> Kohane: identify yourself by the way
23:11:36 <Kohane> .hello lailah
23:11:37 <zodbot> Kohane: lailah 'Sylvia Sánchez' <LailahFSF@gmail.com>
23:11:46 <potty> ok
23:11:56 <Kohane> Sorry, I forgot it
23:12:09 <kovalevsky> Never mind, Kohane.
23:12:09 <potty> i will send a friendly reminder (again) to see people
23:12:15 <echevemaster> Ok we have five persons here
23:12:16 <potty> people's availability for meetings
23:12:18 <potty> http://whenisgood.net/fedora-latam-meeting
23:12:38 <potty> 1 for brasil, 1 for uruguay, 1 for colombia, 2 for panama
23:13:39 <athos> o/
23:13:45 <echevemaster> So. This will be the time for these meetings
23:13:54 <itamarjp> athos, welcome
23:13:56 <echevemaster> Go ahead Athos
23:14:05 <potty> Only 10 persons have responded the http://whenisgood.net/fedora-latam-meeting
23:14:09 <potty> athos: <-
23:14:11 <athos> thx
23:14:35 <echevemaster> Athos your real name
23:14:42 <echevemaster> Where are you from?
23:14:46 <itamarjp> .fas athos
23:14:46 <zodbot> itamarjp: ribeiro 'Athos Ribeiro' <athoscribeiro@gmail.com> - krathos74 'Ruben Sanchez Rodriguez' <rsr.scz@gmail.com> - tanathos88 'John Alexander Barreto Espinosa' <john.barreto22@hotmail.com> - athos 'S D Barnes' <september@creyrdesign.com>
23:14:59 <athos> yes echevemaster, real name Athos, FAS = Ribeiro
23:15:06 <echevemaster> Got it brasil
23:15:13 <itamarjp> .fas ribeiro
23:15:14 <zodbot> itamarjp: softwarepublico 'Portal do Software Publico' <ribeiro@openmailbox.org> - sdmauro 'Mauro Rodrigues Ribeiro' <maurorr@gmail.com> - everlin 'Everlin Ribeiro' <everlin.ribeiro@hotmail.com> - tcasalribeiro 'Tiago Casal RIbeiro' <tiago.casal@gmail.com> - ribeiro 'Athos Ribeiro' <athoscribeiro@gmail.com> - slowhusky 'Victor Ribeiro Pires' <slowhusky@gmail.com> - kallklen 'Kallklen Ribeiro de Paula' (5 more messages)
23:15:21 <echevemaster> Glad to see another person of Brazil here
23:16:04 <athos> yes, itamarjp invited me last week but I was afk, I will try and show up often now on :)
23:16:23 <potty> good athos
23:16:35 <potty> do you agree with the current day and hour, athos ?
23:16:59 <itamarjp> date/time for the meetings
23:17:19 <Richzendy> hi
23:17:23 <potty> hi Richzendy
23:17:34 <athos> hmm, it would be easier for me to show up if it was earlier today or some other day at the same time
23:17:39 <echevemaser-colo> I will change my username for now.
23:17:53 <potty> athos: ok
23:18:05 <potty> Richzendy: what do you think about the current day/time of the meeting?
23:18:08 <potty> williamjmorenor: welcome
23:18:10 <Kohane> Hour and day is fine for me
23:18:13 <williamjmorenor> .fas williamjmorenor
23:18:13 <zodbot> williamjmorenor: williamjmorenor 'William Moreno' <williamjmorenor@gmail.com>
23:18:17 <potty> williamjmorenor: what do you think about the current day/time of the meeting?
23:18:22 <potty> #chair williamjmorenor
23:18:22 <zodbot> Current chairs: echevemaster itamarjp potty williamjmorenor
23:18:34 * williamjmorenor Nicaragua
23:18:39 <kovalevsky> Hi Richzendy, introduce yourself
23:18:51 <srkraken> .fas srkraken
23:18:51 <zodbot> srkraken: srkraken 'Efren Antonio Robledo Moreno' <efren.a.rm@gmail.com>
23:18:58 * srkraken Mexico
23:18:59 <echevemaser-colo> I think would be better forr the community, many of us, can't attend to the meeting in business days
23:19:12 <potty> echevemaster: i will shut-up this topic
23:19:19 <potty> echevemaster: we are having more people
23:19:24 <potty> right now we have
23:19:43 <Richzendy> potty, for me, this hour and day sounds fine, the weekends out of work my mind will be  more clear to attend the meetings
23:19:44 <williamjmorenor> I am con the movil, with a pour signal
23:19:54 <Richzendy> .fas Richzendy
23:19:54 <zodbot> Richzendy: richzendy 'Edwind Richzendy Contreras Soto' <richzendy@gmail.com>
23:19:55 <potty> 2 brasil, 2 panama, 1 uruguay, 1 mexico, 1 nicaragua, 1 venezuela, 1 colombia
23:20:07 * Richzendy Venezuela
23:20:16 <potty> i will change topic then
23:20:19 <potty> we are all good
23:20:21 <echevemaster> ok.
