17:00:47 <jreznik> #startmeeting F19 Go/No-Go meeting 17:00:47 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jun 27 17:00:47 2013 UTC. The chair is jreznik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:47 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:00:58 <adamw> ahoyhoy. 17:00:58 <jreznik> #meetingname F19 Go/No-Go meeting 17:00:58 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'f19_go/no-go_meeting' 17:01:16 <jreznik> #topic Roll Call 17:01:21 <nirik> morning. 17:01:30 <jreznik> let's at least start it officially and waiiit for surprise 17:01:31 <adamw> here, sir 17:01:32 <nirik> I was told there would be punch and pie... :) 17:01:43 * adamw punches nirik and tells him he ate all the pies 17:01:58 <drago01> we still don't call this slip/no-slip meeting? ;) 17:02:14 <jreznik> #chair adamw nirik 17:02:14 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw jreznik nirik 17:02:37 <adamw> call it bob if it makes you happy 17:03:07 <jreznik> bob/no-bob 17:04:04 <adamw> no bob 17:04:06 <adamw> i don't like bob 17:04:20 * nirik likes bob. +1 bob. 17:04:29 <adamw> -1 bob! you suck! 17:04:50 <jreznik> anyone else? I hope dgilmore will join us with good news... 17:04:53 * Martix1 is here 17:04:59 * tflink is here 17:05:01 <jreznik> welcome bob martix 17:05:12 <jreznik> #chair tflink 17:05:12 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw jreznik nirik tflink 17:06:07 * nirik goes to get more coffee, back in a min. 17:06:54 <jreznik> #topic Purpose of this meeting 17:06:56 <jreznik> #info Purpose of this meeting is to see whether or not F19 Final is ready for shipment, according to the release criteria. 17:06:58 <jreznik> #info This is determined in a few ways: 17:06:59 <jreznik> #info No remaining blocker bugs 17:07:00 <jreznik> #info Test matrices for Final are fully completed 17:07:02 <jreznik> #link http://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/milestone/19/final/buglist 17:07:03 <jreznik> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Current_Installation_Test 17:07:05 <jreznik> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Current_Base_Test 17:07:05 <dgilmore> jreznik: im here 17:07:06 <jreznik> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Current_Desktop_Test 17:07:08 <jreznik> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_19_Final_Release_Criteria 17:08:34 <jreznik> so it's officially started, now we are waiting for RC3 17:09:09 <jreznik> anyone wants to say anything about accepted blockers, otherwise I'll just info current status 17:09:25 <adamw> to make it clear for the record, we have an open blocker which is unaddressed in the current candidate build, RC2+RC2.2 : 17:09:40 <jreznik> #topic current status 17:09:44 <adamw> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=978852 17:09:53 <adamw> #info we have an open blocker which is unaddressed in the current candidate build, RC2+RC2.2 : https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=978852 17:10:02 * Martix1 is traveling home, because it's going to be looong uncertain and stochastic waiting 17:10:06 <nirik> so, what areas could be possibly changed in rc3? we need to do a full retest? or ? 17:10:42 <adamw> the sole intended change for rc3 is this:L 17:10:52 <adamw> https://lists.fedorahosted.org/pipermail/anaconda-patches/2013-June/004788.html 17:11:01 <adamw> it is limited to the software spoke in the tui install interface. 17:11:07 <jreznik> nirik: for the bug itself, it's pretty limited to tui and small fix 17:11:26 <adamw> so what we really need to re-test is software selection in text install. for everything else we should do sanity testing on key things like media consistency etc. 17:11:26 <nirik> cool 17:11:40 <adamw> we should not need to re-do base or desktop tests at all, just check the images don't explode for some crazy reason. 