17:00:03 <sesivany> #startmeeting FAmSCo 2013-09-23 17:00:03 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Sep 23 17:00:03 2013 UTC. The chair is sesivany. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:03 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:00:05 <sesivany> #meetingname famsco 17:00:05 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco' 17:00:10 <sesivany> #topic Roll Call 17:00:15 <sesivany> .fas eischmann 17:00:15 <zodbot> sesivany: eischmann 'Jiri Eischmann' <eischmann@redhat.com> 17:00:47 <robyduck> .fas robyduck 17:00:48 <zodbot> robyduck: robyduck 'Robert Mayr' <robyduck@gmail.com> 17:02:32 <cwickert> .fas cwickert 17:02:32 <zodbot> cwickert: cwickert 'Christoph Wickert' <christoph.wickert@googlemail.com> 17:03:19 <bckurera> .fas bckurera 17:03:19 <zodbot> bckurera: bckurera 'Buddhika Kurera' <bckurera@gmail.com> 17:03:58 <aeperezt_mb> .fas aeperezt 17:03:58 <zodbot> aeperezt_mb: aeperezt 'Alejandro Perez' <alejandro.perez.torres@gmail.com> 17:04:26 <sesivany> #info tuanta sent his regrets, he's travelling right now. 17:04:33 <aeperezt_mb> hello transmiting from cusco Peru 17:04:51 <aeperezt_mb> lokomurdok is also here 17:04:56 <sesivany> aeperezt_mb: say hello to everyone at FUDCon ;) 17:05:37 <aeperezt_mb> we are at an univeristy invitin students to the fudcon 17:06:00 <sesivany> ok, is here anyone who wants to discuss the budget again? We did so quite neatly last time. 17:06:12 <aeperezt_mb> so we regret not to be full time on the meetung 17:06:21 <cwickert> ! 17:06:21 <sesivany> tuanta was supposed to present his report for APAC, but he's not gonna come today. 17:06:26 <sesivany> cwickert: go ahead 17:07:03 <cwickert> I just wrote another mail about the NA budget situation to famsco list. please read it and hope things improve 17:07:10 <cwickert> frankly speaking I am out of ideas 17:07:34 <cwickert> if we do not spend out money, next year's budget will be cut 17:07:39 <cwickert> and I am not going to allow that 17:07:50 <sesivany> #topic Budget situation 17:07:52 <cwickert> I will just approve all expenses. 17:08:12 <cwickert> I mean, if some regions do not spend their money, we should have plenty left 17:08:24 <cwickert> EOF 17:08:39 <aeperezt_mb> we could produduce swags for all regios 17:08:58 * sesivany is reading the mail... 17:09:42 <aeperezt_mb> have to go sorry will read the logs later 17:10:06 <sesivany> cwickert: I completely agree. 17:10:08 <cwickert> basically the mails says: go clean up your mess 17:10:16 <cwickert> track your expenses 17:10:40 <cwickert> sesivany and kital do an excellent job for EMEA, tuanta for APAC, 17:10:59 <cwickert> inode0 also tracks the credit card expenses for NA very carefully 17:11:04 <cwickert> but he doesn't have more info 17:11:09 <sesivany> I don't really want to look hostile to NA, complaining all the time, but some things just don't work there. 17:11:22 <cwickert> and I think $somebody at RH is the only one to have the insight 17:11:36 <sesivany> cwickert: yes, what inode0 does is perfectly enough. 17:11:42 <cwickert> I think NA is kind of special because they do almost everything with credit cards 17:12:08 <sesivany> cwickert: we also do a lot of direct payments, but I take time to track them and report them publicly attaching invoices. 17:12:29 <cwickert> but not only fro inode0's card but from other cards from Rh employees 17:12:54 <cwickert> well, llong story short: we will need a treasurer for NA and it needs to be somebody from RH 17:13:01 <cwickert> just like you are from RH 17:13:13 <cwickert> btw: thanks for your incredible work!!! 17:13:24 <sesivany> cwickert: btw I'm most likely going to pay the EMEA FAD accommodation with my credit card, but it doesn't prevent me from tracking it. 17:14:08 <cwickert> can we just make a guideline that says: every payment you make needs to be tracked in public somewhere 17:14:09 <sesivany> I'm just enabling ambassadors to do their jobs, that's it :) 17:14:31 <cwickert> I don't care if it is in trac or in the wiki, but the info must be available *somewhere* 17:15:00 <cwickert> I mean, we could make that a guideline, but we have no way to enforce it anyway 17:15:22 <sesivany> cwickert: we can surely make a guideline, the question is if NA will obey it. We also wanted every region to have a treasurer. They said they didn't need such a role... 17:16:50 <sesivany> I think it's more about communication now. 17:17:08 <sesivany> I've been trying, but I haven't received any responses. 