23:20:24 <lorddemon> .FAS lorddemon
23:20:24 <zodbot> lorddemon: lorddemon 'Gonzalo Nina Mamani' <g.nina.m@gmail.com>
23:20:26 <Kohane> OK
23:20:26 <kovalevsky> Cool.
23:20:30 <potty> not everyone can attend the meeting
23:20:37 <potty> but today we got 10 people
23:20:45 <potty> that's good attendanc
23:20:50 <Kohane> Yeah
23:20:50 * lorddemon saluda desde Bolivia... Ups pero representa a Bolivia
23:20:57 <echevemaster> ok, i think we can decide the days, today
23:21:01 <potty> LOL lorddemon
23:21:08 <potty> echevemaster: +1
23:21:08 <Richzendy> better than the last meetings
23:21:10 <potty> lets vote
23:21:15 <potty> we have 10 people
23:21:18 <potty> from several countries
23:21:21 <potty> let's vote
23:21:27 <kovalevsky> It's cool for me this schedule for meeting, so +1
23:21:29 <potty> Do you agree on the new day/time?
23:21:30 <echevemaster> +1 from me
23:21:42 <potty> Saturday 11PM UTC
23:21:46 <potty> +1
23:21:50 <Kohane> Yeah, perfect
23:21:56 * srkraken hola lorddemon Saludos
23:22:08 <potty> ping itamarjp lorddemon Kohane Richzendy williamjmorenor srkraken athos
23:22:09 <echevemaster> #info Saturday 11PM UTC, new date.hour for meetings
23:22:15 <potty> thx echevemaster
23:22:16 <srkraken> +1
23:22:23 <Kohane> Excellent!
23:22:25 <lorddemon> Pong potty
23:22:37 <athos> -1? :)
23:22:54 <itamarjp> +1
23:22:56 <potty> athos: -1 is when you do not agree
23:23:01 <echevemaster> why athos? do you have other opinion or suggest
23:23:01 <potty> it is ok
23:23:11 <echevemaster> ?
23:23:22 <Richzendy> +1
23:23:24 <echevemaster> suggestion I mean
23:24:04 <Kohane> +1
23:24:05 <echevemaster> we have five point
23:24:08 <echevemaster> 6
23:24:13 <athos> sure, this meetings were held during the week way before, right? But I get everybody is busy then, so yes, at least it would be 1 hour earlier, so I'd change the -1 for a +1 :)
23:24:14 <echevemaster> it is enough to declare agreed
23:24:21 <lorddemon> +1
23:24:28 <echevemaster> 7 votes
23:24:35 <potty> #agree Meetings will be Saturday 11PM UTC
23:24:36 <echevemaster> please change it to agree
23:25:17 <potty> 9 +1, 0 0, 0 -1
23:25:18 <echevemaster> remember,if you don't feel confident to speak in english, you can speak in spanish
23:25:24 <echevemaster> "Tu palabra es importante"
23:25:33 <potty> Before moving to the next topic
23:25:48 <potty> Please, share the schedule with your fellow friends
23:26:06 <echevemaster> facebook, irc, telegram and so  on
23:26:06 <Kohane> OK
23:26:07 <potty> In Panama we have a group and I sent a message reminding about the meeting
23:26:15 <potty> Yes
23:26:27 <potty> #action people should spread the word about the meeting
23:26:57 <potty> #action use Google Calendar, Facebook Event, Telegram/Whatsapp messages
23:27:16 <potty> #action Send remainder to the mailing-list
23:27:35 <potty> So... Do we have any extra opinion before moving to the next topic?
23:28:01 <Kohane> From me, nothing.