17:11:48 <adamw> however, rc3 will include an unintended change too: 17:12:08 <adamw> https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/comps.git/commit/?id=020acb5464596607acf8d3b75c702dd637497bec 17:12:36 <adamw> let me take this opportunity to ask people again, for the love of god, PLEASE not to make unnecessary frivolous changes to comps and spin-kickstarts during release freezes. 17:12:42 <nirik> so, shall we leave this meeting open until rc3 testing can be done? or ? 17:13:01 <adamw> we need to check that change does not somehow cause the desktop live or the DVD to go oversize. 17:13:07 <adamw> with all appendages crossed it shouldn't. 17:13:11 <jreznik> nirik: I'd say so 17:13:17 <drago01> adamw: can we just temporary revert that change? 17:13:26 <adamw> we should also do quick sanity checks on install package sets which might possibly be affected by that change 17:13:37 <adamw> drago01: unfortunately no, because comps changes require a complete repo mash, which takes several hours 17:13:39 <nirik> drago01: not without remashing everything. 17:13:40 <adamw> so we're basically stuck with it 17:13:46 <drago01> oh 17:13:49 <drago01> ok 17:13:57 <adamw> nirik: leave it open or re-convene, either way. we use this channel so we can leave it open if necessary. 17:14:15 <drago01> adamw: is rc3 being composed right now? 17:14:16 <tflink> isn't readiness meeting here in less than 2 hours? 17:14:20 * nirik is fine either way, do we want to set a timer? 17:14:26 <nirik> drago01: it is. 17:14:30 <drago01> nirik: ok 17:14:31 <adamw> tflink: it's not in here. 17:14:35 <tflink> ok 17:14:37 <dgilmore> drago01: to revert it will make for RC3 taking about 8 hours to compose 17:14:44 <adamw> gnome-getting-started-docs is in the gnome-desktop package set so we should test a GNOME dvd install 17:14:51 <drago01> dgilmore: yeah not really an option 17:15:11 <adamw> drascula is not in any package set i can see (only in games, as optional, which basically means 'not in it' these days) so that's not a problem 17:15:16 <jreznik> no other meeting scheduled to this channel today as looking on wiki, so we can have it open 17:16:01 <adamw> kicad is in electronics lab so we can probably give that a shot 17:16:12 <adamw> sagemath is not in anything 17:17:39 <adamw> so to me rc3 test recipe looks like 'ensure sizes are OK, check key install types on text, sanity checking on other images and major install paths, check electronics lab group' 17:17:52 <adamw> most tests we can just copy over from rc1 and rc2 17:18:04 * nirik nods. 17:18:32 <adamw> it would help confidence if everyone can just grab an rc3 image and do _something_ with it 17:18:41 <adamw> obviously contributing to the test matrices helps 17:18:41 <jreznik> are you going to prepare test matrix for rc3? 17:18:55 <adamw> robatino will create the matrices, he always does. i'll try and do a curated result transfer from rc2 17:18:59 * jreznik will definitely grab it once it's available 17:19:04 <nirik> he's already done so. ;) 17:19:11 <adamw> okay, i'll get going on the result transfer then 17:19:14 <robatino> they're done 17:19:47 <jreznik> thanks robatino 17:20:01 <adamw> +1 17:20:26 <adamw> we need to check obvious 'compose sanity' stuff like image sizes, checksums, bootability and the like - at least boot each release-blocking image once 17:30:28 <adamw> man, I should do all my testing this way 17:30:36 <adamw> rc3 base and desktop testing is complete, i'm awesome ;) 17:30:54 * nirik hands adamw a drink with a tiny umbrella in it. 17:31:31 <jreznik> :D 17:38:32 <thebya> desktop lives done in koji, within size limits 17:39:02 * nirik cheers 17:54:46 <Martix_> is mtg still "on air"? 