
#fedora-meeting-1: Fedora Mobility SIG

Meeting started by nirik at 22:00:34 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. init process (nirik, 22:01:02)
  2. remix status / issues / plans (nirik, 22:05:18)
    1. nightly images are based on the Phosh image + extras (nirik, 22:07:55)

  3. fedora mainline (nirik, 22:09:37)
    1. help wanted to help prune things from the Phosh image. (nirik, 22:12:11)
    2. testing wanted on the fedora stock kernel and how it does on both ppp and pp (nirik, 22:12:31)
    3. needed: fedora-release-mobility package added to fedora-release (nirik, 22:16:51)
    4. needed: someone to talk to websites and see about adding phosh image info (nirik, 22:23:36)

  4. Open Floor (nirik, 22:33:30)

Meeting ended at 22:39:34 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. nirik (64)
  2. Yoda[m] (29)
  3. torsh[m]1 (8)
  4. zodbot (6)
  5. torsh[m] (3)
  6. camorris (1)
  7. torbuntu (0)
  8. pbrobinson (0)
  9. Yoda (0)

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