23:28:05 <echevemaster> no from my side
23:28:42 <potty> Ok, let's move on
23:28:58 <potty> #topic FUDCon LATAM Bids
23:29:16 <echevemaster> o/
23:29:35 <echevemaster> I have two questions
23:29:53 <potty> echevemaster: go ahead
23:30:24 <echevemaster> When we will decide the deadline for the bids?
23:30:30 <echevemaster> and second
23:30:37 <echevemaster> how many bids there are just now
23:30:47 <potty> Let's decide about this today
23:30:54 <potty> we got quorum for that
23:31:14 <echevemaster> ok.
23:31:21 <Kohane> Good
23:31:28 <echevemaster> What will be a good date for the bids?
23:31:42 <echevemaster> please send to the meeting your thoughts
23:31:48 <athos> well, this is my 1st meeting so, what are these bids about?
23:32:00 <potty> I will explain a little
23:32:18 <Kohane> Yes, please
23:32:35 <potty> We are deciding on the deadline for proposing a date to choose the next place we are going to held FUDCon
23:32:36 <potty> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon
23:33:02 <Richzendy> i thing a good deadline will be 15 of February
23:33:27 <Richzendy> january is a slow month on many latam countries
23:33:32 <echevemaster> February 15 is good date
23:33:34 <Kohane> Agree with that date
23:33:41 <potty> In the mailing list
23:33:47 <echevemaster> so, we can vote?
23:33:51 <potty> We start the discussion
23:33:54 <itamarjp> Kohane Agree with that date = +1
23:34:03 <Kohane> +1
23:34:07 <Kohane> Sorry
23:34:08 <echevemaster> Agree with that date too
23:34:10 <echevemaster> +1
23:34:13 <itamarjp> +1
23:34:14 <potty> #idea February 15 as the deadline
23:34:24 <potty> let
23:34:24 <kovalevsky> I agreed with that day, most country communities if they are thinking to prepare a bid from now,that would be an excellent day to deadline
23:34:26 <potty> lets vote
23:34:38 <echevemaster> we are voting potty
23:34:41 <athos> +1
23:34:48 <Kohane> +1
23:34:52 <williamjmorenor> I am here?
23:34:57 <potty> williamjmorenor: yes
23:34:57 <Kohane> Yeah
23:34:58 <kovalevsky> from now we have at least two months to prepare, so enough time to see bids.
23:34:59 <echevemaster> yes,
23:35:02 <kovalevsky> +1 for me
23:35:24 <williamjmorenor> Thanks
23:35:29 <Richzendy> kovalevsky, agreed
23:35:34 <potty> 0
23:35:48 <Kohane> 0?
23:35:56 <echevemaster> 0?
23:35:56 <Kohane> What does it mean?
23:36:05 <potty> not +1 neither -1
23:36:13 <Richzendy> potty, lol
23:36:20 <srkraken> +1
23:36:24 <potty> me abstengo de votar (?)
23:36:35 <Kohane> potty why?
23:36:49 <potty> #agreed The deadline for FUDCon bids will be February 15th
23:37:06 <alexove> .fas alexove
23:37:08 <zodbot> alexove: alexove 'Alex Irmel Oviedo Solis' <alleinerwolf@gmail.com>
23:37:12 <potty> welcome alexove
23:37:20 * alexove Peru
23:37:23 <potty> echevemaster: to your second question
23:37:31 <alexove> Gracias Potty
23:37:34 <Kohane> alexove Perú! So good!
23:37:36 <potty> right now we have one bid
23:37:37 <potty> #info https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Puno_2016_bid
23:37:49 <alexove> Estoy en el móvil, escribiré en español
23:37:50 <echevemaster> ok, got it.
23:38:15 <echevemaster> why you are absent to vote?
23:38:32 <potty> i think better to have it at the end of January
23:38:51 <Kohane> Why end of January?
23:38:58 <echevemaster> further explanation please
23:39:00 <williamjmorenor> This is a nice proposal from Petu
23:39:05 <itamarjp> alexove, you're a bit late
23:39:08 <potty> williamjmorenor: yes, and very complete
23:39:19 <williamjmorenor> Corret
23:39:39 <itamarjp> alexove, echevemaster estaba dicendo que el proximo fudcon será en colombia
23:39:46 <potty> echevemaster: Kohane: With February 15 we are giving 2 months
23:39:58 <Kohane> And?
