
#fedora-meeting-2: FAmSCo 2013-05-06

Meeting started by sesivany at 17:00:23 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll call (sesivany, 17:00:32)
  2. Announcements (sesivany, 17:04:28)
  3. F19 t-shirts for contributors (sesivany, 17:06:38)
    1. producing F19 t-shirts for contributors centrally seems to be more likely doable, but we'll explore local options, too. (sesivany, 17:24:35)
    2. it needs to be done in 2 weeks (very short time). (sesivany, 17:25:02)
    3. ACTION: sesivany to get a design for F19 t-shirts and get quotes from a vendor. (sesivany, 17:39:46)

  4. Flock 2013 (sesivany, 17:40:31)
    1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Flock (sesivany, 17:42:43)
    2. Flock is replacing FUDCon EMEA and NA (sesivany, 17:45:33)
    3. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/flock-planning/2013-April/000031.html (sesivany, 17:46:08)
    4. AGREED: FAmSCo formally requests the Flock planning team to be more transparent with the Flock planning process. (sesivany, 17:55:31)

  5. Openfloor (sesivany, 17:57:14)
    1. ACTION: sesivany to write the request to the flock mailing list (sesivany, 17:58:58)

Meeting ended at 18:01:20 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. sesivany to get a design for F19 t-shirts and get quotes from a vendor.
  2. sesivany to write the request to the flock mailing list

Action items, by person

  1. sesivany
    1. sesivany to get a design for F19 t-shirts and get quotes from a vendor.
    2. sesivany to write the request to the flock mailing list

People present (lines said)

  1. sesivany (75)
  2. aeperezt (49)
  3. tuanta (33)
  4. nb (14)
  5. zodbot (7)

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