16:00:12 <sesivany> #startmeeting FAmSCo 2014-07-22 16:00:12 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jul 22 16:00:12 2014 UTC. The chair is sesivany. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:12 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:15 <sesivany> #meetingname famsco 16:00:15 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco' 16:00:18 <sesivany> #topic Roll Call 16:00:23 <sesivany> .fas eischmann 16:00:24 <zodbot> sesivany: eischmann 'Jiri Eischmann' <eischmann@redhat.com> 16:00:33 <sesivany> tuanta: ping 16:00:41 <sesivany> lbazan: ping 16:00:44 <tuanta> .fas tuanta 16:00:45 <zodbot> tuanta: tuanta 'Truong Anh Tuan' <tuanta@iwayvietnam.com> 16:00:57 <sesivany> masta: ping 16:01:26 <tuanta> hello sesivany 16:01:30 <tuanta> there are two of us today, maybe 16:01:58 <sesivany> tuanta: probably :/ 16:02:26 <sesivany> robyduck sent regrets 16:02:38 <sesivany> cwickert is AFAIK still on holidays. 16:02:55 <tuanta> yes 16:03:16 <tuanta> and others usually are late or absent 16:03:36 <masta> sesivany: pong 16:03:43 <sesivany> ok, let's wait a bit longer and if no one shows up, let's cancel it. 16:03:56 <tuanta> hey masta. Thanks for coming 16:03:57 <masta> sesivany: thanks for the ping, helpful to me as I'm always so busy/distracted this hour 16:04:12 <sesivany> tuanta: I don't really have anything specific to discuss today. 16:04:16 <tuanta> ping yn1v 16:04:23 <yn1v> hello 16:04:32 <yn1v> .fas yn1v 16:04:32 <zodbot> yn1v: yn1v 'Neville A. Cross' <yn1v@taygon.com> 16:04:33 <sesivany> looks like people are starting to pop up in the end :) 16:04:44 * tuanta has not got any too 16:05:22 <lbazan> .fas lbazan 16:05:23 <zodbot> lbazan: lbazan 'Luis Enrique Bazán De León' <bazanluis20@gmail.com> 16:05:30 * lbazan morning! 16:05:40 <sesivany> since there are some people after all, I've got one topic to discuss. 16:06:35 <sesivany> #topic Partial sponsorship 16:07:04 <sesivany> I don't know if you read the thread on flock-planning mailing list. 16:07:31 <sesivany> Flock sponsorships are way over budget. 16:07:51 <sesivany> and people discussed how to avoid it next time. 16:08:22 <tuanta> yes, I am following it 16:08:29 <sesivany> one of the ideas is to do only partial sponsorships, e.g. you get airfare paid by Fedora Project, but everything else is on you. 16:09:03 <sesivany> I'd like to discuss what's your opinion on this and how it would affect members of your regional communities. 16:09:52 <sesivany> because it can of course vary. For an American it may not be a problem to pay extra $200 for a hotel, but for people from other regions it may. 16:09:53 <lbazan> I think it is an excellent choice 16:10:36 <sesivany> for example in openSUSE they have 80% rule for all sponsorships. The project only pay 80% of your expenses. 16:10:38 <masta> I would say the idea is acceptable for NA region, very few people (in my humble opinion) truly 'require' a full subsidy, so partial subsidy would be helpful to most. 16:11:13 <tuanta> I think it is reasonable for APAC. Just curious if it is helpful for Flock budget? 16:11:44 <yn1v> In Latam we have some coutries with currency control, so they can not freely obtain foreing currency. That may be an issue to pay for hotel 16:12:06 <yn1v> But en general I think is a good idea. 16:12:27 <lbazan> yn1v: +1 16:13:41 <sesivany> tuanta: for example if Fedora Project only pays airfare for Flock, then it's minus say 50 ppl x € 160 which is €8000. That's a significant saving. 16:14:25 <tuanta> good number. it makes sense 16:14:52 <yn1v> I am not sure was is the future of fedora scholarship, but that's been helping students. They do not earn money, so it is difficult to afford traveling 16:15:27 <sesivany> but it's not only Flock and it's not only about savings. I wonder if it has some other positive implications... 16:15:50 <tuanta> yn1v, scholarship? you meant sponsorship? 16:16:30 <yn1v> there is a scholarship paid by fedora to contributor that entering college 16:16:30 <masta> indeed - I always think about the student community, who are financially challenged... even in rich regions like NA or perhaps even parts of EMEA 16:16:37 <lbazan> yn1v: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Scholarship 16:16:39 <lbazan> ? 16:16:44 <sesivany> yn1v: for sure, I think students may get an exceptions. I understand that paying $200-300 for accommodation may be a lot for a student. 16:17:16 <tuanta> it would be a good amendment, sesivany 16:17:16 <yn1v> lbazan, thatś the link ... thanks 16:18:03 <sesivany> it would have certainly been a lot for me when I was a student. 