15:30:04 <nirik> #startmeeting Fedora Mobility SIG
15:30:04 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jun 13 15:30:04 2022 UTC.
15:30:04 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
15:30:04 <zodbot> The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions.
15:30:04 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
15:30:04 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_mobility_sig'
15:30:04 <nirik> #meeting_name fedora_mobility_sig
15:30:04 <nirik> #chair torbuntu pbrobinson _Yoda_
15:30:04 <nirik> #topic init process
15:30:04 <zodbot> Current chairs: _Yoda_ nirik pbrobinson torbuntu
15:30:16 <torsh[m]> Hey
15:30:20 * pbrobinson is here
15:30:20 <nirik> who's around for a mobility sig meeting?
15:30:45 <_Yoda> o/
15:32:04 * nirik is in a video meeting too, so sorry about that...
15:32:54 <nirik> ok, lets go ahead
15:32:59 <nirik> #topic remix status / issues / plans
15:33:07 <nirik> any remix news / status to note?
15:34:09 <torsh[m]> Mostly just package updates on my side. Nothing too exciting. Got Squeekboard finally upgraded a few versions though so that felt good. Waiting on wlroots compat package to update the phoc/phosh packages for the new fancy gestures.
15:34:47 <pbrobinson> I've been slowly working on the low level stuff around firmware for both gens of Pinephone
15:35:39 <pbrobinson> basically digging through early boot, firmwares and kernel related issues
15:35:55 <nirik> cool.
15:36:38 <nirik> pbrobinson: how dire does it look? ;)
15:36:52 <pbrobinson> I also need to dig into the status of the screen on the PPP to see if we can light that up with an upstream kernel
15:37:13 <pbrobinson> nirik: I'm getting there albeit no where near as quickly as I'd like
15:37:39 <_Yoda> Well, pine64 should be including that for the pro on the spi
15:38:08 <pbrobinson> the suspend firmware for the original phone is a openrisc microcontroller and I don't really know my way around that architecture so it's involving some head scratching as I have build issues
15:38:23 <pbrobinson> _Yoda: including what?
15:38:31 <_Yoda> tow-boot
15:40:09 <_Yoda> there is a meta package + script that can build the firmware + crust for the old PP
15:40:55 <pbrobinson> sure, what ever
15:41:16 <pbrobinson> it remains to be seen IMO if that's going to actually be useful
15:42:41 <_Yoda> https://gitlab.com/pine64-org/crust-meta
15:43:06 <_Yoda> I use that to build it to our current images
15:43:19 <pbrobinson> I'm well aware of it
15:43:20 <nirik> ok,  out of my other meeting...
15:43:32 <nirik> #topic fedora mainline plans
15:43:58 <nirik> so, basically we still need a bunch upstreamed... so we are still in a holding pattern there.
15:44:46 <pbrobinson> I'm basically looking at what is the MVP to see if I can get enough upstream to make it boot with screen
15:45:53 <nirik> ok. I think one of wifi / bt / usbc would also be needed. But I think wifi is just a small config change?
15:46:23 <pbrobinson> on the PPP I think it's just the nvram file
15:47:35 <nirik> yeah
15:49:08 <pbrobinson> the pine64 docs of this piece of HW is a lot more lax that previous HW where they have a lot more details to the exact parts in the units
15:49:39 <nirik> unfortunate. ;(
15:49:53 <nirik> so, on to my next topic:
15:49:56 <nirik> #info discuss change: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/MobilityPhoshImage
15:50:22 <nirik> so, should I submit this? anyone have changes/want to be added? or should we wait more for f38?
15:50:25 <torsh[m]> I tried to update/add to that but came up on some blanks
15:50:48 <_Yoda> i haven't had a chace to look at that yet
15:50:54 <_Yoda> chance
15:51:09 <nirik> torsh[m]: blanks?
15:51:11 <torsh[m]> I'll give it another look when I get a chance, but I don't think I have many more details.
