16:04:01 <cwickert> #startmeeting FAmSCO 2014-08-26 16:04:01 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Aug 26 16:04:01 2014 UTC. The chair is cwickert. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:04:01 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:04:07 <cwickert> #meetingname FAmSCO 2014-08-26 16:04:07 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco_2014-08-26' 16:04:38 <cwickert> #topic Roll call 16:05:09 <cwickert> .fas cwickert 16:05:11 <zodbot> cwickert: cwickert 'Christoph Wickert' <christoph.wickert@gmail.com> 16:05:48 <cwickert> #info sesivany is in vacation, tuanta sent regrets 16:06:30 * masta is here 16:06:51 <cwickert> ping robyduck lbazan yn1v 16:06:54 <cwickert> #chair masta 16:06:54 <zodbot> Current chairs: cwickert masta 16:07:02 <cwickert> chair robyduck lbazan 16:08:22 <cwickert> hmmm 16:08:24 <cwickert> :( 16:08:50 * cwickert waits another 5 minutes before closing the meeting due to the lack of participation 16:09:18 <masta> I have nothing, so yes... wait a few minutes, then move to close. 16:11:34 <cwickert> masta: that would have been my next question. unless you have anything on your mind, we just cancel the meeting 16:12:47 <masta> thank you cwickert 16:12:55 * masta wanders off 16:12:56 <cwickert> :) 16:14:18 * lbazan here 16:14:24 <lbazan> .fas lbazan 16:14:25 <zodbot> lbazan: lbazan 'Luis Enrique Bazán De León' <bazanluis20@gmail.com> 16:14:42 <lbazan> cwickert: :-) 16:14:50 <robyduck> .fas robyduck 16:14:51 <zodbot> robyduck: robyduck 'Robert Mayr' <robyduck@gmail.com> 16:15:00 <cwickert> oh come on guys 16:15:08 <cwickert> masta: still around? 16:15:10 <robyduck> sorry,I'm still om the train... 16:16:09 <lbazan> tuanta send regrets today! 16:16:27 <cwickert> I already said that ;) 16:16:50 <lbazan> cwickert: :o :P 16:18:16 <cwickert> so we have three famsco members 16:18:24 <lbazan> cwickert: masta ? 16:18:28 <cwickert> of which one is on a train and the other still at work (me) 16:18:29 <robyduck> seems so 16:18:39 <lbazan> cwickert: ok 16:18:39 <cwickert> lbazan: masta left because you and robyduck were not present 16:18:49 <cwickert> I think we should just cancel the meeting 16:19:00 <cwickert> and think about if this timeslot still works for us 16:19:12 * robyduck is sorry for that 16:19:21 <cwickert> it's not the best for me, but I'm afraid we won't find a better time 16:19:22 * lbazan :S 16:19:42 <cwickert> lbazan, robyduck: anything you want to discuss? 16:20:00 <robyduck> well we have a ticket but we can't vote today 16:20:17 <robyduck> and I modified the ambassadors wiki page, maybe we can discuss that a bit 16:20:20 <lbazan> robyduck: 367 16:20:24 * robyduck looks for link 16:20:34 <robyduck> .famsco 367 16:20:34 <zodbot> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/367 16:21:56 * cwickert is conflicted about this 16:22:21 <robyduck> cwickert: it came up during the last EMEA meeting 16:22:27 <cwickert> robyduck: do the mentors support that? 16:22:37 <lbazan> robyduck: you send this to the mentor list? 16:22:44 <cwickert> right 16:22:45 <robyduck> no 16:23:01 <cwickert> we have been talking about formalizing the process to become a mentor 16:23:06 <robyduck> we don't have the new process actually, do we? 16:23:12 <cwickert> this would be a good exercise 16:23:34 <cwickert> robyduck: well, the current process is hardly defined, but requires that the mentors agree 16:23:36 <cwickert> did they? 16:23:53 <cwickert> #topic Re-appoint Paul Mellors as mentor for EMEA 16:23:57 <robyduck> no, they don't 16:24:10 <cwickert> ok then, then please bring it up on the mentors list first 16:24:18 <robyduck> as I said, I followed th old process, famsco members can propose mentors 16:24:33 <robyduck> but I'm ok with that, let me send that to the list ASAP 16:24:48 <robyduck> and next week we can vote, ok? 16:24:57 <robyduck> (hopefully) 16:24:59 <cwickert> robyduck: that is not correct 16:25:06 <cwickert> the current policy is "Prospective mentors are nominated by existing Mentors and confirmed by FAmSCo" 16:25:31 <cwickert> actually this wording is vague 16:25:36 <lbazan> cwickert: in the regional meeting nominate and the ambassador say +1 or -1 16:25:47 <robyduck> isn't it "by existing mentors or FAmSCo member"? 