17:55:13 <jreznik> Martix_: yes 17:55:15 <adamw> yes, we're leaving it open while we test 17:55:24 <adamw> s/test/handwave and pray/ 17:55:39 <handsome_pirate> Heh 17:55:42 <jreznik> and we're getting first live images now 17:57:21 <Martix_> ok, ping me if there is some progress 18:03:50 <adamw> result transfer to rc3 matrices is complete, I've tried to leave strategic gaps for things we really ought to re-test 18:04:02 <adamw> of course, we should go on and replace as many 'previous run' tests as time allows too 18:06:04 <jreznik> [20:04] <dgilmore> RC3 Live portion is all in place with checksums, i.e. Desktop and KDE 18:09:07 <tflink> desktop spin appears to not have size issues 18:10:24 <adamw> trumpets, etc. 18:10:41 <jreznik> #info desktop spin sizes are ok 18:16:00 <adamw> 32-bit dvd is up 18:21:45 <dgilmore> as is 64 bit dvd 18:56:03 <jreznik> REMINDER: The Release Readiness meeting "starts" in 5 minutes in #fedora-meeting-1 19:04:20 <cwickert> #join fedora-meeting-1 19:04:23 <cwickert> oops 21:13:57 <adamw> rc3 testing proceeding smoothly, no issues found so far, blocker fix is verified 21:14:03 <adamw> (just providing a status update) 21:17:53 <nirik> so, how much more testing needed before go/no-go call? 21:18:33 <adamw> mostly just need to boot a few more images and do a fedup test 21:18:36 <adamw> hour or two? 21:18:40 <nirik> cool. 21:19:24 * jreznik would like to see one hour :D still in the office :) 21:21:03 <adamw> c'mon, it's not even MIDNIGHT yet 21:21:04 <adamw> wuss 21:22:11 <jreznik> :D well, I found supply of energy drinks :) 21:22:19 <jreznik> called "HELL" 21:44:07 <tflink> jreznik_: wouldn't energy drinks sourced from HELL be a little on the warm side? 21:44:24 * tflink prefers energy drinks cold, but to each their own :) 21:55:24 <drago01> tflink: unless the "energy drink" is called coffee ;) 21:55:48 <tflink> drago01: coffee can be good cold if it's done right 21:56:08 <drago01> indeed 21:56:30 <tflink> however, coffee that's been sitting around so long it's now cold is usually not what I think of as "good" :) 21:56:42 <drago01> ;) 21:56:54 * adamw finishes off his double nespresso iced latte 22:01:09 <jreznik> heh, alarm in the office is set to midnight, disarmed 22:01:30 <adamw> okay, i am about ready to sign off on this thing, personally 22:01:40 <adamw> who else from qa is still here? tflink? anyone else? 22:01:47 * tflink is here 22:01:56 <adamw> you happy yet? or waiting for any more tests? 22:02:03 <tflink> no objections from me - I don't see how more fedup runs are going to prove much of anything 22:02:20 <adamw> no, i just wanted one to check the rc3 upgrade.img 22:03:16 <adamw> so to do the bureaucracy: we have no unaddressed open blockers for the rc3 images 22:03:22 <adamw> we need to push spin-kickstarts to stable, but that's okay 22:03:42 <jreznik> #info after RC3 validation we have no unaddressed open blockers 22:04:08 <adamw> we consider the combined rc1/rc2/rc3 test coverage sufficient: all required tests have been hit somewhere in that set and we did enough testing on rc2 and rc3 to be confident that everything is good 22:04:36 <adamw> can we get to the votin'? :) 22:04:38 <adamw> nirik: pingy 22:04:46 <adamw> dgilmore: pingu 22:04:48 <tflink> he just left a few minutes ago :) 22:05:01 <jreznik> #info QA considers the combined rc1/rc2/rc3 test coverage sufficient: all required tests have been hit somewhere in that set and we did enough testing on rc2 and rc3 to be confident that everything is good 22:05:29 <jreznik> yep, nirik left a few minutes ago saying he will be back in 30, 40 minutes 22:05:41 <dgilmore> adamw: no 22:05:55 <adamw> dgilmore: you're not pingu? 