17:17:29 <sesivany> hopefully your email will be heard. 17:17:35 <cwickert> ok 17:17:42 <cwickert> lets revisit this next week 17:18:26 <sesivany> cwickert: btw APAC also has problems to spend up their budget. But there, we at least know it. 17:19:01 <cwickert> sesivany: I have no problem with APAC 17:19:05 <sesivany> cwickert: I told tuanta that they have to come up with a plan to get back on track this quarter or it will be redistributed. 17:19:10 <cwickert> I knew their budget was to high 17:19:27 <cwickert> but they are still young 17:19:39 * robyduck mainly agrees with cwickert on all points, hasn't to add anything at the moment 17:19:45 <bckurera> The issue is lack of events, we had lot of plans but few turned up 17:19:50 <cwickert> they are doing this for the first time and I think we should be give them time to learn 17:19:53 <bckurera> few events canceled 17:20:06 <cwickert> bckurera: is there anything we can do to support you guys? 17:20:19 <cwickert> I think some people were just too ambitious 17:20:33 <cwickert> they planned big events that they cannot organize with only a few people 17:20:50 <sesivany> cwickert: sure, no problem with that. But at some point, we have to decide and spend the money elsewhere because if the overall budget is not spent up, it will be cut next year. 17:20:55 <cwickert> so their expectations were just to high. but I wonder if this is the only problem 17:21:42 <bckurera> the region is big so it is hard to manage things for example swag production 17:22:11 <bckurera> we tried producing them central location and then deliver but it seems that plan is not working 17:22:25 <sesivany> if only the shipping outside EU wasn't so complicated. 17:22:40 <sesivany> I could easily produce swag for APAC and ship it anywhere. 17:23:31 <bckurera> I think we need to find out plans like sesivany just noted 17:23:54 <bckurera> coz I know we need some swags but there is no proper way to satify the demand 17:24:21 <bckurera> producing locally or producing central location in apac or EU and distribute 17:24:58 <sesivany> people from Red Hat has usually better access to swag. So maybe someone from Red Hat might help. Kushal for example. They must produce some swag in Pune. 17:25:01 <bckurera> I think it is one of the meaningful way of utilizing the budget when few events canceled and we have funds 17:26:46 <bckurera> sesivany : I dont understand, why RH people have better access to swag than others, after all it is a manufacture who make things right? 17:27:01 <sesivany> I don't know the situation in APAC, but if you ask me to produce standard stuff such as buttons, stickers,... and ship it to 2-3 locations, I will do it. 17:27:48 <bckurera> Yes that is what I see, there should be someone who can get the responsibility, thanks a lot for your support 17:27:58 <bckurera> I can ask people who want swags and make a list 17:28:16 <sesivany> bckurera: yeah, there is usually a relationship between the vendor and Red Hat already set up, so you can just tell colleague who takes care of it "hey, can you produce 1000 fedora buttons for me and expense it on this cost center". 17:28:18 <bckurera> so that we can get to know about the demand and produce and get distributed 17:28:22 <cwickert> sesivany: I think you have a proven trac record for swag and should kust send stuff over there 17:29:52 <sesivany> but just to clarify the situation: I can't do the same I do for EMEA: satisfying every small request, I can send, say, 1-3 larger packager per cycle to APAC, but I can't send 10-15 of them. I'm kinda busy with EMEA :) 17:30:29 <bckurera> If we save some funds then I think it is a good thing to invest them on swags because they dont expire, we can make them and keep it. Next year we have to focus less on swags then 17:30:52 <bckurera> sesivany : understood :) 17:30:56 <robyduck> ! 17:31:10 <sesivany> robyduck: go ahead, no need to follow the protocol. 