17:00:00 <cwickert> #startmeeting FAmSCo 2012-06-25 17:00:00 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jun 25 17:00:38 2012 UTC. The chair is cwickert. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:00 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:00:00 <cwickert> #meetingname famsco 17:00:00 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco' 17:01:00 <cwickert> #chair aeperezt cwickert danielbruno nb 17:01:00 <zodbot> Current chairs: aeperezt cwickert danielbruno nb 17:01:00 * cwickert wonders who is missing 17:01:00 * danielbruno here 17:02:00 <cwickert> #topic Role call 17:02:00 <cwickert> .fas cwickert 17:02:00 <zodbot> cwickert: cwickert 'Christoph Wickert' <christoph.wickert@googlemail.com> 17:02:00 * aeperezt here 17:02:00 <aeperezt> .fas aeperezt 17:02:00 <zodbot> aeperezt: aeperezt 'Alejandro Perez' <alejandro.perez.torres@gmail.com> 17:02:00 <danielbruno> .fas dbruno 17:02:00 <zodbot> danielbruno: dbruno 'Daniel Bruno' <danielbrunos@gmail.com> 17:03:00 <nb> .fas nick@bebout 17:03:00 <zodbot> nb: nb 'Nick Bebout' <nick@bebout.net> 17:03:00 <maktrix> .fas mahayalamkhan@fedoraproject.org 17:03:00 <zodbot> maktrix: 'mahayalamkhan@fedoraproject.org' Not Found! 17:03:00 <maktrix> .fas <mahayalamkhan@gmail.com> 17:03:00 <zodbot> maktrix: '<mahayalamkhan@gmail.com>' Not Found! 17:03:00 <cwickert> .fas mak 17:03:00 <zodbot> cwickert: szechunm 'szechunm' <makszechun@gmail.com> - anusin 'sindhu' <makke_moneyy@yahoo.com> - makfinsky 'Ivan Makfinsky' <ivan.makfinsky@endosys.com> - hamako 'Hamako Lavoie' <hamako.lavoie@gmail.com> - tmak 'Thomas Marek' <tmak@gmx.de> - radhika 'RADHIKA MAKWANA' <radhi.comp@gmail.com> - hzdrus 'Vladimir Ivashchenko' <hazard@hazard.maks.net> - shaileshmakwana 'shailesh makwana' <shailesh.makwana990@gmail.com> - (30 more messages) 17:04:00 <maktrix> .fas mak 17:04:00 <cwickert> uh 17:04:00 <zodbot> maktrix: szechunm 'szechunm' <makszechun@gmail.com> - anusin 'sindhu' <makke_moneyy@yahoo.com> - makfinsky 'Ivan Makfinsky' <ivan.makfinsky@endosys.com> - hamako 'Hamako Lavoie' <hamako.lavoie@gmail.com> - tmak 'Thomas Marek' <tmak@gmx.de> - radhika 'RADHIKA MAKWANA' <radhi.comp@gmail.com> - hzdrus 'Vladimir Ivashchenko' <hazard@hazard.maks.net> - shaileshmakwana 'shailesh makwana' <shailesh.makwana990@gmail.com> - (30 more messages) 17:04:00 <cwickert> .fas maktrix 17:04:00 <zodbot> cwickert: mak 'Mahay Alam Khan' <mahayalamkhan@gmail.com> 17:04:00 <maktrix> :P 17:04:00 <cwickert> that's better :) 17:04:00 <cwickert> thanks for joining us maktrix 17:04:00 <cwickert> maktrix is no FAmSCo member, but one of our APAC ambassadors 17:05:00 * cwickert is looking for herlo and bckurera 17:05:00 <nb> ? how many is quorum? 17:05:00 <nb> 4 or 5? 17:05:00 <cwickert> 4 17:05:00 <nb> ok great 17:06:00 <cwickert> #info Jiri is on vacation, he sent regrets to the mailing list 17:06:00 <cwickert> #topic Announcements 17:06:00 <cwickert> #info nb as elected in the Fedora 18 runoff elections and will now not only serve in FAmSCo but also in the Fedora Board 17:07:00 <cwickert> congrats nb! 17:07:00 <cwickert> any more announcements? 17:07:00 <danielbruno> congrats nb!! 17:07:00 <nb> thanks :) 17:07:00 <aeperezt> helo, anounced on the list he was traveling today 17:07:00 <cwickert> #info herlo is traveling, too, he also sent regrets to the list 17:08:00 <aeperezt> congrats nb 17:08:00 <cwickert> so the only one missing is bckurera 17:08:00 <cwickert> ok, lets get started 17:08:00 <cwickert> the agenda for this meeting can be found at https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/report/9 17:08:00 <cwickert> alright, lets start wit the easy ones 17:09:00 <cwickert> #topic Fedora Realease 17 Party Peru 17:09:00 <cwickert> .famsco 301 17:09:00 <zodbot> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/301 17:09:00 <cwickert> zodbot is a little slow today :) 17:10:00 <cwickert> danielbruno, aeperezt: your thoughts? 