
#fedora-meeting-1: FPgM office hours

Meeting started by bcotton at 13:01:28 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. This is an open floor meeting to discuss anything program management related (elections, changes, schedule, etc) (bcotton, 13:01:33)

  1. Announcements (bcotton, 13:01:43)
    1. The F35 Beta freeze is underway. All Changes should be 100% code complete (BZ tracker status ON_QA) (bcotton, 13:01:48)
    2. The current Beta release target date is target date #2 (Tue 2021-09-28) (bcotton, 13:02:08)
    3. https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-35/f-35-key-tasks.html (bcotton, 13:02:16)
    4. The F35 Beta Go/No-Go meeting is tomorrow at 1700 UTC in #fedora-meeting: https://calendar.fedoraproject.org/meeting/10064/ (bcotton, 13:02:21)
    5. The deadline for Outreachy project suggestions has been extended to 29 Sept: https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/call-for-projects-and-mentors-for-outreachy-december-march-cohort/ (bcotton, 13:02:28)
    6. Changes to results limits in Bugzilla queries: https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/changes-to-bugzilla-queries/ (bcotton, 13:02:34)
    7. The Fedora Social Hour is tomorrow: https://matrix.to/#/#social:fedora.im (bcotton, 13:02:38)
    8. If your team wants support from the Fedora Program Management Team, file an isssue: https://pagure.io/fedora-pgm/pgm_team/issues?template=support_request (bcotton, 13:02:47)

  2. Open floor to discuss anything program management related (elections, changes, schedule, etc) (bcotton, 13:02:55)

Meeting ended at 13:55:33 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. bcotton (17)
  2. zodbot (7)
  3. grahamwhiteuk (1)
  4. dtometzki (0)
  5. glb (0)
  6. ramyaparimi (0)
  7. pawelzelawski (0)
  8. q5sys (0)
  9. siddharthvipul (0)
  10. x3mboy (0)

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