16:59:59 <sesivany> #startmeeting FAmSCo 2013-07-08 16:59:59 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jul 8 16:59:59 2013 UTC. The chair is sesivany. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:59:59 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:00:01 <sesivany> #meetingname famsco 17:00:01 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco' 17:00:08 <sesivany> #topic Roll Call 17:00:17 <sesivany> .fas eischmann 17:00:18 <zodbot> sesivany: eischmann 'Jiri Eischmann' <eischmann@redhat.com> 17:00:26 <tuanta> .fas tuanta 17:00:26 <zodbot> tuanta: tuanta 'Truong Anh Tuan' <tuanta@iwayvietnam.com> 17:00:27 * herlo is here, though not officially in FAmSCo anymore... :) 17:00:32 <robyduck> .fas robyduck 17:00:33 <zodbot> robyduck: robyduck 'Robert Mayr' <robyduck@gmail.com> 17:01:24 <sesivany> herlo: you're still welcome to our meetings ;-) 17:01:44 <LoKoMurdoK> .fas lbazan 17:01:45 <zodbot> LoKoMurdoK: lbazan 'Luis Enrique Bazán De León' <bazanluis20@gmail.com> 17:01:45 <herlo> sesivany: :) I actually have something to discuss 17:02:50 <sesivany> aeperezt: ping 17:03:06 <cwickert> .fas cwickert 17:03:06 <zodbot> cwickert: cwickert 'Christoph Wickert' <christoph.wickert@googlemail.com> 17:03:41 <sesivany> so who's missing? 17:04:48 <tuanta> bckurera 17:04:49 <sesivany> I hope aeperezt will show up, he certainly doesn't want to break the line of non-missed meetings for at least 6 monts :) 17:06:40 <sesivany> herlo: how long do you think it will take to discuss your topic? We can start with that and hopefully others will join us meanwhile. 17:08:15 <cwickert> new famsco or old famsco? 17:08:34 <sesivany> cwickert: new famsco today, finally. 17:08:39 <cwickert> ah, cool 17:09:13 <aeperezt> .fas aeperezt 17:09:14 <zodbot> aeperezt: aeperezt 'Alejandro Perez' <alejandro.perez.torres@gmail.com> 17:09:27 <tuanta> hello aeperezt :) 17:09:32 <aeperezt> helo tuanta 17:09:34 <sesivany> aeperezt is here, let's start with the planned stuff. 17:09:38 <aeperezt> helow sesivany 17:09:54 <sesivany> because I don't think bckurera will show up, will see. 17:09:58 <herlo> sesivany: oh, I can wait until open floor, it's about appointing a new FAMA administrator 17:10:29 <tuanta> I think that's fine 17:10:49 <sesivany> #topic FAmSCo chair for this term 17:11:06 <sesivany> We have to vote about the chair for this term. 17:11:23 * cwickert nominates sesivany 17:11:37 * tuanta too 17:11:45 <robyduck> +1 17:12:29 * LoKoMurdoK +1 17:12:31 <tuanta> any other candidate(s) for voting? 17:12:39 <aeperezt> same here was going to nominate sesivany 17:13:05 <tuanta> oh, I see no voting needed 17:13:38 <robyduck> I think the alternative would be cwickert, but I guess you are just very busy with yourdayjob 17:14:13 <cwickert> well, I did it in the past, but honestly, sesivany just deserves it more than me 17:14:24 <cwickert> he is way more active than I can currently be 17:15:05 <cwickert> seems we reached a quorum 17:15:13 <cwickert> #agreed sesivany is the new and old FAmSCo chair. Congrats! 17:15:13 <sesivany> robyduck: you can go ahead and just nominate cwickert, he deserves it. 17:15:21 <sesivany> cwickert: ok then 17:15:26 <robyduck> :) 17:15:30 <cwickert> lets take the shortcut ;) 17:15:32 <sesivany> thank you for the trust, guys. 17:15:39 <cwickert> thank you for your work! 17:15:49 <sesivany> now I have to choose a vice-chair, right? 17:15:53 <cwickert> ack 17:15:58 <tuanta> :) 17:16:19 <cwickert> throw the dice ;) 17:16:27 <robyduck> sesivany: you should yes 17:17:15 <sesivany> Considering it should be someone from a different region and someone who should be my backup when I can't attend, I choose aeperezt because he is really an iron man in attending FAmSCo meetings and he did the job to back me up in the last term. 17:17:46 <cwickert> great! 