17:10:00 <danielbruno> the trac is slow too 17:11:00 <aeperezt> danielbruno, that what going to say 17:11:00 <danielbruno> zodbot is down :( 17:11:00 <aeperezt> I think she is asking 400, what is the tipical amount for a release party? if there is one 17:11:00 <cwickert> wow, everything is slow today 17:12:00 <cwickert> even meetbot 17:12:00 <danielbruno> yeah they are asking for 490 USD 17:12:00 <cwickert> I think this is a lot 17:12:00 <cwickert> compared to other release events 17:12:00 <aeperezt> cwickert, right 17:13:00 <danielbruno> it's a little confused 17:13:00 <cwickert> usually, we allow around 150 USD or 100 EUR without explicit approval 17:13:00 <danielbruno> because each item is described in local money 17:13:00 <danielbruno> only the amount is in dollars 17:13:00 <cwickert> I don't mind approving more if it is to become a good event 17:13:00 <aeperezt> she is a new as ambassador, Peru does not have banners so, I think tshirts for everyone is to much 17:14:00 <aeperezt> and seems like the expensive part of it 17:14:00 <danielbruno> maybe the tshirts it's not necessary to do the party 17:15:00 <aeperezt> danielbruno, I agree 17:15:00 <aeperezt> Banners are good because they don't have any 17:15:00 <danielbruno> and can use in other events 17:16:00 <aeperezt> right 17:16:00 <cwickert> +1 17:16:00 <cwickert> not sure about the t-shirts either 17:16:00 <cwickert> I think they look awesome but are expensive 17:16:00 <cwickert> if we do shirts, I would rather prefer to do more in order to get a better price 17:17:00 <cwickert> and the shirts can be used later, too 17:17:00 <danielbruno> the tshirts are more than 50% 17:17:00 <cwickert> danielbruno: actually they are more like 2/3 of the total 17:17:00 <cwickert> ok, suggestions? 17:18:00 <aeperezt> cwickert, I like to do tshirts for peru later and not a release party specific more general ones 17:18:00 <danielbruno> +1 17:18:00 <aeperezt> even do they look great 17:18:00 <danielbruno> we can cut the thisrts 17:18:00 <cwickert> aeperezt: they are not release party specific 17:18:00 <aeperezt> cwickert, this link is on the ticket http://www.bluecotton.com/share_display.html?u=1&s=1096155&x=1&r=9.16200180844502 17:18:00 <danielbruno> and approve the rest ones 17:19:00 <cwickert> ok, so should we approve everything but the shirts and tell them too look for an opportunity to make more shirts for a better price? 17:19:00 <aeperezt> cwickert, yes 17:19:00 <maktrix> if you have had produced generic tshirts for FUDCon LATAM and have some left, can give her. 17:19:00 <aeperezt> I think it could be a good star as new ambassador 17:20:00 <aeperezt> maktrix, I don't have them and shipment could be expensive 17:20:00 <nb> cwickert, i agree 17:20:00 <cwickert> aeperezt: are you from Peru? 17:20:00 <aeperezt> cwickert, I'm from Panama 17:20:00 <cwickert> ah 17:20:00 <danielbruno> may be we can do as in the past, taking advantage of material of the fudcon latam 17:20:00 <cwickert> danielbruno: +1 17:21:00 <cwickert> ok, here is my suggestion: 17:21:00 <cwickert> 1: approve everything but the shirts 17:21:00 <cwickert> 2. tell them to not make event specific shirts 17:21:00 <cwickert> 2. try to get a bigger batch of shirts and have them distributed at FUDCon LATAM 17:21:00 <cwickert> 3 was missing :) 17:22:00 <danielbruno> it's ok to me 17:22:00 <cwickert> +1 17:22:00 <aeperezt> cwickert, +1, Maybe we can get some made and bring them to Fudcon Latam to give to all countries 17:22:00 <danielbruno> +1 17:22:00 <aeperezt> cwickert, +1 17:22:00 <cwickert> aeperezt: do you think we need shirts for Peru only? 17:22:00 <cwickert> I like the local shirts 17:23:00 <cwickert> nb: ping 17:23:00 <aeperezt> cwickert, Peru need some shirts and more promo material, more stickers and stuff they have been working for years and never got any help from Fedora 17:24:00 <nb> +1 17:24:00 <nb> sorry, i was afk for a sec 17:24:00 <aeperezt> but they also need to learn that you don't give away all tshirts on one event 17:24:00 <cwickert> #agreed: #301 is approved but not the shirts. FAmSCo does not like spending money on shirts only for a single event. Instead, we should try to look into a bigger batch of shirts for Peru to get a better price 17:25:00 <cwickert> aeperezt: ack 17:25:00 <cwickert> but I think there is no reason to not have shirts for Peru, the designs look awesome 17:25:00 <aeperezt> cwickert, yes 17:25:00 <cwickert> ok, I'll update the tickets later 17:25:00 <aeperezt> cwickert, I agree 17:25:00 <cwickert> s/tickets/ticket 17:27:00 <cwickert> ok, suggestions for other tickets to discuss? 