
#fedora-meeting-2: Env and Stacks (2015-04-09)

Meeting started by hhorak at 12:09:52 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. init process (hhorak, 12:10:07)
  2. Dockerfile lint (hhorak, 12:12:28)
    1. http://docker-phracek.rhcloud.com/ (hhorak, 12:19:27)
    2. web app for dockerfile_lint is not part of the dockerfile_lint project, but it may be just tiny web app (hhorak, 12:20:42)
    3. ACTION: phracek to check plans about UI with dockerfile_lint authors (hhorak, 12:22:43)
    4. dockerfile_lint moved under project atomic (hhorak, 12:28:26)
    5. https://github.com/projectatomic/dockerfile_lint/ (hhorak, 12:28:27)
    6. IDEA: to rewrite dockerfile_lint into python, but not sure if the effort is worth since we should also concentrate on writing rules (hhorak, 13:05:26)
    7. IDEA: dockerfiles should live in upstream rather than downstream distro (hhorak, 13:05:33)
    8. IDEA: we need to aggregate dockerfiles in fedora (primarily for marketing reasons), the question is how (wiki considered not ideal, since it never gets updated) (hhorak, 13:06:21)
    9. docker.fp.o or containers.fp.o may be a good place to keep the aggregation of dockerfiles, the content may be generated from git, similar to https://github.com/yeoman/yeoman.io (hhorak, 13:22:39)

Meeting ended at 13:25:57 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. phracek to check plans about UI with dockerfile_lint authors

Action items, by person

  1. phracek
    1. phracek to check plans about UI with dockerfile_lint authors

People present (lines said)

  1. phracek (53)
  2. hhorak (51)
  3. langdon (42)
  4. ttomecek (22)
  5. vpavlin (19)
  6. zodbot (7)
  7. vpavlin1 (2)
  8. ttomecek1 (1)
  9. bkabrda (0)
  10. sicampbell (0)
  11. juhp (0)
  12. ncoghlan (0)
  13. walters (0)

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