17:17:47 <sesivany> aeperezt: are you ok with that? 17:17:58 <tuanta> cool 17:18:13 <aeperezt> sesivany, If you think I can be helpful 17:18:17 <robyduck> excellent choice 17:18:18 * LoKoMurdoK :-) +1 for the iron man! 17:18:24 <sesivany> aeperezt: definitely 17:19:26 <sesivany> #agreed aeperezt will be a vice chair for this term. 17:20:13 <sesivany> let's move on to the next topic, shall we? 17:20:59 <tuanta> yes, please 17:21:03 <sesivany> #topic Meeting time 17:21:19 <sesivany> because we have new members, I'd like to discuss the meeting time. 17:21:47 <sesivany> it's almost impossible to find a time that suits everyone if we have members from all over the world... 17:22:19 <sesivany> I think the time we have now has proven to be ok, but is it a real problem for someone? 17:23:11 <robyduck> I'm quite fine with 17 UTC, 19 UTC would be better but it would be too late for tuanta for example 17:23:33 <sesivany> before we start a discussion about a new time, I'd like to hear a strong interest in changing because it'd be very difficult to find another that works better. 17:23:52 <sesivany> robyduck: yes, it's already quite late for people from APAC. 17:24:05 <sesivany> it's about midnight in Vietnam, right, tuanta? 17:24:11 <tuanta> an hour earlier is better for me, but the current time is still fine 17:24:29 <tuanta> yes, the meeting starts at the midnight here 17:24:57 <sesivany> one hour earlier might be too early for aeperezt and LokoMurdok I guess. 17:25:09 <sesivany> it would complicate things for me. 17:25:10 <aeperezt> sesivany, right 17:25:51 <sesivany> so as I see the current time might not be ideal for everyone, but it's probably the best compromise. 17:26:04 <robyduck> sesivany: +1 17:26:08 <sesivany> so should we stay with the current time? 17:26:20 <sesivany> I'm +1 17:26:27 <aeperezt> +1 17:26:45 <LoKoMurdoK> +1 17:27:19 <sesivany> assuming robyduck's +1 was also for this, it's decided. 17:27:23 <robyduck> +1 17:27:26 <robyduck> yes sorry 17:27:41 * tuanta +1 17:28:11 <sesivany> #agreed the FAmSCo's meeting time will remain 5pm UTC on Monday 17:28:47 <sesivany> that's the two topics I wanted to get done today. But I've got one extra. 17:29:06 <sesivany> #topic FAmSCo iniciatives for this term 17:29:31 <sesivany> I'd like you to think about what we should work on this term and what to accomplish. 17:30:22 <sesivany> we did something like this last year. Every member had to come up with his plans for FAmSCo and blog about it. 17:30:34 <sesivany> I'm also thinking about something like "FAmSCo is listening". 17:31:13 <sesivany> e.g. creating a wiki page where people can write what they don't like about FAm or what they would improve. 17:31:26 <cwickert> ! 17:31:28 <sesivany> some kind of feedback we really need. 17:31:37 <sesivany> cwickert: just speak 17:31:49 <cwickert> for EMEA, this will be part of the ambassadors census I am about to start 17:32:21 <cwickert> as you might know from earlier FADs in Rheinfelden, we started with a report on how the communities in different countries are doing 17:32:35 <cwickert> we reach out to them by mail and ask them as set of questions 17:32:58 <tuanta> cwickert: cool idea, I think. 17:33:12 <cwickert> on the one hand there are statistical ones like "number of active ambassadors" or "number of events" 17:33:20 <cwickert> but I also want some feedback questions 17:33:46 <cwickert> like "What can FAmSCo do to support you" or "What are your concerns about FAmSCo" 17:33:56 <sesivany> cwickert: so should we let the regions do it? 17:33:58 <cwickert> I am going to present my findings at FLOCk 17:34:06 <cwickert> and then we can have other regions do it, too 17:34:22 <cwickert> sesivany: good question. we can just have a wiki page 17:34:23 <robyduck> i like the idea of feedback, however we do it. We need to be as near as possible to the ambassadors 17:35:29 * sesivany is thinking if those two initiatives can actually be complementary... 