17:29:00 <danielbruno> hmm.. i think not 17:29:00 <cwickert> ok, then we should look into old ones and clean up trac 17:30:00 <cwickert> I already found some that can be closed, but they are not on the agenda 17:30:00 <cwickert> ok, lets just quickly go through the list 17:30:00 <aeperezt> ok 17:30:00 <cwickert> #topic Swag shipping improvements 17:31:00 <cwickert> .famsco 250 17:31:00 <cwickert> this is a sad one 17:31:00 <cwickert> people complain that shipping swag is cumbersome 17:31:00 <cwickert> but when asaked for feedback nobody responded 17:31:00 <cwickert> if people don't tell us what is wrong, there is not much we can fix 17:32:00 <zodbot> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/250 17:32:00 <cwickert> so I wonder are people just lazy or did we do something wrong? 17:32:00 * cwickert gives people a little time to read the ticket 17:34:00 <cwickert> thoughts? 17:34:00 <cwickert> should we bring this up in the regional meetings one more time? 17:35:00 <aeperezt> cwickert, I could be and issue that every region has to work on. 17:35:00 <cwickert> aeperezt: yes, but nobody does :( 17:35:00 <cwickert> AFAICS there are no problems in EMEA and NA 17:35:00 <cwickert> nb: from your POV everything is ok, right? 17:36:00 <nb> yeah 17:36:00 <aeperezt> cwickert, I can speak for latam it to complex shipment to expensive so local production is better, but some countries like Panama have issue to produce mass media 17:36:00 <nb> NA is fine 17:36:00 <aeperezt> but we had advantage to bring producs from US 17:37:00 <cwickert> ok, good to know 17:37:00 <aeperezt> other countries could be different 17:37:00 <nb> we have 2k case badges to ship to LATAM but need to know where eto send to 17:37:00 <aeperezt> I think we talk about it some time ago 17:37:00 <cwickert> nb: did you send the ones for EMEA? 17:38:00 <aeperezt> nb, I can give you m us address so you can send the Panama part 17:38:00 <danielbruno> i agree with aeperezt 17:38:00 * inode0 would suggest sending them to FUDCon 17:38:00 <nb> cwickert, yeah, they just went out friday 17:38:00 <aeperezt> I think we can figured out some other countries in central america 17:38:00 <cwickert> aeperezt: you either need to send them to other contries or distribute them at FUDcon 17:38:00 <cwickert> nb: you have a tracking link? 17:38:00 <aeperezt> they orher option is to send them to FUDcon 17:39:00 <cwickert> danielbruno, aeperezt: are both of you attending FUDCon? 17:39:00 <aeperezt> think so 17:39:00 <nb> cwickert, i can get one, although i think it will just show when it leaves the US 17:39:00 <danielbruno> me too 17:39:00 <cwickert> nb: ok 17:39:00 <danielbruno> i'm waiting for the approvation of the ticket 17:39:00 <danielbruno> maybe a good strategy would be to produce in China 17:39:00 <aeperezt> same here 17:40:00 <danielbruno> it is realistic? 17:40:00 <cwickert> danielbruno, aeperezt: ok, how about the two of you have a "swag bazaar" session at FUDCon to distribute swag? 17:40:00 <cwickert> and another one about improving the shipping processes 17:40:00 <aeperezt> cwickert, ok 17:41:00 <cwickert> or say do both of this in one session 17:41:00 * cwickert thinks that every FUDCon should have a swag bazaar 17:41:00 <danielbruno> it's a good idea 17:41:00 <aeperezt> cwickert, +1 17:41:00 <danielbruno> we have done it in the last 3 fudcons 17:42:00 <cwickert> #action danielbruno and aeperezt to host a "swag bazaar" at FUDCon and and a session about swag shipping improvements 17:42:00 <cwickert> #action bckurera to discuss the situation in APAC in the next regional meeting 17:42:00 <cwickert> as bckurera is not here, we give him a lot of homework :) 17:42:00 <cwickert> ok, anything more on this? 17:43:00 <danielbruno> lets to the next topic 17:43:00 <cwickert> aeperezt, danielbruno: is there a way to speed up your fuding tickets for FUDCon? perhaps you should add a note that you are FAmSCo members now and need to go there 17:44:00 <cwickert> #topic Budget and reimbursement issues 17:44:00 <cwickert> .famsco 251 17:44:00 <zodbot> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/251 17:44:00 <cwickert> this is another sad story 17:44:00 <aeperezt> cwickert, not sure on that will do 17:44:00 <cwickert> no feedback from the Red Hat's budget manager for months 17:44:00 <cwickert> we still don't have the numbers of last year 17:44:00 <cwickert> so there is not much we can do 17:45:00 <cwickert> there are things going on in RH that are outside our realm 17:45:00 <nb> there are changes getting ready to happen 17:45:00 <cwickert> nb: like when? 17:45:00 <nb> not sure how much is public, so i'll refrain from mentioning further 17:45:00 <nb> cwickert, will pm, although i think you already know what i know 17:46:00 <cwickert> I think what we can say by now is: 17:46:00 <cwickert> RH is restructuring their community team 17:47:00 <cwickert> ok, I suggest to remove the "meeting keyword" from this ticket 17:47:00 <cwickert> until there actually is something to do for us 17:47:00 <aeperezt> cwickert, right 17:48:00 <cwickert> #action cwickert to nag budget owner to get the numbers of 2011 and remove the 'meeting' keyword from #251 until there is something to discuss 17:49:00 <cwickert> #topic New trademark guidelines and their impact on the ambassadors swag production 17:50:00 <cwickert> .famsco 264 17:50:00 <zodbot> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/264 17:50:00 <cwickert> is meetbot still here? 17:50:00 <nb> it forgets about meetings when it dies and comes back 17:50:00 <nb> we'll have to file an infra ticket with the log from the meeting 17:50:00 <nb> and we can add it to the meetbot site 17:51:00 <nb> go ahead and use meetbot syntax for #action and stuff, it will reprocess the log later 17:51:00 <cwickert> ok 17:51:00 <cwickert> this sucks btw :) 17:51:00 <cwickert> back to #264 17:51:00 <nb> yeah i know 17:51:00 <cwickert> I haven't heard back from Robyn about the new guidelines yet 17:52:00 <cwickert> and I think the impact on swag production is not that big 17:52:00 <cwickert> basically the new guidelines mean that we have to have all swag items approved 17:52:00 <nb> the first time we do them 17:52:00 <nb> reorders don't i think? 17:52:00 <cwickert> right 17:53:00 <cwickert> unless they were approved already 17:53:00 <cwickert> but we need to track all orders 17:53:00 <nb> yeah 17:53:00 <aeperezt> cwickert, approved by who? 17:53:00 <nb> aeperezt, spot 17:53:00 <nb> aka fedora legal 17:53:00 <cwickert> nope 17:53:00 <cwickert> the board 17:53:00 * inode0 recalls that the same as nb 17:53:00 <cwickert> legal grants the board the permission to aprove things IIRC 17:54:00 <cwickert> ok, how about we all have to read this again and if there are more questions, we should add them till next week? 17:54:00 <nb> yes, legal 17:54:00 <nb> If a Fedora Ambassador wishes to produce Non-Software Promotion Goods of a New Type or a New Design, they must first receive approval for the New Type or Design from Fedora Legal. For details on how to request approval, see User:Spot/New_Type_Or_Design_Approval_Process. 17:54:00 <nb> afaik 17:54:00 <aeperezt> many in latam do their swag and that is like the Peru shirts 17:54:00 <nb> Ambassador opens a <ticket> with Fedora Legal. Fedora Legal will review and respond within 2 business days. If approved, it will be added to the Pre-Approved Type list. If rejected, explanation will be provided and the ambassador can appeal to the Fedora Board. All new approved types will be reported to the Fedora Board. 17:55:00 <aeperezt> if they do swags with no Fedora budget how do you control that? 17:55:00 <cwickert> nb: I think this is where it is stuck 17:55:00 <cwickert> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Spot/New_Type_Or_Design_Approval_Process is not every elaborate yet 17:55:00 <nb> i got approval for the splatter t-shirt design and it was really quick 17:55:00 <nb> i just emailed legal@fpo and spot said ok 17:56:00 <cwickert> I think this doesn't fly 17:56:00 <cwickert> but anyway 17:56:00 <cwickert> I mean, spot is a good guy, but having all this on only his shoulders sucks 17:56:00 <nb> yeah 17:56:00 * nb agrees 17:56:00 <aeperezt> cwickert, yeah 17:57:00 <cwickert> ok, this is a valid concern. if you have more, add them to the ticket please 17:57:00 <cwickert> #action all FAmSCo members to revisit #264 and add further concerns or questions to the ticket 17:58:00 <cwickert> #topic Sponsoring event attendees 17:58:00 <cwickert> .famsco 265 17:58:00 <zodbot> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/265 17:58:00 * bckurera Hello folks got late due to a power cut, sorry about it 17:58:00 <cwickert> bckurera: you already got some homework :P 17:58:00 <cwickert> you can read it later in the meeting minutes (once we have them) 17:59:00 <cwickert> again, I suggest that everybody reads this till next week 17:59:00 <cwickert> inode0 made a good proposal 17:59:00 <cwickert> and I think it would also help us with FUDCon LATAM 17:59:00 <cwickert> but it might already be too late for this one 17:59:00 <bckurera> cwickert: yeah one homework is done and waiting for feedback :) 18:01:00 <cwickert> any suggestions about #265? discuss it now or not? 18:02:00 * nb has to mostly 18:02:00 * nb has to mostly leave, dr appt in 45mins and have to get ready and stuff 18:02:00 <nb> i'll look in on this window occasionally in a few minutes 18:03:00 <cwickert> guys, are you still there?= 18:03:00 <aeperezt> es 18:03:00 <aeperezt> yes 18:03:00 <cwickert> I don't think it makes sense to discuss tickets now that nobody has read 18:03:00 * danielbruno here 18:03:00 <aeperezt> cwickert, yes 18:04:00 <cwickert> so I suggest we all read the ticket from https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/report/9 so we can discuss them again next week 18:04:00 <cwickert> ok? 18:04:00 <cwickert> s/ticket/tickets 18:04:00 <aeperezt> ok 18:04:00 <cwickert> #action all FAmSCo members to read through the open tickets so wer can work effectively 18:04:00 <cwickert> #topic FAmSCo goals 18:04:00 <cwickert> ok, now to our homework from last week 18:05:00 <cwickert> I asked all of you to think about his goals for this FAmSCo term 18:05:00 <cwickert> what do you want to achieve in FAmSCo? 18:05:00 <cwickert> AFAICS only Jiri and me sent out a mail 18:05:00 <cwickert> and I have to admit I sent out mine just 10 minutes before the meeting 18:05:00 <bckurera> ok 18:06:00 <cwickert> did anybody else send out one and I overlooked it? 18:06:00 <aeperezt> cwickert, well I think reestablishing latam meeting is a goal for me, specially since there are not responsive to emails 18:07:00 <bckurera> is daily business over? 18:07:00 <bckurera> I have some doubts to get cleared as well 18:07:00 <bckurera> this is regarding FAD and related with funding 18:07:00 <cwickert> ok, then please send a mail to the ambassadors list. and to the latam list, too because this is where you'll probably find people to help you 18:07:00 <cwickert> that was for aeperezt 18:07:00 <cwickert> bckurera: can we first stick to one topic? 18:08:00 <bckurera> sure after that then :) 18:08:00 <cwickert> nb, bckurera, danielbruno, aeperezt: what about your goals? 18:08:00 <danielbruno> my main goal is is to make the ambassadors have goals in order to work 18:09:00 <cwickert> well, I think we need to lead by example 18:09:00 <cwickert> we need to have our own goals and work on them 18:09:00 <cwickert> if we don't do our homework, we cannot expect anybody else to follow us 18:09:00 <bckurera> i ll complete this within this week, as mentioned a better way of managing swags in APAC 18:09:00 <danielbruno> as a mentor last year, I saw an increase in the number of registered, but the number of collaboration is not the same 18:09:00 <cwickert> this is why I want all of us to send their goals to the list 18:10:00 <aeperezt> cwickert, we started last week with the meting and the emails on latam list with no responses 18:10:00 <aeperezt> even do we mark the subjects about budget something I thought many people will be interested on 18:11:00 <danielbruno> I have working specifically with those that I helped in the process to get something to do 18:11:00 <cwickert> danielbruno, aeperezt: you need to start talking. discuss this on the list and then hopefully people will join 18:11:00 <danielbruno> and not only a signature in their emails 18:11:00 <cwickert> blog about it 18:11:00 <aeperezt> cwickert, yes 18:11:00 <cwickert> spread the word on FB and Google+ 18:12:00 <cwickert> it is crucial that you make noise :) 18:12:00 <cwickert> as much noise as possible 18:12:00 <bckurera> cwickert understood 18:12:00 <aeperezt> cwickert, +1 18:12:00 <cwickert> ok 18:12:00 <danielbruno> I've been encouraging many new ambassadors to do it 18:13:00 <maktrix> use the @fedora twitter account too, lot's people are following 