22:06:02 <dgilmore> adamw: im not 22:06:06 <jreznik> rbergeron: you around? 22:06:11 <adamw> dgilmore: don't worry, i was just asking you to vote for releng 22:06:15 <adamw> i think releng gets a vote 22:06:23 <adamw> if nirik's not here do we have anyone to be devel? 22:06:26 <dgilmore> adamw: oh i say ship it 22:08:16 <jreznik> adamw: not sure I see anyone we can say "devel" :( 22:08:23 * adamw is a provenpackager 22:08:29 <adamw> or fesco, for that matter 22:08:33 <adamw> damnit people need to stop leaving 22:08:43 * jreznik is also provenpackager :) 22:08:57 <adamw> let's get out the Big Box Of Disguises 22:09:00 <tflink> aren't you two special :-P 22:09:04 <misc> adamw: mjg59 ? 22:09:15 <adamw> mjg59: ahoyhoy 22:09:51 <mjg59> ? 22:10:00 <mjg59> You've got 5 minutes until I go to get my drink on 22:10:04 <adamw> can you play devel for us? 22:10:10 <adamw> for go/no-go voting purposes 22:10:20 <mjg59> I haven't booted anything past beta 22:10:31 <mjg59> So not really in good faith, no 22:11:27 <jreznik> nirik should be back in 10-20 minutes... 22:11:51 <adamw> are we still technically on the old fesco, or are we on the new fesco? 22:12:04 <misc> does it make a difference ? 22:12:12 <adamw> well, in terms of who we can ask to come and be fesco 22:12:16 <adamw> or we can just wait for nirik, i guess 22:12:40 <misc> old fsco would have the legitimity of being there for the whole cycle 22:12:49 <misc> and new one due to the vote 22:12:49 <adamw> anyway, in case there are massive earthquakes or something, i'll note that QA will vote GO 22:13:05 <jreznik> let's change topic then 22:13:15 <jreznik> #topic Go/No-Go decision 22:15:14 <adamw> as there are no unaddressed blockers and test coverage is sufficient, QA votes GO. 22:15:14 <jreznik> as we're waiting for nirik, do not touch anything :D 22:15:59 <jwb> still need FESCo go? 22:16:03 <jreznik> #info as there are no unaddressed blockers and test coverage is sufficient, QA votes GO 22:16:10 <jreznik> jwb: yep please 22:16:39 <jwb> i don't believe there are any outstanding issues that FESCo is aware of that need addressing 22:16:43 <jwb> i would say GO 22:17:37 <jreznik> #info there are any outstanding issues that FESCo is aware of, devel votes GO 22:17:49 <jwb> er 22:17:51 <jwb> aren't 22:17:58 <jreznik> #undo 22:17:59 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0x1234ee50> 22:18:20 <jreznik> #info there aren't any outstanding issues that FESCo is aware of, devel votes GO 22:18:24 <adamw> outstanding. 22:18:29 <adamw> #jreznikfail 22:18:33 <jreznik> fail, fail 22:19:34 <jreznik> adamw: eh, what's wrong now 22:20:35 <jreznik> ? 22:21:43 <adamw> i thought it was meant to say 'fesco votes GO' 22:22:10 <jreznik> so s/devel/FESCo, sure 22:22:15 <adamw> oh, fesco represents devel, i see. 22:22:57 <jreznik> ok, let's move on 22:23:11 <adamw> my bad sorry 22:23:48 <jreznik> #info as based on QA and devel feedback, FPM votes GO 22:24:13 * jreznik is not sure we can get rbergeron now as FPL 22:24:14 <adamw> if fpm and fpl are gonna have formal votes, btw, we really should update the go/no-go meeting page 22:24:22 <adamw> it only requires votes from devel, qa and releng 22:24:30 <adamw> dgilmore: releng vote? 22:24:41 <dgilmore> adamw: ship it out the door 22:25:05 <jreznik> #info releng votes GO 22:25:49 <jreznik> adamw: well, we already talked about it during F18, we want to update it... I'm ok with not voting as I just ack your decision 22:26:07 * nirik is back 22:26:25 <tflink> finally, you've been holding up release :) 22:26:28 * nirik is all go unless something horrible came up in the last 30min 