
#fedora-meeting-1: docs

Meeting started by bcotton at 18:30:28 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll call (bcotton, 18:30:35)
    1. Mateus and me discussed about migration of the Administrator's Guide. He will join us in that work, probably starting with the dnf part. (pboy, 18:34:10)

  2. Agenda (bcotton, 18:34:28)
    1. Review action items (bcotton, 18:34:36)
    2. Revitalization status (bcotton, 18:34:36)
    3. GitLab followup (bcotton, 18:34:42)
    4. Open floor (bcotton, 18:34:42)

  3. Announcements (bcotton, 18:34:46)
    1. F34 reached EOL yesterday (bcotton, 18:34:52)
    2. ACTION: bcotton to close F34 release notes issues (bcotton, 18:35:01)
    3. HELP: Some F36 release notes still need written: (bcotton, 18:35:13)
    4. We're using the docs-fp-o repo to track meta-work (bcotton, 18:35:19)
    5. (bcotton, 18:35:20)

  4. Previous action items (bcotton, 18:36:38)
    1. pbokoc to finally add a relnotes guide to the contributor docs (bcotton, 18:36:46)
    2. ACTION: pbokoc to finally add a relnotes guide to the contributor docs (bcotton, 18:36:50)
    3. [DONE] bcotton to share office hours post on cloud, devel, desktop, iot, kde, mindshare, server mailing lists (bcotton, 18:37:04)
    4. darknao to find out if we can use SAML groups on Fedora Docs GitLab group and still grant additional access to individual repositories (bcotton, 18:37:14)
    5. darknao to configure the docs repos in GitLab with CI to run builds on MRs (we can add additional checks later) (bcotton, 18:37:32)
    6. [DONE] bcotton to start discussion of how to handle the Release Notes repo move (bcotton, 18:37:39)
    7. (bcotton, 18:37:40)

  5. Revitalization status (bcotton, 18:37:46)
    1. (bcotton, 18:37:46)
    2. (bcotton, 18:37:51)
    3. (bcotton, 18:37:51)
    4. ACTION: pboy to update the docs team page with his revised content (bcotton, 18:54:01)
    5. ACTION: bcotton to draft Docs Team Charter (bcotton, 19:08:13)
    6. (bcotton, 19:15:32)

  6. GitLab migration (bcotton, 19:19:46)
    1. (bcotton, 19:19:46)
    2. reminder that we're doing office hours again at 1900 UTC in #fedora-meeting-2 (bcotton, 19:30:39)

Meeting ended at 19:30:44 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. bcotton to close F34 release notes issues
  2. pbokoc to finally add a relnotes guide to the contributor docs
  3. pboy to update the docs team page with his revised content
  4. bcotton to draft Docs Team Charter

Action items, by person

  1. bcotton
    1. bcotton to close F34 release notes issues
    2. bcotton to draft Docs Team Charter
  2. pboy
    1. pboy to update the docs team page with his revised content

People present (lines said)

  1. bcotton (82)
  2. pboy (43)
  3. darknao (13)
  4. zodbot (12)
  5. py0xc3[m] (11)
  6. MateusRCosta[m] (5)
  7. mateusrc (4)

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