23:40:02 <potty> echevemaster: Kohane: 2 months for pre-planning is a lot
23:40:11 <potty> With a month should be sufficient
23:40:15 <echevemaster> itamarjp: I want, remember that we need a bid
23:40:17 <Kohane> Keep in mind there's a lot of people who dissappear in January
23:40:18 <echevemaster> ok
23:40:24 <potty> So in December
23:40:28 <potty> And february is too short
23:40:58 <echevemaster> end of january then
23:40:59 <echevemaster> ?
23:41:01 <potty> no
23:41:04 <potty> we already voted
23:41:08 <potty> agreed on february
23:41:14 <potty> it is ok
23:41:16 <echevemaster> ok
23:41:20 <williamjmorenor> I like the idea to hace a Fudcon in Colombia
23:41:21 <kovalevsky> I agree.
23:41:27 <potty> let's move on
23:41:31 <Kohane> Yeah
23:41:32 <potty> time is money :)
23:41:37 <potty> BIDs
23:41:40 <potty> We have currently Puno
23:41:45 <potty> and echevemaster is working on Colombia
23:41:52 <echevemaster> I'm finising colombia
23:41:56 <potty> Do we have any other interested country?
23:42:02 <Kohane> Uruguay
23:42:05 <echevemaster> alreay i have a proposal venue
23:42:08 <Kohane> Myself
23:42:12 <potty> echevemaster: great!
23:42:22 * williamjmorenor odia el corrector ortográfico de Android
23:42:35 <Kohane> williamjmorenor  LOL
23:42:38 <potty> So, we have right now Puno, Colombia and Uruguay
23:42:44 <potty> Work on them
23:42:52 <potty> Share your bids on the mailing list
23:42:54 <Kohane> Yes!
23:42:58 <potty> and on February 15th we will decide
23:43:02 <williamjmorenor> Kohane Sylvia?
23:43:07 <Kohane> Sí?
23:43:22 <echevemaster> que gane el mejor
23:43:32 <potty> #action LATAM will decide for its next FUDCon on February 20th
23:43:54 * alexove creó que Sylvia  es otaku o algo así :-)
23:43:56 <potty> (February 20th is Saturday)
23:44:07 <potty> Let's move to the next topic
23:44:11 <Kohane> Almost, haha
23:44:12 <kovalevsky> potty, next topic
23:44:12 <williamjmorenor> No te parece mejor solicitar paproconio para ir a un Fudcon antes de proponer organizar uno?
23:44:18 <potty> #topic LATAM Budget
23:44:32 <potty> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/LATAM/Budget:2017
23:44:55 <potty> We have Peru, Venezuela, Nicaragua and Panama
23:45:12 <potty> The rest of the countries should fill the tables with their events and budget requeriments
23:45:16 * williamjmorenor cree que si alexlove no ve anime es raro, hay series muy buenas!!!
23:45:34 <potty> Remember, if we don't will fill this table then we will not have budget
23:45:45 <Kohane> Williamjmorenor  de acuerdo contigo.
23:45:56 <alexove> Potty hay algún deadline?
23:46:00 <Kohane> Williamjmorenor  Solicitar paproconio?
23:46:03 <potty> And, more important, we will only approve tickets that are contemplated on the budget
23:46:22 <potty> Kohane: williamjmorenor talk about this topic on the open floor or in telegram
23:46:25 <potty> focus on the topic
23:46:30 <williamjmorenor> I think than must be a deadline to add avents to budget wiki
23:46:44 <echevemaster> yes I agree
23:46:52 <potty> ok
23:47:02 <kovalevsky> Do we have more active contries where we should see events at the wiki?
23:47:21 <kovalevsky> I'm thinking maybe: Mexico, Bolovia, Colombia and Brazil.
23:47:28 <potty> This is an easy work, I propose January 2th
23:47:32 <kovalevsky> Argentina of course.
23:47:52 <potty> kovalevsky: that's exactly the issue... we have new actives countries but they don't have added the info
23:48:04 <kovalevsky> We should try to make a remind for people that are actually in those contries and set a deadline to fill the events.
23:48:10 <potty> Brazil for example: they participate on latinoware, fisl and other events, they ask for money
23:48:17 <williamjmorenor> I am +1 yo January 2th week
23:48:18 <potty> but they should fill the wiki with the info
23:48:45 <potty> #action The rest of the LATAM countries should fill the info in the wiki
23:48:49 <lorddemon> I fill it. The next week un Bolivia please
23:49:05 <Kohane> I'll do so with Uruguay.
