15:30:06 <nirik> #startmeeting Fedora Mobility SIG
15:30:06 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Apr 12 15:30:06 2021 UTC.
15:30:06 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
15:30:06 <zodbot> The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:30:06 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
15:30:06 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_mobility_sig'
15:30:06 <nirik> #meeting_name fedora_mobility_sig
15:30:06 <nirik> #chair torbuntu pbrobinson _Yoda_
15:30:06 <nirik> #topic Init process
15:30:06 <zodbot> Current chairs: _Yoda_ nirik pbrobinson torbuntu
15:30:15 <nirik> morning everyone.
15:30:40 <torbuntu> Hey there!
15:31:38 <_Yoda> good afternoon
15:32:10 <Marius[m]> o/
15:32:12 <nirik> So I guess lets talk current status, then discuss the modem / kernel issue mentioned in the ticket?
15:32:19 <nirik> https://pagure.io/fedora-mobility/issue/7
15:32:46 <nirik> #topic Current status
15:33:30 <nirik> So, there was a booting issue a few days ago... should we publish the fix more widely? or do you think not too many folks were affected?
15:34:05 <torbuntu> Where would we publish such a thing? Also, I don't know that too many people would have been affected.
15:34:06 <_Yoda> If there are more, I guess they'd speak up
15:34:14 <torbuntu> yes what Yoda said
15:34:47 <nirik> yeah, not sure. I guess perhaps the arm list?
15:35:08 <torbuntu> So the fix now would just be a dnf upgrade.
15:35:39 <_Yoda> not that easy when phone doesn't boot
15:35:42 <torbuntu> If they were affected, then they can either reflash the image or what you did I think nirik and manually copy over the missing boot files.
15:35:44 <nirik> well, except if you can't boot. ;) You can copy the boot* files out of the zip file for the pp-uboot package to /boot (at least thats how I fixed it)
15:35:55 <torbuntu> sorry slow typing heh
15:36:25 <nirik> I could drop a note to the arm list in case any affected folks are listening there...
15:36:47 <torbuntu> Thanks nirik! Might also bring awareness more to the phone in general :)
15:36:48 <nirik> aside that, how are things looking now? I saw auto rotation now is working?
15:36:52 <_Yoda> then we should zip up the 2 files, and make them available somewhere
15:37:08 <torbuntu> as of this morning I updated phosh to 0.10.0, and it does have autorotate! Which is fun
15:37:19 <Marius[m]> 0.10.1 ...
15:37:19 <nirik> _Yoda: not a bad idea.
15:37:23 <torbuntu> There is still a long standing issue regarding wlroots though
15:37:31 <torbuntu> yes 0.10.1, sorry
15:38:01 <torbuntu> wlroots 0.12.0 has an update that breaks phosh. We currently have a patch to make phosh boot, but it leaves the application overview search bar completely buggy and kind of useless.
15:38:23 <nirik> :(
15:38:34 <nirik> is phose upstream working on a fix?
15:38:37 <torbuntu> I emailed the wlroots packager about the patch, but I'm not really sure it is a great idea. The patch is only needed until the Phosh devs update phosh to not use the bad thing.
15:38:45 <torbuntu> Yes they are working on it.
15:38:57 <torbuntu> But it isn't trivial they say
15:39:28 * torbuntu < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/iooYiFGiPBpNBZRssswQdFGo/message.txt >
15:39:35 * torbuntu < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/LumkurgtTWTvhtJWDepiVkvT/message.txt >
15:39:38 <nirik> well, if it takes a long time we could do a wlroots compat package I guess. :( Best to avoid if possible tho
15:39:57 <torbuntu> yeah, the only noticeable issue is the buggy search bar as I said.
15:40:24 <nirik> .whoowns wlroots
15:40:25 <zodbot> nirik: owner: jpokorny
15:40:31 <torbuntu> Phoc is also working on an upgrade for wlroots 0.13.0, and there is an available patch, but there is a bug in wlroots heh...
15:40:43 <torbuntu> https://github.com/swaywm/wlroots/issues/2795
15:41:10 <nirik> this is the sad downside to integrating in rawhide. ;( Sometimes the parts break...