17:36:05 <cwickert> sesivany: how about we have one part of the census and the other anonymous? 17:36:15 <cwickert> it would be interesting how the results differ 17:36:27 <sesivany> cwickert: yes, that could be interesting. 17:36:48 <cwickert> maybe we can just set up something on Google docs, even though this is non-free 17:37:12 <cwickert> or do we have a limewire instance or some some other free survey tool? 17:37:39 <robyduck> cwickert: sesivany: at this point we should keep it worldwide, not let the Regions do it 17:37:56 <sesivany> cwickert: I'm not sure if the community will be willing to use Google Docs, especially after the Snowden-gate :) 17:38:16 <tuanta> ;) 17:38:24 <sesivany> cwickert: the feedback may turn out to be not so anonymous :D 17:38:42 <cwickert> hey, I am also interested in the feedback from the NSA ;) 17:38:56 <aeperezt> well Brazil started its own census 17:39:24 <aeperezt> I think we can expand it to all region 17:39:57 <aeperezt> but an anonymous survey will be helpful 17:40:52 <sesivany> ok, what about starting something simple like We're new FAmSCo and we'd like to work for you this term and know what bugs you etc. Just a quick feedback we can get quickly. And censuses can follow later. I guess it will be more long term. 17:42:47 <sesivany> or even ask your FAmSCo, giving people opportunity to ask or share what to improve and we can answer every such a request. In a table on the wiki. 17:43:23 <robyduck> +1 for the wiki to start 17:44:17 <robyduck> we should also put together the ideas each member has, as you said before, sesivany 17:44:29 <sesivany> any other opinions? should I create such a page? 17:46:05 <sesivany> ok, I'll try to look at it and send the result to the mailing list. 17:46:24 <sesivany> moving to the next topic, ok? 17:46:34 <cwickert> ok 17:47:04 <tuanta> ok 17:47:26 <robyduck> move on ;) 17:47:36 <sesivany> #topic FAmSCo at Flock 17:47:44 <sesivany> favourite one :) 17:48:31 <sesivany> any updates here? 17:48:49 <tuanta> I dropped a message to Flock organizers and got this message: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/famsco/2013-July/001381.html 17:48:49 <sesivany> tuanta: was it you who was supposed to contact organizers? 17:49:04 <tuanta> it is positive 17:49:16 <tuanta> however, no more response since then 17:49:34 <aeperezt> sesivany, think Tom email cover it 17:50:08 <aeperezt> looking for it but basically said they will bring only speakers 17:50:36 <robyduck> I think all non speakers also received an email where Ruth said the same, still searching funds to sponsor as much people as possible 17:50:37 <sesivany> I'm on a private chat with rsuehle, just asked her about it. 17:50:38 <LoKoMurdoK> spot send email for the list say: flock do not have enough funding for this .. 17:51:12 <aeperezt> did not mention famsco members but that should cover it 17:51:29 <sesivany> LoKoMurdoK: that's bad news... :-/ 17:51:54 <LoKoMurdoK> sesivany: http://www.fpaste.org/23734/30590113/ 17:52:41 <LoKoMurdoK> sorry. did not mention famsco members 17:52:47 <sesivany> hmmm... does it really cover FAmSCo members? 17:52:51 <sesivany> I hope not. 17:53:53 <cwickert> I'm afraid it is. 17:53:56 <sesivany> preferring contributors from EMEA and NA makes sense since APAC and LATAM have their FUDCons, but it should not apply to FAmSCo, FESCO and Board members. 17:54:01 <cwickert> how about we do something on our own? 17:54:27 <sesivany> cwickert: what do you mean? 17:54:35 <cwickert> I mean, we do have budget and we have regions that spent less than planned 17:54:56 <cwickert> who is missing? LoKoMurdoK and who else? 17:54:59 <cwickert> that is two people 17:55:03 <cwickert> right? 