
#fedora-meeting-2: FAmSCo 2012-07-16

Meeting started by cwickert at 17:00:34 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll call (cwickert, 17:01:11)
    1. aeperezt bckurera cwickert danielbruno nb present, jiri still traveling, herlo missing (cwickert, 17:05:39)

  2. Announcements (cwickert, 17:05:53)
    1. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/ambassadors/2012-July/019990.html (bckurera, 17:07:27)

  3. ticket 265 (danielbruno, 17:18:45)
  4. Sponsoring event attendees (cwickert, 17:21:39)
  5. Reimbursements (danielbruno, 17:24:02)
    1. AGREED: we'll cover the costs for the shirts at the F17 release party Peru, even if we did not approve them initially (cwickert, 17:49:00)
    2. danielbruno will make sure that #301 gets paid (cwickert, 17:58:31)

  6. Cheatcubes, printed material to Jreznik (cwickert, 18:01:14)
    1. AGREED: #304 is approved (cwickert, 18:02:34)

  7. Request for reimbusement train tickets to Rome (cwickert, 18:02:47)
    1. AGREED: #305 is approved (cwickert, 18:04:20)

  8. Budget review guidelines (cwickert, 18:24:40)
    1. AGREED: limits from https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/281#comment:10 are approved, only 5000 will be changed to 4000 for consistency (cwickert, 18:25:20)
    2. ACTION: herlo to word our decisions nicely (cwickert, 18:50:27)

Meeting ended at 18:53:50 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. herlo to word our decisions nicely

Action items, by person

  1. herlo
    1. herlo to word our decisions nicely

People present (lines said)

  1. cwickert (215)
  2. herlo (126)
  3. bckurera (84)
  4. nb (82)
  5. danielbruno (71)
  6. aeperezt (26)
  7. zodbot (17)
  8. inode0 (4)

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