23:49:06 <potty> let's vote: January 2th as the deadline for filling the wiki with budget?
23:49:22 <Kohane> Yeah
23:49:23 <alexove> +1
23:49:25 <Kohane> +1
23:49:34 <kovalevsky> +1
23:49:49 <Richzendy> +1
23:49:52 <potty> +1
23:49:54 <williamjmorenor> La verdad creo que para el próximo período deberíamos ser mas estrictos respecto a presupuesto para eventos no planificados
23:49:58 <echevemaster> =1
23:50:07 <Kohane> =1?
23:50:13 <Kohane> What does it mean?
23:50:15 <kovalevsky> type error +1
23:50:20 <lorddemon> +1
23:50:21 <williamjmorenor> I give a +1 at top
23:51:10 <potty> done
23:51:20 <srkraken> +1
23:51:34 <itamarjp> +1
23:51:35 <potty> #agreed LATAM will review the budget on January 2th
23:51:56 <potty> does anyone have extra opinions on this topic?
23:52:29 <williamjmorenor> Que paso con los cargos que hay proponer respecto a los presupuestos regionales
23:52:51 * williamjmorenor sorry I am on the movile
23:53:04 <potty> williamjmorenor: ese es el next topic
23:53:14 <potty> let's move to next topic
23:53:15 <williamjmorenor> Oki
23:53:19 <potty> #topic Budget.NEXT
23:53:27 <potty> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Budget.next
23:53:53 <potty> We have to choose 3 delegated: Treasurer, Logistician and Storyteller
23:54:22 <potty> Treasurer will be responsible for recording costs and disbursing funds
23:54:42 <potty> Logistician will be accountable for shipping swag, banners, and other physical items that need to be shared regionally, as well as any other coordinating for event staffing and organization. This includes convening weekly ambassador IRC meetings.
23:54:53 <potty> Storyteller will be accountable for Regional Reports.
23:55:21 <Kohane> Okay.
23:55:23 <potty> We need people to propose to these roles
23:55:25 <alexove> !
23:55:30 <potty> alexove: tell us
23:55:49 <williamjmorenor> Una elección con candidatos?
23:55:59 <potty> williamjmorenor: i think so
23:56:03 <alexove> potty, esto de budget.next ya es oficial?
23:56:17 <potty> alexove: eso será oficial
23:56:31 <alexove> Los que embajadores de las otras regiones aun no se manifiestan al respecto
23:56:49 <Kohane> OK. Who are the candidates?
23:57:11 * itamarjp itamar and leticia for Treasurer and Logistician
23:57:29 <potty> i think the candidates should propose on the mailing list
23:57:32 <alexove> Creo que seria bueno indagar al respecto y avanzar sobre algo seguro
23:57:32 <williamjmorenor> Sigo acá?
23:57:44 <Kohane> Williamjmorenor ye
23:57:50 <alexove> EOF
23:57:54 <potty> alexove: igual, me parece mejor que no tener a nadie encargado de nada
23:58:17 <potty> igual preguntaré a remy
23:58:18 <Kohane> Potty  agree
23:58:19 <Richzendy> la persona de logistica recibiría el material pop de fedora y estaría encargada de distribuirlo a los demás paises/embajadores?
23:58:32 <potty> yo me propongo para logistica
23:58:34 <potty> si
23:58:49 <williamjmorenor> Yo puedo ayudar como history teller
23:58:53 * itamarjp Bitcoin Treasurer
23:58:57 <williamjmorenor> :)
23:59:02 <potty> listo
23:59:04 <potty> todos los interesados
23:59:10 <Kohane> Potty  you didn't mention anyone for Storyteller
23:59:11 <Richzendy> la persona de ese rol, debe estar en un país con aranceles bajos de importación y que su país tenga buena logística para envíos
23:59:12 <potty> envian su idea a la lista
23:59:43 <Richzendy> de nada sirve por ejemplo si tiene que pagar 50% de impuestos por recibir una caja de stickers
23:59:54 <Kohane> Indeed
00:00:09 <lorddemon> Richzendy: agree
00:00:13 <Richzendy> potty> envian su idea a la lista <- entendido
00:00:17 <Kohane> That's why I'm silent on this
00:00:19 <alexove> Yo tambien me puedo proponer y proponer a Bernardoha pero richzendy tiene razón hay averiguar esos detalles
00:00:46 <potty> alexove: por eso mismo estoy diciendo envíen a la lista
00:00:46 <alexove> El costo de producción en Peru de muchas cosas es barato
00:00:47 <Richzendy> alguien en florida sería ideal xD
00:00:52 <williamjmorenor> +1
00:00:59 <Richzendy> *florida/USA
00:01:00 <potty> Richzendy: jajajaja
00:01:04 <Kohane> Richzendy  lol
00:01:05 <alexove> Richzendy:+1 jajajaja
00:01:06 <potty> Richzendy: orvtech puede ser
00:01:21 <potty> votemos en un día para que la gente envíe esa info a la list
00:01:24 <itamarjp> Richzendy orvtech vive en otro lugar ahora, sillicon valey
00:01:31 <Richzendy> potty, ya el no vive allí desde hace como 3 años, se mudo a san francisco y trabaja en twitter
00:01:47 <potty> ah ok
00:02:19 <Kohane> Un día para enviar las propuestas a la lista?