15:51:49 <pbrobinson> I'd like to see it using the osbuild sstuff a that means it could make use of some the things like pre null encrypted image like we're going to be doing in IoT (basically it re-encrpyts of first boot)
15:51:53 <torsh[m]> mental blanks on anything to add
15:52:01 <nirik> Change Checkpoint: Proposal submission deadline (Self Contained Changes) 	Tue 2022-07-19
15:52:05 <nirik> so, we have until then.
15:52:12 <nirik> pbrobinson: sure... that would be nice indeed.
15:52:43 * torsh[m] crosses fingers for hopes of os-tree like images
15:53:05 <nirik> so, lets punt this another month I'd say... then we can adjust it and submit it.
15:53:36 <_Yoda> we need to look into the missing bits for that image too - like no other languages available
15:53:42 <pbrobinson> I think it still needs some work giving it a quick read, can do a proper pass later
15:54:54 <nirik> pbrobinson: that would be lovely, thanks...
15:55:39 <nirik> so, I didn't have much more planned than that... any other topics people would like to discuss today?
15:56:11 <torsh[m]> Nothing from me for now.
15:56:21 <pbrobinson> the proposal mentions x86, is there specific HW there that people are focusing on?
15:57:08 <torsh[m]> Was that to test the images on laptops or such without the hardware difficulties of current phones?
15:57:14 <nirik> pbrobinson: I think folks were talking about some of the chromebooks that could be repaved to fedora.
15:58:10 <pbrobinson> how well does phosh work in landscape/tablet formfactor?
15:58:34 <torsh[m]> It was looking decent on the pinetab last I tried it.
15:58:35 <torsh[m]> with the attached keyboard.
15:58:38 <torsh[m]> (but that was with Mobian)
15:58:39 <nirik> I've not tried recently, but it seemed to work ok last I did
16:01:29 <pbrobinson> just asking because it'll be the one people test straight up, so if we're really just focusing on phone formfactors I'd even consider just focusing on arm64 for the first spin
16:03:45 <nirik> well, that would be fine provided we can get ppp at least to booting/running it... without that, it seems like a wider scope or waiting would be in order.
16:03:53 <nirik> but we can see how things look in a month...
16:04:22 <torsh[m]> I would love to test it out on SBC's  I've got.
16:04:25 <torsh[m]> (pi's and such)
16:04:59 <pbrobinson> well FYI I am planning on making rpi4 fully supported with f37
16:05:05 <nirik> in a month we should know more about the osbuild stuff more too.
16:05:22 <pbrobinson> the v3d patches I've been trying to get upstream since feb were pulled into next this morning
16:05:25 <_Yoda> hopefully Quartz64 too
16:06:04 <pbrobinson> Quartz64 works now but the display stuff and pcie stuff isn't all upstream yet
16:06:20 <_Yoda> most stuff are upstreamed in 5.19 - only the dts was delayed to 5.20
16:06:28 <nirik> \o/
16:06:40 <nirik> the PPP dts also missed 5.19 didn't it?
16:07:08 <_Yoda> yes PPP still misses lots of things
16:07:41 <pbrobinson> yes, althought it has least now been posted for review, finally
16:09:10 <nirik> anyhow, if nothing more, we can close out and go back to work. ;)
16:09:19 <pbrobinson> nothing from me
16:09:31 <_Yoda> not from me either
16:09:31 <torsh[m]> good to go. Thank you!
16:10:03 <pbrobinson> I should also have the IoT osbuild proposal for the encrypted images (simplified provisioning) done soon so keep and eye out
16:10:22 <_Yoda> nice
16:11:25 <nirik> excellent. ;)
16:11:41 <nirik> Hopefully we can sort out this last bit of osbuild to work in production soon too.
16:12:01 <nirik> Thanks for coming everyone!
16:12:04 <nirik> #endmeeting