22:27:01 <adamw> tflink: it's ok, we got jwb 22:27:12 <adamw> that's all the votes required in the meeting sop 22:27:21 <nirik> go go go. ;) 22:27:58 <jreznik> proposed #agreed Fedora 19 Final status is GO by Fedora QA, release engineering, developers and FPM 22:28:04 <adamw> ACK 22:28:09 <nirik> full ack 22:28:13 <tflink> ack 22:28:24 <adamw> er 22:28:30 <adamw> tflink: did you want to do an sb test? 22:28:38 <adamw> or, you know...not? 22:28:45 <jwb> i'm sure nirik would have spoke up if i was wrong on the fesco part, btw ;) 22:28:57 <nirik> we're all good. 22:29:27 * jreznik is going to hit enter now to send Go decision, speak now 22:29:36 <tflink> adamw: we probably should 22:30:34 <jreznik> adamw, tflink: well, so delay "agreed" or push it out? 22:30:56 <adamw> i kinda would feel bad if we don't do an SB install. 22:31:07 <adamw> the last one i can find anyone did was some random forum person on june 7th. 22:31:17 <nirik> jwb: you have sb hardware there? 22:31:25 <adamw> tflink does 22:31:26 <jwb> yes. it's running f19 22:31:39 <jwb> hasn't been through an actual anaconda install in a while though 22:31:47 <tflink> adamw: I love how cavalier you are with my hardware :) 22:31:55 <adamw> i know, i am, aren't i? 22:32:00 <adamw> don't you have a test hard disk you can throw in? 22:32:06 * adamw has a pile of hard disks on top of his chassis 22:32:24 <drago01> still no SB vms? 22:32:25 <drago01> lame 22:32:40 <nirik> you can sorta kinda do it, but it's not easy... 22:32:42 <adamw> sorry tflink 22:33:04 <drago01> nirik: ot but any pointer to that? 22:33:13 <nirik> sure, just a sec... 22:34:55 <nirik> drago01: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Testing_secureboot_with_KVM 22:35:02 <drago01> nirik: thanks 22:35:02 <nirik> not sure if it's out of date now or not 22:35:32 <drago01> ok 22:35:59 <adamw> tflink: got a rough eta on that one? 22:36:09 <adamw> minimal install should be fine i think 22:47:40 <tflink> that would have been wise, but I started a full gnome install 22:48:28 <tflink> adamw: it's more the fact that the machine is triple booting win7, ubuntu and fedora 22:48:32 <tflink> pokemon don 22:48:40 <tflink> 't like being disturbed :) 22:48:57 <adamw> =) 22:49:19 * nirik would be happy to do secureboot testing if someone bought him one of the new samsung laptops with the nice resolution. ;) 22:49:24 <adamw> well, if it's multibooting native uefi installs you should be able to switch out disks with impunity 22:49:38 <adamw> efibootmgr entries specify uuids 22:50:03 <adamw> i suppose the uefi fedora install will nerf the efibootmgr entry for your existing fedora install though :( 22:50:11 <adamw> unless you rename it first. 22:50:34 <drago01> nirik: just to notice how we really suck at supporting those resultions? ;) 22:50:52 <nirik> I'd muddle thru. ;) 22:50:59 <drago01> ;) 22:51:14 * adamw finds 1080p at 13" sharp enough 22:52:38 <tflink> adamw: no, I've been through that before, I rename my normal fedora install's efi entry so that it doesn't get stomped on :) 22:52:43 <adamw> aha. 22:58:35 <adamw> <tflink> adamw: 833/1240 packages 22:58:38 <adamw> *twiddles thumbs* 23:04:51 <tflink> post-install setup 23:05:18 <drago01> tflink: you clearly need faster hardware ;) 23:05:20 <nirik> <elevator music> 23:06:21 <puiterwijk> nirik: you don't happen to be listening to Dutch radio, right? I just hear elevator music on the radio :) 23:06:28 <nirik> ha 23:08:06 <adamw> drago01: goddamnit he was issued a perfectly good Conner 200MB hard disk when he joined QA and that's what he'll use till its accounting end-of-life date in 2047 23:08:27 <drago01> heh 23:08:28 <adamw> never let it be said RH wastes shareholder money 23:11:34 <nirik> not a Quantum? shiny! 