16:26:19 <robyduck> anyway, we also need to define that better in the next weeks ;) 16:26:25 <cwickert> robyduck: I would disagree. Say a single mentor nominates somebody but all others reject the candidate. would you then want famsco to approve him? 16:26:52 <cwickert> lbazan: please no, let us not make the mentors a bottom up group. it should be invite only 16:27:00 <robyduck> no, surely not. And I'm strongly for having the proposed changes in the mentors process 16:27:14 <robyduck> cwickert: +1 16:27:18 <cwickert> ok, then try to get it started, let's ee how it works out 16:27:24 <lbazan> cwickert: ok 16:27:40 <cwickert> #action robyduck to reach out to the mentors list about ticket #367 16:27:47 <robyduck> cwickert: thx 16:27:52 <cwickert> and then we will revisit this next week, thanks 16:28:10 <lbazan> :-) 16:28:33 <robyduck> cwickert: may I have your opinion also about https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/MembershipService#Inactive_Ambassadors 16:29:01 <cwickert> lbazan: one last word on this: I think that groups like mentors or packager sponsors should really be meritocratic, this means the existing mentors or sponsors ask prospective candidates 16:29:13 <cwickert> and not having people who are not mentors having vote about it 16:29:25 <cwickert> anyway, on to robyduck's question 16:30:16 <lbazan> cwickert: ok 16:30:17 <cwickert> robyduck: this is your proposal or was this already agreed upon` 16:30:18 <cwickert> ? 16:30:21 <robyduck> cwickert: we discussed this last week and we saw we never updated the wiki to proceed 16:30:27 <lbazan> robyduck: +1 16:31:04 <robyduck> we decided months ago to do that, the process should be like this, also after the discussion in the ML 16:31:19 <cwickert> robyduck: but as far as I remember the previous discussions, we said we would not revoke the ambassadors status but only set people to inactive 16:31:33 <cwickert> I'm pretty sure we even voted about this 16:31:33 <robyduck> yes, and that's what I wrote 16:31:36 <cwickert> no 16:32:03 <robyduck> IMHO yes, "set as inactive" 16:32:04 <cwickert> "remove from 'ambassadors' group in Fedora Account System" means you revoke their status 16:32:32 <cwickert> they would have to re-apply and be sponsored again, thus you remove their ambassadors membership 16:32:49 <robyduck> where did I write this? I'm blind atm 16:33:02 <robyduck> ah no, cwickert 16:33:14 <robyduck> cwickert: I wrote only the last paragraph! 16:33:25 <robyduck> *Inactive Ambassadors* 16:34:16 <cwickert> wow 16:34:28 <cwickert> I think the wiki describes something we never really agreed to 16:34:36 * cwickert browses the history 16:34:50 <cwickert> #topic "Inactive Ambassadors (again)" 16:36:47 <cwickert> ok, so, it seems as these steps were added by kital, however he had a different use case in mind 16:37:07 <cwickert> this was meant for people who WANT to leave 16:37:15 <cwickert> and not for people who are declared inactive 16:37:52 <cwickert> I think this needs further discussion before we ratify this 16:38:14 <cwickert> robyduck: can you mark your proposal as "under discussion" or so` 16:38:15 <cwickert> ? 16:38:17 <robyduck> cwickert: you are speaking about the paragraph above, right? 16:38:43 <cwickert> robyduck: yes, but in combination with your paragraph, it has a totally different meaning 16:38:51 <robyduck> ok, I agree 16:39:03 <cwickert> there have been changes to the wikipage and I am still trying to figure out what happened 16:39:07 <robyduck> because above it says we will remove him from the FAS after 6 months 16:39:34 <cwickert> #action cwickert to get in touch with kital for clarification of https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/MembershipService#Inactive_Ambassadors 16:39:38 <robyduck> am I chair? 16:39:44 <cwickert> yes you are 16:39:45 <robyduck> ah ok, you did, cool 16:40:24 <robyduck> #action robyduck to set the 'inactive ambassadors' paragraph to *under discussion* 16:40:28 <cwickert> robyduck: I really don't know the backlog and I don't want to make a decision without contacting kital first. not to mention we don't have a quorum anyway 16:40:34 <cwickert> robyduck: thanks! 16:40:42 <robyduck> ok, I'm fine with it 16:40:52 <robyduck> anything else? 16:41:55 <robyduck> FUDCon LATAM perhaps? 16:42:27 <lbazan> robyduck: nop 16:42:31 <lbazan> robyduck: logo? 16:42:44 <cwickert> is that a yes or no? 16:42:46 <cwickert> :) 16:42:52 <robyduck> lbazan: do you have it? 16:42:54 <robyduck> haha 16:42:58 <cwickert> to discuss or not to discuss, that is the question 16:43:06 <lbazan> cwickert: nope 16:43:07 <cwickert> #topic FUDCon LATAM 16:43:29 <lbazan> cwickert: yn1v have more info about fudcon 16:43:39 <cwickert> ok 16:43:50 <cwickert> so nothing on FUDCon LATAM then? 16:44:20 <lbazan> nop 16:44:31 <robyduck> then let's end it for today 16:44:44 <lbazan> wait for next week .. 16:44:57 <lbazan> cwickert: endmeeting :-) 16:45:08 * cwickert is glad he changed the topic ;) 16:45:15 <cwickert> #endmeeting