18:13:00 <danielbruno> as a way to feel the work 18:13:00 <cwickert> danielbruno: don't encourage people, do it yourself. we need to start ourselves if we want people to follow us :) 18:13:00 <aeperezt> think we need mentors to push about this 18:13:00 <aeperezt> with new ambassadors 18:13:00 <cwickert> #action those FAmSCo members who have not yet sent out a mail about their F18 goals, do it NOW. 18:14:00 <aeperezt> none show for the last meting and regional meting are part of been ambassadors 18:14:00 <cwickert> #action all FAmSCo members: Make. Some. Noise. Speak about your goals, blog about them, spread the word, use twitter, FB and G+ 18:15:00 <cwickert> aeperezt: don't expect it to change soon. just run your meetings, every week, even if there are only 2 people. it will take some time but people will join you I am sure 18:15:00 <cwickert> shaiton: do you know if we have pinglists for the LATAM ambassadors? 18:15:00 <aeperezt> cwickert, yes I think that will happen 18:17:00 <cwickert> aeperezt: get in contact with shaiton, he can tell you how pinglists work and how to setup automatic reminders 18:17:00 <cwickert> ok, I think that's all for our goals 18:17:00 <aeperezt> cwickert, thanks I wull 18:17:00 <cwickert> not on to bckurera 18:18:00 <bckurera> not or now? 18:18:00 <cwickert> #topic Funding Request for FAD Padang 18:18:00 <cwickert> bckurera: your turn 18:18:00 <danielbruno> the brazilian team are planning to schedule a meeting 18:18:00 <bckurera> ok thanks 18:18:00 <bckurera> The reason behind FAD Padang is 18:19:00 <bckurera> the fedora contributors get together and run a FAD and same time there will be an event for non-fedora contributors as well 18:19:00 <danielbruno> i'm thinking of unifying with the latam meeting 18:19:00 <bckurera> however the ticket (funding request) was approved by the local community 18:19:00 <danielbruno> interests are the same, and it is better to add more people at meetings 18:19:00 <bckurera> ticket #27 and #30 18:20:00 <aeperezt> danielbruno, it could be a good Idea the only issue could be the language barrier 18:20:00 <bckurera> however if it is a FAD shall we need to contact FPL for the funding approval, since the budget is out of FAm funds? 18:21:00 <cwickert> hold on please 18:21:00 <danielbruno> aeperezt, i think that is easy to us (brazilian) to understand spanish 18:21:00 <cwickert> guys! 18:21:00 <cwickert> what are we talking about now`? 18:21:00 <aeperezt> danielbruno, if so ok 18:21:00 <cwickert> can we please stick to one topic? 18:22:00 <cwickert> danielbruno, aeperezt: I appreciate you want to work on the LATAM meetings, but we already discussed that and moved on to the next topic. please figure out the details in a private conversation 18:22:00 <cwickert> ok. now back to bckurera and the FAD 18:23:00 <danielbruno> ok :) 18:23:00 <cwickert> bckurera: I have a few questions 18:23:00 <cwickert> 1. What non-fedora event? 18:23:00 <cwickert> 2. about what budget are we talking about? 18:24:00 <bckurera> 1. it is not a non-fedora but non-fedora contributors, that means the public 18:24:00 <cwickert> ok 18:24:00 <cwickert> where is the wiki page for this event? 18:24:00 <bckurera> 2. Since it is a FAD should it belongs to Fedora Premier Events budget? 18:25:00 <cwickert> hold on please 18:25:00 <cwickert> there is a ticket about this 18:25:00 <bckurera> there was a issue at the last APAC meeting, so I want some clarification 18:25:00 <cwickert> and we cannot give us the clarification if you don't provide more details :) 18:25:00 <bckurera> in fedora-apac trac #27 and #30 18:25:00 <cwickert> a link please 18:25:00 <bckurera> wait 18:26:00 <maktrix> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/27 18:26:00 <bckurera> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/27 18:26:00 <bckurera> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/30 18:26:00 <bckurera> thanks matrix 18:26:00 <bckurera> sorry, thanks maktrix :) 18:27:00 <maktrix> :) you are welcome, assisting you as a sidekick :P 18:27:00 <cwickert> ok 18:27:00 <cwickert> so let me ask you: what is the specific goal for this FAD? 18:27:00 <cwickert> I mean: what is needed to make you think "this was a success, we achieved our goal"? 