15:41:26 <torbuntu> heh yeah.
15:41:41 <torbuntu> I am optimistic overall though. Lots of cool things coming together
15:41:58 <nirik> yep... which leeds us on to...
15:42:01 <torbuntu> Been playing a bit more with mmsd for MMS integration. They got it updated to be able to function stand alone
15:42:04 <nirik> #topic kenrel / modem
15:42:20 <nirik> #topic kernel / modem
15:42:54 <torbuntu> Does anyone have any info on the current state of the Fedora kernel in regards to PinePhone? (and PineTab maybe?)
15:43:02 <torbuntu> Last I saw it was booting to the screen.
15:43:11 <nirik> so, sounds like userspace developers are building things that work against the vanilla kernel, and the megi kernel is doing things a different way, so we can't have them work for both?
15:43:21 <torbuntu> Pretty much
15:43:39 <nirik> yeah, I tried a few weeks back... the new uboot that just landed in fedora booted the kernel and gui came up...
15:43:46 <nirik> but no network at all
15:43:54 <torbuntu> So if we wanted to get eg25-manager, which I personally think is the better way to go for a few reasons, we would either have to patch megi or use a different kernel.
15:43:57 <_Yoda> Megi has made his driver (modem-power) a kernel module
15:44:02 <nirik> I can give it another try later today perhaps. But I doubt there's been much progress
15:45:08 <nirik> IMHO, once the fedora kernel / uboot can boot and come up and has network of some kind, we can start making fedora versions of images, etc... but without network it's pretty pointless... no updates, no way to install things.
15:45:25 <torbuntu> exactly, yes. Totally makes sense.
15:45:44 <torbuntu> More reason to get eg25-manager packaged up. That'll scratch one more downstream kernel mod off the list of needs.
15:46:14 <nirik> ok, can we just for not blacklist the kernel modem driver and add eg25-manager?
15:46:20 <nirik> sorry, now... not not
15:46:21 <_Yoda> well, then you need to recompile Megis kernel too, to remove his driver
15:46:28 <_Yoda> and rewrite the DT
15:46:44 <torbuntu> Yes as Yoda said, we would need to manually build the kernel instead of just copying it over.
15:46:45 <nirik> can't we simply not load it? or it's built in?
15:46:51 <torbuntu> it is built in
15:47:05 <_Yoda> maybe it is enough to blacklist it - but DT needs rewriting
15:48:14 * nirik still doesn't understand DT, someday I will sit down and figure it out. ;)
15:48:21 <torbuntu> Another reason I'd like to move away from megi's modem driver, is I think it is causing some trouble with doing mmsd
15:48:38 <torbuntu> Since, currently, mmsd cannot send/receive messages when both wifi and mobile data are active.
15:48:52 <torbuntu> But that is only on devices with megi's kernel (ours, pmOS, etc)
15:49:00 <_Yoda> that could be an NM problem
15:49:11 <nirik> well, some options...
15:49:14 <torbuntu> But it isn't happening on Mobian
15:49:36 <torbuntu> Which uses eg25-manager and non-megi kernel.
15:49:48 <nirik> we could try and seperate out patches we do want from megi's kernel, try and apply them to fedora kernel and build our own?
15:50:03 <_Yoda> it can still just be a routing problem within NM
15:50:08 <torbuntu> I thought that is what was on the table at one point. Not sure if pbrobinson was doing that in copr yet?
15:50:09 <nirik> or we could try and get megi kernel working with eg25-manager with dt changes
15:50:30 <nirik> torbuntu: yeah, I suspect he's not had any time to
15:50:37 <torbuntu> understandable :)
15:50:45 <_Yoda> nirik: Yes njha did this previously, but he doesn't have the time to do it anymore
15:51:08 <nirik> yeah, it's pretty time consuming... rebasing things, waiting for kernel builds, etc.
15:51:19 <torbuntu> Anybody know how much effort would go into applying the patches from Mobian's kernel?