00:02:20 <potty> qué fecha le damos para que los interesados digan en el mailing list?
00:02:27 <potty> aja
00:02:41 <echevemaster> si
00:02:43 <itamarjp> Logistician, I am very skiiled in logistics and I can find a good way to delivery stuff to the people.
00:02:52 <williamjmorenor> Chicos deberia haber otro cardholder?
00:02:52 <potty> I said January 9th
00:03:22 <potty> williamjmorenor: eso está en manos de commops y neville, me parece
00:03:24 <Kohane> January 9th +1
00:03:34 <potty> williamjmorenor: sería bueno tener otro (o el mismo) cardholder
00:03:57 <Richzendy> <potty> I said January 9th <- agreed
00:04:16 <potty> let's vote then: January 9th for the interested people to propose for the roles
00:04:20 <potty> +1
00:04:49 <Kohane> +1
00:04:54 <kovalevsky> +1
00:04:58 <lorddemon> +1
00:05:27 <echevemaster> +1
00:05:44 <Richzendy> +1
00:07:17 <potty> #agreed People interested in the 3 delegated roles will propose on the mailing list before January 9th
00:07:35 <Kohane> Perfect
00:07:38 <potty> Do we have any extra opinions on this topic?
00:07:53 <Kohane> Not from me.
00:08:37 <potty> Let's move on to the next topic
00:08:53 <potty> #topic Elections
00:09:17 <Kohane> Okay.
00:09:31 <potty> Remember to vote.
00:09:32 <potty> #info http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Elections
00:09:48 <potty> #link https://admin.fedoraproject.org/voting
00:09:54 <potty> That is the URL for voting.
00:10:23 <williamjmorenor> Done
00:10:37 <echevemaster> I already voted
00:10:38 <potty> I think the meeting went too long, time for OpenFloor
00:10:49 <potty> Do anybody got an extra topic to speak off in this meeting?
00:10:56 <Kohane> I'll do it tomorrow on WiFi. I can't while I'm on cellphone
00:11:35 <itamarjp> Kohane, you mean next week, in next meeting
00:11:47 <Kohane> No, no
00:12:01 <Kohane> I can't vote while I'm on mobile
00:12:04 <echevemaster> I have to go out.
00:12:11 <echevemaster> thanks to all
00:12:13 <echevemaster> bye
00:12:15 <Kohane> So I'll vote tomorrow
00:12:18 <potty> bye echevemaster
00:12:23 <potty> #topic Open Floor
00:12:23 <Kohane> echevemaster bye
00:12:38 <potty> welcome to the new contributor of Uruguay Kohane
00:12:53 <lorddemon> +1 potty
00:13:01 <Kohane> Oh...!
00:13:09 <potty> Let's finish the meeting in 10...
00:13:13 <potty> 9...
00:13:16 <potty> 8...
00:13:19 <potty> 7...
00:13:22 <potty> 6...
00:13:25 <potty> 5..
00:13:28 <potty> 4..
00:13:31 <potty> 3..
00:13:34 <potty> 2..
00:13:36 <potty> 1.
00:13:39 <potty> 1.5
00:13:42 <potty> 1.25
00:13:46 <Kohane> Hahaha
00:13:48 <potty> 2..
00:13:50 <potty> 1.
00:13:52 <alexove> Esta creciendo
00:13:53 <potty> 0
00:13:54 <williamjmorenor> Era .5
00:13:58 <potty> #endmeeting