18:28:00 <bckurera> cwickert AFAIK They need to have some fedora activities and spread the fedora in Indonesia 18:29:00 <bckurera> since the planning they are keep adding some activities to make it align with the definition of the FAD 18:29:00 <cwickert> I don't think so 18:30:00 <cwickert> a FAD is something where you can say: "Ok, we are done, we reached our goal" 18:30:00 <cwickert> but you can never say this about spreading Fedora :) 18:30:00 <cwickert> because you can always improve 18:30:00 <cwickert> a topic for a FAD would be "I want to get this package into Fedora" 18:30:00 <cwickert> you see the difference? 18:31:00 <bckurera> yeah I know, they have some activities as well 18:31:00 <bckurera> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Padang_2012#Schedule 18:31:00 <cwickert> so, and what of these activities is worth a FAD? 18:31:00 <cwickert> tell me one that has a clear goal 18:32:00 <danielbruno> guys i need to get away for 10 min 18:32:00 <bckurera> cwickert: according to their structure it is not about activities they have some intro to fedora as well 18:32:00 <cwickert> bckurera: but then it is not a FAD :) 18:32:00 <cwickert> I think the only thing that qualifies for a FAD is "Planning future events and media outreach" 18:32:00 <cwickert> and only if you are really able to discuss all the events for a year 18:33:00 <maktrix> bckurera: I remeber that they said they would do someting realted with Fedora-Id Server 18:33:00 <cwickert> means, when you are done, you have a list of events where you want to be present and event owners for every event 18:33:00 <bckurera> cwickert: I think we need to be more clear about the definition of the FAD make FAms aware of this 18:33:00 <cwickert> bckurera: I am not saying all this to bother you with the definition of the word "FAD" 18:34:00 <cwickert> the reason why I am explaining all this is that I would like all of us not to think of it as a FAD 18:34:00 <bckurera> yes maktrix it is on the schedule I noted above but at the other hand there are some speeches as well 18:34:00 <cwickert> because if it is a FAD, then the funding is way more complicated 18:35:00 <cwickert> the funding process for a FAD is pretty much messed up, see https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/296 18:35:00 <cwickert> we need to work on that one, too 18:35:00 <bckurera> cwickert: It is like a FAD with fedora activities PLUS an event with some talks about fedora (like intro) 18:36:00 <bckurera> that is what I understood ! 18:36:00 <aeperezt> cwickert, after reading all about this event, it looks is not a FAD 18:36:00 <aeperezt> more like an promotional event 18:37:00 <cwickert> bckurera: ok, lets not argue about a word here, I am just trying to explain why it is better for you to not call it a FAd 18:37:00 <cwickert> or better for us to not treat is as a FAD 18:37:00 <cwickert> ok? 18:37:00 <bckurera> cwickert you mean treat is like a fedora event rather a FAD? 18:38:00 <cwickert> yes 18:38:00 <cwickert> because if we call it a FAD it becomes a premier event 18:38:00 <cwickert> and then we depend on the "budget owner" 18:38:00 <cwickert> this is Harish for APAC 18:38:00 <cwickert> and I don't want to wait for Harish 18:38:00 <cwickert> because this will slow us down too much 18:38:00 <cwickert> understood? 18:39:00 <bckurera> cwickert that is a hard decision I suppose, I need to discuss with them, can we improve this and support them to host a FAD? 18:39:00 <cwickert> I don't care how you call it, I just want *us* to not call it a FUD 18:39:00 <cwickert> erm, FAD :) 18:40:00 <maktrix> bckurera: why not suggest them to rename it something else, instead of FAD. 18:40:00 <cwickert> bckurera: you can call it a FAD, you can announce it as FAD, but FAmSCo should not treat it as a FAD 18:40:00 <cwickert> unless you really want to depend on Harish 18:40:00 <cwickert> bckurera: ok? 18:40:00 <bckurera> cwickert ok 18:41:00 <cwickert> ok, great :) 18:41:00 <bckurera> I ll discuss this and let them know 18:41:00 <bckurera> may be they can improve right? 