15:51:42 <nirik> no idea. :(
15:51:58 <_Yoda> I don't even know what they patch
15:52:10 <torbuntu> https://gitlab.com/mobian1/devices/sunxi64-linux
15:52:38 <torbuntu> looks like they don't do much patching and use the sunxi kernel
15:53:29 <torbuntu> ah never mind, it is just in a weird branch
15:53:30 <torbuntu> https://gitlab.com/mobian1/devices/sunxi64-linux/-/tree/patches-5.11
15:53:47 <nirik> just to clarify a few things from the fedora side: Fedora does not allow kmod packages (rpmfusion does however). Fedora kernel maintainers won't accept patches until/unless they are already very close to upstream and have people willing to rebase/fix them... there are not at all ever going to take something that upstream doesn't want.
15:54:25 <torbuntu> Right, another reason I'm itching to move from megi kernel heh
15:55:00 <_Yoda> I guessed that - thats why getting a Fedora kernel working on the phone is at least a year away
15:55:38 <torbuntu> Well it boots now. So that's closer than not
15:55:46 <nirik> it's a ways for sure... what we really need is a few kernel hackers to start upstreaming this stuff. I don't think megi is particularly doing that (but I could be wrong)
15:56:36 <torbuntu> I don't really know where/how to check, but I don't know that I've seen much upstreaming.
15:56:44 <_Yoda> He is; but he don't expect that they will accept his modem-driver as it is too device specific
15:56:48 <nirik> so I think for now best might be to see if we can blacklist modules/adjust DT and get megi kernel working with what we need it to stop doing... if that fails, then we are forced to try and start doing our own kernel. ;(
15:57:27 * nirik still finds it endlessly amusing that the modem on the pinephone is a armv7 SOC with it's own OS.
15:57:31 <Marius[m]> and asking megi to do the changes for all who use it?
15:57:33 <torbuntu> I think manjaro arm is using megi and patched out stuff to get eg25-manager in, so we can look there.
15:58:22 <nirik> Marius[m]: thats a good point... could we perhaps ask megi to produce a kernel that doesn't have the problematic bits?
15:58:23 <_Yoda> so did Pmos
15:58:39 <nirik> other distros might be interested too... but no idea if he wants to spend the time on it
15:59:25 <_Yoda> i doubt it - you can after all just download his code and build it yourself
15:59:28 <pbrobinson> torbuntu: yes, I've done some pieces there, now I mostly have the PBP issue sorted it's properly on my list, I forget where I was but I'm not sure if I'd looked at 5.12
16:00:14 <nirik> hey pbrobinson.
16:00:20 <_Yoda> I think you said previously, that you would start basing it off 5.12
16:03:03 <torbuntu> I'll hold off on poking at kernel pieces then if I'm just going to duplicate work.
16:03:35 <torbuntu> I think I've got a wip package for mmsd and eg25manager already able to test. But the kernel issues with megi have been a block on some stuff.
16:04:14 <nirik> torbuntu: I wonder... would doing a image with fedora kernel + those two (even with no network) help test?
16:05:27 <_Yoda> well, you do have network via modem, if that works
16:05:34 * nirik wonders if yeah...
16:05:36 <torbuntu> Without a function ModemManager I don't know if it'll get far
16:05:54 <torbuntu> Oh if the modem will work then yes I should be able to check that out pretty easily.
16:06:09 <nirik> I am not sure if it will or not.
16:06:37 <_Yoda> eg25manager is supposed to make the modem work
16:06:57 <torbuntu> it manages it through modemmanager though
16:07:15 <_Yoda> and ? We do have modemmanager in repo
16:07:36 <nirik> I'm happy to test if I can find the time... although for modem I have to move my sim from my android phone. I should perhaps get another sim card for the pinephone.
16:08:55 <torbuntu> I can test it too as soon as I get a chance. Just flash rawhide to an sd and then install the needed packages.
16:09:05 <pbrobinson> _Yoda: I've done a few on .10/.11
16:09:32 <_Yoda> ah ok
16:09:45 <pbrobinson> torbuntu: what does mmsd and eg25manager provide us?
16:09:57 <nirik> torbuntu: right, but ... getting those packages on there could be anoying. I guess use a raw image and just mount it on antoher device and copy
16:10:49 <torbuntu> eg25-manager is a userspace driver for the pinephone modem. Mmsd is a service for managing mms (group texts and media)
16:11:19 <pbrobinson> torbuntu: is the eg25-manager for the upstream or the massive fork that is in megi's kernel?
