16:01:54 <tuanta> #startmeeting 16:01:54 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue May 13 16:01:54 2014 UTC. The chair is tuanta. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:54 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:02:10 <tuanta> #meetingname famsco 20140513 16:02:10 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco_20140513' 16:02:16 <tuanta> #topic roll call 16:02:22 * cwickert is here 16:02:22 <tuanta> .hellomynameis tuanta 16:02:23 <zodbot> tuanta: tuanta 'Truong Anh Tuan' <tuanta@iwayvietnam.com> 16:02:32 <robyduck> .fas robyduck 16:02:32 <zodbot> robyduck: robyduck 'Robert Mayr' <robyduck@gmail.com> 16:02:33 <tuanta> #chair cwickert robyduck 16:02:33 <zodbot> Current chairs: cwickert robyduck tuanta 16:03:01 <tuanta> #info sesivany and yn1v sent regrets 16:03:35 <cwickert> sorry for missing last week's meeting, I was so busy with last minute preparations for LinuxTag 16:03:37 <tuanta> there are three of us today 16:04:11 <tuanta> #topic Regional Budget 16:04:46 <robyduck> I think we don't have any real news here from the last meeting 16:04:48 <tuanta> last week, we got two actions for masta and aeperezt to update NA and LATAM budget 16:05:35 <tuanta> to match with actual allocation (announced by Ruth) 16:05:55 <tuanta> yes, robyduck. 16:06:08 <tuanta> I did not see any updates too 16:06:27 <tuanta> just check LATAM wiki page, no update 16:06:41 <tuanta> I did not hear anything from masta 16:06:58 * robyduck neither 16:07:06 <tuanta> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/LATAM/Budget_2015 16:07:53 <robyduck> let's give them another week 16:08:11 <tuanta> ok 16:08:41 <tuanta> #info no more updates from NA and LATAM budget last week 16:10:39 <tuanta> is there anything to discuss about this topic? 16:10:45 <robyduck> I don't have anything else here, you? Or cwickert? 16:11:03 <cwickert> nope 16:11:15 <cwickert> I think we will be underspending for this quarter in EMEA 16:11:28 <cwickert> but we can then use the money elsewhere 16:11:31 <robyduck> I fear yes 16:11:48 * cwickert still wants to do a sprint in Berlin 16:11:53 <cwickert> or FAS is you like 16:11:57 <cwickert> erm, FAD 16:12:28 <tuanta> cool 16:12:29 <cwickert> so I think we will find a way to use the budget, if not, we use it to sponsor FLOCK attendees 16:12:31 <robyduck> a FAD is a nice idea and works very well 16:12:39 <robyduck> +1 cwickert 16:12:40 <cwickert> btw: do we know more about FAD? 16:12:48 <lbazan> .fas lbazan 16:12:48 <zodbot> lbazan: lbazan 'Luis Enrique Bazán De León' <bazanluis20@gmail.com> 16:12:57 * lbazan late sorry 16:13:03 <tuanta> hi lbazan 16:13:04 <cwickert> I mean, when do we know who's talks and sponsorship requests were acepted? 16:13:16 <robyduck> you mean FLOCK? 16:13:17 <tuanta> we are discussing about regional budget 16:13:40 <tuanta> FLOCK? 16:13:54 <tuanta> I have not heard any updates 16:13:57 <aeperezt> hi 16:14:08 <tuanta> hi aeperezt 16:14:15 <aeperezt> tuanta we update latam budget 16:14:28 <lbazan> aeperezt: hi 16:15:18 <tuanta> I see the last line " Total Latam Budget Y2015: $21535 Allocated : $16500 " 16:15:39 <tuanta> so you will need more for all events/activities in LATAM? 16:15:58 <tuanta> aeperezt, have you contacted to Ruth to asl more? 16:16:03 <tuanta> #chair lbazan 16:16:03 <zodbot> Current chairs: cwickert lbazan robyduck tuanta 16:16:20 <tuanta> s/asl/ask 16:16:30 <aeperezt> tuanta, we will work with what is asign if we need more we will ask 16:17:57 <tuanta> aeperezt, I am not sure I understand this 16:18:44 <aeperezt> tuanta, budget asign was 16500 we will work with it 16:18:46 <tuanta> budget allocation for LATAM is $16,500, right? 16:18:54 <lbazan> yes 16:19:35 <tuanta> so you plan to use that $16,500 (at least, in your plan, at this moment) 16:19:37 <aeperezt> if we need more will request it to Ruth, but will try to work with that 16:19:40 <tuanta> right? 16:20:11 <aeperezt> right 16:21:23 <tuanta> if your latest total is $16,500, I think you should update it into your budget plan (cut some events/activities, reduce costs, etc.) 16:21:54 <tuanta> after all, if you can not cut anything more, you will see how much money you need to ask more 16:22:09 <tuanta> of course, it is just plan 16:22:25 <tuanta> it could be changed when running 16:23:02 <tuanta> do you see that's better way? 16:23:10 <aeperezt> tuanta we are working it the same as last year, we asign by quater and then we deside what we will get more or lest 16:23:18 <aeperezt> * less 16:23:41 <aeperezt> buy stablishing a priaority but that is done by the latam community 16:23:59 <tuanta> at this time, when someone looks into LATAM budget wiki page, they will see the total budget plan is $21,535 16:24:19 <aeperezt> so the total is 16,500 and we work each quarter 16:24:41 <tuanta> ok, it is up to you 16:25:39 <tuanta> I just think it would be more clear if you update the total budget to $16,500 (that's your plan right now) 16:26:42 <tuanta> any more things about budget today? 