23:12:40 <tflink> rebooting now 23:13:03 <adamw> i caught one of the interns trying to trade in their conner for a quantum fireball 23:13:05 <adamw> damn ingrates 23:13:26 <Martix_> jreznik: ACK, let the cat go of the box! 23:13:47 <tflink> you can only read from a DVD so fast during install :) 23:13:57 <drago01> DVD? 23:14:00 <puiterwijk> adamw: what's wrong with interns? ;) 23:14:03 <adamw> why'd you install it from a dvd? 23:14:10 <adamw> puiterwijk: nothing's wrong with them! they make fine, fine fuel 23:14:16 <tflink> because I didn't have a USB stick ready 23:14:21 <drago01> network 23:14:26 * adamw throws another intern on the boiler 23:14:32 <ianweller> puiterwijk: servers can't keep the new HQ warm on their own 23:14:49 <puiterwijk> adamw: hah, remind me to evade you whenever possible 23:15:31 <tflink> install done, pass 23:15:34 <puiterwijk> ianweller: then you need more servers? :) 23:15:34 <adamw> yaaaaay 23:15:37 <nirik> hurray! 23:15:40 <adamw> much-delayed ACK 23:15:49 <puiterwijk> woot! 23:15:50 <adamw> tflink: confirm it's booted in SB mode? 23:16:19 <tflink> like I said, pass - g-i-s works fine, quick once over is all good 23:16:52 <nirik> cool. 23:16:59 <jreznik> #info SB mode passed 23:17:01 <nirik> jreznik: still around? or gone now? 23:17:03 <nirik> ah ha. ;) 23:17:06 <adamw> welp, just wanted to triple-double-check it's an actual sb enabled install, i think there's some log output you can check or somehing. but eh. 23:17:34 * jreznik is going to push enter and not going to undo it, never 23:17:42 <jreznik> #agreed Fedora 19 Final status is GO by Fedora QA, release engineering, developers and FPM! 23:17:49 <nirik> rocking. 23:17:55 <misc> congrats 23:17:57 <jreznik> tflink: thanks! 23:18:02 <nirik> ship it! 23:18:09 <adamw> wewp 23:18:13 <adamw> let's go for ZERO SLIP for f20 23:18:17 <puiterwijk> let's open up the box for the last time?:) 23:18:20 <nirik> yeah, +1 23:18:26 <drago01> adamw: what about the nagative slip ;) 23:18:29 <nirik> the cat... is ALIVE! 23:18:47 <adamw> drago01: whoah, whoah, one step at a time :P 23:18:56 <adamw> the cat is dead...AND TASTY 23:18:59 <puiterwijk> nirik: woohoo! though I guess I'll have to wait a week to get it? :) 23:19:08 <drago01> puiterwijk: use rc3 23:19:12 <drago01> puiterwijk: its the same 23:19:23 <jreznik> https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/934965_612824428738572_1398344475_n.jpg 23:19:31 <puiterwijk> drago01: yeah, know. was just kidding ;) 23:19:38 <adamw> puiterwijk: you can grab rc3 if you like, but you will have wackiness for a few hours when we're doing mirror switchover, and you don't get to read the release announcement and stuff. 23:19:58 <puiterwijk> adamw: I am already running rc3 ;) 23:20:19 <puiterwijk> drago01, adamw: I was just trying to make a joke 23:20:27 * nirik pshaws all you f19 people... rawhide is the way to go. 23:20:28 <drago01> puiterwijk: this is the internet 23:20:36 <adamw> er, aha! hah! haha, haha! 23:20:47 <jreznik> #topic Fedora 19 status is GO! 23:21:06 * puiterwijk doesn't feel taken really seriously by adamw... possible because I'm an intern :)P 23:21:07 <jreznik> thanks guys for heroic effort not only today :) 23:21:27 <jreznik> #action jreznik to announce go decision 23:21:37 <nirik> thanks jreznik 23:22:14 <adamw> wait for the reviews before thanking us ;) 23:22:34 * adamw heads for the cable distribution box nearest to dedoimedo's home with a pair of industrial wire cutters 23:25:12 <jreznik> #topic Open floor 23:25:31 <jreznik> anything else? otherwise I'll set pretty fast fuse, run! 23:26:15 <jreznik> 3... 23:27:44 <jreznik> 2... 23:27:57 <jreznik> 1... 23:28:08 <jreznik> #endmeeting