17:31:26 <robyduck> could we produce cwickert's pins covering two or more regions? 17:31:38 <robyduck> with one budget? 17:31:57 <sesivany> robyduck: what do you mean by one budget? 17:32:14 <robyduck> APAC for example 17:32:52 <sesivany> robyduck: we surely can, but then it's already reallocating the resources. 17:32:58 <robyduck> producing instead of 2000 pins, 4000, and shipping them to both regions 17:33:00 <cwickert> speaking of pins... 17:33:20 <cwickert> I think we can do that 17:33:31 <cwickert> we can even make 5000 and ship some to the US 17:33:44 <robyduck> cwickert: :) 17:33:46 <cwickert> then they at least get something for they moneys :) 17:33:58 * cwickert will ask the company for updating the quote 17:34:32 <sesivany> cwickert: I can bring it to LinuxCon Europe and Robyn or Ruth can bring it from there to the US, not hassle with customs :) 17:35:02 <robyduck> an dpins are timeless, we can use them for the next release versions too 17:35:19 <cwickert> ok, 5000 then? 17:35:24 <sesivany> speaking of that, tuanta told me he'd be travelling to Europe. We can load him with swag :) 17:35:29 * cwickert wants to burn money 17:35:38 <cwickert> sesivany: I will meet with him in berlin 17:36:15 <sesivany> ok, but let's ask all regions first :) 17:36:35 <cwickert> I will ask for a quote anyway 17:36:52 <sesivany> it's a good idea, but we set some process we should follow, especially us who created them :) 17:38:27 <sesivany> cwickert: I ordered 2000 Fedora buttons. I can send 1000 to you to give it to tuanta. 17:40:07 <sesivany> and I also ordered fedora stickers and badges, the same I send send a pile of them to you and produce another batch. 17:40:46 <cwickert> sesivany: no need to hurry, I'll let you know 2 weeks before 17:41:38 <sesivany> #action sesivany and cwickert to ask other regions if they want EMEA to produce fedora pins for them. 17:42:04 <cwickert> #action cwickert to ask pin vendor for more quotes 17:42:14 <cwickert> done as we speak 17:43:09 <sesivany> cwickert: do you know tuanta's travel plan? Where else is he going to be in Europe? 17:43:28 <cwickert> Brussels 17:43:43 <cwickert> he is there for some lobby stuff 17:43:50 <cwickert> and his flight back is from Berlin 17:44:18 <cwickert> that's October 25 and 26th I think 17:44:35 <cwickert> so we still have time so ship stuff around 17:45:04 <sesivany> sure, I'll have the swag by Oct 5th. 17:46:18 <cwickert> oko 17:46:27 <sesivany> ok, do we want to discuss something else today? 17:46:31 * cwickert needs to run now, will be back in 30 minutes 17:47:00 <robyduck> sesivany: I think not 17:47:11 <robyduck> we need tuanta 17:47:20 * sesivany is looking at trac... 17:47:46 <robyduck> sesivany: did you see the indonesian requests? 17:48:40 <sesivany> robyduck: where? 17:49:30 <robyduck> for there domains in adv-board 17:49:45 * robyduck doesn't understand the logic behind 17:50:02 <robyduck> most of them are ambassadors 17:50:14 <sesivany> robyduck: do you have a link? 17:50:20 <sesivany> #topic Openfloor 17:51:01 <robyduck> humm, 1 moment 17:51:09 <bckurera> robyduck : you mean the change of indonesia fedora community domain? 17:51:35 <robyduck> yes but there is another request for the dame country, with infra ticket 17:52:25 <robyduck> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/advisory-board/2013-September/012129.html 17:52:30 <robyduck> this is the first one 17:52:42 <robyduck> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/advisory-board/2013-September/012183.html 17:52:50 <robyduck> and the other one 17:53:48 <robyduck> IIRC in the past there was already a bit of trouble about webdomains 17:54:56 <robyduck> but it's in the board list, so the only reason why I'm asking is that there are ambassadors involved 17:56:07 <sesivany> well, I think if they want their own domain, they should get it. 17:57:48 <sesivany> we also have fedora.cz, not cz.fedoracommunity.org. 17:57:52 <robyduck> sure 17:58:28 <robyduck> hopefully they'll cooperate :) 17:59:09 <sesivany> ok, anything else for today? 18:00:14 <sesivany> if not, I'm ending the meeting. 18:00:25 <robyduck> ok 18:00:30 <sesivany> thank you for attending and see you next week! ;) 18:00:37 <sesivany> #endmeeting