16:11:33 <nirik> pbrobinson: upstream.
16:11:35 <torbuntu> It is a separate project by mobian.
16:11:39 <_Yoda> pbrobinson: we also need ModemManager rebuild in another configuration
16:11:43 <torbuntu> Upstream
16:11:54 <pbrobinson> _Yoda: what does that even mean?
16:11:58 <nirik> _Yoda: oh? which configuration?
16:12:26 <_Yoda> it needs to be build with --with-suspend-resume=no
16:13:04 <_Yoda> Not sure if that needs to be done in a package with another name
16:13:07 <pbrobinson> _Yoda: how does that impact on the rest of the distribution use case?
16:13:24 <pbrobinson> _Yoda: what does the difference in functionality provide us?
16:13:34 <_Yoda> I have no idea, thats why I ask you how we can do this
16:14:06 <_Yoda> It fixes the current problem, where phone misses a call, if the phone is suspended
16:14:25 <pbrobinson> so it sounds like it's a work around for other bugs
16:14:30 <nirik> looks like there's a --with-systemd-suspend-resume ?
16:15:11 <_Yoda> I rebuild it in my copr, and it fixes the problem - and other distros are doing the same
16:16:12 <_Yoda> there is also a new run-time parameter for MM that can do it - but again it must be set in the systemd script, which belongs to same package
16:16:21 <nirik> probibly good to engage the ModemManager maintainers on it... and see if they can work around it in code, or the like
16:16:21 <pbrobinson> _Yoda: doesn't mean it's the right fix, can we have a bug about this problem somewhere
16:16:49 <pbrobinson> nirik: there basically is no maintainer, I've done all updates of recent history
16:17:05 <pbrobinson> hence why I'm asking these questions
16:17:30 <_Yoda> I don't think it is a bug - MM's normal behaviour is to think a modem is turned off when computer is suspended, so it reconfigures it on wake-up
16:17:37 <nirik> pbrobinson: fun. ;(
16:18:05 <_Yoda> our modem is not turned off - and must not be reconfigured, because that looses the incoming call
16:18:32 <torbuntu> That still sounds like what eg25manager helps with
16:18:58 <_Yoda> eg25 can not avoid that MM make the reset
16:19:05 <torbuntu> Ah
16:19:35 <nirik> sounds like perhaps it needs a quirk for the pinephone modem to not do that... but do it for all other 'normal' modems.
16:19:37 <pbrobinson> _Yoda: but that should be set on a device by device basis, likely via a kernel quirk or in the device tree, not by a blanket wide setting
16:19:47 <_Yoda> we can of course just rebuild MM in our copr - but I hoped we could find some sort of a solution for it
16:20:02 <nirik> yes, we need to find a solution for sure.
16:20:07 <pbrobinson> _Yoda: yes, likely either a DT or kernel quirk
16:20:28 <pbrobinson> there's way to keep things awake like that a number of ways
16:21:07 * nirik has another meeting in about 10min... so...
16:21:12 <nirik> #topic Open Floor
16:21:23 <nirik> any other items to discuss quickly?
16:21:36 <torbuntu> Covered everything I can think of.
16:21:51 <torbuntu> I'll give vanilla rawhide a try with eg25manager and mmsd and see how it goes.
16:22:37 <nirik> if we can get the modem working for data that would be very useful.
16:23:13 <torbuntu> Definitely!
16:23:18 <Marius[m]> getting the pp to use less energy would be great .. i.e. while calling.
16:23:25 <pbrobinson> nirik: torbuntu: I think I know what needs to be done for the modem to make it work in mainline, it's just been getting the time to dig into it with debugs
16:23:54 <torbuntu> Yeah time is elusive heh
16:24:00 <pbrobinson> Marius[m]: yea, I kind of consider that a stretch goal
16:24:12 <nirik> pbrobinson: yeah, I know how it goes with time. ;( I'm happy to help as my time permits. I have a serial cable too.
16:25:15 <nirik> Thanks for coming everyone. Lets continue discussion over in #fedora-phone... and see everyone next time.
16:25:21 <nirik> #endmeeting