17:55:13 <robyduck> me 17:55:23 <cwickert> there she is. thanks for the reservation, suehle 17:55:28 <tuanta> and aeperezt, and bckurera 17:55:36 <suehle> cwickert, oh good, glad you got the confirmation 17:55:43 <sesivany> robyduck: did you get any notification? you're from EMEA. 17:55:43 <cwickert> tuanta: well, we only count the people who applied 17:55:47 * tuanta got it too 17:56:12 <robyduck> I got email from suehle as the other people who registered I think 17:56:20 <cwickert> aeperezt: did you apply? do you want to go to FLOCK? 17:56:22 * aeperezt I don't think been a famsco member grant me subside for flock 17:56:51 <LoKoMurdoK> aeperezt: +1 17:56:56 * tuanta thanks suehle for the reservation too 17:57:39 <sesivany> so we've got three people without sponsorship, right? 17:57:40 <aeperezt> cwickert, I apply as regular Fedora contributor 17:57:53 <cwickert> aeperezt: but you did apply? 17:57:57 <sesivany> hmm... that's like 5-6k, a lot of money. 17:58:10 <aeperezt> cwickert, right 17:58:39 <cwickert> aeperezt: 645 for hotel two people, that means we need two rooms 17:58:43 <cwickert> that is 1300 then 17:59:02 <cwickert> plus flight, probably USD ~ 1300 each 17:59:17 <suehle> The hotel comes to 732.08 after taxes. 17:59:24 <cwickert> ah, taxes 17:59:28 <tuanta> yes 17:59:29 <aeperezt> please count me out 17:59:30 * cwickert didn't think of that 17:59:42 <aeperezt> I will bot be attend to flock 17:59:49 <aeperezt> *not 18:00:02 <cwickert> aeperezt: because you cannot or you don't want to? 18:00:13 * cwickert would love to meet aeperezt 18:00:38 <aeperezt> cwickert, at this point I don't want to. 18:00:52 <aeperezt> and I love to meet you all, I have meet sesivany 18:01:32 <cwickert> I think we should have all three look into how much funding they would need if they want to come 18:01:33 <aeperezt> I don beleve been Famsco grant me special consideration 18:01:46 <cwickert> then we can make a decision 18:02:14 <tuanta> +1 cwickert 18:02:58 <cwickert> does that sound like a plan then? 18:04:06 <tuanta> yes, at least LoKoMurdoK and robyduck since you did confirm here today 18:04:16 * cwickert is afk for 5 minutes 18:04:58 <sesivany> robyduck: so you didn't get the sponsorship even if you're a participant from EMEA? 18:05:06 <robyduck> sadly I don't have other funds on my family budget... 18:05:11 <robyduck> sesivany: no 18:05:46 <tuanta> robyduck and LoKoMurdoK: have you got any rough estimation on your flights to Flock? 18:05:50 <suehle> robyduck, We have not rejected EMEA non-speaker subsidies yet if that's what you mean. 18:06:00 <sesivany> damn... I can find like $500 in our EMEA budget, but that's pretty much it :-( 18:06:38 <robyduck> suehle: yes, but sesivany said "didn't get sponsorship" 18:07:11 <robyduck> But suehle, I don't want to be a problem, hope this is clear for all 18:07:12 <LoKoMurdoK> no have a time in august to attend... :-( 18:07:52 * suehle is going to attempt to email everyone this afternoon about subsidies one way or another 18:07:54 <LoKoMurdoK> I take one week in september for fudcon ;) 18:08:16 <robyduck> just say, hey, we can't sponsor wha<t you have requested, and I'll understand ^^ 18:09:30 * robyduck needs only to program holidays on his dayjob ;) so it would be nice to have an answer soon, and I think this is also the point for *all* non speakers from EMEA 18:10:55 <cwickert> re 18:11:44 <sesivany> suehle: while choosing participants to sponsor, please put some importance on FESCo, FAmSCo, Board members. Those people need to meet up and where else if not at Flock. 18:13:44 <sesivany> ok, any action items coming from this? 18:14:26 <tuanta> sesivany: only for suehle, I think :) 18:14:30 <suehle> sesivany, I'm hoping not to have to choose. :) 18:14:31 <sesivany> cwickert: what's the plan then? we have to move on. Herlo is waiting to discuss something and will have to leave soon, so will I. 18:16:12 <sesivany> ok, let's move on then. 18:16:18 <sesivany> #topic Openfloor 18:16:22 <tuanta> now, only robyduck needs support so I think it's much easier 18:16:25 <sesivany> herlo: your turn. 18:16:40 <herlo> okay 18:16:57 <herlo> So I've been FAmA administrator for two terms. It's time for someone else to take it over 18:17:18 <herlo> it is a pretty easy job, one which I have been working on making even easier. 