
#fedora-meeting-1: fedora_coreos_meeting

Meeting started by dustymabe at 16:31:00 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. roll call (dustymabe, 16:31:05)
  2. Action items from last meeting (dustymabe, 16:34:40)
    1. https://meetbot-raw.fedoraproject.org/teams/fedora_coreos_meeting/fedora_coreos_meeting.2021-06-16-16.30.txt (dustymabe, 16:34:46)
    2. no action items from last meeting (dustymabe, 16:34:56)

  3. Support converting the live ISO into a minimal live ISO (dustymabe, 16:36:08)
    1. https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/868 (dustymabe, 16:36:12)
    2. AGREED: we will ship tooling to generate a minimal ISO image for those who need it, but we won't ship it as a separate artifact to try to reduce confusion for users who might not understand the differences (dustymabe, 16:40:07)

  4. systemd-oomd for Fedora CoreOS (dustymabe, 16:41:29)
    1. https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/840 (dustymabe, 16:41:33)
    2. https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/FfinmpMG/image.png (jdoss, 16:44:55)
    3. AGREED: since oomd works better with swap, let's tie the swaponzram proposal and the oomd proposals together. If we do one, we do the other. (dustymabe, 16:50:58)

  5. make single node optimizations that don't enhance kubernetes (dustymabe, 16:51:38)
    1. ACTION: dustymabe to create ticket about making single node optimizations that don't enhance kubernetes and possible ways to integrate better with k8s distributions (dustymabe, 17:14:27)

  6. Differing behavior for aarch64 vs x86_64 disk images (dustymabe, 17:16:00)
    1. https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/855 (dustymabe, 17:16:04)

  7. open floor (dustymabe, 17:35:49)
    1. cgroups v2 is now fully in FCOS (dustymabe, 17:36:22)
    2. i've started making one off tickets for f35 changes that needed more discussion (dustymabe, 17:37:24)

Meeting ended at 17:38:32 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. dustymabe to create ticket about making single node optimizations that don't enhance kubernetes and possible ways to integrate better with k8s distributions

Action items, by person

  1. dustymabe
    1. dustymabe to create ticket about making single node optimizations that don't enhance kubernetes and possible ways to integrate better with k8s distributions

People present (lines said)

  1. dustymabe (109)
  2. bgilbert (57)
  3. jlebon (36)
  4. travier (35)
  5. zodbot (19)
  6. jdoss (16)
  7. jaimelm (11)
  8. darkmuggle (9)
  9. jbrooks (5)
  10. walters (4)
  11. miabbott (2)
  12. saqali (1)
  13. skunkerk (1)
  14. cyberpear (1)
  15. lorbus (1)
  16. miabbott_ (1)

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