15:30:01 <nirik> #startmeeting Fedora Mobility SIG
15:30:01 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Sep 13 15:30:01 2021 UTC.
15:30:01 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
15:30:01 <zodbot> The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:30:01 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
15:30:01 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_mobility_sig'
15:30:02 <nirik> #meeting_name fedora_mobility_sig
15:30:02 <nirik> #chair torbuntu pbrobinson _Yoda_
15:30:02 <zodbot> Current chairs: _Yoda_ nirik pbrobinson torbuntu
15:30:02 <nirik> #topic init process
15:30:15 <torsh[m]> Hello!
15:30:24 <nirik> morning
15:31:29 <nirik> will wait a few min for folks to arrive.
15:33:35 <nirik> Alrighty..
15:33:41 <nirik> #topic remix status
15:34:04 <nirik> #info things have switched to a btrfs image, users advised to reinstall with that
15:34:22 <nirik> I guess there's sound issues? (But I haven't checked or been following really closely)
15:35:07 <torsh[m]> Yup, there is an open issue being looked into here: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/pipewire/pipewire/-/issues/1553
15:35:52 <nirik> cool.
15:36:49 <nirik> Also, Yoda asked me to see if there was any way forward with the kernel... I'm gonna mail the fedora kernel list and see if they can stomach any options for us. ;)
15:37:03 <torsh[m]> That would be amazing, thank you!
15:37:17 <nirik> (I doubt it will go anywhere, but doesn't hurt to ask)
15:37:49 <torsh[m]> yup, exactly. I don't know much about it, but if we could even just get the device to see the modem, we can use this: https://gitlab.com/mobian1/devices/eg25-manager
15:38:07 <torsh[m]> With that we could at least have mobile data for networking.
15:38:45 <nirik> yeah.
15:39:02 <nirik> it's really hard finding any kernel hackers that are not too busy to look into it I fear. ;(
15:39:33 <torsh[m]> I understand that 😅
15:39:42 <torsh[m]> Hard to find time to keep moving the stuff I already do.
15:40:22 <nirik> perhaps I should mail megi too and see what their plans are/their reasons for not upstreaming stuff thats left (if it's time or just too pinephone specific or what)
15:40:22 <torsh[m]> otherwise I'd jump nose first into kernel dev to try and help 😓
15:41:29 <torsh[m]> I've only heard the "too pinephone specific" reason.
15:41:54 <torsh[m]> But a correspondence for status would probably be good :)
15:42:25 <nirik> yeah. I think thats sounds like a good first thing... will try and do so today.
15:42:34 <nirik> #topic fedora status
15:42:50 <nirik> pretty much same as always here... kernel issues prevent a fedora spin...
15:43:38 <torsh[m]> mhmm
15:44:06 <nirik> #topic All other business / discussion
15:44:25 <nirik> There was also a plea to package up more of plasma mobile, so we could offer that too.
15:44:47 <torsh[m]> Was the KDE sig on that?
15:45:07 <nirik> yeah, they are involved for sure... but never enough people to do everything. :)
15:45:20 <nirik> oh, is the f2fs image going to go away now?
15:45:51 <torsh[m]> I think the Aug 30 image will be the last one yeah.
15:45:51 <torsh[m]> Going forward I'll only do btrfs on github.
15:46:50 <nirik> yeah, the pp-uboot yells if you are on f2fs
15:49:39 <torsh[m]> Yup, should just be a warning. I updated that package to only support btrfs now.
15:49:57 * nirik nods
15:50:04 <nirik> ok, anything else for today?
15:50:23 <torsh[m]> That's all I've got for now.
15:51:45 <nirik> me too. Will report back if I get anywhere with emails. :)
15:51:52 <nirik> thanks for coming torsh[m]
15:51:59 <nirik> #endmeeting