18:17:39 <herlo> It really needs to be someone current in FAmSCo, but I can spend a day and show them how it all works. 18:17:48 * robyduck would have been happy with herlo's third term :) 18:18:05 <herlo> robyduck: life has been very busy or I would have run 18:18:06 <herlo> :) 18:18:18 <robyduck> ^^ 18:18:47 <tuanta> herlo: where can we find the full job description? 18:18:49 <herlo> any takers on the FAmA position? If not, we can have the new leadership appoint someone. :) 18:18:53 <cwickert> I think it would be good to have somebody not only from FAmScCo but also a mentor 18:19:03 * cwickert looks at robyduck... 18:19:17 <herlo> tuanta: haha, I have a pretty good one at http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassador_Candidate_Ticket_Management 18:19:19 <sesivany> cwickert: that narrows it dow :) 18:19:36 <robyduck> cwickert: uh? 18:19:45 <herlo> tuanta: it really isn't the job description but more of a process of what happens 18:19:51 <cwickert> robyduck: u no mentor? 18:19:58 <robyduck> yes 18:20:07 <tuanta> thanks herlo. that's it 18:20:18 <herlo> tuanta: the job entails approving ambassadors after they have been mentored, fighting mailing list spam and approving ambassadors for the mailing list :) 18:20:33 <herlo> most of the work is now on the mentor, but the approvals happen by the FAmA admin 18:20:45 * cwickert already does mailing list administration 18:21:02 <herlo> cwickert: you do? for the ambassadors mailing list? 18:21:09 <aeperezt> LoKoMurdoK, is also mento 18:21:15 <cwickert> herlo: yes 18:21:15 <aeperezt> -metor 18:21:20 <aeperezt> *mentor 18:21:24 <LoKoMurdoK> I'd take that responsibility, if they agree ... 18:21:34 <herlo> cwickert: odd. I've been trying not to have anyone esle do that since you have to update statuses in trac 18:21:48 <herlo> cwickert: if you've been updating trac though, I won't complain too loudly 18:21:52 <cwickert> herlo: ?! I didn't know that 18:22:02 <herlo> cwickert: yeah, that's actually how that is supposed to work 18:22:10 <cwickert> I was made moderator by kital and I apprved/rejected mails, that's all 18:22:12 <herlo> per kital 18:22:21 <sesivany> LoKoMurdoK: I would vote for you if you wanted to do it. 18:22:23 <herlo> yeah, he clearly didn't explain that part to you :) 18:22:26 <herlo> cwickert: ^^ 18:22:32 <cwickert> herlo: can we discuss this later? I wasn't ware of that 18:22:34 <herlo> I have an email that details it :) 18:22:39 <sesivany> ok, guys. what about LoKoMurdok? :) 18:22:40 <cwickert> forward it please 18:22:41 <herlo> cwickert: sure, it's not a huge problem actually 18:22:45 <cwickert> cool 18:22:58 <cwickert> and if LoKoMurdoK wants to do it, that's cool, too 18:22:59 <sesivany> he's fresh, doesn't have so much on his shoulders yet :) 18:23:13 <herlo> cwickert: well, my hope is the new fama admin can handle it and clarify since kital's email is full of passwords I don't want to give away 18:23:31 <LoKoMurdoK> sesivany: :-) 18:23:31 <cwickert> well, I'm not sure if a freshman should do it. 18:23:49 <cwickert> so we have no volunteer other than LoKoMurdoK? 18:24:03 <herlo> sesivany, et al. I think what I'm after is just getting a discussion going on the famsco list or on the fama-mentors list to decide how to transition. I'm willing ot work with whoever and it's not a hard job. 18:24:16 <robyduck> If we need him to be a mentor it's me and LoKoMurdoK, otherwise it would be nice to have cwickert 18:24:30 <herlo> I don't see any reason why anyone, including a new FAmSCo member would have a problem doing this job. 18:24:42 <herlo> I don't think a mentor is required 18:25:13 <herlo> though I thought sesivany and cwickert were both mentors too. 18:25:28 <cwickert> the only reason I suggested a mentor is that I need a criteria I do not match :) 18:25:35 <herlo> As far as I am concerned, FAmSCo members should also be considered mentors, but that's another topic. 