16:27:02 <tuanta> #info NA budget is still not clear 16:27:19 <aeperezt> tuanta if yoo look at last year page we have it the same requeted asigned but we also added the column spended 16:28:11 <tuanta> ok 16:28:43 <tuanta> next topic now? 16:28:56 <tuanta> #topic FUDCon 16:29:17 <tuanta> #info FUDCon Beijing 2014 is on the right way 16:29:42 <tuanta> all preparation seems be fine 16:29:58 <tuanta> robyduck, you will make it to Beijing? 16:30:10 <robyduck> tuanta: yes :) 16:30:21 <tuanta> everything is fine? 16:30:54 <robyduck> yes it's all set, and they have done a great work 16:31:08 <robyduck> Registration is open since today 16:31:16 <tuanta> cool 16:31:43 <tuanta> lbazan, any updates about FUDCon LATAM? 16:32:14 <lbazan> for the next meeting I have more info about fudcon 16:32:20 <tuanta> ok 16:33:02 <tuanta> #action lbazan to summarize FUDCon LATAM updates for the next meeting 16:33:41 <tuanta> #topic Open floor 16:34:11 <tuanta> I would like to discuss about Ambassadors work for Fedora.next 16:34:27 <tuanta> cwickert, et all, have you got any ideas? 16:35:04 <tuanta> what do we need to change to adapt to Fedora.next 16:35:06 <tuanta> ? 16:36:38 <robyduck> I think it's rather early now, we should look what happens in the next months, there is no need for now to change anything IMHO. Alpha is planned* for August, release for the end of October. 16:36:59 <tuanta> yes, that is current schedule 16:37:27 <tuanta> ok, it is a bit early, but I think we can start thinking about it 16:37:55 <robyduck> tuanta: what kind of major changes do you expect? 16:38:09 <tuanta> then we may finalize those changes during Flock 16:38:34 <tuanta> honestly, I have no ideas now :( 16:38:47 <robyduck> ^^ 16:39:08 <tuanta> I have not started thinking about it yet 16:39:57 <tuanta> we may need to discuss it on mailing list and IRC 16:40:29 <robyduck> for sure ambassadors need to update their knowledge, and that's the reason why we try to make ambassadors also join other teams. 16:40:55 * cwickert was busy with work 16:41:13 <cwickert> I don't think that much will change with Fedora.next 16:41:17 <robyduck> this can also be done with specific mailing on the ambassadors ML, whne the time will come 16:41:23 <tuanta> robyduck, yes, we have been getting that way 16:41:40 <cwickert> I mean, if an ambassadors follows the process of Fedora.next, they know what to talk about 16:41:49 <robyduck> cwickert: +1 16:41:53 * cwickert is plannig to do a session about this at FLOCK 16:41:53 <tuanta> should we open a new Trac ticket to get people involved to this topic 16:42:00 <tuanta> +1 cwickert 16:42:03 <cwickert> I think a mail will do 16:42:11 <cwickert> but it's too early 16:42:20 <robyduck> for those who don't follow anything we can provide the fedora.next slides, just to update them. 16:42:21 <cwickert> lets first discuss this in famsco 16:42:30 <robyduck> yup 16:42:30 <cwickert> I think we should come up with some guidance 16:42:42 <tuanta> +1 cwickert 16:42:52 <cwickert> like "everything an ambassador needs to know about Fedora.next" or so 16:42:55 <cwickert> I will draft something 16:43:02 <tuanta> we should make some guidelines for ambassadors 16:43:11 <tuanta> I like this idea 16:43:12 <cwickert> please be careful 16:43:21 <cwickert> no guidelines in the sense of red tape 16:43:33 <cwickert> we want to give them talking points, no new rules 16:43:41 <tuanta> yes 16:43:49 <tuanta> got your point 16:44:05 <cwickert> #action item cwickert to draft some talking points about Fedora.next for Ambassadors 16:44:31 <tuanta> should we have there versions for Workstation, Server and Cloud? 16:44:38 <cwickert> I will send them to famsco list and after some discussion we can send them to the ambassadors list 16:44:41 <tuanta> s/there/three 16:44:46 <cwickert> tuanta: I don't think so 16:45:23 <cwickert> this is up to the working groups to define. the ambassadors need to understand what Fedora.next is about, the greater concept but not all the technical details 16:45:30 <tuanta> ok, just draft it, then we can have a point to start discussing 16:45:42 <cwickert> they are not set in stone yet and will be mentioned in the release notes anyway 16:45:58 <cwickert> I would like to focus on encouragement and governanve 16:46:02 <cwickert> governance* 16:46:14 <tuanta> in the past, we had something like that for previous releases 16:46:29 <cwickert> we will have that, too, don't worry 16:46:49 <tuanta> things like this: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_19_talking_points 16:46:55 <cwickert> exactly 16:47:02 <tuanta> great 16:47:10 <cwickert> but this comes later, we first need to answer questions like "what benefits does Fedora.next offer (for me as ambassador)" 16:47:32 <tuanta> ok 16:47:56 <cwickert> I think matthew has some good material, let's see what I can borrow 16:48:22 <tuanta> yes, that's a good point 16:50:10 <tuanta> btw, this is latest Flock update: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/flock-planning/2014-May/000363.html 16:50:30 <tuanta> sponsorship has not been done yet 16:50:50 <tuanta> any more for today? 16:51:23 <tuanta> I will end the meeting in a minute 16:52:53 <tuanta> endmeeting 16:52:58 <tuanta> #endmeeting