16:19:12 <yn1v> sesivany, yes. I think that students should be review as a different case 16:19:17 <tuanta> for all students, indeed, sesivany 16:19:33 <lbazan> yn1v: actually is Itamar of Brazil 16:20:31 <sesivany> but I think partial sponsorship might be a good solution for Flock with some exceptions. rsuehle also noted that some people a "I'm getting a free all-inclusive trip to a beautiful city in Europe" approach. 16:20:51 <sesivany> some people had... 16:21:35 <yn1v> Scholarship pay trips to events, but it comes from a different budget 16:21:58 <tuanta> it's also one of advantages, but should not be the main one 16:22:22 <tuanta> yn1v, yes, I see (just read on the wiki) 16:22:48 <yn1v> sesivany, I see the trade off ... paying a part of the cost for attending the event keeps the idea that you are not receiving a gift but that you are collaborating 16:22:56 <lbazan> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Scholarship_terms 16:23:51 <sesivany> yn1v: yeah, that's one of other positive outcomes it may have. 16:25:01 <sesivany> but there were no recipients of the scholarship in the last two years, right? 16:25:35 <tuanta> sesivany, yes, at least, there is no information on the wiki 16:25:52 <yn1v> I have been asking if that is still active with no response 16:26:20 <yn1v> Itamar has been granted travel sponsorship but has not received the scholarship funds 16:27:14 <yn1v> I was asking because there is a collaborator in Nicaragua that is still in highschool. He just turn out 17 16:27:27 <sesivany> yn1v: so Fedora Project still owes him money? 16:28:00 <yn1v> Owes is a strong word. Not sure the terms that were given for his case 16:28:28 <yn1v> I don't know if he has been involved in a intership rather that scholarship 16:29:06 <sesivany> I like the idea of scholarship, too bad to seems to have been discontinued. 16:29:33 <yn1v> 2K a year is a lot of money in LATAM 16:29:36 <sesivany> I think it stopped when OSAS took over from CommArch. 16:30:01 <tuanta> you may be right, sesivany 16:30:11 <tuanta> a lot of things changed at that time :( 16:30:21 <tuanta> since that time, I meant 16:30:21 <yn1v> the board has been talking with OSAS to review how budget is handle 16:30:54 <yn1v> I think that FPL can revisit the case 16:31:13 <lbazan> yn1v: +1 16:31:53 <sesivany> we can discuss it with Matthew at Flock. 16:31:54 <yn1v> even if not a scholarship, intership with some sponsoring for events is a good experience 16:32:19 <lbazan> sesivany: +1 16:32:49 <yn1v> sesivany, +1 let's talk with FPL 16:33:11 <tuanta> +1 16:33:32 <sesivany> #action famsco members to have a talk with FPL at Flock about Fedora sponsorship program 16:34:58 <tuanta> we should vote for FAmSCo ideas in Flock sponsorship issue 16:35:05 <sesivany> we discuss the partial sponsorships at Flock, too, it's actually a topic for broader discussion. 16:35:27 <tuanta> that's fine 16:35:47 <sesivany> tuanta: I don't think we have any concrete ideas right now. 16:36:33 <sesivany> anything else to discuss? 16:36:57 <sesivany> #topic Openfloor 16:37:21 <yn1v> well, I think that we have to ideas for flock sponsorship to explore. Partial sponsorship and review the case of students for full sponsorship 16:38:04 <yn1v> I have nothing in mind right now for the meeting 16:38:14 <lbazan> nop for me! 16:38:53 <sesivany> btw I started writing Flock: Behind the Scenes blogposts about FLock organization and tips for attendees. 16:39:01 <tuanta> I wrote a Mentor Guidelines Draft 16:39:03 <sesivany> #link http://eischmann.wordpress.com/tag/flock/ 16:39:06 <tuanta> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Tuanta/Mentor_Guidelines_Draft 16:39:25 <tuanta> ah, sorry, sesivany you first 16:39:42 <sesivany> tuanta: please send it to the fama list for discussion. 16:40:08 <tuanta> yes, I did that, sesivany 16:40:51 <sesivany> tuanta: great, thanks. 16:42:12 <sesivany> if there is nothing else, thank you for attending. 16:42:25 <sesivany> tuanta: can you please chair the meeting next week? 16:42:33 <sesivany> tuanta: I'll be at GUADEC. 16:42:55 <tuanta> sesivany, I will go to the airport that day 16:43:33 <tuanta> yes, I will be on the way to FLock, I think 16:43:45 <yn1v> I think that I can chair the meeting on 29th 16:43:46 <tuanta> ah, sorry 16:43:58 <tuanta> it is Jul 29th 16:44:03 <sesivany> tuanta: yep 16:44:09 <tuanta> I am still at home :) 16:44:25 <sesivany> tuanta: so can you chair it? 16:44:43 <tuanta> but, it's fine. yn1v can chair too 16:44:47 <tuanta> we can do together 16:44:50 <tuanta> yes, I can 16:45:31 <sesivany> #info sesivany won't be able to attend the meeting on July 29th, tuanta of yn1v will take over chairing. 16:45:42 <sesivany> meet you in two weeks! 16:45:52 <sesivany> #endmeeting