18:25:43 <cwickert> herlo: +1 18:25:59 <tuanta> +1 18:26:20 <cwickert> herlo: how much work is it? how many hours a week? or minutes a day? 18:26:25 <aeperezt> +1 18:26:27 <herlo> 2-3 hrs a week 18:26:34 <herlo> I did all of it on a sunday afternoon 18:26:39 <tuanta> I can take this responsibility 18:26:39 <LoKoMurdoK> +1 18:26:50 <sesivany> herlo: yes, but frankly I don't really have time to take over another role. I wish I could. But I have to maintain some work-life balance. I need to see the sun from time to time :) 18:26:51 <herlo> and I didn't do it every day, though it could be managed that way 18:26:59 <herlo> sesivany: lol, I totally understand. 18:27:20 <herlo> it's part of why I'm giving all of this away so that I can manage my life-work balance a bit better 18:27:25 <cwickert> sesivany: real-life is orerrated! :-P 18:27:28 <herlo> lol 18:27:28 <cwickert> Over* 18:27:41 <aeperezt> lol 18:27:44 <cwickert> ok, LoKoMurdoK or tuanta then 18:27:51 <cwickert> both are very reliable 18:28:04 <tuanta> I see this job is clear enough and it does not take much time 18:28:24 * herlo nominates tuanta 18:28:33 <herlo> as his last act as FAmA admin :D 18:28:56 <cwickert> LoKoMurdoK, tuanta: who of you has been around longer? 18:28:58 <tuanta> and the new person got supports from herlo and all others 18:29:17 <tuanta> cwickert: what do you mean? 18:30:01 <herlo> tuanta: I'll provide you with support for performing the FAmA admin job, yes. :) 18:30:06 <herlo> or whoever takes the role 18:30:16 <cwickert> tutanta joined fedora in September 2008, LoKoMurdoK in April 2011 18:30:39 <tuanta> ah, I see your point 18:30:53 <cwickert> based on this I am more for tuanta, but I am sure that LoKoMurdoK would be a good candidate, too 18:31:50 <aeperezt> based on that tuanta 18:32:04 <sesivany> ok, everyone ok with tuanta? 18:32:14 <sesivany> +1 18:32:19 <robyduck> tuanta +1 18:32:50 <herlo> +1 18:33:20 <tuanta> seems I got all your supports :) 18:33:27 * sesivany thinks both tuanta and LoKoMurdoK can do the job very well. But if herlo prefers someone more experienced, so be it tuanta. 18:33:30 <tuanta> it makes my job much easier 18:34:00 <cwickert> ok, let LoKoMurdoK take over next turn then 18:34:08 <cwickert> makes sense? 18:34:26 <LoKoMurdoK> tuanta: +1 ;) 18:34:34 <sesivany> #agreed tuanta to become a new FAmA admin 18:34:50 * herlo is just glad someone wants to take it over. It's a rewarding job for sure. 18:35:03 <herlo> you get lots of emails from new FAms thanking you 18:35:25 <tuanta> :) 18:35:38 <herlo> and occasionally, you have to explain to potential FAms why they got rejected, but usually they realize that they missed a step and are excited all over again 18:35:39 <tuanta> thanks. then, firstly herlo, please drop me a mail to show me how to get started 18:35:53 <herlo> tuanta: sure. Sounds good. I'll email you sometime later this week. 18:35:59 <herlo> thanks everyone 18:36:19 <tuanta> thanks 18:36:28 <sesivany> are we done today? it's getting late. 18:36:47 <tuanta> yes, it's late 18:36:51 <sesivany> tuanta: here is your present to your birthday: more work :-P 18:37:05 <robyduck> ^-^ 18:37:05 * herlo is done 18:37:06 <sesivany> FYI tuanta has a birthday today :) 18:37:13 <tuanta> thanks, sesivany et all :) 18:37:24 <tuanta> it's over in my timezone :) 18:37:35 <sesivany> ok, let's end it. 18:37:44 <robyduck> tuanta: happy birthday and good night 18:37:46 <sesivany> thank you for attending today! 18:38:01 <LoKoMurdoK> happy birthay! bless! 18:38:03 <sesivany> meet you next week! 18:38:05 * LoKoMurdoK I have hungry: S 18:38:16 <herlo> LoKoMurdoK: +1 18:38:19 * herlo leaves for food 18:38:22 <sesivany> #endmeeting