18:41:00 <cwickert> now what is your question about this FAD? 18:41:00 <cwickert> bckurera: that is not important 18:41:00 <cwickert> it is not important how it is called, you can continue to call it FAD 18:41:00 <cwickert> you can also call it foobar, I don't care :) 18:42:00 <cwickert> all I care about is how *we* treat it 18:42:00 <bckurera> ok that sounds good 18:42:00 <cwickert> ok, so are there any problems with this FAD? 18:42:00 <bckurera> but we need to have more FADs(stand ones) in APAC 18:42:00 <bckurera> so we need to encourage them with support I suppose 18:42:00 <cwickert> lets just say "we need more events" :) 18:43:00 <bckurera> cwickert I ll convey this to id-organizers and update next time 18:43:00 <cwickert> bckurera: is there anything still unclear about this event? 18:44:00 <bckurera> It is clear, lets move it took a long time :) 18:44:00 <cwickert> well, you said you had questions about the event?! 18:44:00 <cwickert> I mean, if there was nothing for FAmSCo, why are we talking about it now? 18:44:00 <bckurera> We discussed it 18:45:00 <cwickert> we have two tickets, one is USD 216 and the other is 226 18:45:00 <cwickert> I think this is reasonable and we can approve it 18:45:00 <cwickert> or we don't need to approve it as FAmSCo but just trust the APAC community 18:46:00 <bckurera> Yes But I need to find out how it is going since its name is FAD 18:46:00 <cwickert> again, the name does not matter 18:46:00 <bckurera> Tickets are already approved by the APAC community 18:47:00 <cwickert> you can call it a FAD, you can advertise it as a FAD, but we as FAmSCo should not treat it as FAD, that's all 18:47:00 * danielbruno is back 18:47:00 <inode0> ! 18:47:00 <cwickert> bckurera: officially, the APAC community cannot approve the ticket until we don't have rules for approval. but given that it is not a large amount of money we just rubberstamp it 18:47:00 <cwickert> ok? 18:48:00 <cwickert> bckurera: do you understand or not? 18:48:00 <bckurera> cwickert yes, still we are waiting for guidelines, but it is a small amount. ok 18:48:00 <cwickert> right 18:49:00 <cwickert> theoretically we first need to fix #281 and then we can delegate it to the APAC community 18:49:00 <cwickert> but given that the amount is reasonable and we discussed it just now, we just approve it. problem solved. 18:49:00 <cwickert> inode0: your turn 18:49:00 <inode0> In the future to just avoid confusion please call FADs FADs though. Then we know where to go for funding. 18:50:00 <inode0> EOF 18:50:00 <bckurera> inode0 +1 18:50:00 <cwickert> -1 18:51:00 <cwickert> inode0: for a FAD you need to go to the "budget owner" and the budget owner for APAC is unresponsive and other regions don't even have one 18:51:00 <bckurera> I think before deciding it is good getting the approval for a FAD, then there is no confusions 18:52:00 <inode0> cwickert: if you want a premier event then you need to get it approved by the budget owners for premiere events. 18:52:00 <inode0> Feel free to call anything just an event as ask for funding here. 18:52:00 <cwickert> inode0: so, who is the budget owner for EMEA? 18:52:00 <cwickert> inode0: exactly 18:52:00 <cwickert> until we have fixed the funding process for FADs, just don't call your event a FAD :) 18:53:00 <bckurera> cwickert that is good to mention :) 18:53:00 <cwickert> #action cwickert to update #281 with the relevant links about the current broken FAD funding process 18:53:00 <cwickert> ok, I think that's all 18:53:00 <cwickert> anything else? 18:54:00 <bckurera> #296 is same 18:54:00 <cwickert> nb: still there? can you file a ticket at infra about the meeting logs? 18:54:00 <cwickert> #undo 18:54:00 <cwickert> #action cwickert to update #296 with the relevant links about the current broken FAD funding process 18:54:00 <cwickert> bckurera: right, that's the ticket I meant, thanks 18:55:00 <bckurera> ok we need to consider this soon, before more confusion 18:55:00 <bckurera> that is what I meant by the definition of FAD 18:55:00 <bckurera> thanks your support cwickert 18:55:00 <cwickert> bckurera: did you read https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD ? 18:55:00 <cwickert> welcome bckurera 18:56:00 <bckurera> almost 18:56:00 <cwickert> ok 18:56:00 <cwickert> I hereby end this meeting 18:56:00 <aeperezt> ok 18:56:00 <danielbruno> ok 18:56:00 <cwickert> but please, do me all a favor and do not forget your homework 18:56:00 <aeperezt> see you later people 18:56:00 <cwickert> thanks everdbody for coming 18:56:00 <cwickert> #endmeeting